Saturday, January 4th, 2025
Laramie, Wyoming
By Dan Denning
Dear Reader,
Things haven’t been this good on Wall Street since right before the Great Depression in 1929! Earlier this week, I saw a chart showing the concentration of the largest ten stocks in the US market at around 40%. Like I said, that’s historic.
What many people forget, because frankly none of us (or very few) were even alive back then, is that it took the Dow 25 years to recover from the September 1929 high. It didn’t make new high until November of 1954. After an 89% decline from the high to the low, many investors never recovered.
Does that mean 2025 is set to be like 1929? It’s not inevitable. But as we showed in this shortened publishing week at BPR, some of the key data points suggest it may already be happening.
And one of the outlandish (and politically tinged) predictions in this article even suggests a foreign-based AI will engineer a coordinated, sophisticated, financial attack on the stock market this year, using high-frequency trading to crash the stock market!
No matter what happens, the show WILL go on. Investors must do something with their money. Our AIM at BPR will be the same since we started up shop three years ago: help you avoid ‘the big loss’ and grow your income as safely as possible. We’ll be back to our regular normal publishing schedule next week.
Until then,