I’m an airline pilot at a major airline. Our planes are PACKED. Hardly an empty seat, every flight.

So I don’t get it. People leaving their jobs. Inflation ripping through the economy. Gas prices skyrocketing. Cost of living going through the roof…and people are flying to resort destinations in droves. Something doesn’t add up.

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I read an article in the past; I don't remember when or who the article was written by. The gist of it was, if you took all of the wealth in the World and divided it equally to every family, then in twenty to fifty years it would be back to the ones it was taken from. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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While you are looking back at the blundering FED, go back to the early 70s. That is when the FED announced the methodology of using the prime rate and the supply of money to "control" the economy. Then they "invented" credit cards for everyone, not just the rich. It didn't take that long for credit card debt to exceed the money supply backed by gold. So Nixon pushed by the FED took us off the gold standard to generate enough cash to pay the credit debt or so they thought. "Why wait--Get what you want now!"

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Another great read Bill. Maybe we should give the Fed some love. Hey, they managed to delay the day of reckoning for over two years. Locking down the economy and attempting to paper over the economic catastrophe was a fools errand at best. It was never if the Covid Cowardice Bill would come due, but rather when. This will be a good lesson for an economically illiterate populace. After all, you learn much more from your failures than success.

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Well stated, good on ya, Bill. Ralph Wood

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Thaks PG. Like I said, "I know nothing! Florida Jimmy.

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Bill, as the dust settles on everything that has happened in the past 25 or 50 years,what about humankind.What has been lost amidst all the grand technology and money printing,maybe the sweetness and kindness of the human spirit.Maybe people packing airplanes are searching for it,but it won't be found till they come home to it.The politicians ,the 1%rich,and big corporaitons can't buy it cause its a commodity not listed on the stock exchange.

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Hey Bill,

You are right. Most of us waste too much time on internet. There are only a few good things on internet. BPR is one of them. Gotta go. Gotta cut my internet time.

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Ah Bil!You did it again!So happy to hear from you that most of the internet is a waste of time and a ruse to keep most us too busy for the important stuff!!Reading some of the comments here,looks like a lot of people fell for it hook line and sinker.......yikes.

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