I don’t know if it was intentional, but the line “raping the horses and riding off on the women” was just comic genius.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Hi Mr. Lane -

I'm guessing intentional. Bill rarely (if ever) makes mistakes like that, while this is truly something he would put in there on purpose. And I fully agree. ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS...

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My own view of Ukraine is that it has served as the Laundry Mat in a gigantic money laundering scheme on the part of the globalists, the western billionaire oligarchs. Principally the US and Europe.

In our world the payroll is the thing, and the payroll of corruption keeps growing and growing. Fifth generation warfare is a battle of which side can buy off the most potentates.

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Let’s not forget who has already signed up with Zelenskyy for the rebuilding of Ukraine.

Start a war, sell the weapons, replenish weapons, corner the reconstruction contracts, oligarchs happy! Thank you Blackrock, Vanguard. Not much else matters does it?

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The U.S. has agreed to send an additional $15 billion in Military hardware to the Ukraine Government.

The only catch is that they have to go to Afghanistan to pick the shit up!

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$24 billion

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$24 billion is not even real money anymore, it's just a rounding error.

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The war in Ukraine cannot be described as being between Russian speakers and Ukrainian speakers. All Ukrainians speak Russian as a first language. In most of the country, none can speak Ukrainian (although Zelensky is trying to learn). The Ukrainian language only survived in the part of the Ukraine that was taken by Poland (Galicia). ( About he same time Austria invaded Bukovina). Many Ukrainian refugees settled on the Canadian prairies and the language and customs survived there. (That explains why Canada's current Minister of Finance, Christina Freeland, is a fluent Ukrainian speaker.) When Ukraine wanted to revive its almost-lost language, it turned to Canada for help with vocabulary. The Canadian-Ukrainians added to new symbols to the Cyrillic alphabet to represent sounds that are not used in other Slavic languages.

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Among other features, Ms Freeland is a member of the WEF executive.

This might be illegal in Canadian law, as cabinet members are meant to remain free of such conflicts of interest.

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Whenever the leaders of Democrats and Republicans, and the main stream media enthusiastically agree about an issue, RED ALERT! You are about to be screwed.

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The tutorial the US and it's allies gave russia is incomplete. But you're right that the purpose was to weaken the US empire, although we don't need much help in that regard.

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As the world stage continues to entertain the ignorant masses, the underlying issue of who is controlling this mass illusion should be front and center for us. Understanding our true enemy should be our only thought, and how to stop the insanity should be our only concern. I know it’s not going to matter, but every broken spoke needs to be replaced, and when many break, the wheel will be removed. Really enjoyed the bolthole read this weekend Dan and Bill! So many wonderful areas in our world to see and enjoy, but as we see on our world stage, nothing matters unless you can live happily and peacefully with your neighbors. Like minded individuals who have the same morals and values as you. 1776 will probably be our final destination place as many communities will start to be developed for those of us who worship our America. As always Bill, Dan, Joel and Tom, thank you for your beautifully written and informative articles!

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All war news (propaganda) is provided by the government of Ukraine, of course they're winning on every front. I can just imagine the Russian generals and Putin spiting out their morning coffee while reading about the great Ukrainian hero's wading through pools of Russian blood while Putins army turn trails and runs.

People in America might profit from studying the Nazi invasion into Russian and how that went. If we ever do something as idiotic as sending ground troops the army that will be running back to Europe will be NATO.

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While russia has far more resources than Ukraine, the invasion was certainly not the cakewalk russia thought it would be. Russia may have won the battles, but lost the war, and they gave other despots (i.e., china) pause. Russia is no longer the invincible foe others thought it was.

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Hi Mr. Alex.

"Russia is no longer the invincible foe others thought it was."

I think you misspelled the "United States" there the beginning. Also, if there is one thing that the manufactured hostilities in Ukraine has shown the world, it is that the much-hyped Western MIC 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺𝘀 are not only not invincible, they don't even perform up to the standards stated in the brochure...

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Hey Star. My thoughts exactly!

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No, I did mean russia. As I have stated before, the US and it's allies are due for a huge military loss in the future. But it will not be due to substandard weapons systems. Even the "winning" side will recognize that there had to be something like divine intervention. This is the only way that God can save the US and it's allies.

What is justification by faith? It is the work of God in laying the glory of man in the dust, and doing for man that which it is not in his power to do for himself. When men see their own nothingness, they are prepared to be clothed with the righteousness of Christ.

-E.G. White

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Americans were told Russia was this military boogeyman for the purpose of enriching the elites with large military contracts. In fact our military intelligence knew they were a paper tiger from the onset. Russia's strength like America is other nation is not in arms but in the willingness to fight the battle. Russia as noted by Bill, had no interest or desire to roll across Europe. The same is true for China, if they did Taiwan would have been occupied long ago.

Unlike America which prints the worlds currency and can fund its war machine out of the pocket of those it is oppressing. Russia and China must weight the cost benefit of their military actions. While America has been fighting endless wars China, India, Russia, and most of Europe have been investing in modernization. For all our name calling China has built its formerly third world cities in shining marvels while our once great cities deteriorate to third world status. Osama Bin Laden and "radical" Islam was our boogeyman, after 30 years of funding and providing arms to the 'good guys' and their enemies, to fighting Iran while building them a nuclear reactor it was time to move on so as to expand NATO. We entered Afghanistan fighting goat herders but left them with 15 billion dollar of top military hardware and a trained military. Mission accomplished. Our current mission is to bankrupt the Nation, while importing as many adult males or military age from Africa and the third world. While destroying the work ethic, morality, and ability to use evidence and reason to form a rational decision.

America slept as its youth were corrupted with bad ideas and false information. It has gotten so bad even the judicial system has been corrupted. Our youth have now come to believe they deserve a life of leisure for being born, that stealing is honorable as reparations are due.

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Alex. Yes, they did not appear to be as mighty as us, in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. etc. etc. We start them but we always lose them.

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That’s a lot of words to simply share the concept that as usual, war is good business. You left out the hell part though.

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Bill, you must have had strange food and drink to come up with such a total BS summation of why the Russians invaded Ukraine .. you obviously know nothing about the 5eye's and what their real intelligence is telling them and None of that ever gets published only what they want you to think. All of the commentators you mention are even less informed and only guessing based on their own prejudices. Putin was, is, and wants to continue to run the worlds largest crime syndicate that controls every possible exchange of goods, people/body parts, drugs, weapons, anything you want basically and he's been running his MAFIA unopposed for over 30 years. Yes the Yanks as they were once called are always the dumbest guys in the room all bravado and no real brains but luckily on this occasion the Ukrainians are much more intelligent than the South Vietnamese or the Iraqi's Afghanistan or any of the other failed dictatorships they've tried to topple because the WILL on the indigenous PEOPLE was not present or insufficient to mount any real opposition.

You are confusing INTENT with Outcomes and once again the intent was right but we stuffed up the outcomes by constantly exposing our weaknesses through our sunversive Free Press (SIC) or fifth estate that is destroying America by broadcasting all of our weakness. Like how many more Americans (30 Million + at last estimate based on sewage analysis) would you like addicted to Fentanyl ? The Russians and Chinese don't need subversive intelligence, they just have to read our Free stupid press to know what we are doing. But why not make your next trip to Poland or any of the Baltic states and get their perspective of Russian suppression and cruelty .. oh no better to go to far away places and grow grapes in a country that needs a thousand schools hospitals libraries etc. or maybe Northern Ireland that spent the better part of three centuries trying to break away from their masters. Hey WAR is a constant that will never go away like the one you wage daily on these pages against whatever you see that's stupid or silly or just plain corrupt or wrong. So now you don't have the body parts companies selling their bullsh*t between your articles, now you really need to expand your views by traveling and living in eastern Europe my friend and talk to the locals just like you do in France Argentina Ireland etc all safe place to make a buck and enjoy another bottle of Malbec. Your commentary on financial issues has always been entertaining and useful but on geopolitical issues you are just like most commentators who should stick to their area of expertise and not drift off into geopolitical areas that you know nothing about except that this particular venture (Ukraine) is probably the only one that America and the rest Europe should be involved in and they ARE .. because if PissheadPutin regains power over Ukraine, the rest of the planet will suffer in ways that you don't know what you don't know about it and if you did you'd puke your guts out so stop supporting RAS-Putin by your misguided articles into places you don't belong .. " intelligence is knowing when to keep your mouth shut"! who do you think reads this stuff ? not just us old time subscribers and money launderers eh .. why do you think el chapo Putin and the Trumpet get on so well eh? what is it they have in common or what is it that Putin knows about the Trumpet that would do a lot more damage then the failed American legal system could ever do. Go visit your local sewage works and watch the assorted holding tanks as they purify the shi*t produced by humanity .. the turds always seem to stick together .. don't be one of them!

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Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the trumpet? A cursory search pointed to something about prophecy (???).

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woops sorry should have replied here ..


13 mins ago

well it's a very loud instrument the was once used in another shape 'Canard' that was blown ever louder to confuse and disrupt the enemy whoever that is .. so Trumpet is a very appropriate name for a man that makes the loudest noises that have no meaning except to confuse and destroy any alternative intelligent sound ..

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Ah, thanks. Kind of like the aztec death whistle, then?


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Holy cow Alex! You must really get around.

10 Upvotes for the esoteric-ness of THAT...

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Yeah, I read way too much. People think I'm smart, but I'm really just an idiot that reads too much. Ask anybody.

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Hey Mr. A. On the world stage, no one has caused more murder and havoc in America in the last 30 years. How many countries has Russia invaded in the last 30 years? Now add up all that we started. 2/3 of the world stands with Russia. The only people supporting us or our vessels.

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Hi Altschule -

Pretty good post - even if it is marinated in TDS brought about by ignorance...

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For Bill Bonner:

Just back from Kiev. A couple of items for you to considere regarding today's note on the war in Ukraine. Here is your statement:

And he was. Like the brave Polish knights who beat back the Muslim army of Mehmed IV in 1683, the Ukrainians put on their armor and stopped the Russians at the gates of Kiev. By that reckoning, Putin has clearly failed. His forces are now holed up in the Russian-speaking Eastern provinces of the Ukraine, where people wanted to leave the Ukraine anyway.

But there is no evidence that Putin had any further ambitions than those he openly declared: trying to protect its southwestern flank from further NATO encroachment.

Here is some evidence I encountered during my visit::

1. I visited the airport at Kiev where Russian paratroopers landed, and were defeated. I took photos of the ruins of "the world's largest plane," which was destroyed during the attack.

2. I spoke with the Special Forces who protected Yelensky. There was a simultaneous (with the airport landing) attempt to kill Yelensky.

Dr. Jim (Henslin)

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yes where is the next part ..?

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There is no next part. He was refuting: "But there is no evidence that Putin had any further ambitions than those he openly declared: trying to protect its southwestern flank from further NATO encroachment." Putin obviously wanted to defeat Ukraine, not just take over the regions on the russian border.

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Meh - not seeing it.

"Take over" isn't exactly correct IMO. Example: there would be no peace to be found in the historically Russian regions Putin DOES want to control if the capital of the "rest" of the Country is not subdued. The remnants of what was formerly the Ukraine would NEVER leave them alone. They have proven this over and over during the last century or so...

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Hi Dr. Jim -


*Maybe I'm missing something in your post....

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It's a web! A world wide web. What a coincidence.

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I've always advocated that the Flag should follow Trade. Invading countries kill and injure prospective customers after all. Neither tactic are good for business much less tourism.

But when you are being invaded, you either stand and fight or capitulate or do something between. Ukraine, the smaller nation in every respect when compared to Russia -- industry, population, military -- chose to fight the invader whose capacity to wage and to sustain war is formidable.

Our military industrial complex, which Bill frequently implies is always beating war drums, is massive but it's not driving the train, so to speak. LBJ was responsible for invading Vietnam; Bush was responsible for invading Iraq and Afghanistan but Biden is responsible for only aiding Ukraine.

Eventually, there will be a ceasefire but the dispute will not end. Ukraine, badly bruised, will hate all things Russian, harbor enduring recriminations and make incessant demand for reparations few if any which the Russians will pay. Russia will be an outlier nation for an interminable period of time.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Hi Mr. Roberts -

Have to slightly disagree. The wars you mentioned were all scripted and crafted into existence by people with much more power than the "presidents" you list. Also, you seem to excuse TraitorJoe's role in the Ukraine situation. 𝗦𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆, he is NOT the one calling the shots (he likely doesn't know what day it is) and he was NOT the one that scoffed at RU's very simple and reasonable demands to NOT start the Special Operation. Also (again sadly), he is NOT the one who torpedoed TWO separate efforts at Peace since this whole thing started - either of which would have ended hostilities virtually overnight.

I'm not going to do your narrative-busting research for you, but everything I've written is TRUE. The facts and evidence are readily available if you look for it and apply the least bit of Skepticism and/or Objectivity.

However, none of this lets Biden off the hook. He is a bought-and-paid-for, corrupt liar and continues to be a traitor to our Nation and an existential threat to our Liberty and Freedom, whilst being wholeheartedly assisted by his hate-filled band of ignorant, indoctrinated and degenerate political supporters - the modern dimocrat party...

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Very well stated brother Starboard!

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SW: Please stop confusing Biden with Trump. Trump couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Worse President Ever. $100 that Trump won't make it as President again. The Republicans can redeem themselves if the right candidate gets in and it's not Trump!

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

I understand that you get triggered by any criticism of Biden or praise of Trump (which Trump rarely gets here from our Editor). But seriously, name one way your life was negatively impacted during Trump's four years in the White House. I've asked this before and have yet to receive an answer (because we both know there isn't one).

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DJ: It's not so much about criticism of Biden. Trump will get what he deserves.. I don't think Biden has done a bad job. What does Trump impacting my life have to do with it. None of the other Presidents impacted my life. It's all his lies (falsehoods) whatever you call it. The way he handle Jan 6, all his crummy indicted friends that he pardon to name a few. Where in the world do you get your news?

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

Where do I get my news? Hilarious. The news I read tells me that we're enduring 17 percent inflation since February 2021 (and that doesn't include food or energy because no one needs those). The news I read (including the authors on here) tells me that credit card debt is at an all time high, people are drawing down their IRA's at unprecedented rates, and that leading economic indicators tell us the economy is on brink of imploding. Oh, and bankruptcies are spiking. But hey, Biden hasn't done a bad job right?

If you want to talk about pardons, let's discuss Bill Clinton. It doesn't matter to you though, because you wear a "D" on your chest and to those of us that can think, the "D" is a four letter word that ends with a "B".

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DJ: The "D" stands for Dorothy!

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Biden has done just great; he has shown us that he can even trip going UP the stairs. Not many people can do that.

President Joe Biden - a great president, or the greatest president?

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So when Trump said the system was rigged, was he lying?

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Alex: Yes, and if you read what's transpiring or watch TV, you might get the answer.

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Dear, dear Dorothy... I don't watch TV or get any of my news from the MSM; well, except NPR, so I can be aware of what the commies are saying. I do watch fiction, but they are honest, and tell me they are lying to me. Of course the system is rigged; if you don't believe me, maybe you will believe Chappelle:


who is no champion of "conservatism," or friend of Trump, and most of his liberal views suck, as well as his comedy (except for his Clayton Bigsby skit, which was brilliant), but even he recognized that Trump was right. But if you don't believe me or Chappelle, maybe you will believe Bill Bonner. You PAY to hear what he says, and it seems like in almost every one of his posts he says the system is rigged in favor of the elites, which, although I'm sure there are some wealthy people on here, is not most of us.

BTW, I don't care that the system is rigged, well, I do care, but it's the way of the world, nothing new. More importantly, it won't last forever, God will make it right in the end, and everyone will get what they worked so hard for. For most, that will be death - the real one the Bible talks about, not the one in the movies.

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Alex: If that the best answer you have, go back to reading your bible.

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Alex, you were wasting your time. She simply will not listen.

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It should be directed to SE...oops not SW.

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Sheesh Dottie. Your vengeful band of domestic enemies spent 7+ years and MILLIONS of tax payer dollars trying to find some actual EVIDENCE for what you say about DJT. And you're still at it, no matter how lame, hateful or ridiculous y'all look to real America.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆? 𝗭𝗶𝗽, 𝗭𝗲𝗿𝗼, 𝗡𝗮𝗱𝗮. But surely you losers will get him this time. One of the traitorous 4 "indictments" has just GOT to stick, eh? Pathetic. Bonus - if you put him in jail on ANY of these BS charges and/or keep him from running again and/or steal another "election" in '24 - the majority of the Country is going to see it as a declaration of war and will hopeful begin responding to your ilk accordingly. The comeuppance is LONG overdue and is the first step to saving our Republic - no matter how much your side whines, bleats or squeals.

Regarding TraitorJoe, there is now sworn testimony, video and audio recordings, verified email chains, 𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙐𝘼𝙇 𝘽𝘼𝙉𝙆 𝙍𝙀𝘾𝙊𝙍𝘿𝙎 𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙒𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙋𝘼𝙔𝙊𝙁𝙁𝙎 (for what services rendered? Please, do tell...) and much, much, MUCH more PROOF of his corruption. All this graft and treason uncovered in a little under two years of digging and not spending a mountain of tax payer money. Seems like CNN and MSNBC are missing the boat though. Odd, huh?

Give it up sweetheart. Your boy and his family are filthy dirty - yet I am sure your head will remain firmly implanted in your butt (no big surprise there), regardless of Truth and Reality the entire world can see...

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SE et. al. Why don't we all wait until the trial is over to see what develops. Why aren't they showing actual bank records of Bidens for services rendered?? Maybe they are bogus? Saving our Republic. You all will never believe anything bad about Trump even when it's proven to you. Keep watching the trial..lets see what develops. Hope you all watched what the indictment covered...and they have the proof..or so they say.

By the way, my head is planted on my shoulders...not sure where yours is.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

Comer has released actual bank records. The lapdog main stream media hasn't shown them. If they didn't exist or they were "bogus" don't you think Hunter's people would be screaming bloody murder?

The Bidens are cooked. Joe is going to have to pardon Hunter and then withdraw from the presidential race. The dims are already working on Gruesome Newsom and Big Mike Obama to run in Biden's place. (Heals Up Harris, like most dims, is too stupid to be a candidate.) Remember that you read it here first.

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If they had the proof we would know it by now. They played Trump's call to the Georgia voter official (can't remember what he's called) today on NPR, certainly not an objective reporting medium at all, and even they asked where the evidence was. I didn't hear it in the clip; it was basically Trump accusing the official of improprieties, and asking for 10,000 more votes. You would have to make a LOT of assumptions to make that a crime - but people have been falsely convicted for less. Who knows, maybe these accusations and indictments will will Trump the presidency in 2024. That would be way fun.

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Be nice, Starboard. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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Hi Alex -

Zero interest in catching lefty flies. And playing nice with people who want to see us dead is how we got where we are...

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My impression was the Ukraine did receive and probably continue to receive aid, support, payment, reprations, call it what you want. Sad really, but my meager c-note says your taxes are going up. And I suppose its a price like a donation that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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Hey Pete -

Don't forget that in addition to the cash and weapons, you and I are paying 𝗮𝗹𝗹 of the Operating Expenses, Insurance and Pension Contributions for each and every member of the Ukrainian "government."

How's THAT for warm and fuzzy?

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As the old song goes, "Send lawyers, guns and money". What an absolute joke.

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Thats it ! And more to come Im sure. Truly its a disgrace

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Gym. Are you kidding? 2/3 of the world stays with Russia. The global south?

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"Russia will be an outlier nation for an interminable period of time."

As well they should be.

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Copium is an ugly thing Mr. Alex...

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I'm surprised you missed the part about russia invading another nation.

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To quote Oliver Hardy: "What a fine mess you've gotten us into."

That message should be directed at the massive levels of so-called military intelligence that exist in the Western world. So massive is their intelligence base that they can't even separate the truth from their own arrogant ideas.

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Another conspiracy theory becomes obvious. It is about the money for these western dudes, anyway they can get it, but that is rather shallow thinking on their part. 350,000 soldiers and 6 million covid deaths is a hell of a lot of weight upon their shoulders.

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