Transitioning away from fossil fuels -- nuclear energy is the way to go! I was involved with nuclear power for the United States Navy during my entire working life. When done right, it is safe with a much smaller impact on the environment than solar farms and windmills. It produces a stable, reliable source of electricity (vital for a functioning economy) without relying on the weather. The Navy has operated hundreds of reactors for more than 60 years without an accident or serious impact to the health and safety of people. France has produced almost 75% of their electricity from nuclear power for many years without an incident. Unfortunately, the clowns in Washington have become blinded by the dazzle of solar and wind and are ignoring nuclear energy as an alternative!

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Tim, I am also a fellow former Navy nuke. With a slightly less rosy outlook as I've seen a number of paper pushers (not war fighters) actually cause enough damage to a submarine nuclear power plant that decommissioning was accelerated by years.

Is military type fission the answer? Only if you want weapons grade new fuel transported all across the country. Remember that the enrichment of our Navy fuel was very high. But the enrichment of commercial fuel is very low. However, we do have an excellent record there and by using military grade nuclear fuel we could create lots of small reactors that last 25-40 years without refueling (like the commercial plants have to do every year for a portion of their core). That should be the goal.

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1000% agree... Fission has to be the future. Too bad Washington DC doesnt spend the $40 billion pissed away in Ukraine and spend it on Fission Nuclear development. IT'S APALLING, that no Federal money is being spent in that direction, instead its all solar and wind.. what a load of horse crap.

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That's because stolen elections have consequences. The old money isn't interested in anything other than it's own power, certainly not innovation for the masses unless they think it will benefit THEM in their power agenda. We have to kill the beast and the madness they create if we are to enjoy prosperity and innovation again.

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While I agree that nuclear fission ought to play a much larger part in our energy mix, I believe you're missing a critical point of Mr. Bonner's when you say that DC ought to spend money on it instead of solar and wind (or Ukraine, for that matter). Reread the section under the heading "Spontaneous Order." Producers (of energy, food, gadgets, whatever) require neither Congressional direction nor funding to achieve long-term, sustainable, and affordable progress. On the contrary, when Washington interjects either, the results are corrupted or, at best, retarded due to the win-lose motivation provided by politics. In short, regardless of whether Congress contributed $40 billion or $40 trillion, if they threw their support behind nuclear fission we would get far too little of it at far too high a price.

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Guess the Manhattan Proje t would be considered a technology failure in your eyes. I dont count on the government for anything at all but with limitless financial funding the right people with the best knowledge can be brought together with out the worry of having to making a return to stay in business. The Federal Government is the only entity that i know of that can do that , the private sector has limitations. Also if developed through the federal gonernment the process and technology can be wide spread and fast tracked to commercial operation to benifit all of the U.S. and for the tree huggers they would be one step closer to a carbon free society. Fission will happen through the private sector but the time line to commercial operation will be longer without U. S. Goverment funding.

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Unemployment is 3.6%. The busiest 4th of July since 2000. So how is GDP down 1%. Record job openings means businesses are growing. So how can this be called a recession?

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Hey hey !!! You can't talk like that on here !

This has to be all doom and gloom, the world is coming to an end, bash Biden website.

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Biden is the worst president since Jimmy Carter.

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Trump worked hard to earn the distinction of the worst president in US history, and he's setting the bar pretty high for anyone to surpass him.

Impeached twice in a single 4 yr term

Lost the popular vote twice

Lost as an incumbent

Refused to concede and support the peaceful transfer of power

Investigated in post presidency for criminal offenses

* Only president in history to attack Secret Service.

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You might want to look into an innovative, no, a REVOLUTIONARY energy technology that will replace existing electrical production. The research team that produced a working model of the sun discovered some very fascinating facts that are incorporated in devices they are now building to replace coal and nuclear power plants. They're ALREADY doing this. The team is headed by Montgomery Childs and their research called SAFIRE Project, which was invited to relocate to MIT a few years ago. (Personally, I don't think that was a smart move for them, as MIT has a dark history with ties to some very bad people. It might have been invited there so MIT could throttle their work, IDK, we'll soon know)

Among SAFIRE's several astounding discoveries was that they could make radioactive material non radioactive. This alone should have made world headlines, but it seems we have no real media anymore, and the world is being pushed into chaos instead of reaping the rewards of peak civilization. Here is a link that will help you find the rest of their amazing work: https://youtu.be/7GFFfmBGb5U

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Thanks for posting this! I watched the video. Very interesting, but noted that it is directed to attracting investors to fund the continued research, so it is heavily weighted toward the potential benefits versus the (probably considerable) technical challenges that remain to be solved. I will keep an open mind and continue to follow this project over the years. It would be great if it achieves its goals!

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I am only guessing, but in view of the current volatile political landscape, it might be that these smart guys aren't going to unleash new technology that will be scooped up by Mr. Global & Team and misused (as Evil always takes control and abuses all it acquires) If I had something that revolutionary and I knew it would be taken from Good hands, or even that it COULD be, I'd stop. I would NOT let my work out, no matter how much potential I knew it had. Evil should never have access to infinite energy, or infinite life (immortality), or even life extenders. Just look what they've managed to do with infinite currency (money). Wars and destruction without end. No, we must tackle evil FIRST...then grace mankind with these wonderous gifts. I think Thunderbolts and SAFIRE guys are such Good types, genius AND morals. Look into the Thunderbolts series for even more mindblowing videos, especially Andrew Hall's series. Still on youtube.

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โ€œAnd as the whole society grew wealthier, it could support more parasitesโ€ฆ more busy bodies with time on their hands and improvement on their minds.โ€ Priceless. Thatโ€™s sure been my experience.

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Well, Bill, the problems coming from climate change are not just imaginary. They are real and observable. We have got to a place of great affluence by using resources that pollute the air, water, and earth. The party is coming to an end, and like most great parties, there is a morning after. The headache and nausea will be epic for humankind. You and I know that there were mistakes made in making the prosperity we all enjoyed. Yes, the governments of the world all helped make the mess much much worse. But their intentions were sort of honorable. Only sort of. The result is that we are going to live in a world of constant stress and deprivation for years to come. The apocalypses is in slow motion. For now. It will rapidly unfold as we go into the future. Attempts to correct our mistakes will be high tech and not enough soon enough. Billions will die off.

The strange thing is that the future will be bright for many but deadly for billions. Most of the elites will survive. For the average person trying to live in the future world, it will be very very difficult to survive. That will cause major upheavals of war, starvation, disease, death across the globe.

I am glad to be an old man who will be dead and buried when it all comes to fruition. For the young and middle aged, the world will be very challenging.

We older citizens do owe some major debts to the next generation. Money will not be what they need. It will be food, clean water, clean air, and somewhere to shelter from the violent weather.

We took from the environment for a couple of centuries. They will be forced give back to the earth what was taken from it. Survival of our species will depend on giving back to the earth.

Incidentally, Bill, I hope you realize that you ARE the elite even if you are a radical elite.

Keep writing. The truth is just ahead.

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All you Malthusian devotees need a cold splash of reality. "They" have been predicting societal collapse for a hundred years or more. The hubris is breathtaking, thinking that mankind can affect global temps. Of course no one is for rampant pollution, but today's internal combustion engines burn very cleanly. What IS needed, however, is a massive tree and greenery planting campaign to help absorb carbon. Also, like the previous respondent, we need to be building Thorium-fueled nuclear plants--pronto! And refineries! Drill, baby, drill!

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Currently severe draughts and severe flooding around the world like we have never seen before.

Better buy a farm and learn how to garden.

Big cities will be a battle zone over food.

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Not true, as usual the MSM and Greens pick what they show you. The only reason big cities will be a battle zone over food is thanks to the 2007 can kicking QE/Low interest rates meeting the inflationary madness of Covid lockdowns. Throw in the Green madness of Net Zero and you have the perfect economic disaster storm. Try reading Lomborg for a balanced view on the world today.

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You might find this interesting: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/imminent-ozone-layer-collapse-a-dire-warning-from-a-former-nasa-contract-engineer/

And, you might actually learn something. There's a problem with the climate, and it's man made, but the main cause isn't fossil fuels.

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The BBC doesn't seem to be aware of that, and it is so woke and Green I'd expect it to have made headlines every day if it were the case.


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Yes, that would help. But we gotta stop reproducing so many. There is a limit to how many humans that the earth can support. Well, at least, support in the fashion that we have become accustomed to.

The answer is not more tech. Sorry. It is not going to be a tech solution. The solution is living differently. Using less. That is hard to sell. Climate change will be solved by it creating so many deaths that carbon sequestration will not be needed. Less people using less fuels will lower the carbon in the atmosphere. Climate catastrophes will solve the climate problem.

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Not so. The late Prof Hans Rosling was trying to educate the educated about population reality years ago. Here is one of his many lectures, this to a UK audience. Note how Chimps got more correct answers in his multiple choice quiz than UK Graduates. In fact UK Graduates were the worst performing group in the test. Which curiously was reproduced elsewhere too, Graduates were the most ill-informed about population etc.


or the BBC article shortly after his death,


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It is difficult to name a social problem that is made better by greater population density. I doubt that chimps have the answers we need. Maybe graduate students do not either.

The many problems created by greater population were predicted by Garrett Hardin. He was an ecologist and author. He was living in Santa Barbara, California when I spoke to him. He had done many population studies with ecology in mind. His theories have proved to be correct. At that time there were only a very few people who realized what has now become our reality.

The UK grads need to read and observe more. As do the folks who thing tech is going to save us.

Good luck with that.

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You clearly didn't watch Han Rosling, the Chimps simply picked answers randomly and they chose more right answers than Graduates in every country Hans Rosling gave his lectures. When you talk of population density it is clear you haven't watched Rosling or you wouldn't be talking about that at all.

So it would appear you haven't watched a data scientist provide the facts that graduates in every country he lectured in have no idea about. If you don't want to believe the science, fine. But don't expect those of us who see the data (and not computer modelled either like Climate Change predictions, but actual hard data) to not believe facts simply to backup our opinions.

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But I will now. Thanks for the heads up. I am always willing to learn.

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That will be hard with the new Right Wing Imams on the Supreme Court who just rammed their Forced Birth Mandates and assault on the EPA down 325 million Americans throats.

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Those "Right Wing Imams" did precisely what they are paid to do. They studied the Constitution and then tossed the abortion question right back to the states where it should have been all along. They also tossed the bull**** EPA regulations right back to our elected representatives where they should have been all along.

While some of you might prefer 9 unelected black-robed judges making law; the rest of us prefer that power to rest solely with Congress. You don't like it? Then get all your like-minded friends together and amend the Constitution.

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Jul 1, 2022ยทedited Jul 1, 2022

Invector, 100% agree with your Supreme Court comments (the stupid like buttonโ€™s not working!). Really wish more folks had paid attention in civics class, assuming that opportunity is still offered in schools.

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Or end the filibuster and Biden appoints 3 more justices to balance out the SC after Trump and Mitch packed it.

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A. Your definition of "packed" is asinine.

B. Good luck with the filibuster thing. Manchin and Sinema have already put the kibosh on that.

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No it won't, as the US isn't the planet.

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Outstanding points and very well said.

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Thank you sir!

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Prof James Lovelock 'recanted' his alarmist views on Global Warming, and Bjorn Lomborg has plans to adapt to climate change that won't cost millions or even hundreds of millions of lives. But the Greens Cultists would rather listen to a manipulated poorly educated girl. I expect Putin is delighted with the money he put into the Green movements in the West, money very well spent from his point of view.



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Mr. Beach, what happend to the dinosaurs?

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MY solution to climate change and pollution is to focus on what I as an individual can do in my own life to help. I cannot depend on the government to fix these things -- it has become incompetent and corrupted by the elites. IMHO, if everyone in the world focused on reducing their OWN energy use and pollution, the impact would be immense.

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Yes, I totally agree with you. However, supersite places need huge money resource to be redeemed. Also, the entire world is bent on becoming prosperous at vast cost to the environment. Brazil comes immediately to mind. Individuals do make a difference. Don't get me wrong. But we little fish only can do so much. And many individuals just do not give a damn. Maybe most. So, collective actions also must be part of the problem solution. Big corporations that pollute do it for profit that comes from us. We are the demand. They are the suppliers. I really find it amazing that few see themselves as the root problem.

Granted, we all like to live a life of ease and plenty. I do. But excessive extraction and use of resources still create pollution and eventually shortages.

The underlying problem for the world is that there are simply too many humans using too much.

The hard ways to solve the human overpopulation is as it has always been with all species-population crash. War, famine, disease, now add pollution and there is the hard answer.

No one wants to be among those that die off. Not me, not me! But billions will die before the end of this century. In fact, millions are already dying. War along could wipe the slate clean of humanity if it comes to nuclear winter etc.

We are programmed to procreate. Until we reproduce far too many and then Nature culls us or makes us go extinct. We are close to going into the death spiral with the things we have already done or might do any day.

I live a life knowing that every day is a precious gift. I am not paralyzed by fear. I work on being less of a burden on the earth and those in this with me. That is about all I can do. I live low on the hog.

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And we know if we are ever faced with another pandemic ( inevitable ) a large part of the population will fight every effort to contain it.

Liberty ! Freedom !!

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The only rational explanation I can find for the madness of Covid Hysteria, is that Western Governments (maybe Dr Faucci first suggested it) was that they knew the virus got out of a Wuhan lab, and they couldn't decide if it was a Chinese Bio-Weapon or one of Dr Faucci's 'enhanced functionality' experiments. So the world Governments went haywire. When it turned to be a killer of the old and sick, Governments had gone so over the top that they couldn't back down without ensuring the types of inquiry that would have hung the Dr Fauccis and all the experimental virologists and many a politician who funded them, out to dry. So they just kept up the pretence. Even the mRNA vaccine's All Cause Mortality figures aren't producing the reaction that would have happened in any normal vaccine trial, ie it would be stopped. But because Governments again ignored reality and authorised the greatest vaccine trial in history by scrapping the rules, means it is still in use and criminally is given to children and young adults.


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A million people died. Yea, why get hysterical.

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They scare you with large numbers. How many die in that time anyway, how many genuinely died of covid, what was the average age of death compared to average life expectancy?

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Corruption in powerful institutions & regulatory capture, control of the media narrative globally. Couldnโ€™t have been achieved without being planned. I suspect it was always about the vaccine, which Dr Mike Yeadon, former head of immunology at Pfizer calls โ€˜toxic by designโ€™.

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Now is the time to prepare for the next pandemic. How? First: strengthen you immunity by doing all the things that requires. Hint: start eating organic plant based foods. Hint: Get out in the sunlight. Hint: Exercise regularly. Eat more fiber. Get enough sleep.

Diseases that kill have and will always be around. Our immune system has evolved to deal with most things (but not all). Ask yourself why the young were so much more immune to Covid.

What is there about them that is different and protective.

Lastly: Science does not have all the answers. Never will. Nor does your immune system. Vaccinations do not keep one from contracting Covid. They attempt reduce the severity of the disease. But, for some, they actually make the disease last longer and harm the immune system.

So, learn the ways to make yourself stronger and stay far enough away from other people to prevent getting it. How far? If you can smell them, you are too close.

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The reason that young people were largely unaffected is not because they were โ€˜immuneโ€™, itโ€™s because the disease was only a threat to old people who were immune naive, ie they had never encountered the disease. We are exposed to pathogens as children & develop cellular immunity to severe disease. You have the understanding of the immune system of someone who has been brainwashed to accept whatever experimental & highly profitable treatment historically criminal pharmaceutical corporations roll out next.

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Children's immune systems are stronger than most adults. Their microbiome bacteria are different than most adults. IF a child is breast fed it will have many immunities. We adults often destroy our gut bacteria by taking antibiotics. We also destroy our gut bacteria by what we eat or don't eat. Too much processed foods and little or no fiber that is used by our bacteria to live and prosper.

I do not think you know me and not not know anything about my education or world experience. Please do not make assumptions that I am brainwashed. Not only is it not true but it is far far from true. I do not take prescription drugs. I am 80. I am in perfect health. You do not get to be that old by accepting what Big Pharma says or sells.

Please stop assuming. Start asking questions of those you wish to insult before you insult them.

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The best thing you can do to prepare for the next โ€˜pandemicโ€™ is to stop being brainwashed by the mainstream media.

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During the pandemic chaos I saw with my eyes the deaths and sickness. It was not news that I got my information from. It was up close and personal observation. People died. People got very sick. Mostly, the people who got sick (but not all) were metabolically stressed or weaken before the virus got to them. Their immunity was low. They got it and they got really sick or died.

My preparation for the next pandemic is the same as the last one. Stay home more. Stay away from people in general and sick people in particular. Don't touch my face (even in the car alone when no one is watching). Eyes, nose, mouth, mucus membranes tend to be places that the virus can enter the body. And keep hands sanitized. Masks only work to keep someone from sneezing on you. They do not stop the virus before it gets to your face. Note: Eyes carry the virus into your body. How many people covered their eyes even if they had a mask on? Almost none.

Also: Maintain your general health through correct living. Most Americans do not live a healthy lifestyle. They eat wrong. They do not sleep enough. They do not get enough sunshine. They do not exercise enough. They live in stress filled offices and homes.

They are generally are metabolically weak and ready to be a fertile field for virus and other disease.

Brainwashing is and has always been a part of pandemics. A little research can get one passed that barrier.

The one thing that really pissed me off about all the propaganda issued was the vaccine bit. Vaccinations do NOT prevent contracting the disease and they do not stop one from transmitting it to others. They MAY stop severe and deadly outcomes...or not. Long Covid is now rampant. Also the vaccines are not harmless to many people. They cause severe and even deadly reactions.

So, prepare? Yeah. I am prepared. I know what to do and keep doing it. This virus may go dormant for a while. Or not. Vaccines may work for a while or not.

What I am doing is preventing infection and strengthening my immunity.

And if I get it, it is not for trying not to.

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I have been practicing social distancing for 25 years.

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Me, even longer. But it is hard to keep friends that way. Yes?

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Except the efforts to contain it were never really efforts to contain it.

I bet you muzzle up when out walking alone donโ€™t you.

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And Mitch holds up the bill that gets the chip plants built.

Ohio plant on hold now.

I bet Mitch's wife wants him to keep the chip plants in China.

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I take it you will not be taking a cruise any time soon!

Or buying a new condo.

We humans like our comfort and ease. That mind set takes too much from our environment and will be our collective downfall.

I love it when I see some rich dude who has a litter of kids in the high single digits or even double digits. He/she thinks that because of money in the bank they have the right and even duty to procreate and over use the earth's resources. Money wealth has a way of evaporating over a couple of generations. When the wealth of the earth is gone, we are gone.

Cutting trees or burning them is a good way to hurry our own extinction. Planting trees does not pay enough profit for anyone other than Weyerhaeuser or Georgia-Pacific. So no one is doing it.

I worked for the U.S. Forestry and I personally planted thousands of trees. And they all burned in fires!!! Yup. Drought and careless campers destroyed them all.

The problem is that few see that they are the problem (the demand) that destroys the forests.

Plant trees. It is a good thing. But it is not going to stop the idiots from destroying forests.

It pisses me off royalty.

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The UK Guardian says the redwoods should survive.


In Australia and Spain and Portugal, the existence of Pyrophiles is why forests burn so well. Eucalyptus is one, they need fire for their seeds to germinate, the trees have developed bark that peels off in a fire an blows away to start a new blaze further away. The fires in Spain & Portugal are always claimed to be thanks to 'Global Warming' but in fact it is because, for economic reasons, they replaced their native trees with Australian Pyrophile Eucalyptus. The tree is useful in a few ways, one is for its oil which is used in perfumery and soap manufacture though Scandinavian paper companies were reputedly the main cause, because the tree grew really well and was easily pulped to produce paper. They introduced them on a gigantic scale, so now have spectacular forest fires, but also other issues associated with introducing a foreign species.


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I was a fire fighter for 35 years. 15 of those in California in Santa Barbara. What I noticed was that people love to build homes at the urban/rural border. Little boys like to play out in the weeds/forest and start fires. Big boys like to ride their motor bikes in the grass. Power companies place high power lines in grass/forest areas and wind or other storms bring those lines down.

People are the main cause of the fires, I believe. Thoughtless behavior starts many fires.

How can fires be prevented? Stop all access to wildlands when the weather is hot windy and dry.

As global weather becomes hotter and drier in places, there will be more catastrophic fires.

Even if there are no people around, Nature starts fires on her own. But we humans have created a new climate by our vast numbers and burning fuels. We are producing climate that is really great for increased numbers and severity of wildland fires.

Places that were once rarely touched by fires are now becoming fire zones.

Too many people, my friend. We are too many. Nature will eventually take care of the problem.

But the increasing population around the world is going to cause increased fires and other suffering (disease, war, starvation etc.)

So, the obvious answer is to control our numbers voluntarily rather than through massive die offs.

I do not see that happening anytime soon. The fact is that population increases confer power to governments and they will not voluntarily try to decrease their populace.

That leads me to think that the future of our species is going to be very difficult, maybe impossible.

I doubt I will be around much longer due to my age. But I worry for our species.

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Thank you, SMOKEY THE BEAR! I am from CALI. Back in the 'Old Days"; if there was a fire, they would stop traffic and pull men from there jalopies to fight the fire. Vegetation Fires seem to be a way of life in CALLI. Fires in the Summer and Mud slides in the Winter.

Summer Fire Fighter was a job for Young Men. Lasted about three or four months. I had two nephews that did this for a couple of years. They told me that the Temporaries would go out and start fires so they could get another two- or three-weeks work. Bad Boys. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy

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Spot on, particularly your comment about the Amazon, "the lungs of Earth." You may not have your pet peeve around much longer. Between brawls, viral outbreaks, unsanitary conditions (always a problem in close quarters on those gigantic ships), Carnival Cruise Line may be galloping to bankruptcy..

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A friend of mine just got back from a long cruise. I asked him if Covid was still a thing. Yes, it is. Masks, except when dining, frequent testing, and a whole quarantine level just for those who test positive. He said more than 100 folks wound up on that deck. Not my idea of a fun way to spend my cruise time.

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deletedJul 1, 2022ยทedited Jul 1, 2022
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PG, were you a Pollywog or a Shellback? I crossed the Equator on the way to Australia in 1957. What a non-forgettable experience. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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So one month till the 2nd quarter GDP is released. Good thing the government wonks are experts in the art of mathurbation :-)

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Climate Change

Will their plan really work?

Climate Change scientist and DEVOS people running the show. Never hear anything about an analysis/review on how this is going to work out.

A Down and Dirty problem solver look at EV's

2019 Asia Time article - EV cars will lead to an ecological disaster. Plugging into the Grid and not using gasoline will save the world and don't think about the elect grid.

2022 NERC power grid people indicating high-power outage risks (brown outs) this summer. Grid peaking out already?

2021 CBS ---Power demand growing faster than renewable power.

Bloomberg - By 2040 renewable to be 38% of power.

2022 EV cars and wind turbines starting to run out of Tech Metals

Copper- Nickel - Lithium - Cobalt - Rare Earths

Metal speculators turning over rocks and digging holes world wide.

2022 Metals Report- Takes years to bring mines on line and to final products. Struggling to find suppliers. Tech metals in state of deficit all the way out to 2030.

2022 UK - 17 rare earth elements in middle of "Green Technology" arms race.

UK needs 26,000 tons of NdPr to build wind turbines by 2030. China controls most of rare earths. More turning rocks and digging holes needed. Graveyard full of would be miner gone broke.

2022 Proposed huge Resolution copper mine in Arizona. Arizona delimmia - Arizona Copper Rich vs Arizona Water Poor. Mine needs 250 billion gallons of water. Lake Mead and Lake Powell almost dry now. Most of ore copper shipped out of country.

2021 - 6.5 million EV cars built. About 9% of market share. Just getting started. Elect grid peaked out now? Tech metals peaked out now? EV build peaked out now?

Is there a Plan B for EV cars?

Maybe in only in Australia. Coastal plant to convert sea water into hydrogen gas.

Convert existing cars? How long to tool up? New PM an EV believer?

Is there a Plan C mitigation plan to implement if 2030 is not met? Can we wait to 2030 to start?

Also threats to Climate Change. High inflation - Recession/financial crisis coming - War in Ukraine

What has been missed? 2050 vs 2030

2015 number was 2050. 2018 number went to 2030.

2050 was doable. 2030 huge loss of 20 years of new technology to solve problems. What can replace the 20 years loss in just 8 years?

What is the real Climate Change problem?

Lack of people with good problem solving skills, world wide, everywhere.

Never look at the big picture.

Never think things through.

Never start with the end in mimd.

Can't make things run right.

Can't fix things.

But good at making things worse.

Federal Reserve?






Is Climate Change on the road to success?

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Bill, your reasoning -- as it often is -- is ass-backwards. Humanity ALREADY experimented with changing the climate when they started heavily burning fossil fuels back in 1850. Their intention was not to change the climate and heat up the planet, but that's what happened. It was a by-product of burning fossil fuels.

The policies that are being discussed and put in place, now, are an attempt to UN-DO what humanity has already DONE. All the Global Warming deniers scoff at the idea that we can change the world's climate. We've ALREADY changed the climate! Duh!

Now, the far-sighted who accept the reality of the situation are desperately trying to stop the carnage and reverse it, if at all possible. That's NOT the same as "controlling the climate."

If you are seriously injured in a car accident and the emergency-room trauma surgeon is desperately fighting to save your life, would you accuse him of trying to "control your body?" No, of course not! You would be begging him to do everything in his power to save your life. Well, that's where we are with Global Warming. Planet Earth is seriously injured as a result of humanity's actions. Now, the policy-makers are acting in the role of the trauma surgeon as they fight to save the patient -- Planet Earth.

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Do you know what percentage of annual global carbon emissions man is responsible for Dale?

Will give you a clue: itโ€™s less than 5%

Do keep believing the MSM hysteria though. Wonโ€™t you.

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No, it's way higher than that. I don't know if anyone knows the true figure. But, humanity is adding greenhouse gases to the environment from multiple sources, not just cars, planes and power plants.

There's agriculture, which is responsible for more CO2 and methane than fossil fuels. Don't forget the food and other organic matter that is decaying in landfills all over the planet and releasing CO2 and methane. Consider, also, the fact that humanity has cut down most of the world's forests, which were absorbing a lot of that CO2. That increases the CO2 burden, because it just remains in the air instead of being absorbed by trees.

Then, there's the ocean . . . It absorbs most of the world's CO2, but because humanity has already raised the planet's temperature, which reduces the amount of CO2 that the oceans can absorb, and because of humanity's pollution of the ocean, which has killed off a lot of the organisms that were responsible for absorbing CO2, the carbon dioxide burden is increased further. A perfect example is the bleaching of coral reefs, which is happening all over the world. Australia has said that the Great Barrier Reef is already two-thirds dead. Coral absorbs huge amounts of carbon to build their shells, which creates the reefs. When the coral dies, they are no longer absorbing that carbon, so it stays around to heat things up.

And, because the planet is warming so rapidly due to human activity, permafrost all over the Arctic regions is thawing and releasing carbon dioxide that should have remained in that frozen ground for millions of years, more. And, it goes on and on . . . Raging forest fires all over the globe that are the result of droughts caused by Global Warming release all of the carbon that was stored in the trees . . . oil companies venting methane into the atmosphere from wells and refineries, and on, and on, and on . . .

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Youโ€™re a climate loon Dale.

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No, I just know the science. I can't convince you or anyone else of the reality of the situation we face if you won't accept it. Like the old saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

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You wouldn't know science if it bit you on the butt

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Says the man who doesn't know the difference between sublimation and thawing. Explain how the dew point relates to condensation for me. What's the difference between the adiabatic cooling rate and the adiabatic warming rate?

I know a hell of a lot more about weather and climate than you have the capacity to learn!

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Absolutely agree, Dale

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Yes, the earth HAS experienced ice ages and warming spells many times in the past. But, what you fail to understand is that those changes took many hundreds-of-thousands, to MILLIONS of years to take place. The Global Warming we are experiencing, now, has all happened in the last hundred years. The planet's temperature has risen in perfect lock-step with the amount of CO2 and methane that human beings have added to the atmosphere. The more greenhouse gases people put into the atmosphere, the higher the temperature rose. That is NOT a coincidence. It is NOT a coincidence that millions of years' worth of global warming have occurred in a mere 100 years.

And, to correct your misunderstanding of the science . . . No, most of the warming and cooling that Earth has experienced throughout its history was NOT related to the sun. It had to do with the Carbon Cycle.

As trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide, then die and are buried underground, the planet cools. The same holds true for the oceans. Plants and animals absorb carbon, then die and sink to the bottom where they are buried.

The movement of the earth's tectonic plates carries that carbon deep into the earth. When volcanoes erupt, they spew that carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere and the planet warms. But, as I said, this all takes millions of years to happen. When humans go and dig up coal and drill for oil, they are removing carbon that would have remained underground for millions of more years, and are pumping it into the atmosphere, NOW. That is the cause of Global Warming.

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They just had a program on PBS, the instant destruction of the dinosaurs. Also, the ice age ended,in an instant, with the impact of a meteor carving out the Western landscape in days.

People talk about the destruction of the Amazon; there used to be an Amazon forest in mid America, not many trees left.

When you read โ€œPioneerโ€, Simon Kenton, Daniel Boon and โ€œCrazy Horse and Custerโ€ you see that some massive destruction has occurred in 200 years.

I ask myself, is the entire philosophy of Western Civilization a gigantic error?

Also, my concept of God must be skewed. Time to get elemental and question all perceived truth. We have a lot of โ€œStinking Thinking.โ€

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Yeah, I saw that PBS program about the dinosaurs. Sobering stuff. It can happen to us at any time. Have you ever read The Book of the Revelation of John, the last book of the Bible? If not, read it. The description of Wormwood falling from the sky and landing on the earth and the damage it will do coincides, perfectly, with what happened to the dinosaurs. John -- whoever he was -- got a glimpse of the future.

Yes, I believe that the entire philosophy of Western Civilization is an error. But, the biggest problem is that, for thousands of years, there weren't very many people on earth. Those people looked out at the vast forests and plains and the teeming life that filled them and they figured, "There's no WAY we could ever use all that up!" So they cut down forests and slaughtered entire species into extinction. All the while the human population was exploding, so there were more and more people to do the stupid things and commit the mortal sins against Planet Earth.

Not sure what your concept of God is, but there are those people who think, "There's no God! If there was a God, he wouldn't permit this to happen!" They want to blame God for humanity's crimes and sins. God gave human beings free will. It's what we do with that free will that matters. If humans do stupid and evil things because God gave us the free will to do so, we can't blame God for that. Put the blame where blame is due . . . on humanity.

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We are in perfect agreement that there are too many people in the world. Overpopulation is our only problem. Everything else is a symptom. Reduce the number of human beings and all of the other "problems" either go away or become so small that we can deal with them. And, yes, it's the Third World that is the problem. If more people would acknowledge the simple truth of overpopulation maybe we could solve the problems. But, as long as the human population keeps exploding, the problems are going to keep getting worse.

Let's take Global Warming as an example . . .

If the world's population was only 1 billion people instead of 9 billion, that would be 1/9th as many people as we have, now. If we only had 1/9th as many cars and 1/9th as many power plants, and if only 1/9th of the cities existed and all of the land that is covered by houses, and buildings and roadways, etc. was still covered by forests and open plains, would we have Global Warming? No, we would NOT! We could continue burning fossil fuels 'til the cows come home and it wouldn't be a problem! We would have plenty of trees and plenty of forests to absorb that CO2! But, people are the problem. People are cutting down the forests and paving over the plains and building more and more cities to hold more and more people.

Pretty soon, Mother Nature is going to do something to reduce the human population. When Covid first hit, I thought, "Aha! Here we go! Finally!" But Covid has turned out to be a joke. Maybe the next "pandemic" will be the real deal.

And, you're right about volcanoes erupting daily, but there are times when volcanic activity goes WAY up for some unknown reason. The Deccan flats in India, I believe, is a prime example. Volcanoes were erupting constantly for millions of years and tens-of-thousands of square miles of land was buried under 800 ft. of lava. THAT'S the kind of stuff that causes natural Global Warming.

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Dale, honest question...how old are you? You remind me of myself about 40 years ago. There were numerous predictions made back then that just havenโ€™t panned out. Iโ€™m not saying that theyโ€™re never going to happen-eventually-but certainly not in the predicted time frame. Models are just that-models. Maybe they turn out to be decent predictors, maybe not. Im just glad I didnโ€™t invest in mukluks for the ice age that was anticipated by the experts of yore.

And Iโ€™ve always thought the earth was overpopulated. Now the population has more than doubled, and all my worrying didnโ€™t make any difference.

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Honest answer . . . 67. I was an environmentalist long before they coined the term.

If humanity succeeds in destroying Planet Earth, humanity dies . . . goes extinct . . . no more "us." That is an inescapable fact and an undeniable truth. So, to me, concern for the environment trumps everything else. If we destroy the life-support system -- the environment -- that makes our lives possible, we die. It's a no-brainer. We need to protect Planet Earth at all costs. There is no Planet B for us to flee to once the earth is destroyed.

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Who do you think you are Dale? Bill Gates.

I gather youโ€™re no climate scientist anyway.

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Actually, I AM a trained meteorologist and climatologist. Hate to burst your bubble.

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You're speaking to deaf ears. I read a great article about the destruction of the planet that the mining required to harvest the minerals and raw materials necessary for manufacturing EV batteries and solar panels level massive mountains and the ecosystems around them. (I wish I could find that damn article and send the link to our friend here.) It DESTROYS the whole fantasy that "green energy" is "clean energy".

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You don't know what you are talking about. #1. When Musk started he didn't get help from the Govt. He struggled for years to make the S and X model; almost went under. On the other hand the Govt has helped GM and other ICE car makers over the years, including now. Destruction of the planet: mining has been going on for centuries...gold,uranium,gems,etc. Please get your facts right.

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Ok I was given the wrong info years ago about a loan from The Dept of Energy to Tesla. It turns out the amount was for $465K for 12 years which was paid back in 9 years. Because the loan was paid back early, Tesla had to pay a penalty (who does that??). The Government was doing this to spur the development of more efficient vehicles. Cleaner air etc.

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The mining going on right now is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE greater than what "has been going on for centuries". Why do you think this moronic thing we call an administration in D.C. is starting to ban the mining required? So we're going "outsource" all the production (as detrimental as it is) and the attendant jobs that go with it, then we're going to import the materials or the manufactured components to build these products, and there won't be anywhere near enough people that can buy them because they're aren't anywhere enough jobs that can afford them.

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There is no "time will tell" regarding what the Commander and Thief's regime is doing with mining.

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Who knows?? You could be right or wrong. Time will tell.

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Bill, I think you are right on with the pic. But I am old and don't like cold weather anymore!

Don Harrell

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Hello from Belgium,

I have a question;

I hear and I read also about the transiton from cash money in the bank to a kind of national created electronic/crypto money (... brought up by Mrs Pelosi , Bill Gates ... ) by witch the central bank will be able to control each personally financial status... are or these just rumors...?

Looking forward to your reply,


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Depressing thoughts but brilliantly written as ever

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markets have NEVER been free generations of souks/bazaars traders of every kind have sought to control markets in some way to maximise profits .. the problems of production consumption and location/transport/supply/inventory were only overcome by total ignorance of the side effects on living organisms .. so exaggerating the past to obliterate the future is just as stupid as all the examples you quote .. how about dealing with the simple problems like removing micro plastics from our seafood or lead poisoning most of the world children etc etc yep just like Puta-Putin just the other side of the coin is all you've got to solve the problems eh? how about some real advice rather than just complaining about the entire human history of greater control by the corrupt criminals influencers and power brokers .. until we kill/exterminate them all nothing changes so let the battle begin ! nothing will clean up the planet quicker than WW3 .. that's the price you pay for not listening to Generals Patton & MacArthur

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Only the democrats could believe that malarkey.

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To call this a recession is twisted. Deranged and not like the Carter recession of the late 1970's. Stagflation. 18% interest rates. Today's interest rate is 1.75%.

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One of Bill's best.

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Now the global elite is ever more powerful. The Great Reset is upon us, & the corporate media have convinced the masses itโ€™s just a crazy conspiracy theory.

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The US economy is doing great. Airlines are having their busiest 4th of July weekend since 2000. Unemployment is a record 3.6%. Looking good. Start buying now before you miss out.

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Lumber just dropped drastically, record auto travel this weekend, hotels full and people living and enjoying life. It is sure great to be done with the pandemic.

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The bond market is voting that Powell will be more Arthur Burns than Paul Volcker. I agree, but would love to be proven wrong :-)

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