This is the obvious truth! SUPERB. End the Fed now. Reduce the size of the political system and let free markets provide our wealth. The easiest solution to our excessive debt and failing economy is to remove the government's i.e. political influence.

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Excellent idea.

Unfortunately, the Soap Box has failed us and the Ballot Box has failed us.

We have but one box left and History is very likely getting ready to rhyme...

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel's essay on the Fed, monetary policy, and gold is the best, most concise essay on the subject I've ever read. And I'm 72 years old. Unique to BPR is aged wisdom on wealth set forth in robust language. It's wisdom cloaked in beauty and jabbing prose, even when the message is unsettling. But woven into that message is a well-reasoned acton plan that provides a balance to the world-gone-mad around us. Thanks for the fine work you are doing.

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Ending the Fed would mean lawmakers denying themselves of one of their greatest tools of manipulation, being able to promise goodies to an ignorant and gullible electorate. They use it to gain office and we pay for it- it's a beautiful system, for them.

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

Happy Day of Rest to all. Two observations -

1. The gang at Jekyll Island (a beautiful location BTW) were insidiously prescient when using the word "Federal" in the name of their scam. Could they foresee that the deployment of pitchforks and nooses in the future era when the wheels inevitable come off would be greatly tempered by an astounding economic illiteracy of the populace? Heard since about 1975:

"Oh, it's the FEDERAL Reserve. It's just part of our "government", right? And we get the "government" we "vote" for, so...

2. An Audit you say? To what end?

Treason, Criminality and Perversion are being proven daily in our "political, academic and elitist class" from BOTH sides of the aisle (the dims are orders of magnitude worse) - yet no one is being indicted, charged, put on trial, sent to jail, tarred and feathered or hung from a lamp post. In fact, the worse the proven activity is, the bigger the reward for the perpetrator. Yes, these times are truly Biblical. Does anyone here really believe an accurate audit that exposes even a fraction of the true fraud that has occurred and is now accelerating would make a rat's left buttock worth of difference and result in Justice of ANY kind??

What a way to run a Country. IF we survive, our children and grandchildren will have nothing but scorn and contempt for what WE have allowed to happen, and rightly so...

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Starboard, so spot on brother, as usual!

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No he!p from above only the states and individual resolve. God help us all.

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The Fed isn't going away.In fact,more government is our future.Government growth is the primary reason for the U.S. decline.Government is such a massive wealth destroyer,and it has grown so large,the private sector can no longer offset it.I believe,the odds of the U.S. condition improving,is the same as the percentage of Libertarian votes,which means about 5%.Wait for the Dollar crash,if you want to see massive government intrusion in your life.

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Great point about more gov = less prosperity. The decline of our once great society is perfectly summed up in this quote: “Govt can not give to one what it hasn’t taken from another.”

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It's a lot worse than that.I figure,that after waste,inefficiency,fraud,for govt to spend a useful Dollar,they take 2 or 3 Dollars out of the economy.It's good for govt employees,companies benefitting from govt spending,people who scam govt programs,politicians living off buying votes.Not good for others or for the country.

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Wilson was not just a “creature of Congress.” Rather, he was the consummate globalist, a one world government stooge, and an unrelenting advocate for the League of Nations. He was “woke” 100 years before it became a thing.

He also would have felt right at home as the head of the WEF, if such a criminal organization had existed at the time.

He was also, in my opinion, the worst President in US history. (Bidan will likely replace Wilson on my list, but (sadly) that will have to wait a couple more years.

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End the Fed!!!!

We have absolutely no need for a lender of last resort. It is exactly this bailout mechanism that is creating the distortions in money and the weakness in our country of too much debt. Let the individual learn the value of assessing companies with too much debt and let the individual take the risks he wants with an honest system. Relying on government to save us all has led to where we are today, inflation, debt that is currently defaulting (that is what inflation is), and a totally corrupt political system in bed with media and all other lobbyists vying or political advantage.

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Yes Joel, maybe in your clan of upper end intellectualls, the daily chatter may contain Jerome Powell’s name, but in my middleclass world, I can honestly say that his name is almost never spoken, as most don't really know who he is, and don't have a clue on what the Fed is or does. Honestly!

Yes, I know it's our own fault, trying to keep our heads above water, protect our families with our hard work, and hopfully make a positive difference in our children's future. The problem is, Ignorance isn't always bliss, as you can ask the survivors of all the attacks on humnaity over millennium. What you don't know may not hurt you, but can kill you...

We are all mostly guilty of our own demise, as we are all responsible for those who we let lead us. We always have the power to change our wrong personal choice, but those decissions have consequences, as do elections.

America made it's choice not to rebel against a fraud created Central Banking Cartel many years ago, so now we sit back and whine, as we witness the meltdown of the greatest nation ever gifted. We could have made better choices as individual's, and many of us have, but it's the power of many that make a true difference.

End the Fed? Very possible if we join together, but those who control it, make sure to keep us divided, as individuals....nice dream though....

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Lets coordinate a run. That might get the ball rolling. Lol

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I was hoping for a discussion of what it would take to end the Fed.

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Probably more lead than we have.

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Never give up the idea. Don't forget I think this is our third Central Bank. Some states are working on the problem.

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Many years ago I wrote an Op-Ed on how, when and where the FED got its start. Began my essay in J.P. Morgan's drawing room in 1907 and, 4 pages later, wound it up on Woodrow Wilson's 1919 death-bed. Called it "THE U.S. GOVERNMENT - Gluttony On Steroids." Nothing has changed since then. I'd send you a copy if you'd give me an address. Use as you like. No obligation.

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Would love to read it Mr. Newton. If it's only four pages, maybe share it here in several consecutive posts?

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I agree with StarboardEdge

Share it here !

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A great idea, Joel, But years ago there were state banks. They were so profitable that there was no tax to the State Citizens.

Yes, the Fed has been robbing us since 1913. I know all the history of the Federal Reserve and who.

The governments do what the Bankers direct them to do. Not the other way around. What bugs me when I read from an analysis that the Fed made another mistake. Not true. They know exactly what they are doing. And as FDR said, "Nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way".

Not only should we get rid of the Fed, but we should enact the Death Penalty Law again and hang the International Bankers for all the hurt, pain, and murders they have caused. They payed for and started all wars. If that were done, the best investment to make would be stocks in Rope Factories.

Larry Ellis

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Woodrow Wilson is the founding father of Public Administration and bureaucracy. He established the foundational pillars of modern government administration measures, defining it as “government in action”.

That is the reason why Biden is a stagnant president with no innovation. He is an old political dinosaur utilizing ineffective and inefficient policies and ideals from the 70’s. 😂

Trapped in the “old ways” of doing things with a hand picked team of fossil minded mossbacks, they are literally sending America back to the economic hardships of the 70s, hence the term “stagflation”.

The only thing I can see happening in this scenario is The Fed getting a stronger grip on our money and squeezing the life out of our foundational American Constitutional values. Very sad indeed.

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Started out with "older (scratch) - wiser" Leave it at older. When this ocho year old hurdler contemplates the task as he once guided over the 120 yard highs, with the grace of a gazelle in perfect form I might add. I'm troubled by the obstacles that now exist -- 1% of the US population aad whether it, non- citizen< illegal, not really part of the population, is now more important than than the real population that is sustaining the capital flow. and paying for the burial of hundreds, maybe thousands, caring for thousands suffering from murder, murder, rape, drug pushers, etc while the government stands by promoting the ban on police, freeing the evil souls that should be in jail, and increasing the terrorists crossing our border to destroy the rest of us. Keep your guns handy, we no longer have have a democratic government, just one that operates illegally and against the constitution.

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End the Fed? Yes!

Your thought provoking missive here took this commentator back to 2009 in his (Sorry about the sexist pronoun) reading then Congressman Ron Paul’s 225 page book entitled, “End the Fed”.

Sounds like you two guys had lunch together. To paraphrase Mr. Paul; “….. it is impossible, ineffective and utterly useless to have a serious economic debate without considering and challenging the role of the Federal Reserve.”

Later on he fleshes out a bit to what he is alluding in above polite introductory comment when he calls the Federal Reserve both “corrupt “as well as “unconstitutional”.

An excellent short read for those interested.

Tom Nimberger

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Read it years ago. Great place to start learning the Fed. Easy read.

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Martin said that he had failed. He was unable to withstand the pressure from LBJ to finance the Viet Nam War and the Great Society. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/who-really-killed-the-gold-standard-12435?amp

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Biden could be LBJ's son.Not much difference.

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Joel, You have conveyed interesting facts about the FED. and its time to keep them in the spotlight,while questioning what real purpose they serve,and whose interest they serve.I agree its long overdo,the decision to dissolve the Federal Reserve.Lets also dissolve their benefit packages as well.Be it a warning to employees of the Federal and State governments, your free lunch may soon be cancelled.Richard

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