Dayum, PG, why don't you run for President. You make more sense that all them and I agree with what you say. Why make this more complicated than it is. We spend too much, we tax too much, and people who don't know how to handle money should go home. Why start (continue) a conflict that won't make a bit of difference in Europe at the expense of American taxpayers? Why not use the resources we have and work our way out of this, instead of killing the American economy by destroying our oil and gas (I refuse to call them fossil fuels-what crap) which represents more than 25% of our gdp? I will get off my soapbox and not take up more space. Strains my brain. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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Because, everything that DC digests becomes pure bile. The last thing someone like Mr Bonner would want is to meet that fate. He was close enough once to learn a lesson, I’m sure. He’s much more helpful outside that broken down machine.

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You cannot make this up!

Oct 6 (Reuters) - Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko said on Thursday he was imposing a ban on consumer price rises in response to "exorbitant" inflation across the economy, state media reported.

"From today, any price increase is prohibited. Prohibited!," the state-run Belta news agency quoted Lukashenko as saying in a meeting of government ministers.

"It starts today - not from tomorrow, but from today, so that prices cannot be inflated during the course of today," Lukashenko said.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Sounds like a plan. Gee, why didn't WE think of that? Simple, yet elegant. Harebrained, yet pleasing to the sheep.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong??


(sarc tag added for the curmudgeons out there...)

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Stay tuned, I give them a month before we start to see critical shortages. And then it won’t be the fault of the policy, it will be greedy capitalist pigs withholding the bread from the people who will be blamed. Sure, bread will still cost 2 rubles (though he’ll be out of stock) but the baker will be motivated to find the bread when you throw him another ruble as a gratuity.

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To me today's market is like a "dead cat bounce" in a stairwell. Toss a dead cat down a flight of stairs and it will bounce off the first step it hits. But the cat comes off the bounce and continues down to the next step, where it bounces yet again. Thus it continues on its way, bouncing down the stairs until gravity and momentum are satisfied. They say: "Never try to catch a falling knife." I say: "Stay away from the bouncing cat. It's dead, for cryin' out loud."

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YODO, but a cat has nine lives....like these damn democrats/communist who just keep on coming back from the dead, or brain dead like Joe... How does a troll who lived down it's basement, and ran an insane campaign where 25 to 50 freaks would show up at his rally's, compared to Trump who had tens of thousands at his, win the White House? How do two communist(Ossify and Warnock) win in a conservitive state? If it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense....

Will be interesting to see what reaction we the people have after this coming election, if as corrupt as the last, as the demo-cats have done more then enough damage to America, and should be on thier last life...the final ninth is upon them.

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Well , well, well ... here we are Tom saying that the Fed is here to stick with is high rate and high usd , and .... BB saying attach your seat belts we are entering turbulences as the Fed is doing a U-turn « mañana « ... stay tune to see who is right and you can make your bets ... my goes for Tom .

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Born once die twice.

Born twice die once.

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The first name of Hitler is NOT spelled Adolph.

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Bill, excellent brewing of the cauldron and perfect recipe for the upcoming hallows eve, if we make it that far .. yes everywhere you look/listen more mayhem in every aspect of human life .. is the human condition all driven by financial chaos or are there a unrecognised influences ?

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Bill, what I always wonder when you say the Dow is unchanged 1929 to present in gold at 18 ounces: what about the Dow dividends? Have you done the analysis on price alone, or have you reinvested dividends on the Dow side?

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You Only Die Once - it's still not clear to me what Bill means by this, but I suspect he is working us up to it.

Will BPR still be publishing if he is even close to the reality, prescience, "what is to be done", "peace, not as the world giveth"?

"The elite rule the world" for the present, throughout the past, and for the forseeable future. The only solution for that is not of this world. In all of our getting, get wisdom.

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Bill, an overpriced lemonade stand ! That sums up in a nutshell where we are at.

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The problem I find, like myself, those who could help the most are reluctant to get into politics. I think it is the fear of becoming like them. lol just sayin'

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Why don't prices go down ?

Was my reply when a friend stated he thinks realestate prices will go up. Back in early to mid 2000s I suspected something was not right. My money bought me less and as I tried to understand what was happening I began to look at all assets, how many cars to buy a house, how many liters of fuel to last me a weeks worth of work and so on. Then I looked at silver & gold, what a bargain! I thought, its a no brainer, so I jumped in with delight and bought what I could. After some time sitting with some friends on a friday night in a bar. I removed a one ounce gold maple and threw on the table to see the reaction. One friend replied, "is that real gold"? as he picked it up gazing upon it and feeling its weightness at which point the other two sitting at the table were asking to look at it and hold it. Questions that came from that evening was why I bought it, one friend replied, " Pete likes to collect rocks" no I said, I like it because it shines. I knew I was in good company. I then told them, now is a good time to buy, " how much" was the reply, I said, just 425 paper dollars, they laughed and said thats alot." What are you going to do with it", save it was my reply, its a no brainer. The topic then changed to realestate, "you cant go wrong investing in realestate". How much I asked ? "Just borrow" came the answer. I ll wait I said and wait I did. I was a fool. The wife and I sold our condo in N. Vancouver overlooking the harbour and out West toward Stanley Park and the Lionsgate bridge in 2002 for $168k acquired by a doctor.. Today it would run you about $600k. Strata maintenance was $150 today its about $450. We purchased the 850sq ft condo for $158K in 1997.

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deletedOct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022
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You provide a lot to unpack and so many cogent points there isn't much anyone could add. But I'll try:

Everything you said is what would be best for our country and the rank and file citizenry. It IS the way to run a country. The problem is that the vast majority of the deciders stopped giving a rat's ass about the country and its citizenry a long time ago. The other half of the problem is that politicians are convinced they can't get elected/re-elected without spending like drunken Marxists. No one can be certain of that, but if it's true then we the people are getting exactly what we deserve and in that case Mr. Bonner's assessment of the future might be more accurate than Mr. Dyson's.

The answer to this question will be more apparent in about 33 days time. (If it takes much longer than that then we'll know another election has been stolen, er manipulated.)

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So if Oz and Walker lose where do you see the pickups? North Carolina, Ohio and Florida are all holds. I believe New Hampshire is where Republicans go to have their hearts broken. (I know, they have a Republican Governor, but his name is Sinunu.) Even if they pull off Arizona and Nevada it's back to 50-50. Here in Nevada the elections are dirty too. The Senate looks steeply uphill.

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Actually, if Oz loses, the Dems pick up a seat; if Walker loses, the Dems keep a seat, not pick up a seat. Until the Walker incident (which he should fight back about because Warnock has his own set of problems), it was holds in WI, NC, OH, & FL by the GOP; a Dem pickup in PA, and GOP pickups in GA & NV, for a 51-49 GOP majority, with AZ a toss-up. If Walker goes down, then the GOP needs AZ for a 51-49 majority. I agree that NH is a pipe dream for the GOP. If the GOP takes NH, then there could really be a red tsunami, and CO & WA could even go red.

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You are correct , I had GA as a Dem pickup. If elections were done on the up and up I could see Ted Cruz's predictions coming true. But as my Okie father that didn't finish the ninth grade used to say, "IF is the biggest word in the dictionary."

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deletedOct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022
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I was looking at the ballotpedia.org yesterday too. We are two peas in a pod-lol.

Your formula works great, and so much easier said than done. The Republicans are saying Washington State is in play as well, that would a shocker. The dolt Murray has been in the Senate like 30 years.

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PG V, don’t forget to use the term “Scumocrats”, or whatever it is that you call them yellow belly pie slinging rat bastards! 😂

YODO, almost as wise as YODA:

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.” — Yoda

YODA, does not apply to any Biden/Kamala skunk party followers. I smell something fishy and stinky brewing on the horizon. Hahaha

The Golden Trumpet will play again.

“DJ” Trump will once again electrify, mix, uplift and rule the world. Do not be afraid of this earthlings, for “Fear is the path to the dark side” Yoda 😂.

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