Again Bonner has another ant-semitic rant. I guess he cannot help himself. He quoted an Israeli hater Thomas Friedman. He gave out mortality figures provided by Hamas. War is not about an equal number of casualties. It s about winning. Hamas has broken the peace and declared war. They have proven to be an uncivilized bunch that must be removed. Israel tries to avoid civilian casualties which is quite the opposite of Hiroshima, Nagaski, Tokyo,London,Dresden, Berlin and other war efforts. War is brutal and Bonner is totally irrational. Hamas was elected by and supported by it's civilians.

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I agree 100% and am sickened every time Bonner addresses Israel.

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I don’t think he is addressing Israel. He is addressing war.

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Save your breath, Terry. "These guys" can't see beyond their noses, to connect Bill's dots along with him. Namely (as you correctly point out): War is an expensive, mostly unnecessary endeavor in almost all cases, and should be entered into rarely and with great forethought. But dare to mention a current live example and these one-trick ponies go off like a box of firecrackers.

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This is simply the worst of Bonner--and I have been reading him since early in the Daily Reckoning days.

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How many times must it be said that being against a war is not be anti-Semitic. Your rant fails to deal with the number of innocent women and children among others that Israel has killed in pursuing Hamas, as well as the fact that Bonner implicitly condemns the United States for killing 20 million people in wars since WWIi. Is he also anti-American? Are the Jews around the world who condemn the slaughter of innocents also anti-Semitic?

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Why doesn’t HAMAS surrender. War ends immediately. Don’t they value Palestinian life?

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The leaders of Hamas are safely tucked away in some mid-eastern country. Apparently they value their own lives and probably have enough money to live happily ever after.

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The leaders of Hamas do not care about human life except their own. They are safely living in another mid- eastern country while the people they rule are being slaughtered.

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Hamas incessently directly attacks Israel and brags about murdering old and young, raping, pillaging and taking hostages. Their stated mission is to eradicate all Jews... plus all Christians for that matter. Against international law, and any claim to moral decency, they cowardly use their citizens as human shields and sacrificial lambs to avoid retribution for their atrocities and to lay blame on those who respond to being attacked.. The Palestinian Authority supports Hamas' atrocities by rewarding the families of those who commit the evil slaughter of Jews with the financial help of Iran. Hamas steals international aid from their citizens for whom the aid was intended. How many Jews and Christians live or work in Gaza versus the number of Arabs who live and work in Israel? How many Palestinian favorable resolutions of conflict have Hamas, the PA and PLO turned down for over 70 years versus Israel? Being against a war is not anti semitic but ignoring the facts and evidence identifying the real instigators of war and destruction while vilifying the actual victims is. The unwarranted, unsuccessful, unjustifiable and disastrous aggressions by the USA in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanustan is an unrelated matter worthy of a separate discussion. To condemn the slaughter of innocents is not being anti-semitic. To lay the blame at the feet of the Jews/Israel who are defending themselves, while making excuses for and defending the genocidal and tyrannical aims and acts of Hamas, the PA, Hezbollah, Isis, the Taliban and Iran most definitely is anti-semitic.

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I did deal with civilians being killed . How did you miss it. ???? Civilians get killed in wars and most civilians in Gaza are not so innocent.

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Absolutely untrue. Most Palestinians weren’t even alive when Hamas came to power in an election in 2006. The last election held.

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Its all public relations with feeble minded support. Take for example, the common cold prior 2020. Any respect I may have had went out the window post 2020. Treat them as they are !

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The IDF intentionally killed seven aid workers believing that there was a terrorist among them. Is that what you mean by trying to avoid civilian casualties?

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why are you lying?

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Absolutely incredible. You Israelis are so blinded. Israel can do no wrong in your eyes. Fortunately, the World is getting a grip. Your undying hatred of anything in the tiniest bit that can be taken as "anti-semitic" becomes a backlash rant. You need to wake-up and smell the coffee.

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Go move to Iran if you love Hamas killers so much!

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To Ol LSO. You are no longer getting away with your BS When you dance for joy after murdering people. innocent people you lose the moral argument.

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Unfortunately Lenny, your comments apply to Israel as well. Amazin' how you are able to convince yourself of yours is the true and blue way. Hamas and Israel are twins - just the other side of the coin. I get it - you are in total denial. Hate has NO HOME HERE!!

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“War is not about an equal number of casualties. It s about winning.” BINGO!

Hamas started it. I hope Isreal finishes it by eradicating them all. Maybe then any others will think twice before engaging in glorious “jihad.”

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Michael -- Disagree with Bill but don't label him and anyone else who disagrees with the manner in which this conflict is being waged anti-Semitic.

On the other hand, what's un-Semitic is to declare a group "...an uncivilized bunch that must be removed." The Nazis used similar euphemisms

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JR You make a good point about labeling people. However, as much as I like Bill, it does seem as though, on this issue, he presents a biased, unobjective, one sided perspective which makes him appear very sympathetic to Hamas and critical of Israel at best and anti-semitic at worst.

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William, Bill is no different than the vast majority of observers throughout the world all of whom are not focusing on Hamas; they are focusing on the slaughter of women and children.

It's hard to believe this slaughter, still ongoing, will enhance the security or the stature of Israel.

One consequence: a vast number of US college students are clamoring for disinvestment in Israel. They are not pro-Hamas; they are anti-slaughter of innocents

Likely nothing will come of it but the sentiment will endure in many only to manifest itself in future, unimaginable ways

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Jimm. Very clearly the strident, "From the river to the sea" radicals are not anti slaughter as you imply. They ignored or supported Hamas unprovoked, single minded, intentional slaughter of innocents attending a festival and residents in the vicinity. Israel doesn't use their citizens as shields as does Hamas.

It seems indicative of many in an irresponible, but influential, minority of ideologically woke anarchists and politicians that perpetrators of crimes are defended and protected while victims are ignored or even blamed for their plight. Israel is not intentionally "slaughtering" innocent bystanders. They are the tragic collateral damage resulting from Hamas intentional and calculated actions. Israel is trying to to defeat a subversive, terrorist regime which calls for and celebrates the elimination of all Jews. All the while they wilfully prioritize putting their own compatriots in harm's way and obstructing their aid if it hinders Israel.

Why do Bill and the radicals illegally occupying university property not demand that Hamas return all hostages before any negotiations or ceasefire? Why are they not focusing on the criminals and terrorists who initiated the carnage and atrocities? They certainly give a strong impression that they are unashamedly pro Hamas and anti Israel. In their eyes it seems the only innocents are in Gaza.

If your family and loved ones were indiscriminately murdered, violated and abducted in the manner that Hamas did with the Israelis would you blame your family and loved ones or the evil, criminal villains who committed the slaughter? Would you not try and bring the murderers to justice? What conclusion would you draw if they justified their actions and insisted that you did not have a right to exist and that all like them and you should be wiped off the face of the earth? What would you do?

The vast majority of US college students have common sense and a priority to obtain their education. They are not clamoring for divestment in Israel. They are not comprised of ideological radicals and outside agitators who have a political agenda and who try to impose their will on the majority. They weep for all innocent victims but are wise enough to realize who the real victims are and who the real villains are. They are drawing their conclusions based on overwhelming historical facts and evidence not on biased, anti-semitic propaganda with unapologetical genocidal objectives.

Hopefully, a more tolerant, realistic, rational sentiment will endure and manifest itself in the elimination of hateful, genocidal groups llike Hamas... whose actions result in innocent victims. Hopefully, most people of reason and conscience will not support the atrocious actions of a bigoted minority which are similar to those which caused the tragedies of crystalnacht and the holocaust.

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William, Your retort is eloquent and passionate.

It’s a perspective reflecting justifiable anger for a mass murder of innocent Israelis attending a festival.

It’s at this point that I must declare I lack facts to allow me to respond to you authoritatively

With only press reports as my source, I can only opine that most protesters are neither anti-Semitic nor pro-Hamas

Instead, I contend they are anti-Slaughter. No doubt there are among them extremists but, until I have more facts, I will regard the protests as anti-Israeli tactics

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Here’s a suggestion, Liam. Just make your script larger and you won’t need to use caps.

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Hey Michael. Many people in this country feel that the 2020 election was stolen. At the end of the day, we got Biden as our president. So many people say that the Palestinians “voted in“ Hamas. So my question is, was Hamas voted in? You seem to think the answer is yes. I truly don’t know who the Palestinians voted for and I suspect you don’t either.

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I think most everyone on this site knows that Hamas was voted in and that the majority of the people were in favor of the viscous attack on civilians.

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Michael. I along with many Did not vote for Joe Biden, but yet he won. Obviously, you feel our last election was legitimate. I voted for one thing, but instead received open borders, forever war, and massive money printing. Is it possible there might be a Palestinian or two who does not want Hamas there? I just don’t understand how you can be sure a foreign election was legitimate.. Do you have some data to back this up? Or is this just feelings possible you have some connections in the Middle East that I do not have.

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Just as all the leaders who came before and after voted by its civilians. And its a funny thing, I dont vote.

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"At BPR, our beat is money. We don't profess to know much about anything else." Can't say how many times I've read a line similar to that around here. That and., "We're just trying to connect the dots to get a better understanding of what's going on." OK...(big breath)

I can tell this is important to Bill Bonner, being able to parse the aeons-long struggle in the Middle East, especially this recent iteration. I've been hanging around the Bonner "beat" in one form or another since the 90s. I've gotten to the point where I think I know his approach and predilections, and I like his presentation, both form and substance, but this constant moralizing is a departure, and beginning to look like a new direction. I'd like to help him, but there is a limit to my patience.

Here's what it looks like to me: Hamas and its ilk deal in human life as their currency. That's a lousy, dreadful "beat", but that's what they do. They double-dared Israel, and Israel decided to demand payback based on Israel's valuation of the dare, to which Israel and no one else is entitled, and now, Hamas and Co. find they don't like it. The "innocents" who enabled Hamas and supported them are experiencing the consequences of bad choices. I say "experiencing", because I doubt they are learning. Best always. PM

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Everyone should take a look at a thing called the "Karpman Drama Triangle."

I first came across this in writings about the psychology of addictive behavior....

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Haha! You trust ME to adequately research this on my own? Best always. PM

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PM, I don't see it as moralizing, it's just using a current unavoidable example to analyze in further detail his primary objective, as expressed in your first paragraph.

"You guys" want a big screaming match about Israel/Hamas, suggest find another Substack letter which focuses on that as its primary stated topic.

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Gee Bill you should quote the New York B S Times more often. You know the so called “ journalists” that leaked the Russian collusion hoax. I suppose you believe that Hamas did not kill civilians on October 7th and of course there were no hostages taken and if there were any they have been released. The conflict between Israel and the Arabs has been going on for thousands of years and will be around long after we are pushing up daises. The strip of land that we call Israel was awarded to the Jews in the 1947/48 time frame. Nobody wanted that strip of desert until Israel was awarded it. They have turned it into an oasis. The Palestinians have not made much progress but have caused problems everywhere they go. So much so, that none of the countries in the region want their refugees. I agree that we should stay out of wars but if you are attached you have to defend yourself. There was a time in history where people took a cavalier approach to the Jewish people and we know what happened. What was the quote at the Nuremberg trials “ we were only doing our job”. Enjoy reading the New York B S Times I am sure they Wii truthfully cover the issue.

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About 35,000 Palestinians — most of them women and children — have died so far (many of them still uncounted under the rubble.)

Three things:

1. Since that is the number of civilians reported dead by Hamas the real number is probably a fraction of that.

2. In war there is no such thing as "noncombatants" or "innocent civilians". There are only the living and the dead.

3. The Palestinians are their own jailers and murderers so I don't care how many of them die.

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And those " innocents" voted ovewhelmingly, for the terrorist HAMAS as their government. Additionally, poll after poll says they support Hamas. Again overwhelmingly. The young, the feeble, the infirm the truly innocent are a cause for sorrow. Certainly,, those same types in Germany who lived near the camps as ash fell upon their roofs, gardens, hanging laundry and automobiles too supported the evil at worst and turned a blind eye at best. They, specifically,are responsible for the death of those innocents! Bill might want to check out a very short documentary called

"Silence after Screams. "

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Don't forget that Nuttyyahoo admitted funding Hamas to keep the Palestinians divided.

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Very true , Nuttyyahoo has approved the transfer of over one billion dollars from Qutar to support Hamas.

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You may be interested to know that Hamas came into power in Gaza by a less than majority vote after killing its opponents in 2007. Less than 1/2 of the people living in Gaza were even alive at the time of that vote. The vote was not overwhelming. It’s probably a good idea to know what you’re talking about before justifying the slaughter of innocent people.

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There are students from Palestine at major universities in the USA should Jews in America take this opportunity and dispose of them? They are apparently not worthy of living. When did Palestine last hold an election? Were children allowed to vote?

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Palestinians… I don’t care how many of them die. How pathetic and inhumane. Nothing justifies this comment yet 8 likes and still counting. Nothing can change people’s mind. Pessimistic regarding humanKIND. Optimistic regarding humanMEAN.

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I don't care what you think about that old geezer so there's that.

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I know you don’t care. You are swallowed and consumed by hatred.

May a higher power rest your soul.

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Someday I hope Mr Floyd re-reads his comments and feels like an idiot.

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Neither of you should worry because I am not consumed by hatred and I won't feel like an idiot.

It is however my sincere hope that both of you will encounter a sudden increase in intellect so that you can see this situation clearly. It has been repeated over and over again for 5,000 years of recorded human history. If you play stupid games you are for sure going to win stupid prizes. When it comes to stupid prizes the Palestinians are encountering an embarrassment of riches.

If they want a cease fire I suggest they stop launching hundreds of rockets into Israel on a daily basis and stop killing Israelis and learn to get along with them. If they don't and they continue doing what they are doing then they need to make room in their closets for a lot more stupid prizes because that's how we humans roll worldwide since the beginning of civilization. That may be hard for the two of you to understand. No skin off my nose though.

Have a nice day.

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You are contradicting yourself. If you did not care you would not reply.

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Some people disdain perspective. I appreciate the opportunity to stand back and seek some kind of higher ground.

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Mr. Bonner - Please stop commenting on Israel. It is not relevant to the purpose of this newsletter. Moreover it is detracting from it. If this becomes the purpose of your newsletter, it appears to me that you stand to lose subscribers.

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If I want anti-Isreal hate-commentary, there’s the lame-stream media for that.

Be better, Bonner.

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Commenters are making it hateful, not Bill, IMHO.

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SB, it is totally relevant. 1) This is a financial-focused letter. 2) Getting involved in funding war has a very negative impact on a country, and its financial position (ANY war). 3) Providing specific examples from current events directly follows to support basic premise.

This doesn't mean (and I don't believe) Bill is taking any sides in the examples he raises, which ae hard to avoid, given current events. It would be surprising if Bill didn't use current statistics and facts to support his position.

It's those, like you, who can't resist tilting at imagined insults who are mis-directed. Maybe find yourself(s) a letter whose stated raison d'etre is the Israel/Hamas conflict, as you threaten. These distractions are a time-waster here.

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Disagree PHN

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Black and white. Is that the way Hamas sees it? Don’t even need to wait for Gods answer. Hamas and Iran and all the other Jew haters have answered for themselves.

How does Bill see it? Are we to believe Bill doesn’t divide causes into good and bad? In that case we might see some understanding and compassion for both sides. But no. Bills compassion, humanity and invocation of the Lord almighty only extends to those with a never ending pledge to destroy Israel and the Jews. Bill isn’t against Jews right? He’s just has everlasting love and compassion for those who never waver from their mission to kill them.

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Excellent. Thank you for exposing Mr. Bonner for what he is.

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You are so full of _______. There have been many occasions that there could have been a 2 state solution. Israel gave 90% of what the Palestinians wanted; Arafat turned it down.Palestinians do not want peace. They voted for Hamas to take control of the government. They teach their children to be terrorists. Israel has never attacked the Palestenians for no reason. You mention many women and children were killed as a result of the military operation of Israel; Hamas uses these innocent people as shields. As you know, no Middle East country want any Palestenians. Everywhere they go they create chaos. The Holocaust is deeply embedded in the Jewish minds. This will NEVER happen again; Israelis will fight until the end to be left alone. I don’t blame them.

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I’m growing increasingly under the impression that Bill Bonner is a con man. He draws people in with his charm and wit. He makes so much sense. He then grows darker and darker over time, but his followers have been hooked and have lost the ability to see his twisted logic and evilness. He likes to bring God into his writings, which serves to heighten his image as all knowing. He likes to claim he doesn’t know all the answers, he only connects the dots. But there are many ways to connect the dots and Bill’s way is just one of many. Beware of the path he tries to lead one down.

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I share your concern.

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Bill's concern is the negative and debt-attractive impact of being drawn into military adventurism. Hard to write about that without talking about the two specific conflicts the country is currently involved in, and pointing out facts that support the foundational position.

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It’s not hard at all. The three other contributors to BPR write regularly and apparently never feel the urge to be “pointing out facts that support the foundational position.” Countless other writers cover finance and economic topics and seem to have no problem sticking to topic.

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OK. So your petty mind is closed to even thinking about a contrarian POV not held by the majority. Good luck with that. BTW, why are you following Bill at all?

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I continue to read Bill Bonner’s columns because I am a paid subscriber and my subscription is still active. I won’t be renewing, however. I enjoy following the other members of the BPR team (Denning, Dyson, and Bowman), but Bill Bonner has single-handedly soured my taste.

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Kenny. Understood.

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Bill is the biggest liability in his own company. If his “teammates”aren’t actively pursuing other opportunities already, they should be. Distancing themselves from Bonner’s juvenile, glorious view of terrorism, and constant criticism of the Jews, suggests it would certainly be in their best interest personally and professionally. It’s a shame to see someone who otherwise appears to a bright guy, with no moral compass. At his age I hope I am more concerned about the virtues highlighted in my eulogy than in my resume.

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Tucker Carlson interviewed Naomi Wolf. She has had a remarkable awakening. It is worth watching. They discuss God. Tucker is reading the Bible; he says it’s simple follow God or not. When not, evil takes over. There are two classes of people those that follow God and those that don’t. Those that don’t are blind to God.

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He's against war and its impact, not Jews.

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EVERYONE is against war except defense contractors and Hamas. When there IS war there is a very simple way to end it. One side surrenders. Throw down your arms and throw up your hands. War’s over. I don’t hear Bill offering up that very simple solution or any solution for that matter. Israel desperately wants to live in peace. But if you commit an act of war against them they have every right and, in fact, are OBLIGATED to wage war against the enemy. Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, have a stated objective of wiping Israel off the map. Israel lives with that every single day and yet they restrain their military until they have no choice. War is not going away. It’s been with us since the beginning of time and is in fact the reason there are such things as governments, borders, and standing militaries. Bill CONTINUOUSLY is offensive as it relates to Israel and the Jews so don’t tell us he is against war and not the Jews. We’re not stupid.

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Well, you prove my point. Bill's not interested in proposing solutions. He just wants to demonstrate, by using the best facts and statistics at his disposal (which one can agree with or attack) to support his position that "going into debt to support war is bad" If he were to take the next step, to propose solutions, he would indeed open himself to favouring one side over the other.

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He SHOULD favor one side over the other. You’re saying he’s afraid to take a position between the only democracy in the Middle East and terrorists. Anyone with a sense of objective morality should have a position. If this was an isolated position being taken by Bonner, your point would have a sliver of truth to it. But it’s not isolated and there a LOT of readers who’ve commented regarding his consistently unapproving commentary on the Jewish state.

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Goodness, where to start? Your first sentence, with capitalized word...If you're right, then you SHOULD call the Substack police...or whoever is responsible for punishing those who disobey YOUR made-up rules. Bill is quite entitled to write whatever, however he chooses.

Second, I'm not saying he's afraid of anything. I'm just saying I see a clear pattern to Bill's writings, which you have to tie yourself into Gordian knots, making unjustified, far-reaching assumptions to tie Bill into the debate you want to have, when the simplest interpretation is clear (Occam's razor). Bill doesn't like war, so he brings in a current example of war - could be ANY war, but happens to be Israel/Hamas - using it to demonstrate why war is bad. To not discuss this example would be a startling oversight and actually stupid of Bill when the war is a top news story currently. And I don't believe Bill is stupid.

Third, there's your point about Bill bringing up the conflict repeatedly. Makes total sense to me...Bill writes every day (which I appreciate). And his position that "War is bad" is very important and worthy of repetition (some of us need constant reminders of important points). So it's not surprising that the Israel/Hamas war shows up in his writings regularly, supporting his argument that "war is bad". He quotes facts and statistics, the best he has available (which one can agree with or argue against) to support his conclusions.

There's more, but you and the LOT of readers who comment are so full of rage (maybe for good reason) that you have no ability to resist 1) assuming a position that I doubt Bill actually subscribes to and 2) proceeding to battle against Bill and others if he dares even whisper anything about Israel.

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I’ve noticed that not Tom Dyson, not Dan Denning, nor Joel Bowman writes anything in support of their boss outside of basic economics. Hopefully, they remain wise enough and know not to play with the venomous serpent that Bill Bonner is.

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A fine, old, aged building in Ireland with a broken roof!

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When it comes to conflict and war, Bonner's writings are nothing more than the musings of a demented mind. He says he doesn't know what God would think about all this, but continually wonders what God thinks anyway. And he gives no answers. He counts the dead but doesn't offer any in-depth analysis of why or how they came to be. Apparently, if you are attacked and your citizens are killed, you can only kill the exact same number of the enemy. Since when? How will that deter another attack if the enemy knows exactly what the cost of their murders will be? Savages like Hamas must be wiped out, and their supporters, if not wiped out, so totally demoralized that they will not strike again.

Mentioning that the USA has made mistakes in its conflicts doesn't take away from the fact that our country is based on individual rights, while many of our enemies, including Hamas could care less about the people under their control. We have problems in this country as fascist forces are trying to take over (and these are mostly, but not entirely, on the left), so we also have to fight evil in our own country. At present, we can win with better ideas, but if the fascists take over, I'm afraid we will eventually have our second civil war. No self-respecting American is going to let the fascist left dictate every aspect of our lives - from vehicles to appliances, speech, economic activity, etc.

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Yes Bill, Americans still support Israel and despise the Islamic terrorist movement. This insanity we are witnessing in our demented universities are not American. These sick, “highly educated(indoctrinated) morons blindly follow the democrat cult and the supporters of this corrupt organization, bought and paid for by Soros, WEF, CFR, China and many other corrupt organizations. Corruption breeds corruption, evil breeds evil. We Americans could care less about anything happening overseas, and are horrified watching the insanity happening on our own shores. Wish you would focus more here than there. What ever Israel does to get their hostages back is up to them, with any means necessary. And thank you Dan for bringing us back where we belong here at BPR. I have done well with URNM and believe it will do even better as AI helps create better SMR systems. It is the future of energy, but oil will always remain the primary source of energy, so still love your investment of the decade 😊

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It's interesting that Americans support Israel and despise the Islamic terrorist movement. But what happens when Israel supports an Islamic terrorist movement? https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/report-israel-treating-al-qaida-fighters-wounded-in-syria-civil-war-393862Should we then despise both of these groups?

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🤔 I’m sure any fake news on Israel supporting any Muslim organization would be just that. Of course the Palestinians are a different problem due to the land issue. But that was a well planned project of the international banking community. Lots of money to be made with constant conflict🤔 but in the meantime, Islam has and always will be in conflict with the rest of the world(non Muslim), just as it was before Israel, and will be long after we are all gone. And that too will probably be due to the “Religion of Peace”🤔

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Is the story about Israel treating al-qaida fighters fake news? And this one from the Times of Israel is also fake? Just wondering why we should be supporting either side in this conflict, especially worth Nuttyyahoo stats g that America is East to manipulate. Why should our tax dollars go to his regime? https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-chief-acknowledges-long-claimed-weapons-supply-to-syrian-rebels/#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17150262045894&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fidf-chief-acknowledges-long-claimed-weapons-supply-to-syrian-rebels%2F

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I absolutely couldn’t agree more! We should let the rest of the world live or die at the expense of themselves. American has already been destroyed from within, and that needs to be addressed immediately. I always believed that the Mossad was the best intelligence organization in the world. For something on this scale to get past them just doesn’t happen. Very much like 9/11. Much bigger agendas happening here. On the other hand, I can’t understand why these psychopaths will allow the annihilation of their people for any cause. If they let the hostages go, this ends the slaughter. But most of us know this is just the tail wagging the dog…. As far as I’m concerned, Israel can level the entire region, including Iran, and the only bad thing would be cleaning up the nuclear waste and dealing with the libtards whine about the climate 🫤

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Good Items, Cartero , keep them coming .

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Bonner's assets are scattered the world over. How much are here? How much time does he spend here relative to other places? One of his first publishing successes was something called "International Living", a magazine devoted to his lifestyle and view of the world. Best always. PM

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Please Paul, he lived in Baltimore. Anyone living in Baltimore knows the only hope for survival is escaping Baltimore. Many do get out, only to reside in outer towns, guaranteeing the same demented politics that created Baltimore. It’s good to keep them contained, but the truly intelligent ones get as far away as possible. Good move Bill!

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Don't tell me: I "lived" there two years! As the Japanese proverb states, "One firsthand look is worth 100 reports" Best always. PM

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🤣😂🤣😂🙏 congratulations on escaping 😊

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I don't believe that Mr. Bonner or anyone else knows the true numbers of civilians, especially women and children, killed on the Palestinian side. What I do know is that Israel lives under an unrelenting threat for its survival. Try living like that! This current war began because Hamas attacked Israeli civilians. Israel responded in the only way it could, with overwhelming military power. Yes, many so called innocent people were killed. However, you might know that a recent poll there showed that 70% of Palestinians agreed with the attack on Israel.

Israel is a tiny nation, with land so narrow its jet fighters cannot make a 180 degree turn within its own borders. The Israeli people have a right to the quiet enjoyment of their lives. They do not enjoy the option of not responding with might when they are attacked. Keep in mind that the Palestinians only have to win once. The Israelis have to win each time or there is no Israel.

The Israeli people, who are highly educated, continue to make an enormous contributions to the world through their research and development producing many products in medicine and communications. Israel stands in third place in the world in the filing of patents.

I believe that Mr. Bonner, might do a better job researching the thousands of years of history of that area of the Middle East. He will find that that Palestinians have historically attacked the Jews in the land of Israel long before it became a nation. If the Palestinians do not want to be killed, they should stop trying to kill the State of Israel.

Dick Truelick



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First of all, the 40 plus thousand Palestinian deaths number is suspect in that those numbers are generated by Hamas, not an independent source. Second, Israel provides advance notice of attacks on Hamas targets well in advance and people have plenty of time to leave those areas. However, Hamas being the animals they are keep the innocent civilians as human shields to further promote their mission. The IDF does not commit atrocities like Hamas does. Such as beheading women and children, raping girls and women, cutting unborn babies out of the wombs of pregnant women, etc. It is too bad that Israel has been provoked into this no-win conflict by a known terrorist organization. The only good outcome of all this is if Hamas is ultimately wiped off the face of the earth.

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"Mike Johnson, House Speaker, identified Hamas as a “terrorist organization.” His heroes were fighting ‘terrorism;’ end of story."

And guess what - his "heroes" created Hamas to carry out false flags just like the one on 10/7.


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I have read all the other comments. I don't think anyone referred to the Hamas Charter, which was written at the organization's inception. It has a very specific raison d'etre: to kill Jews and control all of Palestine. To my mind, if your reason for existence is to kill a people group, you deserve all the punishment you get and the affected people group will of course defend itself.

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