Hitler created a National Socialist German Workers’ Party. How clever he was. American democrats have either learned from Hitler or invented it on their own. Under the brand name Democratic Party they suck the life out of it. In Argentina Peron did the same. He figured that there are more voters among the poor or the lower middle class than there are in the other segment of the population.

It is amusing to see American elections and the ignorance and expectations of handouts by our voters. In case of Obama race came also into place. “Let’s vote, brother is running for the office” one would hear Al over town.

Expensive education keeps the ignorance at the right balance to serve the clever.

History is full of examples like that and it goes many years back. Keeping the mob under control has taken on different forms but the game is always the same.

When voters starts loosing faith in their elected officials and the entire process of election, anarchy Starts taking roofs. People give up on any moral standards with or without religion. There comes a time when the entire societal structure collapses. The western hegemony will be replaced with Asian but regardless of the direction of the wind, human nature may prevail in the destruction of its achievements. Is there a cure for this malignancy?

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You make an interesting observation by connecting the American Democrats to the Nazi's (which is the acronym for Hitler's party that you referenced, which I'm sure you know). In Jim Marrs' book, "The Rise of the Fourth Reich", he presents an astounding amount of evidence to proffer that "the allies defeated Germany (in WWII), but did not defeat the Nazi's".

His thesis is that actual Nazi's and many others that did not oppose them scattered all over the world after the war, many of them landing in the Americas. They secreted themselves into many large businesses and one man in particular created an entire empire of businesses. Marrs concludes that their goal is to create a global National Socialism movement very similar to what took place in Germany in the '30's and '40's. Marrs also proffers that National Socialism is rooted in the concept that "the ends justifies the means" which I think we can agree is a hallmark of the current Democratic Party here. Given that the current head of the WEF is a descendant of a Nazi family it's eerie how right Marrs might be.

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

The migration to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, etc. is common knowledge. Far less has been made of how much of it ended up here in the U.S. and the impact it had and is still having. That stuff is nowhere near common knowledge.

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Quite a few Americans supported Hitler politically, and corporately (including the Pope).

IBM provided the means to sort out who was Jew and who was not by means of their amazing new punch cards.

Mandatory voting will be used to aid in weeding out the undesirables, this time the list will include subversives (non elites) along with the Jews.


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Hi Dennis -

If by "subversive" you mean "white, male or Christian" - then you have hit the nail on the head my friend...

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

White, male, and conservative leaning. Not to offend but Christians tend to believe they're oppressed, I know because I was one. We'd put ourselves in the line of fire 'for Jesus' or to bring others 'to Jesus' in reality we'd set up in the lion's den. One year while a group was preaching the word at Marci Gras they were physically assaulted. The police offered; "Who do you think you're going to save here?"

While on my last street preaching adventure, a fellow in the frenzied crowd approached. Very peacefully he suggested I read Psalm 89, 88, 23, and 22 from the English and then Isaiah 9:6 from the Hebrew while paying specific attention to the grammar. Then he walked off. A month later I took the time to do so.

If you were to do the same with an open mind and apart from Christian doctrines, you'd no longer be a Christian. If your willing to go where the words lead they prove Jesus is The Greatest fictional Story Ever Told. Yes, hard to believe but not if you take into consideration a king or emperor has no more right to rule others, save he has an army. Add in the story of Jesus, the church created by both kings and emperors (pope) can claim the right of divine rule and they all continue to do so even today. Religion is a very profitable business. To note Abraham was offered a familial covenant relationship not a religion.

Abraham was not a Jew, he hailed from Persia or Ur of the Chaldeans (Babylon). Only when Abram had rejected the gods of his ancestors and walked about as far away from Babylon was possible did God introduce Himself.

I've come to a point where I don't have a pony in the race of mankind's political, military, or religious schemes. I don't vote, support the troops, or salute the flag. I've gained more than I lost. America is too far gone, as is most of the world. People for the most part are no longer able to sort what is truth from fiction, they embrace what provides the easiest path to walk. What God calls the broad and popular path. On the first tablet given Moseh God states His mercy is for the thousands who listen and act upon His prescriptions for living. Mathematically that is one person in a million not 2.5 billion Christians or 2.4 billion Muslims.

When you think as a white, male, Christian you're being persecuted keep in mind if I were to espouse what I have in any Muslim, or majority orthodox Christian area I'd be persecuted and most likely murdered. 500 years ago I'd have been burned at the stake. In America 100 years ago I'd have been an outcast, 200 years ago I'd be imprisoned. Contrary to what Christians believe it was not they that were thrown to the lions in Rome, it was Torah observant Jews. Next time you're in Rome examine the Arch of Titus. The objects being carried by the centurions are from the Temple in Jerusalem. The treasures looted then sold to finance the building of the Colosseum the Jewish slaves imported from the defeated Province of Judea where those killed there. Universal Romanism was fashioned a new religion melding pagan sun god worship with a new man god they named Jesus. The Christian motto if you doubt you need more faith, and yet faith is counterproductive to knowing. How does one have a personal relationship with a God they have no hope of knowing because their religion is based on having more faith?

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It's the same cycle and cure, time and again, in just about every culture down through history. When the pride and greed create general distrust, dishonesty, law breaking (as Bill and Sabastian described above) and poverty, wars break out, hunger and disease become rampant.

Then people are terrified and become humble, turn to heaven en masse, and the wicked become "more still." Good men make good laws. Capitalism brings about peace, healing, and prosperity again.

Then pride shows it's ugly, coifed head again, the progress starts to level off and arc into greed, bad men make bad laws, and the downward side of the cycle surprises everyone again.

What is to be done? I believe Maximum Safety Mode, listen for your still small voice, strive to be a skillful, honest, quiet peacemaker.

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I want to know who keeps lending money to Argentina? It should be obvious by now that it’s not a loan, it’s a donation.

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And…..where do they get their money?

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Out of thin air, pretty much like the Federal Reserve Bank here.

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023

Oh, I thought we funded them with our imaginary money.

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We basically do. The IMF and World Bank loan that imaginary money to developing nations for development projects. In return they send the resources or other items back in payment.

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Hi Green -

One could almost argue that the explosion of illegal "immigration" through our porous Southern "border" could represent some of those "other items" you mention. Modern day slaves for the modern day "elite" and their personal/corporate needs?


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The friend, ‘life goes on,’ (in Argentina)

The cab driver, ‘but only if you have dollars.’

But how does life go on in the West without dollars??

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Hi Bill -

"Almost everyone spends pesos and keeps dollars."

To Americanize this at this pivitol point in time AND if one is paying attention:

"Almost everyone spends dollars and keeps 𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙙."

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I have a small cache of 90% silver US coins that I believe will be a spendable blessing to my community for day-to-day small private capitalist transactions when fiat cash is taken out of circulation and CBDC is the only official option.

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Forget money (is our beat) and Greshman’s law. It’s an egghead view point. And backwards mostly.

The bigger (meta) physical force is that when we stop relating one to one understanding and solving (win win) each other’s needs, good I hide and free/bad I magnanimously give to you. Good drives out bad, of course, is backwards because corruption is the system…except for the few you trust (if you can). In an honest system we all throw away “the bad”…to each their own. All the more reason to turn to men of myth, say, Peterson to focus us clearly on “value”, not just money, is “trust”.

And equally obvious we follow BPR not because you write about money…our emails are stuffed with those narratives. We follow you because you write of everything else. You build trust slowly, day by day…and show that you are FOS…like we are.


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Don’t think anyone is going to cry for America, as Biden and his little Nazi’s pave our road to hell, all with the good intent of caring for the most psychotic, demented, Communist, American hating useful idiots. I don’t believe America’s demise will be as peaceful and well received as Argentina or Venezuela, due to the fact that most of their psychotic, demented, communist useful idiots have been sent to America. A few years from now, after our collapse, and many millions dead from within, A new plaque will be placed on the new “Statue of Stupidity” Give us your psychotic, demented masses, and meld them with our psychotic, demented democrats, and thank you all for making China great again…That 100% inflation and $30 steak dinner is looking pretty good😋

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Bill and Joel what an excellent scenario for what's gonna happen in All those western democracies that are so full of their own importance they still think the world listens or cares about all of their BS like selling M Jordan's old sneakers for over $3 mill .. yep that gives some indication but Argentina actually has an advantage since they are already close to bottoming out .. the rest are merely at the TOP of a BIG fall .. I wonder how long it will take to catch up to the Argentine's? How would a GOLD standard change any of that ? the Russian's are already offering gold backed Ruble so how long will it take the EU like Swizera or the Frogies Crauts Poles Dutch etc ? to follow suit?

yep all that gold (Krugerrands) Bill told us to buy back in 1971 may now be worth something !

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My last trip to the supermarket self-checkout lane experienced $6.50 overcharge on an $8.00 order. Keep your eyes open.

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Thankfully USA has Argentina on our economic aid list, always profitable to keep the socialist elite afloat.

I believe Hillary Clinton floated the idea of universal mandatory voting. That plays well with Democracy and free will.

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Yes, giving money to rich people in poor countries from poor people in rich countries.

Dont you love Democracy

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Can someone explain to me the value in the Pesos for the black-market buyers? Why are they not affected by the inflation and find it worthwhile to swap hard for soft currency? In Angola in the mid 1990s it was a state-sponsored system of extracting the countries foreign reserves (built from selling oil). Just wondering what the story is here?

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Well, that was excellent. I like nuts and bolts, common sense.

Today, I had a blow out; wheeled it into the tire store, they said they could mount the new tire to the rim but not on the car, no workers. It was 11am and they said they might close

You know the free stuff is getting absurd when no one works.

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Yes Sebastian, here in the Argentina of the north, things are about to also get ugly. We have a poverty rate of 60%, but our poor get so much money from those of us that work, that they can eat three times more then we do, while living for free, and being rewarded for spewing out offspring. They consume massive amounts of drugs with all the extra cash they receive for each child, and promote their offspring to rob from those who support them, because they were told it’s an entitlement. Our cities are already seeing the destruction caused by the offspring of the demented, yet our democratic government still supports them, as each of them is worth many votes. It is sadness to see a country that was so full of opportunity, turn into a third world shithole in such a short time period, but that is what socialism does. And our current socialist are truly creating the worst country in the world. So sit back my friend, enjoy the wonderful steaks and wine, and watch the show from your beautiful country. Trust me, the grass is never greener 🤔

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My wife suggested that the black market money changers are laundering money. Your comment makes that sound likely. …a moral and financial fluidity.

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I very much agree with that last quote. One of the most important first questions I ever came across is, "What is to be done?"

Armed revolution is a fools' game, dicey at best. Today there is already a game changing downshift in the cost of violence underway: drones taking out tanks and ships. Ah, the Sovereign Individual changes the world again.

Anyway, the gains paid for in blood are brief. Just 30 years after the American revolution, Thomas Jefferson despaired to a friend that the only UN-elected branch of government had somehow hijacked the right to judge the constitutionality of the acts of the other 2 branches. States were organizing military operations against peaceful minorities within their borders, burning, barricading polling stations, robbing, murdering and driving.

Emerson had his finger on the pulse when he said, "...the President has paid dear for his White House. It has commonly cost him all his peace, and the best of his manly attributes. ...he is content to eat dust before the real masters [robber barons] who stand erect behind the throne."

I don't believe in peace at any cost, but what I try to do is peacemaking at every opportunity. (That doesn't mean I'm an expert at it yet!)

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deletedApr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023
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Sounds like there’s quite a story behind this figure?

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