My understanding of what the Repubs in the House are going to try and do is "freeze" federal spending at the 2022 figure? If a new program is created or any current one is expanded, money in an equal amount must be cut from another bureaucracy in order to stop the ever increasing growth in size and debt of this federal monster. As Bill and almost all of us seem aware of, the pit we are trapped in is far too deep and wide for this to actually work. It is a noble idea, but the political demands from almost every segment of the American public are too large now to control. More people on the dole every year plus the growing interest on the $31 TRILLION debt prevents this. How can this economic disaster not continue on until it doesn't? Will America eventually become just another Argentina, Venezuela, etc. type economy? I haven't seen anyone explain how this is not the final result of our insane, unstoppable spending programs. This is the path we are clearly on, and no one knows when we will arrive at the end time.

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Rush Limbaugh used to have a great saying regarding recessions, "let everyone participate that wants to, but I will not and refuse to have any part of it". Works every time. Create your own economy and do not let the media destroy it. I have tried it and it works and it is contagious!!! Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws! 

~ Amschel Rothschild

That was enough, right there !

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Does your money management firm Agora have minimum investment requirement ?

Carol Ann

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Hold on to your ASSets!

I am in the Household Goods Industry( Moving Company)

This will be the 3rd recession we will weather, no smooth sailing.

I see signs this recession will be worse than the previous.seeking

(Signs, fewer home sales and by (thanks to mortgage increases)

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The Fed is a criminal enterprise. Ending the Fed would stop endless warfare/welfare. Do you really think people would willingly pay a tax for all the BS wars this century?

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Gotta love Bonner’s storytelling. I love reading stories about Agora. Is there a biographical account of this enterprise? There should be.

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I had to laugh when I read your diatribe against PhDs.

Back in my college days I had a professor who had TWO PhDs, was fluent in three languages, and considered himself the smartest man in any room he happened to be in.

Then one snowy day he slid off the road and dropped his Lincoln into a ditch. He knew I had a pickup with a winch so he asked me if I could help him out. I pulled up near his car, disengaged the winch clutch and ran 20 feet of cable over to his car. I handed him the winch hook and walked back to reengage the clutch. When I turned back around I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was actually wrapping the cable and hook around his freaking HOOD ORNAMENT!

I still laugh about it today whenever someone talks about PhDs.

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So crazy it seems logical, if you understand the forces behind the collapse of our once great nation.

Think China, who has most of our education, medical, NBA, government and media on their payroll, with the most brilliant part of this insanity, using American money to finance our destruction. Fucking Brilliant!

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And don't overlook the Congress whose GOP mavericks are expected to obstruct raising the debt ceiling as a clumsy means to force the government to live within its means. If they succeed, then the world as we know it will end.

An immediate result: All Federal entitlement programs will not have the money to pay their many recipients (of which I am a double dipper: military retiree and social security recipient).

Unhappy I will be but more unhappy will be the many foreign governments and individuals who own US Bonds, all of whom will be stiffed.

Should these events occur, the USG will have to substantially raise economy-killing interest rates to attract bond buyers anew. In the interim, prosperity and social stability will be grievously affected

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I never met a democrat that didn't love spending everybody else's money. Though they are so tight with their own money they squeak when they walk.

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Same goes for the Republications Davey. Must you always put your negative 2 cents in. Give a person a break. Please don't respond!

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I'm surprised to see this thread on Bonner Private Research. Have you guys not been paying attention to what our four sages have been writting?

These kinds of arguments amongst the plebes are what allows the elite to get away with their theft of our money and our freedom.

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I hope you didn't intend this for me. I made an observation, but not an argument.

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I love your overreactions: To wit, I only opined what would happened if the GOP mavericks succeeded in stopping the debt ceiling from increasing. The theater they will create while attempting to do so will be bad enough

Also, don't overlook that, of all Administrations, the Biden Administration signed into law on January 5th the largest Defense Appropriations since WW II, possibly ever

See the Senate's interpretation of this Omnibus spending bill: https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FY23%20Omnibus%20Full%20Summary.pdf

Finally, I assume you meant "the democrats squeal" rather than "you Democrats...."

As a political appointee in the GHW Bush Administration, I am allied with those who seek policies to produce-wealth. I am not a card carrying member of the wealth-taking, income redistribution tribe

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