Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain (real economic news)... focus on that Chinese balloon or the train wreck on the Ohio, and Pennsylvania boarders.

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It's not that Republicans and Democrats hate America so much. It's that they ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž to win elections! And the best way to win elections is to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!

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So true. But we the people are just as bad.

Case in point: Few if any voters will elect a candidate who promises to raise taxes to pay for the benefits voters demand

The answer is a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget.

If ever one existed, then we could vote for candidates who promise to help entrepreneurs produce evermore wealth.

More wealth means more to tax which, all else equal, will generate evermore tax revenue without increasing taxes

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"The answer is a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget."

Wouldn't work, Jimm. Politicians would ignore that amendment just like they ignore all the others.

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Federal governments are created to enslave the populace, with the end goal of transforming any progress gained by free people back to a feudal caste system. In USA most people are no more than free range slaves to the State. I have the highest regard of the Irish people, who told the State to shove their attempt to create a tax on real-estate. Unless man's castle is his own, no man is truly free.

Richard Ashcroft the lead singer of the Verve was not only robbed of the proceeds of the song Bittersweet Symphony by the Rolling Stones but the lyrics and entire work of what is one of the greatest songs ever recorded, in my opinion. The Stone's prevailed at the time only because in UK all legal expenses are borne by the loser. The cost to protect their property rights was beyond their ability if the ruling did not go their way. The Verve was the little guy, 'The Stones' are Royal Lords in the financial system of the UK.

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Jim I would love to vote for that guy. Only problem is he doesn't exist.

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Joel so thankful that as an ex Aussie you don't get into the Red Versus blue or ideological arguments, just sticking to the nitty gritty financial noise is such a relief as many of us ex pats just tired of hearing about how US biggest destructive disease/cancer is the fact that's its no longer 'One Nation' under God or otherwise .. just a bunch of argumentative idiots destroying their country from within .. they/media get them to focus on all the peripheral BS like weather balloons etc in the meantime the infrastructure/economy everywhere is falling apart from massive market manipulation by the few major distributors who control/destroy the local/state markets while they feed their shareholders on the profits from the corpses of fellow americans ? who ever they are these days? but suspect that it's only people of color who have any work ethics left .. like Oz where we now import all our slaves from the pacific islands or asia where folks are just trying to stay alive .. yep nothing like 'imitating' the Yankee ideal/model of financial/social destruction !

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Perhaps Mr King would like to rephrase his idiotic remarks about Europe ( Germany) facing an energy โ€œ Stalingrad โ€œ this winter ( just as stupid hyperbole as Porter Stansbury calling the European Greens โ€œ the new Nazis โ€œ

Theyโ€™re ideological nuts but Nazis they ainโ€™t- but then what would an Aussie living in Argentina really know whatโ€™s going on in Europe ( or the USA for that matter) by getting his wisdom from the internet

Enjoy your Malbec

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