Bill, that 101 degree F was most probably accurate and explainable as days of reduced thunderstorm generated winds so that the summer sun almost directly overhead generated a thin, very warm surface layer that eventually mixed with the cooler layer below. Yesterday, Sunday 7/30/23, the temperature of the ocean at Stuart, FL was 85 degrees F. Stuart is 130 miles upstream of that 100 degree reading in the FL keys. Facts are the 100 degree keys water was a temporary hot ocean temperature that was short lived compared to the normal warm Stuart, FL ocean temperature in mid-summer. Tipping point, hardly. Joe Gilio, Stuart, FL

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Bill: "I don’t believe any fact unless I make it up myself.” Ha! Will definitely remember this one.

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Hi Mr. Westmoreland -

Yup. That line alone was worth the price of admission today...

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I showed the UN boiling ocean piece with my son who replied:

The thing you sent, is, at best, abhorrently biased, cherry picking data, assigning meaning to variables that are completely irrelevant, and making sweeping generalizations about global conditions from local metrics. Just because it is an alternative opinion does not mean it warrants merit.

If you want to send me something like this, I will actually read it, actually interpret it, and, at least in this case, chunk it in the trash as a meaningless blog post. Angertainment, if you will.

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Hi Mr. Wells -

Sounds like your son has a brain in his head and he's not afraid to use it.

Well done...

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Where does he find this 101 degree ocean? It’s a pleasant, normal 90, off Sarasota County; only because there has been a dearth of thunderstorms this year.

I look at the temperatures around the world, everyday.

I think Joel got it right Sunday.

What we have is hysteria, 15 year old mentalities inundated with false facts.

I also have a 15 year old grandson; hope Bill continues sharing his learning experience. It makes life interesting; I am also privy to some outlandish facts and convoluted thinking. The grandson, keeps telling me, “You don’t make sense.”

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When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

-Mark Twain

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Contrived emergencies are the means of gaining control. Witness the Covid "pandemic" scam. Best always. PM

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Personally, I can wait for that big earthquake in CA they've been talking about for the last 100 years. Our family owns some semi worthless property in Nevada, a beach front would do a world of good to attract a buyer.

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Hello Mr. Narutowicz -

Yup. It was also high 80's water temp off the East coast of Indialantic (in Brevard County) last weekend. Totally normal...

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"And why do America’s elites care so much about the border between Russia and the Ukraine?"

Good question, because they care not a straw for the USA's own borders. Seems like a conundrum, right? Doesn't make sense until we inject the ol' "cui bono" question into the mix. Then, it all becomes clear. It is pernicious that our ruling elites are willing to sacrifice the country for perceived personal outcome. This is thinking and behavior straight out of the late days of the Roman Republic We know how that ended. Best always. PM

(The Latin construction of "cui bono" is what is known as a "double dative", a combination of attribution [the interrogative "to whom?"] and purpose ["as good"], or, by extension, "who benefits?")

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Thank you for your Latin translation. It is very irritating when people use foreign phrases to impress the lesser educated without explanation. Bill, I’m talking about you!

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In 1994 the nation state Ukraine gave up the (at the time) third largest inventory of nuclear weapons in the world. This was done based on security assurances by the U.S. the U.K. and Russia. No matter what we as individuals feel about the current government in Ukraine, we do have an obligation to help them defend themselves if our word still means anything in the world. Some would argue that providing arms is the bare minimum to meet that obligation. If Ukraine still had that nuclear arsenel, the current situation would not exist. Just because some "unnamed official" believes something doesn't mean it is true either. As you know, we can find an "unnamed official" that believes the earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

Hi Mr. Shaffer -

"if our word still means anything in the world."

Hmmmm. Specific to the Ukraine situation, see James Baker's promise to Gorbachev to "Not move NATO one inch to the East" and also see how we "honored" our signature on the more-recent Minsk Accords.

Our "word" as a Nation, when offered by our "government" hasn't meant jack squat in a long, very long, time...

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On both the Ukraine and Climate, the analysis in the article does not have the usual clarity of Bill's writings. On Ukraine, Putin and his nationalist KGB cohorts have a desire to restore Mother Russia to greatness. Give then a few miles and then a few more and then a few more and pretty soon ... Probably, it is not the greatest idea to give those first miles. Probably, for our weapons stockpiles with a "use by" date on them requiring recycling under costly EPA standards, much better to indiscriminately blow them up someplace else, every 5 years or so. Anyone guessing where the ones with an expiration date of 2027 will probably go?

On Climate, take a look at the satellite images of the north pole and Greenland since the1960's. Some serious stuff is happening there that will probably be highly disruptive of the relative climate stability of the last 10,000 years and life built on that stability. With the exception of those with a fortune in petro stock or with a desire to make a fortune with state subsidies to the green machine, there is something folks should be able to agree on. Nuclear energy is a real option: distributed nuclear fission, thorium fission, fusion, low energy nuclear reactions.

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Again, we're back to control and who benefits. By denying the masses convenience and affordable options via contrived emergencies, a slick and sophisticated coterie can garner control. If you can gain control, you will eventually get all the money. This is what the Plandemic was all about. "They" wanted a trial run to see if their control gambit were viable. What do you think their verdict was? Best always. PM

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I think they sowed the seeds of their own demise, like their father, satan. The moment lucifer cut himself off from the source of life, he was done, even if he had done no other wickedness. Selfishness is simply unsustainable.

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Bill, I delight in your iconoclastic assessments of what most of us take for granted. Of them, your persistent challenge of the support we provide Ukraine obscures reality. The US and our NATO allies are actually at war with Russia. Ukraine is our proxy. The war was started by Putin. Like Saddam Hussein who misread our support for Kuwait, Putin misread our support for Ukraine. He single handily resuscitated NATO and insured that it will be hard to reduce our Defense appropriations for the foreseeable future

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You can have your own opinion on any subject but alas the facts are as follows. USA made a promise to Russia if they "Tear down this wall" NATO would move: "not one inch eastward".

Russia kept up their part of the bargain.

NATO was formed as 'defensive' alliance against the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union dissolved there was no purpose for NATO as there was no longer a threat. Under the Clinton administration the US and its NATO partners weaponized against Russia, quickly incorporating Poland, and Bulgaria. With the backing of the Clinton administration, NATO entered into the Yugoslav Wars, directly intervening in Kosovo.

From a Russia perspective a world power the USA is hell bent on breaking off strategic parcels of Russia.

Ukraine during its entire history as been a sovereign nation apart from Russia for about 20 years of its existence. Americans have this strange belief the fall of the Soviet Union allowed nations like Ukraine to shine as bastions of Democracy an rainbows for all. In fact Ukraine became a dysfunctional, corrupt morass. It's one bright shining moment in the sun was the election of a pro Russian government in hopes Moscow might assist in draining their swamp.

Our CIA took a direct hand in supporting a coop that overthrew the democratically elected new government replacing with its current neo Nazi part of which Zelensky is the current leader. Moreover, genetically there's no difference between a Russian and a Ukrainian, they speak the same language with the official noted Ukrainian language as dialect of Russian. The word Ukraine translates to 'borderland' and half the land mass is populated with Russian citizens. The same is true of Crimea with 95% being Russian citizens. Crimea wouldn't have even been part of Ukraine if not for Khrushchev born in Ukraine adding Crimea to Ukraine land mass, gifting his fellow comrades a warm water port.

That facts: The US dollar is worthless apart from OPEC nations pegging the price and ability to purchase their oil to the US dollar.

The US empire ends two ways, we destroy it, or Russia a non OPEC nation becomes the largest exporter of oil. Russia has more oil and NG than USA, but we have the infrastructure to move our oil to market. We also have NATO and the Ukrainians to thwart Russia from bring it's oil to market. The NG pipeline from Russia to Europe runs through Ukraine, who in turn has been stealing off a good percentage of the contents to support the corruption and keep the swamp things afloat.

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I advocated asking Russia to join NATO and we could move "the missiles" all the way to Siberia. Best always. PM

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Perhaps Poland and Bulgaria, and I'm sure other eastern bloc nations that were invaded by the Soviet Union, wanted to insure they would never be invaded by the soviet union/russia again? I will note in passing that you say the current government is neo nazi, but you know Zelensky is a jew, right?

Anyway, the nations are terrified of being invaded by other nations, and the more a nation is devoid of the spirit of God, the more terrified they are. I'm currently reading Empires of the Bible by A.T. Jones, and you can see that is nothing new. But in the few instances when Israel listened to God, and chose to be under His protection, their enemies didn't have a chance.

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There are plenty of Nazi Jews. Prime examples: Mr. Obama's IRS attack dog, Lois Lerner, and Mr. Biden's personal Himmler, attorney general Garfinkel. Being of a certain ethnicity does not exclude one from being a control freak and/or statist. The Father of Communism, Karl Marx, was himself a Jew. There is nothing inherently good or bad in Jewry as an ethnicity. Best always. PM

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There is something wrong with all people, as you can see in the history of the world. I would categorize it as pretty bad. Some people more than others, depending on how far they or their fathers have gone in rejecting the spirit of God.

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My experience is that God puts "it" out there, and it's up to the individual what to make of it. That's the real purpose of earthly life. Best always. PM

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It is thought that Hitler was ethically Jewish.

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Did you mean ethnically? Freudian slip?

I have looked at the theory, but discount it. It doesn't matter much anyway, since we are made of one blood in Adam, Acts 17:26. There are differences between people groups, though, but all have in common the same selfish nature, just expressed in different ways. We're all in the same boat - and that boat is sinking fast.

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The book of Acts is mostly fiction. Genesis or Bare’syth meaning 'In the beginning' records Adam was placed in the garden not born there. Moreover, Adam and his mate Chawah, had Cain and Abel there is no mention of Cain taking his sister as wife. Cain took a wife from people who living outside the garden.

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Wonderful summary of some of the many moving pieces that have culminated in the status quo.

FYI: Maybe twenty years ago, certainly before our role in Kosovo, I was invited to critique a series of presentations made by an assortment of National Defense University students.

I was one among an audience of perhaps twenty. We were feted by a delightful lunch at the Army Navy Club, a members only club (of which I am a member) maybe four blocks away from the White House.

During lunch, we listened to an array of papers composed by students, all of whom were civilians from an assortment of critical industries.

Each paper addressed what the students felt was the threat to US interests. To a man, they each cited Russia, and they each declared only a force of arms would neutralize the threat.

I also recall that my criticism of their papers -- a verbose explanation of the merits of letting the flag follow trade -- was poorly received.

We are now at war with Russia by proxy. No student twenty years ago forecast this exact scenario but the war they proclaimed was necessary is now occurring. I hope we win it.

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Hey Dennis. These fools know little history. To support NATO America in Ukraine in this is absurd.

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Absurd is too kind. Our support of Ukraine is not directed towards Ukraine striking at the heart of Russia into Moscow. Moreover, half of Ukraine is part of Russia with a majority of Russian citizens. If not for the resistance fighters of this borderland recently repelling our proxy army, Russia would have been overrun. The Nato partners are foolish to think Russia as the largest holder of nuclear arms would not be forced to deploy nuclear arms. Yes, we might retaliate, but to what end and cost of life? From America it all seems so simple, support Ukraine, wave their flag send some Doge coin. In reality the entire economic system of the world will be impacted by the first nuke that explodes. Does anyone really think Russia will only strike Ukraine with a nuke? In fact they will not strike Ukraine but the Nato partners along with the USA. We've allowed the fox into the hen house, China is the fox eyeing the birds waiting for the lights to go out.

Understand our world will be ended as we know it today, and will never recover in our lifetime.

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Competing gangs of billionaire oligarchs are in a cage match to the death, not their own deaths, but the deaths of the residents of Ukraine they happen to control who are caught in the crossfire. This analysis may be wrong, but it's the most sensible assessment I've seen, and it had lots of support from veterans of foreign affairs back before the conflict started in 2014.


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An interesting testimony. https://youtu.be/AW274f8s-ws

And a supplementary interview of Mearsheimer that parallels his posting above.


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Armchair observation. Why do so many Ukrainians not want to be Russians?

Do they not trust their future based on facts & history of 100 years or more of Russian music, ballet, the arts... must be something else Russian cultural that occurred during that period, that worries them.

Suggestions ?

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Hi JayCee I have Ukrainian friends and Russian friends in my religion (jw) Here’s the difference in the two countries My Ukrainian friends are free to meet together in their Kingdom Halls to study the Bible ; the Kingdom Halls are paid for by voluntary contributions and built by voluntary labour They are free to talk to others about the Bible’s message and its teachings . They are peace-loving and refuse to fight in wars They remain neutral My Russian friends have had all that taken away from them by the Courts , including their Halls & Branch office …again, all paid for by voluntary contributions They, too, are peace-loving and refuse to fight in wars They remain neutral Since 2014 onward , many, including women and aged ones , are now awaiting ,or are already serving, long jail sentences .

I hope that gives you a small line of thought to ponder on because in Ukraine my friends are classed as free people whilst in Russia they are labelled “terrorists” therefore must be removed from the system Soon it will get worse (some of the friends from earlier times were locked up in the USA way back! so there’s nothing new) By the way, just like the 1st century Christians , this is a people who have never taken up arms to kill another fellow believer or anyone else for that matter in over 100yrs ! Strange “terrorists” eh? Still, look what they did to Jesus …there lies the answer Fear of the truth …and fear of his teachings. If you want to find all the facts of what I’ve written re the jail sentences etc , feel free to visit jw.org official website Thankyou for your observations and I hope this reply helped a little ?

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I didn’t know that Seymour Hersh was an expert if not “the expert “ of the corrupted countries .

If I were an Argentina citizen, I ll say is my country as is affecting me , if I were an Venezuelien say protocole and if I were an USA citizen I ll say it was my country ans I can prouve it look at the election x y z .... etc etc . The best wine is the wine that I like and basta . Who can tell which country is at the 1st place of the podium . Bill you just mention it in the wrong article ... that’s not a fact , you just fall in you one trap . Allez un petit verre de piquette française pour oublier 😉

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Hi Juan -

'Murica my brother. 'Murica...


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"Yes, a few pharmaceutical companies reaped billions in profits, but was that enough to shut down much of the world economy, at a loss of some $16 trillion in lost output and related costs?"

The answer is - yes. But it's not all about the money. Ever since Fauci became head of the CDC, people, especially children, have gotten sicker and sicker. This is part of the plan to turn the US into a feudal society. Sometimes, it's a good idea to step back and look at the forest, not the trees. Here's a quote from Thomas Jefferson on this page:


but, what does he know.

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Correct: it's about control . If you can get control, you will eventually get all the money. All money does is make power portable. Best always. PM

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Perpetual wars are required to subsidize perpetual “reconstruction” by the Blackrocks of the world. Likewise perpetual fear of planetary doom requiring Gates/Gore and rest of WEF to come to our rescue with an inflated plan to save us. Control the farmland, prohibit livestock and move whoever is left to 15 minute cities where we can lock them all down and feed them bugs. I’m sure we will all get along just fine. And in case we don’t we will have robot police to confiscate our guns and keep us in line(s). Soylent green was prescient.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

"And in case we don’t we will have robot police to confiscate our guns"

Bring 'em on. Paper targets and metal plates get boring after awhile.

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So was "Animal Farm" and "1984". So what? What good is learning and knowledge without action? Best always. PM

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That should be, "What good ARE learning and knowledge". Sorry about the lack of subject/verb agreement. PM

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It appears (maybe fiction,not fact) we have a pure dictatorship by the Elite 1% and the Republicans and Democrats,which has achieved a money oriented monster corporation,that says it desires to spread pure Democracy thru-out the world by being at war somewhere,most of the time.The ole saying,"walk the walk , (begins at home),or talk the talk"(which has killed millions in the name of democracy) So what do the people ( who pay the freight) really desire.

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When the Soviet Union fell there was no good purpose for NATO so the USA created a bad one.

NATO (USA) interference will succeed in destroying the worlds reserve currency, the wealth of most of the world, and put Europe back into the Dark Ages and possibly America as well.

Russia has more nukes than even the USA, we forget all the nukes scattered around the nation states of the Soviet Union were collected in 1994 including those of Ukraine. These were supposedly disposed of by Russia. What do you bet they were not exactly disposed of?

The best course of action in the former Soviet Block was for it to be enslaved by the World Banking system and it was until the USA weaponized the dollar. Alas the USA had to problem dropping two nukes on Japan, Russia will have no problem doing the same to NATO, they will do so upon the demise of the America Empire, very possibly sooner if there is a large scale attack on Moscow.

What did we do after 911 and only for the 3000 dead civilians? More have died in the Dem controlled large cities last year, and we do nothing.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

Facts mixed with fiction fuels the inner workings of the world mankind has created over the last 4000 years. Some years the ratiio gets out of balance and all hell breaks loose for some while others rise in status.

The Persian fall to the Greeks, the Greeks fall to the Romans, Rome falls and is reborn as the Holy Roman Empire. Loads of facts mixed with even larger load of fiction, and our modern age is born, with long standing fictions that all have come to agree are the new facts. As is always the case, irrefutable facts tend to get in the way of the new facts. No worry, run the naysayers off, add in a bit of torture and murder, they all fall in line or go underground.

Today we wave the flag, bend the knee, pray to our gods and support our military just as they did in Persia, Greece, and Rome but we're convinced our facts are facts until someone provides irrefutable facts, no matter no one is listening, and that is a fact.

The only facts I believe in are those spoken or inspired by God, and only those from the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms from the Hebrew that have been proofed by the oldest extant manuscripts in existence aka the Dead Sea Scrolls. Any facts outside of this source are unimportant and fleeting.

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