Thank you Joel and Byron, this has been in the works for many years. Agenda 21 is finalized, and looking forward to Agenda 30. EMP shuts down most nations, millions murdered by their peers, real pandemics, disease, pestilence, famine, billions dead...all good things for the useful idiots that allowed this. But we still have time to stop it, if we can get humans(not the woke idiots that now control America) on the same page, and fight this communist advance in the west. Anyone interested?

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It's a great start mty brother, as two leads to four.......

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A lot of criticism of Greens here, and it is warranted. Not so much the goal of transitioning baseload energy source, but the speed and recklessness as to how it's being pursued. some commentary here speaks to a revitalized Nuclear energy base. That makes sense but this time around, we need to employ Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology. Factory built components that avoid the myriad legal hurdles put in the way of past projects by Green agenda driven lawyers. The Green world needs a bit more humility as well. No one can say that Solar or Wind can do all that is needed. Even Nuclear tech may evolve into a Fusion based or Thorium Reactor based future. We need, most of all, to stop allowing know-nothing politicians to pretend to be engineers. Perhaps the best illustration of this is the gap in understanding that currently exists between the Whitehouse and their own energy Department, who see a reliance on Fossil Fuels right into 2050, while Biden is "promising" a fully Green economy by 2035. Where is our independent Press when you need them most? Someone needs to be reconciling these views in order to establish a clear path forward.

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Your second last sentence- Actually, we are here on Substack. This will continue only as long as AWS continues to serve Substack.

Your last sentence is dangerous. "Someone" , especially the government, needs to butt out. Central planning has been revealed to be a problem over the past hundred years. The power of independent enterprise is that failures are evident and corrected reliably by lack of market, profit, and business failure. Government plans are supported by force, diffusion of responsibility(CYA), bimbocratic empire building, and lying.

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My last sentence being " Someone needs to be reconciling these views in order to establish a clear path forward." ? Why is this a problem? I'm only suggesting that if the denizens of the Whitehouse choose to go public with specifics regarding areas that other branches of the same government (DOE in this case) are specialists in, they should have the presence of mind to talk to their own experts and resolve which entity is correct in their forecasts. Otherwise, an administration of lawyers with no energy expertise risks looking like they're talking out of their hat if arguing with demonstrable energy expertise.

The only danger I see here would be the loss of credibility to those who would choose to attempt to wield power over information, without having the knowledge to support their opinion.

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Yes. I understood the context of your comment to be that "someone" implied the government. As you indicate, the Presidency and the bureaucracy cannot even reconcile their claims; my point was that the government might be best kept out of choosing our individual futures.

As for an independent press, MSM is as captured as the government regulators, and Substack and other independent reporters are (optimistically) the future opinion leaders. The relationship between government and Twitter has been exposed, and the other major "social media" plus Google and Wikipedia seem similarly compromised or complicit. Bill Rice Jr., on his Substack has a good assessment of the decline and disappearance of the print reporters in USA.

For a comparison, have a look at some of William Happer's work on climate physics. We get the IPCC story pushed at us, like Covid, with no presentation or discussion of the models permitted.

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The problem here is that the Federal government has a vital role to play in so much as our entire Grid is an interconnected system. It spans all states borders (except Texas) and even ties into Mexico and Canada. So, a great role for our DOE and FERC to play.

My only point is that it shouldn't be used as a plaything. a political football. From where I sit I'm watching a full-court press to install solar & wind and get everyone to buy EV's - now even talk of making everyone replace gas stoves with electric ranges.

Meanwhile, the need for having a coherent Baseload energy technology strategy to service all of this is entirely MIA. It's scary actually. My observation of government over my seven decades informs me that the government more often than not seeks change by imposing threats to industry. Basically, they create problems that others are expected to resolve. I've seen the pattern repeatedly with everything from auto mileage to ozone to energy issues. Sometimes this creates massive problems such as with gasoline additives seeping into groundwater.

I think people need to be reminded at times that while our NASA program produced many advances in solar, government is not omnipotent. NASA also gave us an orange flavored drink called Tang. Putrid stuff. I would imagine our Astronauts preferred drinking their recycycled ...water...

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It’s not surprising Putin is reported as saying the military campaign in the East of Ukraine is going as planned! He is a big picture man.

It probably started as a plan in his head, when he was KGB in East Berlin and finally consolidated when he had complete power over all of Russian resources through his oligarchs, military who are ruthless, nuclear industries who have given him trump cards and a populace & church whom support every move he makes. UN completely devoid of power through Security Council vetos are icing on his cake

Sowing dissent and socialism through subversives and the likes of Merkel and EU governance to weaken the strong has been obvious for years. Left Wing education of Marxist thought now prevails through out educational systems globally. It was a virus that none has ever treated as such. If we had spent half of what was spent on COVID we might have had success.

The world is only just waking up to what Is the civilisation, national ranking change that is occurring.

To date it’s chatter about EVs, next brand of currencies to produce a fiscal fix, or where to buy a roof or metal that saves my bacon.

Folks it’s a firestorm - roof’s and metal burn and we cannot live on their ashes!

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From other real American sources,,,,,

Any idiot, that supports a fight with Russia...is nothing more then an IDIOT!!!

Incompetent western nations invoke "doomsday" retaliation from Russia

As readers of this site know full well, the incompetent, suicidal leaders of the USA and NATO are following globalist orders and deliberately trying to provoke Russia to launch nuclear strikes against western cities. This will achieve the destruction of the USA and Western Civilization, allowing China and Russia to complete their quest for world domination while the United States collapses into a post-nuclear war collapse.

In summary, western nations -- run by socialist, suicidal idiots -- are invoking a Russian nuclear retaliation on purpose. They seek the total destruction of the nations they claim to represent (USA, UK, Germany, France, etc.) and they find it easier to use Russian nuclear missiles to destroy their own nations compared to waging domestic wars on their own people.

As of yesterday, the US embassy in Ukraine has ordered all Americans to evacuate Ukrainian soil as quickly as possible.

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Bring some engineers from India and Pakistan.to USA. Perhaps the German army is the only way you Germans are going to survive! Start your nuclear and build some more. Work something out with the Ruskies. Maybe the antisemitic Ukrainians(historically) & Fascists are going to lose to the Commies. Crimea was part of the Soviet Union for years..." time to say goodby". They are not going to give up Crimea or Kalinigard..their warm water ports!

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Order a wood stove on Amazon. Buy some cheap furniture!! Quit poking that BEAR. We would never allow China to set missile bases in chihuahua Mexico!

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Oh PG V ... you know we are all evil ... that why we need the Lord ... we are all capable of being evil ... yesterday we were , today there are and tomorrow who knows who will be the bad ones ... we all are PG V 😉

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Your not PG, but the idiots that now control you and your family, are 100% really bad humans......EVIL is to nice of a word for these scum...

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You got it. Approve those visas. Urgent. We are drilling our hearts out in Oklahoma

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the situation in Deutschland is called a Kluster, das es richtig, das es alles, PUNCT!!!!

How about there are always rainy days; so plan an alternative energy system. Don't let a little Scandinavian girl set your energy policy.

Build your LNG ports like you planned to. Better build additional plants in USA for all the wonderful

good and excellent engineering companies that are the envy of the world. Throw the bloody burgers(government out).

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should be "das ist richtig, das ist alles, PUNKT"

if you know what you are doing, if your location supports it (think countryside), if you save energy where it is feasible, then it is possible, with a rather minor investment, to be completely autonomous for decent household use. If you have some flexibility over production, major savings are even possible in industrial use.

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Thanks for corrections. Been awhile since I heard Professor Friedrich pound a point into my brain

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Disturbing revelations. Hard to believe the industrious, inventive Germans aren't scrambling now to prepare for winter

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A neat summary of the way boofheads and muppets run this world as if it one dimensional. Globalisation has ensured that the world resembles a briar patch where everything seems to be connected to everything else but nothing can exist alone. Mess with one part and 10 other parts react. All of it now running on an internet full of security holes, trolls, hackers and scammers and only as strong as its weakest link. One modest earthquake or weather event in the wrong place could snap the cables or destroy their terminus and then what ?

You only have to look at Sri Lanka so see what a hurried transition to a "green" economy can develop into. And how quickly.

Well done you two.

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Thank you gentlemen. You’ve certainly opened my eyes. EYES WIDE OPEN. I love you’re depth of knowledge in the many areas. Keep up the great information that we’ll all need to be survivors in the new world, whatever that will be. Green is lunacy, the way we’re trying to do it. No one is prepared today to complete a transition as it’s happening today. My county, America, sucks to live in today….

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Chenniere LNG has sold everthing it can produce until 2040.

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So depressing, but oh so necessary to be said. Thank you

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