Nov 1, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Confidential to Joel Bowman from one of his great admirers: until "we" start calling the government transfer payments by their real name, which is VOTE-BUYING, nothing much will change. Government is a scam; always has been, always will be. Best always. PM

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“And every election,” as the great H.L. Mencken said, “a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.” Thanks for the kind words. Best to you and yours!

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I have come to the conclusion that the prevailing narratives for all global events are now pre-fabricated, that is the narrative and the communication plan are determined before the event actually happens, and in fact this has been the case for much of modern history. We are now living in the age of all propaganda all the time. This phenomenon greatly accelerated and strengthened with the advent of the internet, social media and the 24/7 news cycle. Propaganda and PsyOps is now all we get from mainstream and corporate media and the government, all acting in concert and working as a team. This is a global operation. Do we ever get the truth, you might ask? Yes, intermittently, but only when the truth serves and supports the narrative(which is a lie). The truth acts as yeast for the lie and as oxygen for the propaganda to keep people fooled and/or confused, as required. The scope of this, the breadth and depth of it, is staggering. The vital part is to be aware of it, to know that this is what we are being served every day, and the bigger the event, the bigger the news, the bigger the propagandized pre-planning that goes into those very first words: “Breaking news...”

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So true... All well planned propaganda preventing people from thinking critically. Keep people engaged with covid, traffic jams, inflation, loans imposing more and more complex rules, jobs challenges etc and overload with all the Breaking News. This ensures critical thinking is completely lost.

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Yes brother Brian, the old Problem, Reaction, Solution. Many of us already figured it out, and we all know their Final Solution. Now we have to figure out how to hedge against the coming storm 🤔

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Ok, Bill, so you suggest that the reporting on the Israeli invasion is incorrect or outright lies. You base this on the report of one reporter’s first-hand account of not seeing beheaded infants, burned corpses, and bullet-riddled Jews. This belief implies that all the first-hand accounts, Jewish media accounts, imagery, and Jewish personnel that are responsible for gathering up the bodies for prompt burial. I don’t go looking on the internet for images for me to judge for myself the accuracy of the claims. My last excursion into that quagmire was when ISIS simultaneously beheaded several prisoners on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea a few years back. It was sufficiently grotesque that I still see it in my mind today. So, I am not going to look for such “proof” of the alleged mayhem. So, who do we believe? You conveniently skipped that aspect in your essay other than to suggest its all a lie. Okay, then let’s say it is. Is the invasion of Israel by Hamas also a lie. Did the Hamas soldiers stay in Gaza and Israel made up the invasion as justification to murder as many Palestinians as possible because they are as vicious as they claim Hamas is?

I am a pacifist! I have been for several years after living through the Viet Nam war [small-case “w” since Congress never declared War on Viet Nam]. I lost family and friends in Nam and saw the lack of any gain for the lives lost and dollars spent on it. I also lived through Afghanistan with similar results, as well as the smaller “skirmishes” the US has involved itself between the two. I see the loss of America’s finest and the consumption of the US’s wealth to the point where we are so broke that we cannot get back to solvency without a lot of pain. I don’t want to see Israel at war and I don’t want to see Gaza a scorched wasteland, but neither will stop by anything I can do. So I don’t worry about it. Once America gets into these conflicts, then I will let my elected representatives know my feelings [that will do a lot I’m sure].

Contrary to your perspective, Bill, I chose to believe the Israeli accounts of the beginnings of this war and will until I see proof otherwise. The only basis for my belief is my certainty that Hamas initiated the war and Hamas’ own words that they want all Jews dead. I am open to hearing both sides of the debate, but spare me the diatribes about who is right or who is wrong. My listening to the debate will be limited to facts, not opinions. The last time I posted on this subject, I got the diatribe about who is right and who is wrong. Don’t need to hear it again.

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Twas the American transcendental romantic, Thoreau, who said, "I constitute a majority of one." That's probably the best approach. I'm a self-identified anarchist; I don't believe man is capably governable, and this idea of consensus government, which we nominally so revere? Well, see where THAT has led... Best always. PM

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Thoreau also said:

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

-Henry David Thoreau

The root is really man's selfish nature, but only God can fix that one.

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And he will!

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I've asked this before: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?






Only one. But it has to want to change.

God has saved all men. 1Timothy4:10. The great mystery is that the vast majority reject the gift of life. Go where God leads you, Bill. Things may sometimes seem difficult, but it will be far easier than rejecting the life of God, which is agape.

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You've raised good points Dan, but in my experience plenty of first hand accounts from traumatising events are later found to be a bit OTT - trauma does that- and while I'm no supporter of the Hamas ideology, they're only the starters of the war if history begins on Oct -6th, and nothing that came before it matters. With you on the pacifism too btw, fat good it does us

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Thanks for keeping it civil, John. These discussions can devolve into uncivilized when disagreement occurs. I am a great supporter in disagreements, but not the uncivilized discussion portions.

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Thanks Dan - appreciate you saw my comments in their intended light. The world's in a big enough mess without, without us plebs getting our tits in a tangle because others happen to have, equally uniformed (misinformed) opposite opinions to our own. Not that I disagreed with much of what you said anyway tbh - I've just become so bloody skeptical of virtually everything they, whoever "they" are show/tell us

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"diatribe" is not a word I'd use for Bill & Joel expose .. but BPR seldom misleads like the world press does .. simply putting thoughts together that you might otherwise not have considered, obviously gets up you prejudicial nose .. so just blow it out and move on as the only "diatribe" are your biased comments about anyone who might see things differently ..

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Thank you for your accurate and honest analyses

It is rare to find a person nowadays who has not been brainwashed by the mass media of zombies and disinformation and speaks the truth, however bitter it may be.

Since we have been living in 24/7 lies and Orwell's electronic concentration camp for almost half a century now, the truth seems bitter and unpleasant to us.

As he said - In times of total lies, speaking the truth takes courage and is heroic!

Thank you for always speaking the truth and that there are still such decent people in this world.

As long as there is even one, nothing is lost

Colonel Walter

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Yes Bill, George W Bush said it best...... "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.". 🤔

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Dubbya’s gaffes: the gift that just keeps on giving.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman


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Let’s see now...Bill isn’t antisemitic, rather he is simply courageously resisting the “latest popular delirium” as evidenced by his not yet receiving proof that jewish infants were actually decapitated. Perhaps their throats were merely slit and not fully removed? Perhaps the raft of videos offering grizzly and horrid proof of rape, torture, murder, and infantacide have been improperly edited or just made by AI? Perhaps the holocaust didn’t happen either, it’s just a belief in a crazy fad like the jitterbug that has somehow outlasted other “popular delirium”?

No anti-Semite in Bill. Just an unusually strong minded self-congratulating fella not subject to the foolish illusions and delusions of others. Just a guy “connecting the dots”?

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Perhaps, U R self-loathing too !?

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Are ludicrous non-sequiturs your only super power?

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Most of what Bill says about politics and war are in some way, self-serving. There is some truth to what he says, but much distortion also. I just finished watching this video (approx. 35 minutes). It's not about the present war, but about the formation of Israel. You may already know this, but if you don't, here it is. I'm not wasting it as a general comment above after reading many of the comments on this page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btVFgqkgkzw

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Bill is right and there is no doubt in my mind the American people have been lied to repeatedly to justify wars in the last 25 years. It is also true the government does not change from one administration to another, after all there are 2.5 million US government employees and 2.5 million consultants on the payroll. A new administration only brings in a few hundred new people and most of those have been there before. Besides how can things change when only 22% of those government employees have returned to the office since the Covid-19 holiday. It is important to understand these permanent government employees, who are struggling with twice the commensurate pay of the private sector are hiring consultants to do their job at twice their pay. The few who do show up for work spend their time building criminal cases against their political enemies and sweeping violations of their political friends under the rug. It is not a government of the people, by the people or for the people. It is a government for the government.

I had only wished Bill had checked with Snopes before he claimed Marcus Tullius Cicero was beheaded. I just do not see any proof!

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He didn't say that:

"There was another sinner;....beheaded"

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Blah blah blah, too much whining around these parts. Bill lays it out thick and true, but all the chicken goose mustard bellies here want the Great Bonner to fold like a cheap pair of pants. Not gonna happen.

True, the money is confined to all the fringe benefits being given away. Drain the swamp by going after social security benefits, medicare, pensions, 401 accounts, and IRA’s. Increase taxes across the board, lower the minimum wage, and give more power to the IRS. Eliminate tax breaks on Non-Profit Organizations and outsource more companies. There are trillions and trillions of dollars to be made from these programs that can enrich the government, balance the budget, and provide higher wages for the elite. I’m in like Flynn! Hahahaha 😂😂

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Hey Gypt -

"Drain the swamp by going after social security benefits, medicare, pensions, 401 accounts, and IRA’s." Sure - why not? (Seriously, go for it! You know they are going to "seize" at least the private asset parts when the rubber soon meets the road anyway...)

If we're gonna whack all that then I INSIST on equal "cuts" to Medicaid, SNAP/EBT, Earned Income Tax "Credits", Section 8 Housing "assistance", Obamaphones & Obama "Care", Student Loan "forgiveness" and government-paid Child Care. Start by slicing and dicing these benefits from any and all "friendly" third-world invaders - there's nearly 6 million of them to choose from since TraitortheJoe was installed...

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“Trader Joe’s” lmao! Yup, the country is full of them! Literally Starman! 😂

What you are describing is a picture perfect vision of what “The Great Reset” should look like.

Clean slate, a blank economy created to serve the spine of our Nation, the hard working middle class.

Capsize the constitutional illegal monetary river flowing into the pockets of the undeserved, free loading, non-tax paying virulent schemers that are free handedly walking into the US of A by the millions and living off the land without putting in a single day’s of hard work, just open their mailbox, and voila, “money for nothing, checks for free.”

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

"Marcus Tullius Cicero in ancient Rome, opposed the Empire, with its far-flung wars abroad and concentrated power in the emperor at home. There was another sinner; he made enemies of the rich and powerful by insisting on sticking with traditional republican values." -- Bill in Today's Missive

I never thought you would do such a great job of pointing out a similarity between the former president (that would be Trump) and Cicero. It's nice to see you throw him a bone for a change.

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Cicero, Cato and the Boys did not save the Republic. Guess what happens to us next.... Best always. PM

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I didn't say I think that Trump could save the Republic, rather that he angered the rich and powerful. What happens to us next will depend on how similar of mind and action we are to our forefathers back in the 1770's and 1780's.

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I apologize; I did not mean for my comment to be judgmental or critical. My intent with the response was that idea that despite heroic stances by virtuous people, the trend that was in place (loss of the Republic) stayed in place. I don't think there's any saving this, absent a separation, and I don't see the will for that, either. I have been wrong before and can be again. But what if I'm not? Best always. PM

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I didn't take it as judgmental or critical. I always read your posts because they are in many cases spot on.

I agree, the Republic is in grave danger because as our Founding Fathers feared, it's not possible to maintain a republic if there aren't enough virtuous men that are willing to stand up and protect it. History will attest that our Constitution is one of the finest attempts at self governance in the history of the world. Unfortunately, men are men and they succumb to pleasures of the flesh.

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And the legal fraternity have made mincemeat out of interpreting laws and even the constitution, to achieve outcomes that will now probably be the destruction of common sense and the math of 1+1 makes 2.

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"Ole Billy was right, let's kill all the lawyers, let's kill them tonight"

(Eagles, ' Get Over It')

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Commenting on your common sense conclusions based on historical inference serves no purpose. It is difficult to think a class of elected representatives would knowingly destroy the people who elected them. I have two questions: 1, Can a democratically elected group of representatives over such a long period be as stupid as your conclusions portend? Or, are the people who elect them just that malleable? Either way, this destruction coming from so many fronts seems planned.

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Welcome to reality ... all politicos, are 'bought and paid for' !! Judges, and most LEOs too.

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Bill, Thoroughly enjoyed this particular post !

Very clever ~ Nuns in Mass...... !

And a Bible passage for both sides to SERIOUSLY ponder.....

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 148

Reading 1

Ex 22:20...

Thus says the LORD:

"You shall not molest or oppress an alien,

for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt.

You shall not wrong any widow or orphan.

If ever you wrong them and they cry out to me,

I will surely hear their cry.

My wrath will flare up, and I will kill you with the sword;

then your own wives will be widows, and your children orphans.

Thank you for being true to yourself with us...

Greatly appreciated !


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Hi Mr. Cleary -

Meh - different Time, different People (on both sides), different Situation, different Circumstances, different Desired Outcomes.

Jesus IS the Word, and (IMO) not 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 He or God says was necessarily meant as a Blanket Statement. They both can, and did, comment on very specific conditions with words that were meant to apply to that specific set of conditions.

But nice job making the attempt at twisting the Words of YA**EH to defend a crowd of satanic butchers...

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The dots have become gloomy globs. Hindsight isn’t really 20/20 when lack of vision can’t use it to focus on today’s problems. We’ve been eating sour grapes for so many generations it’s not our teeth but our minds that are set on edge. My mental glaucoma imperils me. So I appreciate BB’s attempts to offer sweeter grapes for us to consume with the hope of reasonable explanations, and, hopefully, a path, however gloomy, for us to follow. I’m left with this as solace of a kind: “Asking science (or commentators) to explain life and vital matters is equivalent to asking a grammarian to explain poetry.” Nassim Taleb “The Bed of Procrustes.” For me, I look forward to Bill’s continued efforts.

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with BibI hanging onto his job by a tiny thread and the world still wondering about how a bunch of 15 to 25 years olds managed to break through a heavily fortified barrier with kites/hang-gliders and small grade explosives .. yes some say there is more to this story but then lets leave that up to the conspiracy crowds in the meantime Bibi has cemented his power for the foreseeable future as the longest serving radical PM of the greatest human diaspora/collection from every corner of planet earth that was celebrating and event of dancing half naked in the desert in front of a bunch of young Islamic boys/men who've grown up to hate everything about Israel and then suddenly out of the blue they decide to crash the party .. wow what a coïncidence that is ..

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Cohencidences ... the only pandemic that the world is experiencing, is a plandemic of cohencidences !!

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Sometimes the Truth hurts. If we can handle it

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What is really interesting is that the hoi polloi don't seem to catch on, and still believe what government tells them. Not so much as in the past, however. The same issue occurs with other organizations. A glaring example is the papal church. If any other church had the amount of pedophile crime that is still ongoing, they would have been disbanded and the criminals jailed. The papal church is still in existence, and other than bankruptcy of a few diocese's, still seems to be going strong. You can't make this stuff up. Perhaps one day, people will completely lose their faith in government, and organizations like them. Most will embrace a counterfeit religion after that happens, but a significant number will put their faith in the one true God, and His Son.

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I recently read about how private equity is taking over many corporations, thus privatizing and masking the true corporate results. How do you think this plays out in the overall financial picture?

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