" And Mexicans are very unlikely to march into Houston."

Are you kidding?

Have you not noticed the change to our nation over the past 30 years and especially now with millions of military aged males invading from the south?

They may not march into Houston but they already own it.

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Well, to be fair, the open border crisis is a global one. They are coming from all over the world, but the vast majority are from South America and Mexico.

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Twenty odd years ago, I sailed down the coast of Baja California. All along the way, there were little isolated fishing villages. Then, if they had a phone in town, they were pretty upscale. But one thing they all had was satellite dishes. They were the big black ones of the time, so you could see them from offshore. One of my fellow mariners commented: “Well, now they can see what they don’t have”. And now there’s the internet.

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That's awesome, a buddy and I did an over-landing trip down Baja with the goal of going all the way to Cabo... we didn't make it. We found one of those remote fishing villages about 2/3's of the way down and just stayed there the rest of our time. They had mountains around so no signal but a satellite radio-telephone and a few satellite dishes. We called our wives on the Sat-Phone and said we'll be back when we get back. :-)

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Hey Will. It is only a border crisis to the countries that allow it. We could stop it if we chose to. The powers that be want open borders. So that’s what we have. When you use the word crisis, it makes it sound like it could not be stopped. It could be. Look at Viktor Orban. No crisis there.

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I’m sorry my friend but I disagree. Whether it’s intentional or not, whether it can be stopped or not, it is currently a crisis. And oh by the way, it is intentional IMHO.

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Hey Will. Yes, I probably was nitpicking because I am so disgusted with the situation. Yes it most definitely is a crisis along with so many others. I cannot wait for the bankrupt country destroys the currency completely. At that point the welfare and warfare state is over. At that point only the Americans who have taken the years to prepare will survive. I am not wishing for millions of people to die in the coming catastrophe. I actually pray that I am wrong. I just don’t see how I could be the way these things are going.

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It is extraordinary that “some people” in the Democrat Party think an open border is advantageous.

I just do not understand that logic.

Not once have I heard “why” it is good for our country.

They just say it is discrimination against certain peoples.

Only the opposition or republican party says wait, let’s manage this carefully.

Any open migration supporters out there?

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Those that support open borders are plain and simple globalists. They take their cues from the world, economic forum, the council in for relations, etc. etc. etc. There is not a country in the world that would allow this. If anyone does not see that this current group of Democrats has one job and that is to destroy the nation. they must not think very much. No critical thinking skills at all in this country. Sheep. Donald these people disgust me. I wait for the day for this bankrupt country to no longer support the welfare in warfare state. Along with that, I believe the supply lines will collapse. Homelessness, joblessness, and chaos. I just left a blue state to move to a red one. I Family compound on 202 acres on the side of the mountain. Very few people around us. I believe it will take preparation and skills to survive what’s coming. God bless us all.

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Must read, "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James Douglass. Recommended by RFKJr.

Explaining the power of the CIA and the military industrial complex if you want to know what the country is up against.

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This is admittedly over simplistic, but I think part of the problem is that “million” sounds like “billion” which resembles “trillion”. The average Joe, of which I am one, knows there’s a difference, but can’t wrap his mind around it (but could search “what does a trillion dollars look like?” if he was so inclined).

The politicians throw billion and trillion dollar budgets around knowing this, and get away with it. The difference between billion and trillion, in individual terms, is the difference between having a thousand dollar credit card balance or a million dollar balance.

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I think we should replace trillion with a “gazillion.” Maybe then people will get a bit of a clue.

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Just wait 5 or 10 years...

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Paging "Federal" Reserve.

Paging "Federal" Reserve to the courtesy phone...

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There is only one team on the playing field. It’s the wrong team. While they run up and down the field scoring at will in an absurd display of fake gamesmanship, the other team is on the sidelines, mostly yelling at the referees that there was a foul on the last play. Sometimes the ref will throw a flag. The next play is an onside kick.

When the opposition isn’t yelling at the refs they are writing memes and attempting to do play-by-play commentary on social media.

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

Hi Brien -

Well, in their defense we all know how much easier it is to scream "TskTsk" and clutch pearls than to organize in a whisper and grab the ring of Rebellion. After all, there's still adequate food available and a bounty on our screens. Distracted Priorities are a hell of a thing.

IMO -- We are rapidly approaching the point of no return where (for now) if even a smallish group of Patriots would begin to do what needs to be done, there exists a reasonable chance for success. Currently, I have to believe the Military, LEOs and weaponized "government" agents exist in such proportions that the slim (?) majority would still honor the part of their Oath that demands they NOT follow illegal orders, giving a loosely-organized rescue mission a chance. It wouldn't be pretty and would require a ton of 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗵-𝗯𝘂𝘁-𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗼𝘂𝘀 Justice be meted out, even while 30% of the sheep and 100% of the "media" turn their demonization dial to overdrive. Verily, verily - saving our Republic is possible during this rapidly shrinking window. Given another 3-10 years (if we even can survive tottering along that much longer), the brainwashing and indoctrinated hatred for Liberty will be so strong that there truly will be no hope left.

Sadly, I predict the most oft-heard phrase of the next decade and beyond will be "𝗜𝗳 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆..."

But what follows will never be typed out and only verbalized quietly among dearly trusted friends and family. Yes - it's going to get that bad here in the "Land of the Free", and more than 50% of the sheepified will applaud and facilitate the oppression of us all...

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"and Mexicans are very unlikely to march into Houston"; me thinks they are already there. And the Mexican president threatening to instruct his flock to vote against any candidate who would stop illegal immigration.

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The end of our empire is a kin to the Revelation… We know it’s coming, we just don’t know when, or how.

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Bill, As much as I admire your prose, I think you made a faulty supposition; several in fact

Foremost, the term Empire is inappropriate. You are on firmer ground when you recognize we have a sphere of influence; favored trading partners; allies; a disposition to proselytize the merits of Democracy.

Empires invade and seize. We haven't done that since we snatched the Spanish Empire at the end of the 19th century only to free -- over time -- the nations we captured (except for Guam which we still hold)

I contend that our generation was hobbled by a legacy acquired post WW II that we're the last man standing and that it's up to us to make the world a better place, etc.

Our father's generation -- the Greatest Generation -- handed ours the proverbial football. Using the football metaphor one more time, of the coaches (aka Presidents) we've had since Truman, they have been all less than stellar

Two -- Johnson and Bush -- are the absolute worst of the batch. They needlessly invaded a batch of poor countries, none a threat to us but which cost the participating parties, primarily us, an enormous treasure, especially in lives lost.

It's hard to believe that we actually invaded these hapless countries killing galore men, women, children, livestock, sometimes actual combatants. The ignominy of accepting our defeats in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan has, I hope, replaced our zeal to force ourselves on other nations for the foreseeable future

But don't get me wrong

I don't mind making the world a better place.

My preference is to do so by letting the flag follow trade

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Hey Jim, in my opinion, the world will be a better place if America would mind its own business.

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As Americans we will thrive only when we are relieved of the corruption that is DC, NYC and San Fran through their steep decline. If our Liberty can only be gained by collapse of the hegemon than so be it. It seems that if good men go to these places it is not long before they succumb to the grift and corruption. While it may be the nature of the world it is still sad. I'm hopeful given that we now seem to be in the steep descent phase of this decline that it won't be too long before the collapse. Might our technology moves things along much more quickly than previous empires? One can only hope.

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For the third time Americans turn their gaze towards Europe. That petulant child-like continent that becomes belligerent AGAIN.

This time ushering in World War 3 with Russian empire building in Eastern Europe.

Meantime we are focusing on newer technologies. Increasing our wealth. Improving war fighting potential. Space outside our earthly orbit.

Space inside our molecules like DNA research.

And we are dragged by the european children into shooting each other.

Usually supplying blood & treasure to their selfish exploits.

Have never enjoyed my Irish and German roots. And never agreeing with their philosophies.

Oh well. Back to being Number 1 and playing “wack-a-mole” with Europeans.

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Thank you Bill, for another great history review.


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Thank you, WFE!

I am disgusted as well.

But thankful for this opportunity to find others who believe in this great country.

Please be safe. Survive.

We will need folks like you to rebuild ehat’s left. God Bless you & yours!

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"This is not going to end well".Pretty much sums it all up Bill,I agree.Lets move on,cause there is no positive happening in this ole' conversation.

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This track is meant to reach all of you in BPR and to hear of your reactions to the words and the spirit of how it was written and delivered...Pretty much at the tail end of the 2008 GFC.

Would be fascinated to know what the Team, individually and maybe collectively, has to say about their assessment/ thoughts/ emotions.




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deletedJun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023
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With a CO2 concentration of only 0.04% in air, you need to suck in a HUGE amount of air to remove a significant amount of CO2 in this direct air capture (DAC) process. An enormous amount of energy is needed. Where is all this energy coming from? The process makes more sense when connected to the exhaust gas from a power plant or cement plant where the concentration of CO2 is much higher. By the way, where are you going to store the captured CO2 in the "open expanse of Texas"? I bet the cost of this boondoggle is being paid by us taxpayers thanks to Biden!

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"After conducting extensive research, I regret to inform you that there are no known deep ocean water fish that flourish in more acidic pH seawater."

You're nothing if not thorough Mr. Fishin'...

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deletedJun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023
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Gawd Almighty ---

the Honesty of Memes...

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