I have a business associate that is a landscape contractor like me. He wasn't as specialized, but he dealt with counties and municipalities like I do. About three years ago preparation met opportunity and he started winning contracts where he puts his guys in hazmat suits and gets paid stupid money per guy per day to send them into areas inhabited by homeless people to "clean up after them". (I shouldn't have to paint any pictures here.)

His experience taught him that the vast majority of people that are homeless actually want to be and those that don't want to be don't stay homeless for very long because there are myriad assistance programs and benefactors to give them a hand out of that situation. According to the guy that deals with homeless people every day (in a hazmat suit), the two primary reasons why so many homeless people prefer to be that way are drug addiction and mental illness. Until those two maladies are addressed or solved the problem is just going to get worse (and his business will just keep getting better).

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Bill keeps blaming Trump for the spending in 2020 during Covid and while no doubt he is culpable, the real blame falls at the feet of the Congress (democrat controlled) and the easing money policies of the Fed. Trump signed the bills, this is true, but one can only imagine the backlash from Congress, and the mainstream press if Trump had refused. That doesnt excuse him, but it is a tad disingenious to lay the blame on Trump. Lay it where it belongs, at Congress and all the weak leaders in Washington; and in this case, Trump was part of that, so say that. And note to everyone, politicians are not heros, saints or saviours; they are all narsassitic frauds. The country will only be saved when people decide to save themselves. And it terms of the homeless, Dave J is spot on. 90% of the homeless are homeless by choice; if by choice we mean drug addiction or mental illness. If you want to reduce homelessness, reduce drug addictions and starting treating mental illnes; problem is you cant do that in a society that is more concerned about using the proper pronoun. The level of Faux Caring is staggering.

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I'm a Canadian but we have the same problem, for the same reason - too many kleptocrats and parasitic politicians that over-regulate and overtax the economy and thereby strangle the economy and increase the problems instead of mitigating them. Judging by the USA's experience, the problem has not lessened one whit despite the enormous growth in 'fixers' and 'programs', which well illustrates that more of what caused the problem isn't likely to cure it. I submit that the real solution to the problem of homelessness is decent employment at decent wages, and the best way to achieve this is to get rid of the programs and fixers, so the money stays in the economy where it can be used creatively to improve everyone's life, not just that of the parasites and fixers as is now the case. As I see it, there's almost nothing they do that I'd willingly pay them for, and I sense that many people feel that way nowadays.

Al R.

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Yes Bill/Joel, isn't this exactly what the elite WEFs of the world fighting for? More homeless and poor, not able to afford homes nor cars, stuck in an environment where they use only the leftover garbage of those who haven't lost everything yet(but will soon). It's called Reject-cycling, as we the people are the new rejects of the elite society. Poor consume little, and leave a small carbon footprint. The more poor, the better the future of our planet...

They have been promoting their sick agenda for many years now, and here we are, saving the planet, one soul at a time, as millions and soon billions will be sacrificed to their evil one for their new world green agenda.

Those crazies who were once called tree huggers, are now the elite and have a new motto...Save a tree, kill a human;)

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No solutions here, just same old comments and finger pointing. Mental health has not been looked at as a problem for 60- 70 years. No wonder it raises its head now. That is why I stopped watching zombie movies. They are not funny anymore! They are among us and need help desperately. And the politicians just throw money and create more issues. Same problem getting larger. Just sayin'

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For our arrogant and ignorant government the only tool to fix anything is money. How are they suppose to know that there are many elements to homelessness. They are an elite detached from reality and there is no way to change their vision. They graduated from Harvard, Yale where they cooked in their own juice.

The government studies reflect a lot of dollar numbers but you wonder why despite the flood of money, homelessness continues at the same rate if not higher.

Showing dollars spent is the easiest way to manipulate the people to convince them that their party is the one to vote for. The latest of Bidens attempt to convince the nation that the republicans want to take social security to the sunset should be a vivid example how the democrats fight. There are no standards to their strategy. Being in their positions for decades they become masters of lies and manipulations.

An attempt to temper with social security is the end of a party and democrats without respect for the voters want to convince them that they are the protectors of the masses. Between their manipulations and their brand name “Democrats” they lead the nation into a dark corner.

The fact that the democrats,in the majority, demoralized our country, demoralized families and their children, taken the dollar to the top of the pyramid on social issues is beyond argument.

If there was some x-ray equipment to help diagnose the American society there would be no need for a doctor to see the decay of this America.

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Granted the homeless situation is out of control, but wasting our thoughts on it, with a border letting millions of illegal homeless into the country is like saying the boat needs painting when there is a flood coming. Come on!

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Core CPI indicates the markets will continue green like jelly beans. The shift has occurred, all the lost market money will be recovered, regardless of the stock you own, you will soon get it all back, plus extra money to boot. The same f goes or Bitcoin, full recovery mode in effect.

Russia will no longer pursue Ukraine. Powell is going to halt interest rates and reduce them. China is going to provide all of the “chips” the world needs at 40% off. Glory is abundant.

J/K hahahaha!

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Homeless has grown even here in the Great White North !

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When manufacturing comes back to our country and the middle class has jobs again then things will change for the (much) better. I am still waiting. I am 84 yo and I remember how it was before China et.al.God's blessings to all.

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Orange man bad. Him cause of all that ails you. We have a solution. TRUST us!

First, vote for us and we will give you car, home and job.

Okay, there are limited amount of cars. But, they aren’t good anyway. So you best not drive them. They cause climate change.

Here’s a free place to live. Sure it’s just a tent under a bridge. But we will give you free camping supplies.

No place to work. No worries. We have. We give you schooling to get job.

Republicans blame Democrats, Democrats blame Government. Gasp, it’s a vicious cycle. And media blames Orange Man or any man that looks like a man.

I am through talking. Ready to kick someones rear end.

And someone will criticize my writing. Notice bad grammar or misspellings. Or say we need better schools. On and on rambling about bullshit.

Know this. I don’t care what you say.

I am the forgotten man.

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Disagree with the math on 450,000$ home. So it turned a 8 minute read into a 30 min read. 😂😎

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While charts like the one above showing welfare spending since 1967 serve a dramatic effect, they are perhaps somewhat misleading. Might not it be more honest to present the data in real terms, adjusted for inflation. A dollar in 1967 buys a heck of a lot more than a dollar today.

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deletedMay 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023
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deletedMay 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023
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