Even the Neocons are jumping on the definition changing bandwagon. So now Antisemitism means literally any opposition to, and/or criticism of the state of Israel. Conflating support for Israel with Judaism and criticism of Israel with Antisemitism will end very badly for ZOG. The only people falling for this revised definition are Tribalists and Imbeciles.

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You are just as big a racist as Bonner.

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no the real racist is YOU .. can't stand anyone who has a different point of view ..hypocrite may your name be erased from your own book of life !

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If you would take the time to read all of Bonner’s editorials and actually THINK about what he says about Israel and Jewish people it would be obvious to a person with reasonable intelligence that he is indeed racist … no need to say more… a resounding amount of readers agree with me. Perhaps look a little deeper in the mirror and read some unbiased Middle East history.

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May 4·edited May 4

"a resounding amount of readers agree with me" That comment is both risible and delusional. You don't have the numbers and it's getting worse every day. Most American's are indifferent when it comes to Israel. Hating and being indifferent are two completely different animals so don't conflate them.

Tribalists like you are getting American's to care about Israel, but not in a good way. If you're having trouble with this concept; just think Ukraine. Like I said earlier, best show some humility and gratitude. Know your place in society. A Beggar can be entitled in the Woke World, but not in the Real World. Way past time to to put a stop to funding your pet project from the public trough.

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I’m indifferent to you and I’m certainly not woke. And you’re blind as a bat. 🦇 Have a nice day.

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Happy to hear you're just indifferent Hillary :-)

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May 3·edited May 3

Says the entitled Beggar. Most American's have been indifferent when it comes to your little pet project in the Middle East. This will change as resources become more scarce. If you want to continue plundering the public trough for your pet project you best show some humility and gratitude. A Beggar needs to understand his/her place in society. Like I said earlier, this will end badly; you can already see the tide turning. So keep flapping your gums and digging your own grave. You're just begging for a world class ass kicking.

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As usual I have to comment on ‘some’ of your rhetoric. I agree that special interest groups have a strong hand in what our government does. Why not ban lobbyists completely. Also why do elected officials have different healthcare than the general public (they should use Obamacare). Finally, cut many worthless departments that waste tax dollars. I.e. dept of education and energy to start. Lastly have term limits. BTW, Israel is one of the top countries in developing new technologies, medical and other. The Israeli should charge a large sum of money for them and buy the military supplies that they need to protect themselves. To complete this reply, Israel is one of the first countries to help other countries in need. I.e. Haiti. Where are the Palestinians. Even other Arab countries do not want Palestinians in their country.

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May 3·edited May 3

I'd like to comment on your comment.

You wrote: "Why not ban lobbyists completely."

A: Why not just ban the 1st amendment? Lobbyists have just as much right to petition their elected representatives as you do. The fact that most (if not all) of our reps will sell themselves to the highest bidder is beside the point.

You wrote: "why do elected officials have different healthcare than the general public"

A: Because, as Orwell illustrated, "some animals are more equal than others".

You wrote: "Lastly have term limits"

A: We already have term limits--they're called elections. Just because you (or anyone else) don't like who is being elected, it doesn't give you (or anyone else) the right to deprive your fellow citizens of their right to vote for individuals they want to vote for, nor do you have the right to tell someone they can't run again if they choose to do so.

Restricting constitutional rights in order to solve societal problems, whether they be political, cultural, economic, or what-have-you, will ultimately lead to even more problems and a whole lot less freedom to deal with them.

Let's not go down that road.

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Sorry Invector, we’ve been on “that road” for decades now, and the bridge at the end is extremely damaged. Some of us will stop before going over the bridge, others will drive right into the abyss…it’s all good to let birds fly, fish swim and humans drive into the abyss, because at the end of the day, it’s just nature, and you can’t deny natural selection 🤔

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May 3·edited May 3

Yeah, you're right.

I should have written "let's not go ANY FARTHER down that road".

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Many good points, Invector. I would disagree with you being against term limits as elected politicians seem to have the upper hand. However, if we stripped the government of all its unconstitutional power, this would limit and even eliminate the number of powermongers seeking election.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be suggesting that if we could strip government of all its unconstitutional power we wouldn't need term limits, but since that isn't going to happen, we do need them.

If that assumption is correct, I would just reiterate the last paragraph of my OP.

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The problem with term limits is that they deliver even more power into the hands of the permanent bureaucracy. Consider Anthony Fauci.

Look at free speech as an individual right, not something automatically "good" when exercised by corporations and organisations.

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Corporations are not people. They are legal constructs written on a piece of paper. They exist at all based solely on the statutes which allow and authorize their existence and acts. Thus, we have the absolute right to change the laws to not even allow corporations to exist at all. Ergo, we (via legislators) may certainly eliminate any of the other rights they exercise under said legally authorized existence, whether that be speech or any other act. Individual people on the other hand have god-given inate rights, part of which are stated in the Constitution and its amendments.

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I make this point elsewhere.

The legalistic treatment of corporations as "persons" was a triumph for the corporations. I would prefer that they be redefined as "entities", separate from humans, which would constrain some of the nonsense.

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You make way too much sense, Bill.

But there is a reason why Congress wants to control speech. It is the primary event that keeps freedom. Everything Congress has been doing is to remove that right.

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All blubber blabber aside: How come no one makes note of how Israel "turned the other cheek" for years as Iran proxies, primarily Hamas, launched missiles into the civilian population of Israel? During the decades since the "Palestinians" elected the Hamas terrorists, Israel has been the object of the Palestinian's envious hatred. Oct 6 was just the final straw.

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(Sarcastic remark follows) How come? Because it's not "inclusive". It's not "fair". It's not "equal" nor pro-"equity". That's how come. Thank alleged but unproven God that we here in the formerly united States have figured out that the existence of traditional-values America offends common decency and the best and fairest and most equitable of all solutions is to abrogate our national charter and throw open the country to all comers with no restriction. For the first time in my life, I'm finally (at age 71) proud of my country. Best always. PM

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While your "ALL CAPS" approach to posting catches my attention, I have not read one word you have written. If you can't write normally, I'm not interested.

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Liam has sight problems, thus the all caps. He usually starts his posts with that disclaimer, but missed it today. Anyway, give him some slack

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Much agreed!

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Okay, Liam. At least you have a good explanation, and I will not disregard your remarks because of the CAPS even though it does irritate me. However, you do need to pay attention to spell check.

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Hey John, after all the guys blind. I for one understand his post.

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Bonner is right about parts of the Antisemitism Awareness Act being against free speech, but true to form, he uses this to once again give us his anti-Israel screed. He also neglects to make the point that the protesters are not just using their free speech rights - they are damaging and taking over university property as well. These are crimes. While their speech is repugnant, they should be allowed to express themselves. It allows the rest of us to determine how unhinged and uninformed they are.

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what a lot of bullshit you write .. must give you sleepless nights to be such a BIGOT !

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Bill, would you please comment on how Qatari money has been invested into so many of our public universities and how that affects the university?

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How in the world could we get rid of lobbying when the lawmakers are already bought and paid for??

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Once again your anti-semitism as reared it's ugly head.

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Define anti-semitism for us, please.

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Bill Bonner’s rants

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Be specific.

Meanwhile, you support throwing people in a cage for exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Got it.

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anyone who uses language that may be considered offensive to people of Israel .. forget about Free speech it's never been free in Israel especially they are not nor ever have been anything but a demonic-ocracy .. that is why they execute anyone who speaks otherwise ..

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the term "anti-semitisim" is absurd as we are all Semites you idiot. go and study your torah and be damned by your own devilish black robed satanic hasidic' zonist's that only know killing .. hypocrites all of you ..

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My my you are a seriously deranged anti-semite. Are you un the Soros camp as well?

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yep just an ordinary Rumanian Gypsy Jew who survived the calamity you claim as your own .. you silly fool

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Don’t worry Bill, your anti-Semitic speech will still be protected. The current effort aims simply to curb the forms of expression which calls for injuring or exterminating jews. You know, the kind of “speech” which is already illegal when it comes to speech directed towards non-Jews.

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Seriously - you think Bill is "anti-semitic". Where did that come from? His views aren't about for or against Jews / or for or against Palestines / or for or against Ukraine. Simply is showing how venality our Government has become. It has become nothing more than proxies for various groups who buy laws in the former "Land of the Free". His effort is to point out which should be plain as one's nose on his face. Tyranny is here - freedoms are fading and hell will be paid when the "mighty" US$ tumbles into history. It is coming and at an accelerating rate. If that is found to be "unbelievable" or a "conspiracy theory" - one day you'll wake-up to a horrific future. You should be asking yourself - how do I prepare? Obviously, this ol' man's opinion.

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He is anti-semitic . This is about his 4th rant. Where is his rant about moslem influence in Congress and schools. He is too much influenced by Ireland.

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Michael, I understand - it is all about Israel to you. Everyone is seen as either for or against. Nothing else matters. That’s not Bill’s view. Different strokes for different folks

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Bull. You have a lot of nerve to assume you know what I think

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Same nerve you have thinking you know what Bill thinks. Wake up and smell the coffee!

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Come on Ol’lSO, it’s anti Semitic to think that Jews are Nervy..

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Bill tells us what he thinks five days a week. It's not that hard.

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Sorry Michael, what you think is pretty evident in your writing 🤔

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Let me know when Bonner denies being anti-semitic.

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we can hear the bullshit bouncing around in that empty matzo ball of a skull you have .. go find some new place to plant you smezzling schmozzering yiddish canoupes because the world is sick of your wailing and suffering .. just think of all the suffering that your views have caused in this world . schlemiel ! you've worn out making everyone feel guilt for you stupidity and ignorance ..

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of course he is anti anything you say he is because in your mind ONLY you are always right and anyone who disagrees with you is antisemitic but like the other comments the people of Israel even the ones who know what is happening is wrong but can't get rid of their TRUMPET are digging their own annihilation .. may you live to see it you idiot !

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At least his 100th rant.

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Yes, where is his rant about Muslim influence? Nowhere to be found.

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I'd be interested for you to point out examples of what you refer to as "Bill's antisemitic speech".

Are you not possibly conflating Bill's dislike of war of any kind. The war, which happens now, to be taking place is in Palestine. The collateral damage and material destruction to innocent Palestinians, who btw also happen to be semites, is horrendous.

Bill simply condemns the mass loss of innocent life caused by the IDF with its huge US military support.

Antisemitism has nothing to do with the matter. You might just as well criticise him for being anti-American, anti-Ukranian and anti-Russian. Why you persist in labelling Bill antisemitic is beyond me,

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Because he continually uses Israel as a bad example of everything in the world. Nine million freaking people. I repeat nine million freaking people. And Israel is controlling the U.S. with less than 1/50th of the US GDP and less than 5% of the U.S. population. And you think you’re a smart guy? Cancel my subscription.

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Andre if I thought you were truly clueless instead of just playing dumb as an apologist for a fellow anti-Semite, I would happily provide an exhaustive list of Bills antisemitic rhetoric and propaganda spanning years. By golly, we wouldn’t even need to go beyond the combination of lies by omission and commission in Bills post today! Bill is not the artless but straightforward and honest type of hater that comes right out with “kill the Jews” or “from the river to the sea”. He presents selective attention, careful omission, distortion and falsehoods as his method. Now do you really want examples or are you asking me to waste my time with a task as pointless as trying to convince Larry Flynt that a Tijuana Donkey Show qualifies as pornography?

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What I find unnerving with this legislation is it's conflating US citizens whose religion is Judaism with being Israelis.

The protests are not criticizing Judaism; they are expressing outrage toward the disproportionate response by the current Israeli government to the wanton murders of innocent Israeli citizens

It appears that Netanyahu is channeling his inner Adolf Eichman. When his slaughter finally stops, it will be interesting to see how his Israeli government treats its surviving non-Jewish neighbors and how USG treats him.

I can't but feel that US citizens are going to pay a heft chunk for rebuilding what Israel destroyed.

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Totally not true. They want to kill jews. Get your n

ews somewhere else.

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You have zero understanding of the Israeli situation Muhammad.

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Who is lobbying against the lobbyists?

They are and have been the problem for decades. We the people are not in the consideration of corporate America. Profits determine who is protected by Congressional legislation.

Campaign contributions may be scrutinized, but lobbyist bribes are not. Gee, who'd have thunk it.

Drugs, chemicals, foods, materials etc are all protected far more than the people who make them, use them, and clean them up after spills.

The system is corrupt. Guess who corrupted it?

We all know it is Big money interests.

The lobbyists get richer. The corporations get richer and able to sell dangerous products.

And we all get poorer and sicker and die.

This needs to change.

It won't change until we change the lobbying laws. Congress is not going to do that they like all the campaign money and perks.

It must be us at the grassroots with petitions and voting.

Right now the only way to protect oneself from the onslaught of dangerous products is to belong to organizations that are watchdogs and warn us of what to beware of. Otherwise, we just cruise along

eating crap and using products that kill us.

It is little wonder why so many people have cancer, heart disease, and diabetes etc. etc. etc.

It is by design my friends.

We are involuntary guinea pigs running on our designated exercise wheels.

Until we drop dead from some unknown unsuspected carcinogen.

Start reading labels! Actually heed the warning lables on products.

That's a start.

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EXACTLY.. Big money lobbyists NOT Israelii/Jewish lobbyists.

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Wrong, big money lobbyists IS jewish money.

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RFK Jr is the only candidate talking about these issues and has the hands on experience (via using the agencies and corporations who've captured them) to walk the walk and start rooting out the corruption and dealing with the toxicity and resulting epidemic of chronic health issues...

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Dr. B - you need to grow up! Your view of the world isn’t everyone’s view of the world. Fully understand you are a Jew through and through. And through your eyes everything is either “for Israel or against Israel”. You need to get a grip. The vast majority of the world doesn’t care including this “old creep”.

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Lessons in adulthood from my self appointed teacher? Good one Creepy Bozo. Do you charge a fee for dispensing wisdom and advice of this caliber?

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Name calling - really? So much for having an adult conversation. I am truly sorry to have upset you so.

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Oh come now. You know as well as I you are not capable of an adult conversation or even an intelligent juvenile conversation. You are so sadly solipsistic that you deign to advise your intellectual superiors about expanding their world view? You who declare me to be a “Jew through and through” are so clueless and narcissistic as to admonish against name calling? Get real.

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You have shown your true stripes. I feel sorry for you. But wholeheartedly disagree. Are you able to think of another name to call me?

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Hmmmm. Pains me ‘through and through’ to have lost your high opinion of me…

How about disingenuous?

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What has happened to you, Bill Bonner? I first encountered your writing through the International Living magazine a good while ago. I have since enjoyed reading your musings and insights on various topics and held you in high regard. I’ve subscribed to your publications, including BPR. I have often shared your articles with friends because I respected your apparent wisdom. But something has changed with you recently, especially since last October when Hamas massacred over 1400 innocent people in Israel, taking hundreds of hostages and continues to hold many, including U. S.citizens. Israel and Jews seem to be your chosen scape goats for so much of the world’s ills. Yes, you mention other bad actors, but only in a vague sense. Your obsession with win-win clouds your vision to the fact that sometimes you just have to fight back. I have canceled my subscription to BPR and once my current subscription expires, I won’t be reading any more of your drivel. Why do I even continue to read what you write? I suppose it is just a curiosity to see just how depraved a mind can become. Judging from other comments, I don’t think I’m even close to being alone in my feelings. You are destroying your readership. I still love drinking your Malbec wine, but that is about the only thing you produce that gives me pleasure.

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It is too bad about the wine. I also stopped purchasing it and it’s not a bad product but can’t support a creep. But there are plenty of revolting antisemites (they are rampant on Bonners Private Reality site now) who can help Bill out by buying the wine. Don’t forget, many money obsessed miscreants support antisemites because they make more money off 1.5 billion Muslims than they do off a handful of Jews in the world. I am also curious how far Bill will devolve so I still read the crap he puts out. For now. Besides, he hires great people. Hope he doesn’t ruin their reputation along with his own.

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Bill, You are a racist. It’s as simple as the nose on every racist’s face. The United States is bought and paid for by Israel and your proof is some pissant congressman was paid $100,000 by the Israeli lobby. How many ounces of gold is that Bill (your definition of money)? Did some Jewish person do you wrong when you were a vulnerable child. Now go on, get lost.

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Hi Richard. You put your finger squarely on one of Bill’s anti-Semitic tropes du jour. There are a few just today, but you hit the main one. Bill omits all information about the many international contributors and lobbyists from around the globe and zeros in on a single Jewish lobbyist as his evidence that Jews control the U.S. government. “Just follow the money”. But not all the money. Just the Jews money. Cause - you know - it’s that Jew money thats controlling us all. That from the money obsessed Mr. Bonner.

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And I’ll bet Bonner has done his fair share of controlling people with his Billions.

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May 3·edited May 3

You give Bill too much credit. He doesn’t have billions. But he is a money obsessed little man and a wandering globalist with no loyalty to any country. In short, he himself is the embodiment of the despised and disparaged attributes that anti-semites love to attribute to the Jews. A case study in projection and anti-semitism.

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"You guys" are too much. I'm pretty certain I'm not anti-semite or really anti-anything. Really, as a Canadian, I just enjoy my hockey and say "I'm sorry" to anyone I come in contact with.

However I will say that if you lot are the best representatives of the Jewish faith and defenders, you may have succeeded in creating one additional anti-semite with your unkind, harsh, judgmental comments here. GROW UP!!! (Oh, never mind. I'm sorry).

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What makes you believe those who call out the antisemitic miscreants on this site give a single shit about impressing you? Never mind . Tee hee. Sorry. 🤭

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It's not me who's expending considerable time and energy misinterpreting (likely) Bill's motivations and spewing a diatribe against him. Who's looking to be "Impressed"? Windmills, anyone?

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As a non American I don’t get it. Surely you can unsubscribe to Mr Bonner’s posts on Substack and then he will be lost to you. Telling him to get lost is like the victim of a stalker ringing the stalker and saying go on hang up, I dare you.

I seriously don’t understand, baby reindeer.

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WTF are you talking about baby moron.. and I have cancelled. If I want your opinion I’ll give it to you

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War is war. There is no way out but to admit defeat as to one side or the other. It is not pretty. Just shows Human nature. The "good" and the 'Evil".

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BUT! " What is good for General Motors is good for America." What is good for U.S Steel is good for America " Do you remember the movie miracle on 51st street or whatever It was. The Post Office delivered letters to a court room where they were trying Institutionalike a man who claimed indirectly that he was Santa Cluase. A lowly clerk in the Is new york city post office office Saw all the letters addressed to santa from little children And realizing the case at hand in the court delivered them to "Santa." Defense, understanding that it was a felony to Intentionally misdeliver US mail. Use what is similar to the Chevron rule that defers to agencies of the United States are experts and government can't be wrong. The judge capitulated and Santa was released. It's a movie but a wonderful lesson. Our trust has been violated.! Big time!

Ho Ho Ho

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The jews control everything. The US gov't, media, business, education etc. It's likely that it's the jews that are behind all the pro-palestine protests across the US to incite stronger support for Israel where it counts-in the US gov't. Seems to be working as they are sending billions of your dollars there and to Ukraine as well. There are ungodly amounts of money behind the jewish cause and by people you haven't even heard of. Don't forget that semites are people who speak semitic languages including Arabs and others from the middle east. Screw the jews, they are behind most wars and deserve what they get.

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YOU NEED HELP. What calamity would that be? As an aside you are an obnoxious asshole from from one Rumanian to another.

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