Joel,thanks bringing to light again that some of our Politicians are beyond stupid,even with a yale degree.Regarding inflation and interest rates,I believe it was President Wilson who apologized to the American People soon after the Federal Reserve was formed,for allowing it to happen.And the only Politician I ever heard rally for eliminating it, was Ron Paul consistantly.Haven't they proven they are beyond stupid as well (the Fed. reserve),and have cost us and the world economy enough. Richard

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Beautifully written. If Tom’s theory is correct, then it suggests that the broken system, stressed beyond belief since the bailouts of 2008/QE/Zirp/Covid relief... will likely accommodate even more stress (flight of foreign investment into equities) before shattering? That would suggest prolonged pressure of inflation on the middle class and the fed’s/DC’s capacity to UBI the masses?? Makes me wonder which future lies before us- a dumpster fire of everything from which we rebuild based upon merit and quality? Or, a slow burn in to CBDC slavery?

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Brilliant commentary as ever; as Pareto said ‘sooner or later the foxes take over’

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Joel another great summation of the week and indications of the road ahead which I suspect is littered with unpredictable obstacles as history never actually repeats it just imitates our memories of the past .. at the Dr Ron Paul convention in Tampa Bay I knew the the American homeland/empire was coming to a close .. the best part was flying home to Reno with a group of 40+ ladies who worked at men's hotel near Carson City and they made more political sense than any of the folks I met on that journey and knew more than most of the so called degree holders ever would .. I said then and now that was America last great hope from here its a race downhill into worldwide swimming pool that is so overflowing with USD$ that they'll be completely worthless before my time is over but thankfully some of us bought gold in 1971 and it's still paying my way as you may know Royal Perth Mint pays dividends on gold accounts .. long live bullion in all is forms as it real exchangeable for goods and services even in outback Oz .. keep up the great objectivity and struggle to float above all the BullS*** as always thanks for thoughts and we'll see ya at the Sesh tomorrow (monday)

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I am thoroughly enjoying my subscription to Bonner Private Research! I love the wit, sarcasm and writing styles of each of the members. It's refreshing to get this information consistently and without wondering if it is the content I paid for or just a disguised advertisement! Keep up the good work! Don't change ,your product is exactly what I hoped it would be! I'm following the investment recommendations with great interest.

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Joel Bowman is a good writer from the standpoint of presenting a clear articulation of the ideas he discusses. However, his attempt to emulate Bill Bonner's writing style is a little irritating. One Bill Bonner is enough Joel, you need to work on creating your own voice.

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SKA, your observation is flattering... but misguided. As much as I truly do enjoy Bill's wry truth-telling, my own literary heroes happen to be impecunious purveyors of fiction, long dead and now seldom read. Thanks anyway!

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well everyone is entitled to their perspective .. but from my brain they aren't remotely alike .. like the generation and many other variations that separates them in both style and content !! One is a Yank the other will never really be one!

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Ralph Wood

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