All good points Bill. I keep thinking of Eisenhower’s farewell speech where he said to watch out for the military industrial complex. This came from a military man. We keep feeding the elites who don’t care about consequences. Unfortunately the people in our country can’t see the end game.

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It appears that since we had no concern about our national security it was time to divvy up savings to those who had none. It appears as if the US masses decided they needed to get their share or at least that was the mantra of politicos. Our leaders were liars who wanted to get revenge for their daddy's losses. Then they were those who wanted revenge for their race. Now they are those who dreamed we would establish a new world order "more fair". So they teamed up with big tech, big pharma, big media. It was great for politicos, what incredible control they had achieved. It was obvious they could implement anything they wanted with all this control. Control the narrative, get reelected, get rid of the population, experiment on them, make more money by controlling their thoughts and ultimately controlling the temperature of the world ( to insure everyone still living's "safety", decided by those who had control). One might say they were pretty close to GOD if not GOD.

Strangely though they had "control" they didn't understand science enough to actually kill off the population, they could make more money temporarily but the population changed its desires, they stopped buying their favorite beer, the population suddenly saw that they were being controlled and stopped listening to the politico's media AND they were smart enough to understand science sufficiently to see wind and solar power weren't going to provide enough power to keep the population having their fun. The new GOD didn't have the foresight to see how much the cost of materials were going to influence energy costs and their control strategy was now requiring more energy than they anticipated. I like to call it the inability of central planning to efficiently plan for billions of people or the misallocation of resources. The new GOD wasn't as smart as she thought she was. She pretty much made a lot of stupid decisions. She pretty much had so much hubris they couldn't even see that debt's costs are a lot higher than just the printing of new money even though the new GOD worshipped at the throne of MMT. So now what?

It seems the population now is becoming interested in that age old concept of freedom rather than following the new GOD.

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Yes Mack, 1991 and the beginning of the New World Order, according to Bush and his merry band of globalists. Then 1992 and the globalist cabal continues with the Clintons and the important step of creating a new global enemy(read the Coxs report) for future globalist prosperity. And GOD(gold, oil & diamonds) have always been worshipped at the altar of the elite. It’s their sacrifice agenda that has always been disturbing. I hope you’re right about our population becoming interested in freedom, but I certainly don’t see it 🫣

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Well if it can be seen then it is rather small at this point. Some guys are making bucks off it like Bhattachary and Frontline doctors. It seems significant but small with Joe Rogan and Sheryl Attkisson and Megan Kelly, Tom Luongo. Trump seems currently to be widening his lead in polls. Some court battles are being won, New Civil Liberties Alliance (Epoch Times). It is all on alternative news. You won't hear a word of it on MSM.

Of course no one really knows until the election, and that might be rigged. It is certainly being manipulated by all the players who think they are GODs. The fundamentals of spending too much and central planning are certainly weakening the GODs in the long run. But I must admit that there may never be a chance for the long run to play out.

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Yes Mack, wishful thinking, agree and agree…Read about the NCLA this morning. Interesting concept and could make a difference if they are on the Right side. I know the one case they won should have never been an issue in America, but we’re not living in America anymore. Still trying to figure out what we have become, other than my own personal opinion on this third world shithole 🤔. That’s 100% based on my experiences in democrat cities and our fake news, but don’t think I’m too far off 🫤

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I'm not quite sure why these Democratic cities are so dumb. I do know why their politicians are promising benefits to their constituents if elected. They want to get elected and become part of the gravy train. It seems the constituents should realize they are losing their freedom of speech and rights under the constitution and the benefits being promised are essentially nothing. Maybe there are too many paid rebel rousers and maybe it's the illegals drumming up trouble, promoting one world order agenda. Defunding the police isn't working for them. A couple thousand dollars isn't worth giving up freedom.

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Can’t help the ignorant and definitely can’t fix stupid. The common democrat is living proof of this truth 🤔

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When the great American evangelist, George Duffield, Jr., wrote his once-famous hymn, "Stand Up for Jesus" (1858), he included a line which impressed me as a boy and has stayed with me through my life: "The arm of flesh will fail you; ye dare not trust your own."

All of us here did read of the "waxing and waning" of countries, institutions, and empires of yore with nary a tear or regret. With a dispassioned acknowledgement of fact, we took note and went on. "It's history; what do you expect?" What we didn't understand or pause to examine was our own precarious position. What's causing all the upset today among those able to perceive what is happening is the fact that it's our turn in the drum; we lived the peak, only to find that it's not a plateau but a slope. The nerve! Best always. PM

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We are just slaves to the state and their owners in the military industrial complex

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Yes, by choice. Path of least resistance, which always has a high, but not always apparent, price. Best always. PM

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Yes Paul, but we know the “military industrial complex” is just the fully armed arm of the banking cartel. And all are witness to the high price we pay. It’s pretty apparent 🤔

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Success is the lurking place of failure, said Lao Tsu.

Americans fell asleep, they went on an extended vacation, forgot to lock the doors to the house, forgot to schedule the exterminator to spray for pests, forgot to park the second car in the garage, forgot to stop the mail and the newspaper delivery, forgot have the neighbor cut the grass, forgot to have someone check on the house,

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If one desires and subscribes to the idea of government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" is the way to go, one must also accept the amount of actual physical work that requires. We found out we could offload the hard and arduous work of self-government onto "representatives" and bureaucrats, and then we were shocked when it all got out of hand. "A Republic, if you can keep it." Best always. PM

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The 2 sides could not be any more different. One side worships government, the more the better, and gets their jollies from controlling the lives of others. Their eternal minions are those that like being controlled, that like the putative security of Big Brother.

The other side, the Freedom side, wants as little government as possible, and it wants little to do with what government there is. It doesn’t want a Town Hall. It wants a Kiwanis Club or a Boy Scout troop or Volunteer Fire Department, a local community organized locally, with most of government the same.

Most of us on the other side can now clearly see the huge problem created by the above dichotomy. Not getting more involved was a huge mistake. We are only now paying the price

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Unfortunately, the Freedom side has no one to represent it.

The big government side is covered by the GOP and the Democrats.

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Yes. Why is that? Cui bono? Best always. PM

P.S. All government eventually goes bad.

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y'all will just have to hope you can find another Dr Ron Paul surely among 400 million souls there is at least one amongst you that can deliver a better future ..

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Alt, my respect for Ron Paul is every bit as high as yours, but it's sadly a fact that neither Dr. Paul nor anyone like him will ever be electable in the USA.

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Yep is was easier to hire an wet-back as we called them or now illegal's ? in either case they were cheap alternatives that have made a home for themselves and are unlikely to leave as the US turns into the shit hole they left all of them still prefer the US shit-hole rather than the ones they left behind .. perhaps there is hope for a better future ?

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Thank you Brian for supporting my theory on how Dumb America has become….

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"The art of war." I'm not sure but technically, I should have used italics to quote the name of the novel. I just don't know how to do that.I'll stick with the teeth.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

The American people thought that we arrived where we were in 1992 as a matter fact. No sacrifice or effort had been required. We naturally attained that pinnacle of progress, affluence and peace.

Consequently, the American people thought that no one could screw this up. Our bright future was certain. This bright future influenced my own choice to transition from the clouded future of a military that was not needed to civilian life as the private sector was as certain to grow as the public sector was certain to shrink.

In 1992, the people tested this theory by electing a guy that would be "fun to have a beer with" - Bill Clinton or as Hillary put it, "A blue place special" (two for one). Character no longer mattered for the highest office.

Although the tailwinds of past years and the Internet boom carried us to an even higher pinnacle, everything began to unravel in 2000. You know the rest: Patriot Act, endless wars, "the end of small government" one GOP congressman gleeful exclaimed after 9-11.

Now we face $34 trillion in debt, mass voter fraud, weaponized federal agencies and a government sponsored invasion of 10's of millions to ensure we can never return to the "good ol' days."

All we have to show for it is the obvious conclusion that the GOP and the democrats are two sides of the same coin as Speaker Johnson has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.

There have been so many "final nails in the coffin" it's hard to believe there are more, but now yet another appears with $3.5 billion forced from us by our own government for NGO's to bring more Islam to our shores: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/35-billion-slipped-ukraine-israel-aid-bill-supercharge-mass-migration-middle-east

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With crap like that it seems that the West is lost. So sad to see this happening, in my country too and already in Europe.

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And speaking of a different kind of dumb…. “Ivy Leagues have been making the headlines lately, but what can students actually learn at a prestigious university these days? The answers may surprise you.

The Babylon Bee is here to put parents' minds at ease with the following list of critical life skills their kids will learn at an Ivy League school:

1.How to plagiarize dissertations: Learn from the real experts.

2.How to pitch a Coleman pup tent purchased from Walmart by George Soros: Those little poles can be tricky, so learning how to assemble them is a big deal.

3.How to chant in unison by repeating whatever the leader just chanted: Few things prepare students for life in the world than doing exactly what everyone around them is doing.

4.How to hate all the bad people: And by "all the bad people," we mean whoever you're told to hate.

5.How to kill at 50 yards with your body odor: You can be a deadly assassin!

6.How to have drug-induced gay sex for Palestine: The residents of Gaza are sure to be truly appreciative and will in no way want to throw participants off of rooftops.

7.How to have an opinion on conflicts between countries you're not able to locate on a map: You don't have to know where it's happening, why, or who is involved to know that one side is totally wrong.

8.How to leverage a degree that costs you $500K into a lucrative job selling overpriced coffee: Each $8 cup of coffee will get you that much closer to achieving your career dreams.

9.How to treat STDs in the field: You never know what new disease you may wake up with each morning, so knowing how to treat them is key.

10.How to make your parents reconsider their deeply held liberal values: In just a couple more decades, liberal education will build America into a solidly conservative nation.

It's plain to see that an Ivy League education is just as valuable and respectable today as it ever was. Don't worry about what your kids are learning, because it'll shape them into integral, productive members of Palestinian society.“🤔

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We’re doomed, ‘We’re doomed’, “We’re doomed”, all seem to scream the same message to me...

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It may be overstated; regardless, change is definitely at hand. Still, the change has the potential to be fraught with difficulty, and some fear it may be cataclysmic, as in "Doom!" Best always. PM

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Paul on this entire planet there is only ONE country that can now alter the course ... yes it's the same one that got us into it .. may your Gods be with you all, that you find a saviour suitable for the battle ahead ..

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Thank you for your wonderful content and writing style, but could you please tell me why your column has adopted the use of single quotation marks when double are, I believe, still required? This odd proliferation of single quotation marks instead of double has no explanation that I can find and precludes the use of them when they are needed: to signal a quotation inside a quotation. Please enlighten me if usage has changed, but I can't find an explanation for this alteration anywhere.

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It's a matter of convenience, I'm sure. The man types A LOT. But he also likes to adopt affectations of characterization, such as the royal "we" when referencing himself, his family, or his enterprises, and the single quote-mark usage could be a sign of his style or, to use a current expression, his "brand". Best always. PM

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I tend to use single quotation marks because my shift key doesn't work well. I think Bill uses single quotation marks because he's economizing on bytes.

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At the expense of grammar. It's not very intellectually compelling when you're attempting to make an intellectual point.

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Quotation marks in ancient writing were actually meant to be "teeth." Biting support of your argument.

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Bill, I share your lament.

We missed an opportunity the recovery now from which -- higher interest rates; less spending -- may be too bitter a pill to swallow. After all, candidates don't get elected for promising austerity

But you omitted the bait that we took at the onset of the 21st century which led us into the quagmires of Iraq and Afghanistan: the sneak attack on America by Muslim extremists from Saudi Arabia.

We were and remain the Great Satin because, foremost, of our unrestrained support of Israel but also because our Western ways of tolerance and accommodation are both anathemas to rigid Muslims

The over-reaction by Israel to the murders of party-going Israeli innocents may allow the US to begin treating Israel as a nation state rather than an an appendage.

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The power of religious clerics of every persuasion is a much mis understood factor in the mix and in different centuries.

Religious killings, slaughter and varying efforts at wiping out multi-millions, in support of the right brand of mankind’s interpretation of the dictates, wisdom and authority of God, the Gods, Allah, even Marx … too often the Elephant in the Room.

Look at the 2024 world’s chaos through a set of Mullahs glasses, Vatican Poposophy over years, back as far as Pyramids to man gods or human sacrifice to improve bring rain for better harvest !

We are a weird mob we homo sapiens !

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Dear Bill

About 2000 the Bush boy crowd decided that we needed to buy the Cheaper goods from China and the Eastern countries so they allowed free entry and free competition to our industries in the USA !

Textiles, automotive tire manufacturers and many others went broke and the people had no jobs to source the money to buy the cheap goods ! The US just borrowed money and printed it and accumulated debt so we could have more stuff to put in landfills ! YEP !!! George and Dick traded goods and military for long term debt ! As an example , our farmers produce about 15 million bales of cotton and our consumers use about 25 million bales of cotton in garments yet we only process about 2 million bales, if that ,so we ship it overseas to China and Vietnam and etc to process and they ship it back for us to pay for with borrowed money ! NO JOBS JUST PRINTED MONEY WE CANNOT PAY BACK !

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Yes Thomas, all part of the New World Order…

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Last year I said: If I wanted an accurate count on Gaza deaths, Hamas would be the last counter I would turn too. After all, for people like Bill Bonner to call it a genocide , the numbers have to be big and alarming. I am not a Jew; have no investments in Israel, so I can look at this objectively. Do we have a report from any independent source who has seen the graves? I thought not! When everything else is faked in this world, why not the deaths in Gaza. Well here is a report which talks about the counting: https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-791838

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Irrespective of the idiots and thieves that cycle through the three branches of its government, the destruction of the US - like the WTC towers, was already planned while being built.

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Thank you Kevin, been saying that since we literally witnessed the show In real time. The globalist plan decades ahead. We only look at tomorrow 🫣

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Bill, I was right there with you brother right up to this point.:

"If this weren’t enough, trade barriers were set up to slow Chinese imports."

How could you have possibly missed the decades of cheap tricks played on us by the Chinese starting with them stealing everything we have invented?

If you want to continue to get kicked in the butt go ahead but leave me out of it.

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I like your comment. I haven't been around for a long time. And afraid industry. I saw business after business closed. I actually live in a small town in Iowa.As a sales rep for a free company there were many founderies brass silver aluminum.... They were all gone and less than five years. The primary reason was e p a regulations they force them offshore. I actually thought it might bring the Connie's over to our side. I was a believer. Boy was I wrong.

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What a bad transcription.I've been around a long time. I thought it might bring the commies over.. Kind of weird. I've said comings COMMIES 5 times and transcription will not transcribe it properly. WOW.

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Empires, like projects, have 6 phases:

1- Optimism

2- Fear

3- Panic

4- Hunt for the guilty

5- Punishment of the innocent

6- Rewards for those who added no value

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Yes Bill sometimes or perhaps most times looking back is just pure frustration and agony .. what might have been and never will come again .. perhaps that is why over half of the western world is on mood medication of some kind .. those of us who had eyes to see (5 eyes) kept warning those who could or would not see .. and now the calamity we forecast is upon us .. why oh why will humans never learn ? Now in the autumn of our years we have not the strength to start again so perhaps our children are able to alter the course we sought to avoid ? that is our/my only hope ..

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