
Thanks, gents. Had a long drive this morning and, as they say in these here parts, "The sun has risen, the sun has set... and you ain't out of Texas yet!" Enjoy your weekends!

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman


Thoroughly enjoyed, as always I might add, your current missive re: “Fire! Fire! Fire!”. The concepts of freedom and, inexorably, free speech most certainly are integral to these United States of America. Initially your article took me back to my grammar school days in the 1950s (Yes, even some of we septuagenarians can still read and write.) when our boy-hood arguments always seemed to include defense of one’s position with a “Hey, it’s a free country. I can do what I want. I can say whatever I want, man”. Many times, we also threw in the almost mandatory; “Sticks and stones can break my bones but …………..”. Mercifully, though, unabashed naivete hopefully sooner than later morphed into increasing levels of maturity relative to this topic of free speech.

In my opinion the most important element of free speech, both historically as well as inherently, is the famous John Adams quote; “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” To be sure a decrease in currency value due to inflation is an overridingly major problem, but it pales in comparison to a decaying moral culture.

The logical conclusion remains: We are not free to say whatever we want or to do whatever we want. We only are free to say and do what is right. Anything less, or contrary, is not freedom but abject slavery. This is more that an esoteric nuance. Rather, it is the very heart of a moral culture. In a recent discussion a friend argued that he was “free” to defecate on and burn the American flag. I explained to him that while in this great country of ours he had the “license” to do so, he by no means was “free” to do so. Didn’t appear to me that he was able to digest the core truth of my retort.

I also very much appreciate your writing style, particularly the beautifully crafted, and at times complex, pictures your language produces. While you do tend to use a lot of brush strokes, the end result is worth the effort ….. both for you and this reader.

Pardon my matriculation from commenting on how much I enjoyed your article to presenting one of my own. Keep ‘em coming. Thanks. Tom

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Many thanks for your thoughtful response and insights, Mr. Nimberger. Your excellent observation that "a decrease in currency value due to inflation is an overridingly major problem, but it pales in comparison to a decaying moral culture" is well worth further consideration. A future Sunday essay, perhaps. Kind regards - JB

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Whilst reading this, the word 'restorative' lingered in my mind.

Perhaps that's because the writing restored my hope that there still exists a freedom-loving and not-afraid-to-dissent faction in our world...

...or perhaps it was because it restored me a lens with which to peruse the human savannah...

Whatever....Thank you for taking the time to write so readably...

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

ALmost late, but so worth the wait.

Thank you.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Thanks for the history lesson Joel and enjoy your time in Texas. Maybe a bit more expensive then in Argentina but with family! All the best

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, this article was not only well written, it also brought back sad memories. Having grown up in Germany during and after the "great war" it did not take much to turn me into a pacifist. So I left Germany to escape from being conscripted into the Bundeswehr and came to the "free United States of America" only to discover that the US army thought of me as a great candidate for serving the country in Vietnam. Fortunately, a temporary health issue saved me from escaping to Canada. I would have been perfectly happy as a law abiding resident of the States, were it not for the choice restricting laws in running my business, some of which required me to become a citizen.

I would like to read your thoughts on how to protect free choice and how to eliminate the many dictatorial agencies that have ruined so many lives. The IRS and CDC among many others, come readily to mind. Thank you.

Franz, a decade long reader of BB and your publications.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Another winner, Joel. There’s a sad irony that a subject of another country has to remind the citizens of this country what they’re losing, and what’s at stake. Thank you.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, I VERY seldom re-read an email. Even less often would I respond and post a public comment. This was simply a most outstanding piece of writing. There is so much to absorb from it...I'm reading it a third time. Our nation is (again) at a crossroads...may men of honor and integrity rise up. I hope that your writing will inspire them.

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Thanks for making an exception, Mr. Schneider. Your thoughts and free expression are always welcomed here. Cheers!

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Joel, thanks for defining"Freedom of Speech".And backing it up with facts.And thanks to the Men and Women who upheld the Constitution over the years with their blood and common sense.Being as our elected officials swear to uphold the constitution in their oaths,need we say more than its time they toed the line.

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Again exceptional writing.

So important in our ‘30 second sound bite’ journalistic supported media and political opportunistic world.

To take the time to think, promote and action, one’s right to challenge, dictated governance, as an individual, when and where a point of view can be stated without detriment, is a freedom that is the equivalent of gold. Liberties being lost!

Ask anyone from China or Russia who tries.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Well written piece. War drums once again are being pounded to save the world. The government once again is/has protected from information(news) that does not promote the main propaganda

line. Many Americans after careful consideration of news(watched 2-3 hours of TV) from CNN, MSNBC and other fountains of truth have espoused a heighten war effort with little or no thought to the long term consequences. Those nasty Ruskies took a page from the Shock and Awe manual used by American forces to obliterate infrastructure in several countries with tremendous loss of lives(you know, the ones that don't count as much, the enemies and their children,with weird clothes). They just have not been able to replicate our American excellence of destruction. They have to put up with pesky press reports about every single(Ukrainian) life lost as collateral damage and the press once again explains to us that WAR IS HELL!

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Joel, just get to the point and stop using all the fancy jargon.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

Steve -

TLDR (Too Long, Didn't Read) is a MAJOR reason why we are in the mess we are in now. What Joel has written here is of extreme importance to all of us - including both sides of the "aisle", all colors, creeds, languages and religions, even the pronoun-choosers among us.

Do yourself a favor - take the time to read, digest and comprehend this most excellent essay on, arguably, the most important yet divisive subject facing our Country today - the restoration of TRUE Freedom of Speech...

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Good stuff Joel. I really enjoy your writing.

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Great Sunday sesh article (about an unfortunately currently quite dangerous & important problem). Really enjoyed reading it!

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