BUT WAIT! We have uncle Joe in office who can pen an executive order to save Beyond Meat as too big to fail as a critical part to help climate change, after all beyond meat is saving the world's climate one farting bovine at a time....

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If we don't eat them, they'll keep farting away for years to come ! The humane and conscious thing to do is to short BYND.

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Hate to be a nit picker Mark but bovines (mainly) don't fart - they belch, as any farmer can attest to, but either way it'll be a cold day in hell before I start eating some factory made, plant based, concoction filled with God knows what. Would rather go legit vegan tbh

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(The house delivers a standing ovation!)

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Many thanks, Mr. Bonner, that is one HANDSOME gobbler to lead off a stunning story of lies, crooks, and chicanery to start the holiday season. I agree with Egypt Solomon, good to see the crooks get their comeuppance once and a while. Sad to see we let these people drive, and vote. Maybe there is a fix somewhere for that. Happy Thanksgiving. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Hi Don -

Many people are aware of the urban legend that Ben Franklin lobbied HARD for the Wild Turkey to be the National Bird of our new Republic. He actually didn't, but DID defend the fowl in a letter to his sister:

"Bald Eagle...is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly…[he] is too lazy to fish for himself.”

About the turkey, Franklin wrote that in comparison to the bald eagle, the turkey is “a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America...He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage.”

Now you know.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I have added the BPR Team (together with all the wise, witty and wonderful commenters) to my long list of things for which I am thankful...

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Lame stream media wants to hush hush this story, but SBF's (Single Biggest Fraud) folks were active participants in the orgy of ill gotten gains. SBF's parents were among a group that bought at least 19 properties worth nearly $121 million in the Bahamas over the past two years. Most of the property purchases were luxury beachfront homes, including seven condominiums in an expensive resort community called Albany, costing almost $72 million. The properties were officially purchased by a unit of FTX. Reuters was able to contact a spokesperson for the professors, who said they had "been trying to return the property to FTX." My guess is the "we were unsophisticated about the law" argument won't work for them. What are the odds of a perp walk for SBF's parents through the halls and courtyards of Stanford :-) My guess is they will get the Corzine treatment (No Jail) as opposed to the Madoff treatment (Jail). Rules for thee not for me baby :-)

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It is a mistaken belief that cows release methane into the environment by farting. Cows release 97% of all methane gas by burping rather than farting. Unlike people, cows burp without a sound.

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This fact must be checked! lol

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Since Dr. Fauci is retiring this December, I think this would be the perfect task for him to undertake in retirement.

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Long live lord fauci, good riddance

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Daddy Bankman and Momma Fried must be so proud of what they brought to the world. Reading about that whole lot brought one word to mind....termites!

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Meh - brought four words to my mind.

Short Ropes, Lamp Posts...

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The EU recently decided that natural gas is green. I guess cows are off the hook.

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"Beyond Meat – the turkey’s great hope – is almost beyond hope."

LOL. I always love Bills turkey analogies!

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Beyond Meat - Putting your money where your mouth is. Perfect!

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Reading this article makes me feel BEYOND happy!

Thank you Mr. Bonner, once in a while, it is good to see the elite get a good o’l ass whooping. Hahahaha!

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Hey, you forgot SBF's auntie, who is a WEF alum...

Happy Thanksgiving all! Gonna smoke my bird on the Traeger today...All this talk about Beyond Meat makes me wish I'd have taken a prime rib out of the freezer as well, just to celebrate real meat... No football...nope, gonna take my diesel tractor and snow blow a couple driveways. Not many libs around these parts to piss off, but it does give me a warm feeling, just for trying.

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Bill Bonner or his staff: I have no information regarding a sign-in password. In general, joining your outfit isn't a very 'straight line'. The information you have giving me to date for my $455 initial payment has not been adequate so far for what I have paid. I don't 'live' on market terms so likely some of the difficulties are probably my lack of deep market info. I am a semi-retired professor of engineering who had the honor to be invited two separate years as a DVP during my 29 years in academia to serve as a professor of Mechanical Engineering at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. In my spare time since returning to teaching in 1978 (at NM School of Mines, Socorro NM), I have written 7 professional engineering books and petroleum industry field training manuals for this vital industry (see the titles on my attached business card). My expertise in this industry is for the 'front-end' of the industry, i.e., exploration, drilling, well completions, well production, and workover operations. I joined your group because Bill Bonner had real ideas as to how we citizens can get our country back. However, he might want to change his 'TV intro speech' a bit. Jet fuel, diesel fuel and East Coast heating oil are all based on one component kerosene. Kerosene is the immediate liquid product from running natural gas through the 'Gas-To-Liquid (GTL)' plant. Those jet aircraft either civilian 'jetsetters', airlines, or our military aircraft generally are all serviced by diesel engine powered tanker trucks. Those diesel engines operate 'just fine' on the jet fuel. Those tanker truck engines are not altered to accept jet fuel. Nearly all diesel engines can accept jet fuels. Thus, if diesel fuel runs short, we ex-military folks know where to find fuels for our diesel trucks (i.e., I'm a former Marine "airedale" prior to college). We know the jetsetters will never let that fuel supply run low!! Maybe that is why we see in energy markets that the latest inflation increases precents for jet fuels are only 6% to 7% (e.g., Jet A, Jet B, and most likely for JP-4 and JP-5 also)? Bill Lyons

PS: I'm also an inventor responsible for the "short-radius" horizontal drilling tools presently run by Baker-Hughs Services in the Middle East.

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I would like to clarify a point with you. I am a Vegan, not because I don't want to kill animals, but because my body no longer needs animal fat or protein. An Endocrinologist wrote a book, that my doctor recomme3nded, "How to reverse Diabetes." The general diet in the book was to stop eating animal fat and protein. My wife was on the verge of being pre-diabetic and it helped me reduce my need for insulin. Everything I eat now is plant based including "cheese and milk."

If you don't suffer from conditions brought about by over consumption of animal fat and protein, great for you. When you sit down and consume a 24 oz steak, in the back of your mind you should remember that 24 oz is six times the size of a healthy meal for you!

I get my "meat" (and cheeses) from the Herbivorous Butcher Shop in Minneapolis, MN.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Why is it that Vegans CONSISTENTLY -

1. Can't keep the fact to themselves and feel compelled to let everyone know they are Vegan?

2. Have to insert some type of "scold" into the conversation EVERY TIME?

Nothing personal Mr. Fisher, but please. Being Vegan does NOT make you better or more enlightened than meat-eaters, and more importantly, NOBODY CARES. Great that the lifestyle helped you with a health issue, but it needs to end there...

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As my brother, King Kong Bundy used to say " If you can't write me a scrip for Percocet you ain't a real Doctor! Why all the need to include PhD? Who cares.

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I’m glad you found your way to health.

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A few comments:

1. I am 80 year old male.

2. I don't believe or intend to scold anyone about what they eat.

3. I also tend to let people know I am Jewish, again without commenting on their religious beliefs.

3.5 I do not attend any congregation or Temple. I had a personal problem that G_D and discussed.

4. Some people do care about becoming Vegan because they need to for health reasons

5. From Bambi, If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.

Jan David Fisher

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Unfortunately the government has a plan to prop up the fake protein ‘business’. They just allocated $8 billion to ensure ‘food security’.

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deletedNov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022
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Trump all the way, easy road ahead for the nomination. With Musk on his side, much easier. Musk didn’t buy Twitter to improve it, he bought it to destroy it! 😂 Take it away from the snake evil liberals and significantly reduce the one sided approach they use against The Golden One.

“Not no more Billy, not no more, that was then, this is now. You crazy SOB!” (Young Guns II) 😂

Musk’s CIA world mapping program is just getting started, makes the Subaru facial recognition system look like a Nintendo. I am all in, all of my 1 million dollar Orange chips are all in on The Golden Trumpet! 2024 Baaaby! Yeeah! 😂

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