Here’s another “trends” list, a bit more granular:

1. They will try and take your gas stove

2. The government will assume control of the allocation of all hydrocarbon fuels, starting with diesel

3. Many more things will simply not work: computer systems, ATMs, the electric grid, transportation systems, farms, schools, factories ....

4. Food shortages and empty aisles will proliferate, Bugs will be in the aisles and on the menu. Meat will become unaffordable

5. Your money will no longer belong to you, your spending decisions will be made for you.

6. Healthcare will continue to implode

7. Digital IDs and Health passports will become ubiquitous

8. Travel will be restricted

9. You will be vaccinated by catching viruses or eating a salad.

10. You’ll own nothing and be (un)happy

11. They’ll own everything and they’ll be happy

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People will put up with these trends to a point, and then all hell will break loose. Don't know when, but I hope I am not around when this happens. It would be great if we could somehow reverse this before reaching the breaking point. I still have hope that people will wake up and take action to stop the downward slide before it is too late. Bill and company do contribute by highlighting the trends to those of us who cannot see the forest for the trees.

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The breaking point in late 1773 happened when a tax was put on tea. Think about that for a moment. The “tyranny” that our revolutionary ancestors rebelled against, fought for, froze for, starved for and died for wasn’t even one tenth of one percent of what we have “endured” in the past 3 years. That is not an exaggeration. What’s it going to take?

And know this: Their strategy has been and will continue to be to control us with money, passports and then pit us against our families and each other to force compliance if necessary. They do not plan on sending in the troops or the national guard or even large scale police action. If that ever has to happen it will but it would represent

failure in their minds. The Digital Dollar, Digital Passport and a Woke kid or neighbor will do just fine, than you very much. I hope Americans have it them to break hell loose against that but I have my doubts.

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1-10 on your list are the direct result of 11. Though I'm not sure "they" are prepared for what the response to their power, property and money grab is going to be.

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Yes bro, if it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, stinks like a fish, it's a dog...didn't you get your lesson this month from our daily assault on our intelligence?

If government behaves like a banana republic, if elections are run like a banana republic, if useless citizens expect to live for free from those who earn, as in a banana republic, if millions of banana republic criminals are welcome to create more crime in our banana republic, then what do we live in?

You got it!

Bidens America!

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Random FAA computer glitches will hamper travel. The source of these glitches will be under constant 'investigation'. The usual suspects will be white supremacists funded by Russia. China will come to our aid with new hard and software.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

Nothing worthwhile comes easy. I think what Musk is doing at Twitter and what that group did last week with the House rules are green shoots and are indications of things starting to turn. The RNC Chair election at the end of the month will be another indicator. Then someone needs to go after McConnell--HARD.

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Bill wrote: "And so now, Republicans wander aimlessly…with no map…no purpose…no creed…and no plan"

They've been that way for years.

I despise the democrat party because of its ideology, and the republican party because it doesn't have one.

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Another great read Bill! The problem with democracy is you end up with caretakers as opposed to owners. Caretakers have no qualms with lining their own pockets. This is precisely why we have the Uniparty. Consciously transitioning from a Constitutional Republic to a Democracy gave us our big beautiful FUBAR government. Once a government loses its legitimacy it has but one option; authoritarianism. It's no coincidence individual liberty proponents, free speech advocates, 2nd Amendment advocates, Christians, fiscal conservatives, traditional families, and government critics are being labeled as extremists and domestic terrorists by the Uniparty. The Uniparty is behaving exactly as you'd expect from a terminally wounded animal. Try as they may, there's no turning back the tide of Decentralization currently sweeping the world. We're living in some really interesting times!

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Thank you, Bill.

Unfortunately, people think in terms of "Democrats, Republicans". I have a friend who says politics is like a car. "D" will move you forward, "R" will put you in reverse. Shoin! Life is simple, isn't it?

Jefferson was not in favor of political parties at all. Imagine if there were no parties, and each congressman made their own decisions on each issue.

I have long recommended that people should resist the urge to follow or support this candidate or that one. People (voters) should look at each issue, decide where you stand on it, and then choose a candidate who is the best match for you. But politics has turned into hero worship, where you defend the person because he belongs to a certain party. People switch sides on issues depending who is involved. For example, when democrats insist Trump is not a legitimate president it's good, but when Trump claims the election was fraud it's bad.

So I say look at the issues and try to keep the personalities out of it.

And, when discussing politics, stop talking about the "Democrats" and "Republicans". Instead, speak in terms of "liberals" and "conservatives". Because being Democrat doesn't necessarily make you liberal, and being Republican doesn't necessarily make you conservative.

And, as I said, look at the issue and be honest where you stand, no matter which party supports that issue.

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What you wrote is all very sensible and level headed. The problem is that this is not my parents' Democrat Party any more. They do not have diverse positions, there are no "Blue Dog" moderates in their ranks any longer. If they step one inch out of line they get vilified and ostracized, (i.e. Joe Manchin.)

It would be nice if the world was a perfect place and every politician acted independently based upon their values and principals. Unfortunately, people like that have a very difficult time getting elected.

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Thank you very much. I get the Democrat party is not the same. My point is we - you, me, all voters - should stop thinking in terms of Democrat / Republican. Focus on issues and determine where you stand on them, based on your principles.

First of all, it should be all about the issues. It will help you clarify your opinions and positions. It will help you avoid blindly following someone - whether it's Joe Biden (which many of my friends do) or Bill Bonner - and accepting what they say without critical thought. If what they say makes sense, by all means embrace it. But don't just accept it because it came from "your guy".

Second of all, it makes it much easier to have conversations with people who don't agree with you. "Your guy's an idiot!" "Well, your guy's a jerk!" Not a very rational conversation. But imagine if you say, "Look, I'm not here to defend Trump. But what policy of his did you not like?" I've had one person who answered that rationally. I don't agree with him, but he answered with logic. And yes, there were policies I did not like, most notably adding to the deficit. But I was happy with many of his policies. (I'll admit, I got a kick from watching him break the social rules of DC and people going nuts.)

But many people against Trump cannot articulate the policies they don't like, just his personality.

Third, it will help you formulate the principles you believe in, on which you base your opinion.

Another thing: pollsters consider independents as being on a fence between Dems and Repubs. I am unenrolled - I don't belong to any party - but I am not between D's and R's. I am far to the right of Republican. (Not as far as Bill Bonner or Doug Casey.) And sometimes I vote for the democrat, for other considerations. But on issues, I am not between D's and R's.

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

We have no quarrel here. I never argue party because for a long time now the Republican Party hasn't really stood for anything substantive (and the Democrat Party is pure evil). Therefore, trying to convince anyone of anything based on their performance is a loser.

I am a rock-ribbed conservative that staunchly believes in the U.S. Constitution (as it was written) and the rationale behind it. I don't believe "man" can give or take "rights" because we are not descendants of animals.

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Yup. Well said, I feel the same. I strongly believe in the Constitution, as explained in The 5,000 Year Leap. Although I don't believe in the 16th amendment, or the 17 (I think, the one that changed how senators are chosen). But the 10th is the most important of all.

What the Democrats do in a locomotive the Republicans do on a bicycle. Both are heading in the same direction.

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In a Democracy (Democrat) the politician is to act in accordance with their constituents' values and principle not their own. That is what has been lost in the Democratic party.

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That's exactly what the problem is. The democrat constituents values and principles have been corrupted, and hence, we have half the population who are corrupting the whole...

I know, George Santos, like I said, if it acts like a democrat, lives like a democrat and lies like a democrat...it must be a republican...

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I agree with this .. Hope U write more about it .. PHN

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Thank you!

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

Eisenhower's original speech read: The 'Congressional military, industrial complex.’ His speech writers suggested the congress not be named as this might cause some animosity.

Congress aided in making the slogan; 'Just Say No' too bad this was not directed to pork spending.

Cluster F is a very conservative take on what is coming to America. The BLM riots will resemble a game of Bingo at a senior center. Contrary to what a lot of people believe the far suburbs are not going to sit and watch the cities explode. I witnessed a near riot at a local home center when it was thought the drinking water was tainted. The home center is located in the far suburbs in a normally peaceful area. Those winning the fight for cases of water drove off in their BMW's. Imagine when these people find their credit cards no longer work?

If the Y2K scare is any indication, most of these don't have $20 in folding money to their name.

As a contractor I'd feel naked without $200-$1000 cash nearby.

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Bill, most of your points are correct, however, you fail to state the real reason--s, for the decline

of the U.S.A.--GRATE PROSPERITY and HUMAN-NATURE, of all people, leads to not attending

to business by, ALL, hence the "power-hungry" of all stripes, gain complete control to foster their

wacky ideas and plans.

Ralph W.

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Bill, ur a bit on the demagoguery yourself. I remember Trump going ballistic when Ryan brought him the “Repub” budget. Then telling Trump to go screw himself if he didn’t like it.

Covid was all a pysop to see how far the government could go to control the citizens. Yeah, I’ve taken all the shots; not sure why; but I haven’t gotten sick yet.

I probably won’t live to see the final outcome, but it’ll make “1984” look pedestrian. Between my iPhone, iPad, Amazon TV I’m probably under full surveillance because of my notes to the local papers. Maybe the government will raise our chocolate ration?

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Bill birds of a feather don't always flock together.. Biden and Pelosi are in their 80's, the other 2 idiots are so far detached from reality that they are right in character with "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" .. No doubt we'd be better off with Jack Nicholson leading the party? but ask yourself why is it that we only have a few octogenarians and a whole bunch of loony "boomers" to guide the once greatest nation on earth ? All those who had any capacity to lead 'Ron Paul, Ross Perot' etc have given up, not because they weren't popular but they threatened the real manipulators of the entire world wide circus ' The Fifth Estate' ..

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You will forever be a wandering mendicant. A philosophical beggar with awaken consciousness and mind liberation capabilities. You know the answers and understand the questions, yet the global agenda continues to destroy happiness and prosperity.

Free your body and become rich again, on the outside, not the inside, window shop and see something you like? Grab it and take it with you to the grave, everything you own, when they dig that hole, let’s ask that everything we own, all the gold, jewelry, gems, cash, stocks, bonds, precious stones, everything, be buried with us inside the coffin!

Hahahaha! J/K 😹

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Let’s name a few for starters. Bonner, Tyson, Bowman and the gang “Reckoning Today From....” Geneva, Switzerland, Youghal, Ireland, Normandy, France, Buenos Aires, Argentina,.....ect.

These are billionaires who have done their homework and strategically selected places to go outside the US of A that provide lavish lifestyles for the right price. ✈️🇺🇸🤩🎉👍😂😻😹🧳🥳🥳🍾👯‍♀️🤣

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If we are talking rules, regs, and laws “by the book”, the answer is a definite YES. They are all required to pay US taxes on foreign investments.

Within the loop holes, NO, you don’t pay dual taxes on things like foreign properties, global earned income, ect...especially if you have dual citizenships, say for example a US and an Irish citizenships. Also, it all depends on how the foreign investments are documented and who’s name they are under for tax purposes. XYZ may own several houses in Ireland but they are under ZYX’s name. 😀

Essentially, they all pay taxes, but very minimal. Kind of like Jeff Bezo’s, don’t own too much of your own stock and don’t pay dividends on it to decrease your tax liability. Pay yourself $1 a year salary to report as earned income on your own business!

Hahaha! What a beauty! 😂

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We have all been warned. Thanks Bill and team.

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What does last half of #1 mean?

1.The continued exploitation of the middle class by the elite, which is why the correction will not be allowed to complete its work.

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I think if the correction were to run its course many of the elite would find themselves not so elite anymore. The correction could rebalance the economy, clean out the lies and get the economy working for the common man again. That would return us to a growing and prosperous middle class. That's my take.

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Got it! We would not want a growing prosperous middle class would we - ha!

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It's more like a,,, Round Pound ..

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deletedJan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023
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Well, make sure you keep boostering yourself with all the shots out there. You like the vax, go for it. Companies can create medical products and "push them out". I suggest they do so without liability protection - but I'm just an old fashioned don't kill people without paying for it kind of guy.

Maybe the government could have done exactly what they did for the prior 200 viruses and follow their own guidelines. They did exactly the opposite of public health's recommendations (except of Sweden). The only justification for doing something different is this bug was a bioweapon created by government spending. A tough argument in support of government policies.

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Yeah. If not for the "vaccine" look how many would not be injured or dead. I will take Bill over any statist.

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Lost in the "soup" and conveniently forgotten:

Convid SURVIVAL Rate = 99.99% or thereabouts as of September 2022.

Sorry, not sorry. That number came from the hallowed CDC.

"...this has been the longest interval during the pandemic in which the COVID-19–related mortality rate was <22 deaths per 100,000 population for all age groups."


Also, for you narrative slurpers out there:


Pfffft - 10 MILLION DEAD should be read as "MY HAIR IS ON FIRE and I have swallowed the scam soup, spoon and all."

Hang on to your hat folks - the "vaccines" are just kicking in:

"By April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data)."


Looking more and more like convid is EASILY survivable and always has been - IF you haven't been "vaccinated"...

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

As someone that never believed COVID-19 was the plague it was advertised to be, I took the Johnson and Johnson jab against my better judgment (I didn't want to be relegated to sleeping out on the porch compliments of my Boss). Then I was "forced" to take a booster due to a long trip to Europe last summer which included being at St. Andrews to see the 150th British Open (I wasn't going to miss that).

Two of my three businesses were deemed "non-essential" and only by the grace of God did they survive. I sat staring out the window asking, "They're destroying lives, livelihoods and businesses FOR WHAT?" I have an ex-employee that moved to Sweden and started a business that is identical to one of mine for which he worked. They didn't change anything over there and the results were no worse than what we had here. So I repeat, "FOR WHAT?"

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These "vaccines" are killing simple people. I know you read the Bible, Star.

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I'm not sure I understand your second sentence?

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That’s not for you Dave. Sorry.

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So, it was our government that developed the vaccines? Bill may an isolationist libertarian, but at least he is not one that thinks we all need a government official to hold it while we takes a piss.

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PG V I don't think you followed Bill's point regarding the lockdown.

To repeat, if all budgets needed to be balanced the administration would not have been able to finance the lockdown and that enormous expense of $3 Trillion would not have been spent.

In hindsight the lockdown was a horrendous mistake and as shown by places such as Sweden which allowed commercial enterprise to proceed with only vulnerable individuals, who generally don't take part in commercial activity anyway, to be isolated and where the overall death rate was little different to those places with stringent overall lockdowns were enforced.

The fact that if a lockdown had not have been introduced would in no way have prevented a vaccine from having been developed, and there would have been all the normal goods on the supermarket shelves and the younger generation would not have had their academic progress so badly affected.

I believe the death rate from Covid for under 16's worldwide was something like 1 in one million Covid cases.

A balanced budget need not prevent development of capital projects which are proved to be economical over the long term and allow a nation to flourish and develop, however borrowing money for social needs, providing subsidies for political hobby horses and crazy projects such as fighting climate change and waging wars overseas are limited to what is available in the budget.

A really rewarding situation.

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"He'll be coming soon." The Bible is clear that predictions of the time of Jesus's return are baloney. Mathew 24:36 (NIV) -- “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

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This statement from you implies that YOU can do something greater than Christ did on the Cross.

“The ONLY thing that matters is to be right with Almighty God and be prepared in your heart”

I will pray that you wake up PG V.

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I tend to listen to what Yahowah had/has say on every subject. Believe it or not if you as a Roman catholic were to do the same, you'd not be religious. The ongoing theme in the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms is in fact no religious person has ever or will ever see the face of God.

In the book of Dabarym (errantly known as Deuteronomy from the Greek) is clear unless the name of Yahowah is scribed the words contained within were not inspired by God. Moreover, the greatest sin one that will not be left unpunished is the purposeful removal of the name of Yahowah. Since every English and Hebrew translation of the Tanakh has been scrubbed of the name of Yahowah, replacing the name with Ba'al or LORD, these books are in fact satanic in nature.

Using the measure found in Dabarym the entirety of the Christian NT does not contain the inspired words of God.

Simply put the bibles used by Judaism and Christianity were created by religious men for their own benefit. The words attributed to Jesus (not a Greek or Hebrew name) were spoken in Hebrew or its close dialect of Aramaic, translated into Greek, Latin, English and then revised 5 times over, after passing through the hands of the very corrupt early Roman church. The idea any bible contains the inerrant words of God would be laughable if it were not so preposterous.

All the rites and festivals of the Roman and Protestant church are pagan to the core. Judaism is not better the rabbis have added to the festivals and changed most of the rest. So corrupted is the result, most Jews have no idea how these festivals are to be observed and for what purpose. They wait for their messiah who was in fact named by Yahowah as being Dowd/David over a 1000 times.

Christians on the other hand have simply claimed every prophecy naming Dowd/David really speaks of their Jesus. Hard to believe both groups have been so led astry but this is religion. Isaiah 9:6 (9:7 in the Jewish bible) is written in the past tense with the verb rendered in the perfect tense or a completed action.

As such the prophecy speaks of a child born before Isaiah 9 was scribed, and Perfect means the child born is not going to be born in 33 CE but was already born, this is a completed action.

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

My fringe element is called the narrow path few find by God. The common, broad and popular path is religion wherein most on the planet claim there god is true and correct. Paul a failed rabbi created the Christian faith and Jesus by claiming all the prophecies naming Dowd were in fact speaking of Jesus. Paul's claim, God got mad at the Jews for killing the fictional Jesus in punishment change what He previously stated was forever 'olam' transferring all the promises given those He calls children, to the Roman church. Coincidentally the same entity God calls the beast. Simply put a God that changes cannot be relied upon.

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It’s true we don’t know, but be prepared!

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

In fact Jesus is a fiction created by your church. The named person to return is Dowd, you can confirm in Psalm 89.

There are no mysteries to those who listen to and act upon Yahowah's witness. I can tell you to the minute when Dowd is to return. Why pray tell does your religion claim God cannot change and then believe he sent Paul to change every word ever spoken by God?

The Hebrew word 'Olam' speaks of forever, evermore, unchanging. The covenant is always spoken of in the singular and eternal. Read the exchange with Abraham in Genesis, you'ii see the grammar, and olam. The covenant is stated as the only path to be reconciled with God. How can Paul claim a new message and new covenant? Jer. 31:31-34 is the only verse Christians claim speaks of a New covenant. The word they claim as NEW appears 139 times in Tanakh 138 times it is translated, renew, restore, reestablish only this once in your bible it's translated 'new'. Who is this new covenant offered too? Judah and Israel no mention of a church Christian or otherwise.

On Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations 6000 Yah, October 2nd 2033 at sunset in Jerusalem. I say mark your calendar but for the 7 preceding years where most of the world's population will annihilate themselves.

If you're a Jew (Yahuwd) this warning is for you, it's time to listen to Yahowah and be reconciled. All that is needed can be learned by Googling the first sentence of the preceding paragraph containing the day of the fulfillment of Yowm Kipurym.

Exactly 2000 years after Passover was fulfilled by Yahowsha in 33 CE or 4000

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Hey bro, we can save all this stuff for our after life, if we have one, but our current concern is how we save our hard earned money, so we may buy our way to heaven, as so many thought they did in our past:)

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If my comments offend you don't read them, when someone posts they think Jesus is coming back or going to save the world and make things right. I'm up for the debate. Notice I posted info anyone with the slightest of interest can follow and prove for themselves this is true. For all the rest set you clocks 2026 is 7 years before 2033. No time in the history of the.world has tech, and man's ability to destroy himself risen to this level. A hundred years after Muhammad died, Islam broke out of the Middle East and killed half the worlds known population. That wan't a fraction of the people alive today. They used swords and arrows, we got nukes, and 50 calibre machine guns. Heck our 6 years old shoot their teachers in the classroom.

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Offend? I’m right behind you bro! I know what’s coming and my attempt at humor and truth is just that…

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Yes brother, life is funny like that, as we all hold on to our own judgements and beliefs from what we were taught and what we want to believe. Individual journey bro. We will all find the truth one day, but until then, let’s try to enjoy the ride, because it’s so damn short 👍🇺🇸

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