Regards from Buenos Aires … Hey americans we, the argentines, are very creative when it comes to destroying the economy and society .. so the next brilliant idea for destroying everything will be invented here . We will regain our leadership , the rest of the world are doomed to follow us

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the damage the biden administration and congress are doing right now will make putin's capers look like a walk in the park.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

It does not matter which party is in power as neither party will make the hard decisions to balance the budgets, rein in the Fed's money printing programs, reform the tax code, etc. There's too much lobbyist money, pandering to special interest groups, love of power over country and so on for Congress to do anything that may risk being unpopular and be voted out of office. It's easier to kick the can down the road for another few years and then blame the other party for everything that ails America.

In my opinion fiat currency and cryptocurrency are the same as neither have any assets supporting their value other than the faith the market values them at. Give me an American Gold Eagle, a Canadian Maple Leaf Gold coin or gold bullion as these will have value 50 years from now.

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I'm starting to look forward to reading you as much as I do Bill lol. I don't always agree with everything, but I always learn something. That's some background and education you possess.

I totally agree that we've got to find a Trump alternative. People will walk across broken glass on their lips to vote against him. I pray Trump puts his ego in his pocket and comes to realize that being a 77 or 78 year old President (in his first year) isn't what is best for the country. As you said, he had/has many good policies and the alternative would need to adopt them. I really like what I see from De Santis and would love to see him run. He pushes back in ways that leave the Marxists speechless and without the ability to point at "mean Tweets". And like you said, November can't get here fast enough because that will tell us if the left has permanently enshrined their voting shenanigans into the system.

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I'm not sure Biden could tell us what a chicken coop is or why a fox would want to get inside.

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Don’t & won’t

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The US, EU, Japan, and others are up the creek without a paddle.

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" they wait months to get into a public hospital…" for a moment , i thought you were talking about canada . we are waiting months for appointments , and months for surgery .

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Where are you in Canada? here in Vernon BC it takes months for blood tests

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You mention a tax rate of 8%. Please explain as its hard to believe and maybe is the root cause as to why the USA is never likely to run a surplus to pay back its debts.

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If one makes correct assumptions then one hopes the conclusion drawn is correct. Throughout my life I have always taken a position there are two sides to every story. I pose this question. WHAT IF THE LADY IN QUESTION WAS SHOPPING FOR HER INVALID FRIEND?

Racism is unacceptable at any level and your a racist and I have no respect for you in holding such a pitiful view. I believe a safety net for those who fall through the cracks is the sign of a caring nation. Nothing is perfect but we shouldn't stop setting the bar higher and higher. You should be thankful "there but for the grace of go I.

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Your outburst never touched on the main basis of your assessment. You made an assumption. Could you be wrong. Look at your other comments and if possible file a critique

on yourself rather than about your historical contribution which gives you some moral compass. Opinions are just that and we are all entitled to them - that's why you reside in America and not China/Russia or any similar regime. I'm convinced you are not truly representative of the citizens of the USA.

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USA was a late arrival to WW 1 -1917 a year before it ended. It entered the Second WW in Dec 1941 because of Pearl Harbor. One can speculate when it would have, but for the actions of Japan. Aussies entered both wars from the start when the UK sought many of its Commonwealth members to join the fight against Hitler's Germany and its axis powers. America made a fortune selling munitions as it continues to do today. Huge debts were incurred as a result and then came the task/cost of rebuilding. American foreign policy largely stems from what happened at Pearl. Thankfully the USA joined the Second WW when it did and I'm sure when reflecting on its history in that War, it likely regrets it didn't act sooner because in doing so it would have saved millions of lives. This was a huge turning point in USA's approach to conflict as it has demonstrated on many occasions since. Each time its decided to act, Australia was alongside demonstrating we are not fair weather friends. We are not fence sitters, despite actions happening in the northern hemisphere.

As to an apology - if I misjudged you as you say and claim as you do your not racist, then you have my apology unreservedly.

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Excellent comparison of mental deterioration amongst the world supreme species .. must be catching ? I wonder how it spreads ? maybe like a virus ? thanks Joel r u still wearing masks?

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“Fiat Fantasy” is right on the money! Just wait until Bitcoin disappears, literally, just like that, puff, and it will be gone. The greatest heist in history.

CIA Nakamoto pulls the plug on the program, nothing left, the program will crash and vanish from the system erasing all its worth, funny thing is, you can’t trace it, just the same way its on the open ledger, with no known signatures, nobody to blame, everybody is going to be like “huh” what happened, where did all the trillions go? Hahaha, it’s going to be of epic proportions, and very fun to watch it unfold.

Fiat fantasy, like Mr. Bonner beautifully states. 🤩

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I couldn't find another way to try and contact you.

I'm a subscriber and am trying to find an article Bill did where he listed the many things that need fossil fuel to be produced, i.e. concrete, steel, etc.

Would that be in the archives?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

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Thats right they have to use mainly coal I believe

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