Having lived through the folly of believeing my elected representative would in fact represent me and not himself, educate my children, not steal them, and protect my constitution, not destroy it; what recourse other than voting ( in itself difficult to trust ) do I have to stop the CBDC!! Too many people do not realise that this is the final dagger in the heart of America!


I am glad I don't have a lot of time left. good luck to all. you got what you voted for.

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The green AI dominated totalitarian world pushed by the power elite is a repeat performance of lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria that were quite advanced. We are due to eventually bring forth a golden age of enlightenment yet we still have this karma to transmute and they going thru their last opportunity to change their ways or go thru their final judgement. This is a time for all to cling tight to God with confidence and gratitude and pray constantly. It is a time to be love in action which also entails being a soldier for truth. We have all of heaven to help us if people realize it. Thank God people are waking up. They are godless and actually full of fear inside because their number is up.They live off of stolen money and stolen light because they have no light. We are the Victors.

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CBDC will the be beginning of a transition to a CCP style authoritarian society where we can toss all our Constitutional rights out the window. It would be the death knell for freedom. We have to hope enough people are smart enough to opt out, realizing their freedoms are at stake, so that the program is a bust.

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1. They are not smart enough. 2. there will be no 'opt out'.

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We can't give up friend.

1. Identify and cultivate relationships with like-minded people in your nearby sphere of influence.

2. Begin building a parallel economy for the essentials using alternate mediums of exchange: Food, Energy, Security/Defense, Medical Care, etc.

3. Prep yourself, your family, your household and property as best you can, and be prepared to SHARE when the time comes. Very few will be able to survive as an island.

Just a short, VERY incomplete list...

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Whilst I respect the sentiment - that we can't give up - I think it's too late, we've already done so.

I mean, we 'the masses', have rolled up our sleeves & taken untested, unknown vaxes without too much resistance. And even now, with resultant death & injury there for all but the blind to see - well, the blind don't see. Even finding 'likeminded people' is just about mission impossible, in my sphere anyway.

No. This Fourth Turning will play out as it must and I suspect the results will be horrendous. I don't want to sound overly pessimistic, but as a firm believer in karma from a personal to a World perspective I think we've done the crime & now will do the time (yes I know, I didn't do it either, must be a mistake)

PS I'm onboard with your number 3 - that's about all one can do..

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I am a like minded person and yes it is very difficult to talk about the reality of people dying or being permanently injured after rolling up sleeves. I am a psychologist and I understand the psychological manipulation that has been foisted upon us. Quite a job to do this on a world scale, and we (our taxes) payed for the billions of dollars of that it took. Nazi Germany all over the world. I spent time thinking that the Germans of the 30's and 40's were awful people, but have you ever wondered what you would have done if you had been there? The answer is whatever you are doing now.

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Yes, I personally would have done the equivalent, in that time and place, of not rolling up my sleeve.

It amazes me how much skill, thought, time & energy has gone into this manipulation on a world scale, not just covid but also climate change & financial debauchery on many levels. Just imagine what a fantastic world we'd have if the same energy had gone into good stuff for humankind, rather than (what I'm coming to believe is) pure evil, as well as common or garden selfishness, greed & power.

As I stated above, I truly believe that 'what goes around comes around', sooner or later. The veil of death - and the frequent refusal to accept the possibility of re-birth - blinds us to the reality that you don't necessarily cop your just desserts, good, bad & indifferent, in this lifetime. The 'why' is well beyond my pay grade.

It would be nice to be in touch with those of a similar mindset, not necessarily a perfect fit, just same direction, in one's local area. Anyone any ideas?

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Thanks to I123 and Irene for the thoughtful comments.

I agree with you 3, granted with a lite caveat - most of us didn't "do the crime", but we allowed the crime to happen and not only didn't stop it, we watched it occur without saying a word. Unfortunately (fortunately?), now we ALL get to "do the time."

Here in SFL I find like-minded people at Church, the Range, Concerts, Sporting Events, etc. It is likely that there are a lot more of them to find in my area than in most other areas of the Country, particularly if one is trying to make these conservative acquaintances in the Northeast or far West United States. Regardless, start with finding just ONE other person that hates what is happening and has the determination to try and save our Freedom and way of life. It all has to start somewhere...

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We must oppose this, and fight it tooth and nail.

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Doesn’t surprise me at all Joel! Great essay. Thanks for reminding me that this is how people will behave in what God’s Word calls “the last days”.

Here’s a description for anyone interested : “..in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here, for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power ; and from these turn away” - 2 Tim 3:1-5. ...and how about verse 13 ....”But wicked men and imposters will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled”.

I was a lawyer before I retired. Trained to consider the evidence before I make up my mind about anything. The evidence of the great increase in those above traits abounds..(notice the top two...narcissism and greed!) This general mind-set dominates the world today from the rulers down (and I’ve travelled extensively over the years seeing this downward spiral with my own eyes....)

But enough gloom? Why is it happening? ..and Is there any hope for the future?

Yes there is some satisfying answers for right-hearted people who are sighing and crying ......but that’s another subject, maybe not for on this forum?

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Hi Jaqui -

Great post IMO. And we ARE given the answer, from the same Book.

Pray, put your Hope and Faith in the One who never changes and Stay Strong. Bad times coming for all of us...

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Yes, but for those who put their faith on Jesus Christ, it's a different story...now and forever.

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him will I trust."

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Yes indeed Starboard Edge. (What’s your real name by the way? Lol) The answers are all there. I’m sure you’ll agree that The Creator of this planet did not create it simply for nothing?. (Isaiah 45:18). ...And, Yes. HIS will must take place soon and , sadly, dear Joel and Bill, whilst they are useful at this time, neither silver nor gold will deliver whom the Creator deems to be “wicked” at that time! - (Zephaniah 1:18 and Ezekiel 7:19 ,). History repeats itself with this , so whilst they are useful for now, I don’t put my faith in mere metals from the earth!

Whilst pondering on Psalm 62:7-12 the other day I found an answer to one of my own prayers!

There it was in an article entitled “IS A FAIR ECONOMIC SYSTEM POSSIBLE?”

I think the article might appeal to all those honest-hearted people out there searching for answers ? It’s on my favourite website jw.org.

We cannot fight the system and the rulers. They are themselves blindly manipulated by the unseen evil spirit creature, Satan who is the present “ god of this system of things” as the apostle Paul truthfully calls him! (2 Corinthians 4:3) All Makes sense to me.

Well, Sermon now over for a long time folks. I have to take care of my son this week who has cerebral palsy. Have faith! Love reading everyone’s diverse thoughts and comments on here. Only “civilised” forum left I fear. 🙋‍♀️

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His name is Starboard Edge and he's a jewel on here (as you are quickly becoming).

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Out of control government,in the hands of voters who are long term ignorant and short term greedy,isn't going to end well.

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The public schools are a joke! My wife a HS counselor. Multiple fights every day. Everybody passes. Leaving for the WV mountains soon. Leaving NJ behind. Our populace is so dumbed down.

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Digital dollars is a very frightening concept. If it does pass and become the financial law of the land, the US citizen will truly be enslaved. Privacy and self reliance will be a thing of the pass. This really scares the hell out of me.

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I think it should scare the Hell out of all of us. I don't think it's a joke. Bad times are coming. The Fed is really not your friend ( except maybe to the elites).

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Hi Dot -

But voting Dim down the ticket will fix it, right?

Which side do you think contributed more to our being the cultural, financial and societal s*hole we have become in the last 20 years??

Sorry sister - writing now "that it should scare the hell out of all of us" DOESN'T get you and your ilk a get-out-of-jail free card.

Sure, the Repugnants suck too. But the Orange man living rent-free in your head did more to slow down the Circus of Tyranny they have planned for us than anybody on either side in the last 50 years. But, I get it - if your side didn't have the constant Hate, they'd have nothing at all...

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As bad as Trump is,as a person,his policies as President were better than Biden's.

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Voted Trump twice. Can't stand the man but he did start to slow these pigs down. Some are not smart enough to get past his personality. He knew this war on fossil fuels was crazy.

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SE: Well, I think both sides did a good job of putting us where we are. Your problem is you would follow the Republican party anywhere it leads you. At least, I have switched candidates (parties) when I felt it appropriate. Sorry brother, but I have felt that things have gone wrong for awhile. This was just a good time to express it. Have a nice day.

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Hi Dot -

Obviously I agree that BOTH parties are to blame, reread my post above. However, at present there are two issues that MUST be acknowledged:

1. While both the Ds and the Rs currently represent poison to Freedom and Liberty, one of them will kill you almost instantly while the other makes you sick but gives you enough time to fight for survival. This point does NOT go to the fallacy of the "lesser of two evils", it is much more existential than that idea. If you can't figure it out, it's the Ds that demonstrably want to put us in the ground as soon as they possibly can. Just look at the "incompetence" of TraitorJoe and crew since Installation Day. What we are seeing is a Planned Demolition folks, brought to you by bought-and-paid-for politicians on both sides, but primarily on the left.

2. Today's D Party ain't your grandpa or father's D Party. It has been taken over by Marxists, Communists, Perverts, Degenerates - and no one in the "party" has a single positive plan or inkling to attempt to make this Country better for her citizens and by extension, the rest of the world. What positive legislation or publicly-declared belief did your side put out there in this last election?

Zip, Zero, Nada. It was totally and completely about how "dangerous and evil" the R side is, with a side helping of "Save our Democracy." Hint for all the genius Ds out there - WE DON"T LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY AND NEVER HAVE THANK GOD. Alas, let's not forget the ever present cherry on top that is "Orange Man Bad." With your side it is nothing but FALSE FEAR, 24/7. How depressing it must be to live one's entire life like that, with no solace in sight other than occasionally being able to steal an election from the other side of the aisle. Nothing positive, nothing uplifting, nothing true. You are all victims of one thing or another. How profoundly pathetic.

Your team offered the Country NOTHING that could in any way be construed as helpful, and yes, D domestic enemies stole what they needed to steal, AGAIN. You may have overstepped this time though. Huge swaths of the Nation that laughed at the accusation of election fraud in '20 are feeling perplexed enough with the result from last November 8 to want to look a little closer. If I was on your side, I'd be a tad nervous that the jig may finally be up after 40+ years of regularly stealing victories in State and National elections.

You people are worse than children. At least with a spoilt toddler there is hope for reformation...

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You are on fire once again Brother. Anyone that argues with any of that (there's Dorothy) is so far in the tank they can't see the light coming from the opening at the top.

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She really has no critical thinking skills to believe the Dems are not worse than the Repubs. Or really slow. She is part of the problem. People can't see beyond what they hear on CNN.

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SE: Hope your response to me has made you feel better! Not sure why you keep saying "my people?" I vote for whom I think will do the best job. The Rep. has been good in the past, but I don't think Trump was smart, honest or a good President. No need to respond!

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Probably doesn't make too much difference who you vote for.One might keep the Titanic afloat longer than the other,but too late to save the ship.I don't think we can expect salesmen(AKA politicians) to be too honest.Have to just hope what they do with policies isn't too bad.If someone believes government is the solution,then vote Democrat.If you believe government is the problem,vote Libertarian.If you don't have any idea,vote Republican.

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Good post,except I don't think Dems need to cheat on elections.They win by bringing in millions of poor people,who along with the native poor,vote for the party of gifts.Also,they get the govt employees' votes.Add,that old white people,who remember more freedom, smaller govt are dying off.All my relatives didn't vote Democrat and now don't vote,since they are dead.

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I've never voted for Trump.You seem to be stuck on Democrat.Have a nice day.

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There is no question the government is working toward collapse of the middle class. Every single aspect of every move is in that direction. Every single move is to put constituents in greater debt and at greater cost to the constituent and greater income to the government. Always in the name of some improvement for the constituents.

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We are cooked.

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And, is it just a coincidence that this is the same playbook that was used to weaponize a virus? I think not. The masses were locked down (incarcerated in their own homes) and then offered freedom if one was willing to be injected with an experimental substance (that nobody knows what is in it), that was developed with such speed that "safe and effective" are impossible to know. How can you possibly know a year or two down the road that it is still "safe and effective". And are these two things somehow connected (Virus and taking of our $)??

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Some of the Repubs are talking a great, tough battle plan for the incoming House, but I honestly fear that America is far too deep into the "Debt Pit", etc. to climb out. The power everywhere of the Socialist side (the Deep State), media, and education system are carrying the day. And, evidently at least 50% of the People continue to vote for it. "You cannot cure stupid" is true it seems.

But, surely this "Digital Dollar" plan will have be passed by the Congress, and are a majority of them truly this evil? Guess we will find out.

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Sorry Frank but IMO if republicans do not have the courage and patriotism to stand up and say we need to fix the corrupt election process and then Do IT. Simultaneously deal with Covid fraud and hold execs and beaucrarts accountable then the Republicans are just as evil and i have no use for them

Going after Hunter is meaningless without free and fair elections and medical freedom.

Plus they should all be saying this trump witch hunt investigations need to end.... enough is enough

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Agree, and lets hope they will do so as this is exactly what they were saying in their press conference. Needless to say, the MSM will twist and lie about almost 100% of everything any Repub does say, and continue to cover up for the Dems. That is reality and America is in terrible danger largely because of this. At this point the Repubs are the only hope anyone has left! As slim as that may be.

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Unfortuately u r likely correct unless God sees fit to intervene.

My view Republicans steal less and more slowly but end point the same

K Mccarthy nevers talks about fixing elections or giving us liberties, freedoms or medical rights back

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He is really garbage.

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Rick/Frank: Why do you not get that the election votes were counted numerous time and they all came out that Trump Lost. I guess all the Repubulican candidates that lost really won. You guys have been in the kool-aid too much. You all seem to think anything that Trump does ( Jan 6, and Keeping top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago, threatening his Vice President is perfectly okay). Now our nation is truly in big trouble.

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You are kidding?

When u recount fraudulent ballots u get same fraudulently answer

Watch 2000 Mules

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Don't try she is delusional.

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You must not listen or read the news. Trump lost after at least three recounts.

Get over it and move on. Why don't you watch the regular news; they don't pander to either party.

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"Jan 6, and Keeping top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago, threatening his Vice President is perfectly okay"

Was trespassing on a mass scale, though they were invited in through open doors, hmmm.

Didn't have anything classified at MaL. He declassified ALL documents that were ID'd for travel to SFL while still President, hmmmm.

Never threatened VP Pence, though IMO he should have. Pence certified a fraudulent election = Traitor to our Country, hmmmmm.

"Why don't you watch the regular news; they don't pander to either party."

This statement alone is MORE than enough to disqualify you as a serious person or someone in touch with Reality. Very sad that you don't see that but completely indicative of how you are able to write the absolutely WRONG and UNTRUE statements that you did above.

Please, stop making a fool of yourself Dorothy...

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She feels the MSM is objective. What do you say to that?

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SE: You are too blind to see the facts: Trump cannot declassify documents esp., the ones that labeled "top secret". You are the one that's making a fool of himself. And don't dilute yourself, It showed many of the rioters trying to break down the door and window, which they finally did and the rioters going thru the window and eventually the door. What were you watching some movie or something. hmmmm! Why don't you stop making a fool of yourself StarboardEdge? It's almost unbelievable that you believe all the garbage you stated. Did you not watch it while it was happening? Trump was.

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The LA Times,Washington Post and NY Times,PBS,NBC,ABC definitely pander to Democrats.

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You can count all the ballots you want as many times as you want, but if they were fraudulently completed and submitted the count doesn't matter. The crime was already committed.

Let's just eliminate all mailed out/mailed in ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting and ranked voting. Oh, and require a government approved ID as well. Then we can have election results within hours after each poll closes and there won't be any question as to the legitimacy of the result. You agree with all that right?

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"Scam Bankrupt Fraud" was the best I have heard so far. 😂

It's just the perfect description of him. 🤣

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It is a JOKE.

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Agreed. 1984, here we come..

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Democrats aren't the enemy. Republicans aren't the enemy. All of government, regardless of partisan affiliation is the enemy. Thus it has always been, thus it will always be and mankind refuse to learn this lesson once and for all.

I follow you guys at BPR religiously but I'm also investing heavily in B & B - Beans and Bullets and I'm way past the point of caring who knows about that.

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There was a book written by Gary Allen in the 70's titled "The Rockefeller File". the aim of the family was to eliminate/crush competition. Old man Rockefeller stated that " we will make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park" . If I remember they wanted world government/control by 1980..ish. Clearly their goals are still rolling on under the WEF/WHO/IMF et al. It is a testament to ordinary people opposing this that it has not happened as and when they wanted. As Archbishop Vigano said recently, ..."they are not guaranteed success"... We paddle on in the sea of life in the hope that truth, justice and integrity of heart will conquer. THANKYOU BPR you are all truely magnificent!

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