
They only want about 500,000,000 of us left here to share their planet, give or take. That’s the rough number that will serve as their slave labor force. Heaving the poor overboard is precisely what they are up to, and that would include not a trivial number of non-poor who aren’t in their club. The problem isn’t GCC. The problem is you and me. They don’t even believe that we(all 8 Billion of us) are causing a global climate crisis. If they really believed that we would see a much bigger spotlight shined on China and India. Instead China and India get a Climate Pass, a get out of jail free card, and this proves more than any other single fact that they aren’t really serious about Climate Change, they aren’t really worried about the planet. GCC is about Control, about achieving a world order that is an organic depopulater, a churning scythe that’s on autopilot and uses scarcity and bio-weapons to winnow the useless eater population. The game is afoot.

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Look like you’ve seen the blueprint, Brien. GCC = Global Complete Control.

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I will worry about my carbon footprint after the deciders of the world start worrying about theirs.

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No one is paying attention to the 26000 year declination cycle of the fixed stars, which as we speak is at the furthermost northern declination of the cycle, set to reverse in 2040, give or take a few hundred years. It's happened before and will happen again. We may be facilitators of the changes, but not the cause. Saint Greta and John Kerry would do well to study history a little.

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Thats an interesting point. The 26000 year precession would move the distance scale over long periods of time, whatever delayed changes in the process, may hardly be noticable in the grand scheme of things. I'm of the view our star is far more interesting and its cyclical changes, shorter relatively speaking and given our lack of understanding in its behavioral characteristics ( a short 400 year historical recording) - or, its dynamic nature over time, makes it that much more compelling regarding cause and effect. John and Greta would do well to understand this powerful force, unpredicitable and staggering in size. But I m sure Mr. Kerry could care less given his "privilaged" exisistence. And I continue to "short governments".

I have nothing good to say about them so I will refrain from using words that come to mind. My father-in-law the other day commented, " wait, till they tax us for the air we breathe", I said its already here, its called carbon tax. That was a jolt.

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The Sahara Desert used to be a Garden of Eden before the "Younger Dryas" cataclysm. There was a recent explosion on the far side of the Sun that had the potential to end civilization on Earth.

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An extra large solar flare that directly hit Earth, like the Carrington Event of September 1859, would cause immense damage to our worldwide communications, computer networks, power grid, and anything that depends on solid state electronics (almost everything). Widespread power outages with no means of communications in some areas could last weeks or months, causing social breakdown. A greater than trillion dollar disaster in the US. Major solar flares occur approximately every 25 years. IMHO, this is a more likely disaster in the next 100 years than "climate change". Solar flares can be somewhat predicted and folks are working on hardening our infrastructure, but still...it would be very bad.

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Having returned recently from Phoenix, AZ, I ran into the same thing as you Bill. Fields filled with weeds, where normally there is just dust. The mountain sides, in and around Casa Grande, were covered with flowers, the likes of which locals cannot remember having seen in recent years.

For them too, this global warming is going "their way."

Up here in Canada, where this author hails from, we've been having historically speaking lows. Whereas normal temps are between -6C and +3C, we are seeing temps between -15C and -6C.

For us here in the frigid north, this global warming is definitely going "someone else's way."

Now as far as teepees go, I witnessed first hand the amazing ingenuity of mankind, in building a concrete 3D printer that builds homes. Google "Casa Grande 3D printed homes" for a ton of videos on this subject.

No need to go back to cloth to shelter us Bill.

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The homes in Casa Grande are amazing. 1300 square feet. About $240k. Built fully in 60 - 90 days (I imagine the wiring, plumbing and roofing take longer than putting up the walls). All 3 or 4 homes already built, are already sold. Including the one that wasn't even built last week, but had a 3D printer looming over it like a spider hovering over its prey.

If you talk to the "creators" (never thought I'd use that word to describe a home builder) they might even give you a tour of the homes. The first thing you sense (according to a friend who got a personal tour), is the overwhelming silence once inside. Remember, the walls are 10" thick cement composite.

So much for hanging pictures on a whim.

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"Normal linguistic tolerances"?

How do you come up with such creative expressions? It's one of the reasons i love your column!

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GCC is a bogeyman cult. The true believers are underinformed superstitious fools who pose as our saviors. They are inhumane and anti- human. There is no climate crisis and there’s nothing you could do about it anyway because we don’t have that power. There are piles of good books and papers which reject the panicked thesis of these science challenged fools. Coldest wettest winter in many years here out West. The whole thing is a scam.

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That great advocate for Man made Climate Change Urgent Action, USA past president ‘On the road to Damascus’ President Obama this week just flew USA to Australia.

PRIVATE JET for 2 (plus baggage)!

Mr & Mrs are here, for him to give two ( i.e. ONLY 2 @ about $1 mil), personal evening lectures, one in Sydney and one in Melbourne, on Global Leadership issues.

Carbon Emissions would have been greatly improved if A) the two of them had not come, B) he had kept his trap shut and not exhaled, for all his time whilst in Australia.

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“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

– Albert Einstein

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Might the extra rain causing more green things to grow be part of the natural cycle? Rain causes green things to grow and consume CO2 converting the gas too oxygen.

Never mind the climate scientists have spoken (the grant (graft)money must continue to flow).

The right answer to every problem do the opposite of what is prescribed by government.

Russia wants control the welfare State of Ukraine? God bless them, instead we've become their sugar daddy, Ukraine is very needy.

The future of mankind is the sum total of terrible decisions made by the governments humans have allowed to flourish unchecked. Rome wasn't built in a day, we are Rome.

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My grandmother always mystified me. She was part Indian and she liked Indian ways. She was course as she would stand up to urinate when no one was looking. An she mixed all her food together like fried egg with corn flakes. She always told my brother and I that the white man was crazy. She said when they would run their family out of the woods that this is their land. How could a person own land that they could not take with them? The Indians carried all they owned on their horse back or drag along tee-pee. Made sense to me! Just sayin'

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Yikes! What a nail-biter! I'm not even there. much less in the water, but I can imagine it, and I got sweaty palms reading your account! A number of years ago, it was a fad here in the US, particularly in the "red" areas, to make a showy mess of one's 4WD pickup truck by "lifting" it so that the cab was much higher in the air, so that oversize, "monster" tires and wheels could gain enough clearance to work. In rural, southern Indiana, where I live, it was not uncommon to see these supposedly "cool" monstrosities driving around. These modifications served little purpose other than stroking the vanity of their owners, but in your case, it sounds like a "monster" truck would serve a true purpose and would justify the investment. Best always. PM

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Had to laugh at your description Paul, especially the part about stoking the owner’s ego. My dad used to say “it must suck to have a penis so small, that you have to drive a truck that big”.😆

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Haha, thanks, but we've got bigger fish to fry: let this "trans" thing take hold, and we don't have to worry about how it's going to end. We will be creating our own Armageddon. Best always. PM

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As a beef cattle producer in the US, I am always amazed by the variety of production systems. Two inches of rainfall annually is unfathomable to me. Very glad to know you are getting some well appreciated rain for a change. Just hope it doesn't "water down" your Tacana!

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That's good news...I know you've had some tough years there. All the best!

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I wonder if Argentinians will follow the Climate Elite guidelines that we need to eat no more than 100 grams of meet a week to avoid having the planet warm by 1.5 degrees. Of course if we followed their anti-growth policies and ban agriculture we will be lucky to have 100 grams of meet for under $200 in fake money powered by solar powered printing presses.

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Climate change is running my way as well -- more than enough rain on the South African highveld. And my pecan trees absolutely love the higher CO2, breathing in growth.

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