Bill, Close down the Federal Reserve,they have proved useless time and again. Let the free enterprise system dictate the interest rates.Isn't that how we operated before the Federal Reserve

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I like ZIM ... bought it in months ago and made good money. Tom recommending and could not figure out why ZIM had fallen so much this last quarter. Answer: It paid out a $17 dividend in March 2022, so cash declined by $17 per share.

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Maybe the Chinese know something we don't know? Covid-20

Before the Fed things were so much easier to gauge. Mortgage rates were based on 50% cash down with 5 years to pay the balance back. Sure the economy grew slow, but when it grew real wealth was created. A dollar saved was a dollar 10 years later not 50 cents.

As I navigate Philadelphia's license renewal site with the long series of hoops required to jump through. Coupled with a new system aptly named Eclipse linking all payments into one pie, if not paid in full one's business license is suspended.

I think to myself how did we allow government to grow so large? Literally I need governments permission to be productive.

I believe we are long overdue for an apocalyptic asteroid strike.

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Was Bill kidding about the hazmat suits at the airport? Wow! The world has gone mad!

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Great analysis Bill. The you finish at the end of the advisory message with your associate buying 5 stocks on a pretext which is hard to fathom. Which message should the rank and file follow

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If the Fed is no longer buying bonds, stocks, gold, or oil, then what the heck are they buying?

The printing press is running hot on overdrive spitting out trillions and trillions (more than Carl Sagan’s β€œbillions and billions”).

Besides being given away for free, it’s going in the pockets of fat wall street cats, and political aristocrats. They are about to press the reset button! πŸ˜‚

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What does the fed's raising of short-term interest rates have to do with inflation? Is it because loan demand will decrease? I have always thought inflation was the increase in supply of money. With the govt.'s ever increasing need for money how will there be a decrease in supply?

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Richest 1% gained $6.5 trillion in wealth last year - CNBChttps://www.cnbc.com β€Ί 2022/04/01 β€Ί richest-one-percent...

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I thought I ALREADY subscribed..Please help out here..I have 2 email accts..I’m slowly moving away from richardanthony8@yahoo.ca…I will continue to have richardanthony8@aol.com..ALSO..

Please direct me to your customer service 800 number…thanks..Richard Anthony

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I like ZIM ... bought it in months ago and made good money. Tom recommending and could not figure out why ZIM had fallen so much this last quarter. Answer: It paid out a $17 dividend in March 2022, so cash declined by $17 per share.

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