Joel...DiCFlix!?! Damnit, boy, give me a warning not to have coffee in my mouth while reading an essay with something as hilarious and unexpected as that. Seriously, I was crying from laughing! And now I’m crying trying to clean up the coffee splatter (and at the ideas of things you mention actually coming to pass). Thank you. I needed a good laugh like that.

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I hate that I can only give you one "Like", Joel. You guys need to fix that.

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QUESTION AUTHORITY! Always!! I’m laughing at your essay, but getting nervous.

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Thanks Joel. Clever writing. The references to Ibram X, Robin and George show a bitter side to your ramblings though. Just my interpretation. Anyway, for some reason after reading your essay, I feel the need to read E.E. Cummings poem, "The Hollow Men." The world just might end not with a bang but a whimper. https://allpoetry.com/the-hollow-men

Yeah, happy Sunday to you too!

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Indeed, politics and current affairs can turn one a bit sour. For this, as you wisely mention, we have art and literature. (P.S. Fantastic poem, that one!)

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Joel you were not bitter. Just commenting on this farcical world we are forced to live in.

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What’s funny is when folks originally read 1984 they thought it was equally as absurd as some of us reading this now. Yet here we are watching the most dystopian parts of that now prophetic novel unfolding before our eyes.

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There was something afoot in that era in that a handful of years later Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged the world thought her work would always be regarded as fiction. I think both authors had a excellent grasp on the threat of a growing government presence.

I believe both authors might have interacted badly with local small government and guessed where a growing Federal government would lead.

At the heart of these fictional stories lies the authors understanding of the steps need to change a State from capitalism to socialism ending with a communist State. Socialism is the nicer sounding form of Elitist Feudalism and the caste system it is founded upon.

Other than technology there's really nothing new under the sun.

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But wait Joel! You must be talking about Argentina 🤔 because here in America, we have a piece of paper called the Constitution, we have Laws, we have Elected officials that would never jeopardize their place in American History and go against all the above…would they 🤔 could they 🤔…Yes Joel, I’ll be enjoying a fine Steak and three or four bottles of Bills fine Malbec with our local expat’s at Our favorite Chinese restaurant in old Buenos Aires( currently Xi Ping City) and enjoying our local paper, reading the news in spanisese. Headline…American Faux President Hillary Clinton admits to sleeping with Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell at the same time. Bill just liked to watch….as she is honored by true Chairman Xi Ping as a VIP in his new country “The People’s Republic of America”…🍷🍷🍷

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Joel, I’m all for letting at least some of the loonies out there carry on. Otherwise we’d likely get fewer opportunities to hurt ourselves laughing at your thumping turns of phrase and tears-inducing neologisms. Once again you’ve raised the bar! Does P. J. O’Rourke appear anywhere in your family tree?

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Brilliant Joel! It’s time for total noncompliance and rebellion. If only there was such a “democratic “ way to institute it. We will vote for who ever our WEF masters dictate and swallow their shit sandwiches unless someone can spark 3rd party nonconformity. So far, regrettably, only trump came close and he couldn’t cross the goal line. His time is passed but the swamp remains full.

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Good one Joel, but I had to ask myself why I was laughing....we are so screwed. We’re watching it all unfold before our eyes.

But taking a “glass half full” view, at least a nuclear winter will put and end to all the global warming caterwauling, though I imagine “climate change” will still be an issue to those left. And all the e-gadgets (including any vehicle manufactured in the past 35 years) will perish from the electromagnetic pulses. That should take care of the CBDCs, too. A “Great Reset” it will be.

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Greener Pastures? Sounds like a collection point for the Soylent Green (motto: It's a Cookbook!) industry.

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Who is John Gault?

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Isn't "elite" a sister word to "enlightened"? I think that referring to the unprincipled, rapacious, murderous rich people as "elite" is confusion. They are ROBBER BARONS. I'll use that term until someone finds a shorter one. No more "elite." They are robber barons.

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carbon demerits for using the term "sister"!! You will be contacted shortly to schedule your re-doctrination "celebration". Thank you for your mandatory participation in Voluntary World Council for the Destruction of Western Thought.

Goodnight Winston...

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Thank you that was brilliant and your funniest yet. Please don't hold back your vitriol for these sociopaths, it helps us keep sane in this psycho world. Your observations are hilarious but will be very accurate unless we can derail their plans. George Orwell nailed them so long ago, and you have now.

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I do wonder how many have died in China since the lockdowns were lifted in mid Dec. It has to have affected the population and production.

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There is a common theme in the Torah, and Prophets. Men would gather into cities institute governments and lots of bad ideas. A time would come when these bad ideas became a threat to God's chosen. He would be tasked to intervein, wiping out the city and its bad ideas and irrational inhabitants, some He'd scatter.

It might be that time again.

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Joel. WOW!!! What an article. Some of the best satire, irony, and ridicule to date and it perfectly exposes and criticizes people’s STUPIDITY… on one hand! On the other it is scary as hell because it IS a “possible” progression from our current direction, predictable from a menu of the illogical and absurd theories and recommendations out there by feather headed, s*** for brains people. I can laugh because, like Bill, I am well into my 70s (76 to be exact) with no kids to endure it if it does come to pass.. so I can sit comfortably in front of the TV watching all the garbage you detail as to us defiling the earth and really only worry when it switches to that mushroom cloud. Odds are about 50/50 I’ll make it to 90 like my Dad.


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