When I was young, I would lie to get out of trouble. Not proud of it, but it goes to this story. When I was older my dad told me one day when I was caught in a lie, "son, if you lie to me, I can not trust you. If I can't trust you, you can't drive my car." It was like a dagger in my heart. Freedom, as I knew it consisted of driving that internal combustion car down the road where I pleased. To lose that was a death knell to me. Hence, I began to be truthful even if it was painful. And it was. I say all this to say this, lying is a MORTAL SIN. Politicians don't get it. They will be held accountable. If you cheat ,lie, steal, kill, disrespect God, it is deadly. One day all this will come forth and there will be hell to pay, literally. So, who would trust somebody with a hyphenated name. It ain't proper, and it ain't respectful to use up two names. Somebody got cheated. I agree with all that Bill says. Someone got caught lyin' his ass off.

Don Harrell

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"In the last presidential election, he was the second largest donor to Joe Biden – giving the candidate $5.2 million. "

This guy, living in his fantasy world, seems to be getting what he deserves. Most of us do.

I've been in crypto for years. Glad to say I never heard of him or his exchange. The newsletters that have guided my crypto investing have never mentioned him nor did they fall for his hype.

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I'm sure his allowing naked short selling of CEL token after Celsius Network went into Chapter 11 had NOTHING to do with his liquidity problems. Especially when hundreds, if not thousands, decided to do a Gamestop-like short squeeze.

The one difference between the conventional financial markets and crypto markets -- when banks fail, they're bailed out by government. When crypto businesses fail, they're dead or bought out. At least creative destruction is alive and well somewhere.

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Another Bank man fried, another third world election, another win for the WEF, another loss for America... another day in paradise!

Get ready for it folks, it's coming sooner then expected :)

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Hi Bill and thanks for giving such a sympathetic perspective on SBF .. not sure he had anything coming or going but the laws of gravity and finance are awfully similar so what goes up quickly usually comes down just as fast or even faster in this example .. I noticed that the markets and Medina's of the middle east did not even burp or interrupt their afternoon tea/pipe siestas .. when asked they seemed to have no interest or even care about anything the debauched western world was up to .. their fervent belief is that Allah will settle all imbalances and the just strong self righteous will rule the world if not now then in a hundred years so why bother worrying about anything ..? Our western media portrays ever event as if it were of earth shattering importance but to billions of humans around the planet they are only concerned with doing their daily jobs and were their next meal is coming from wars famines pandemic's etc are just distraction's that only the western fools have time to ponder .. so what's really important in life .. I think Dan's got it!

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"Bankman gets fried." Now that's a headline!

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Disenfranchise whom? Nobody in this country (I doubt you've ever been here) has a problem buying alcohol, driving a vehicle legally, getting on an airplane, etc. etc. etc. The voter suppression drivel is insulting even to "people of color" in this country. Your disenfranchise argument implies that "certain people" aren't smart enough or capable enough to get government issued ID that is completely free of charge. You don't know that because you are sitting on your island reading the nonsense that a Marxist media spews.

I do believe in certain cases and areas that Democrats get more votes than Republicans. That's been happening since this country (its history I doubt you know much about) was founded. The Democrat party of today is nothing like what it was just 20 years ago. It is now a vicious, power hungry, government-centric leviathan that is pure evil. They are hell bent on destroying our middle class and making people totally dependent on government. That's not how this country was founded and our people here won't be enslaved (which is exactly what the Democrat party of today is trying to do). Now go back downstairs to your parents' basement and stop wasting my time.

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Bill, Atleast he liked giving his money away,and hopefully it did some positive.I never owned any cripto

currency,but I liked the idea of an atlternative to the valueless fed fake dollar.I'm sure alot of people have and will lose money in cripto,but they will also be losing alot in their 401 k''s and Ira's due to the Elite's games of liquidate the working class and senior citizens.He atleast was smart enough and had

enough class to admit the game is over,and take his losses and go home with some class. When the likes of Jamie Damon and J.P. Morgan and the rest of the criminals bankrupt, and we don't bail them out,that will be a day to celebrate in the U.S.A..

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Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger,” over their second glass of fine Malbec.

“Don’t say it Charlie!”

“ Well Warren, remember in the Good Book, in the beginning, God said...”

So, clearly mulled over this creative advice, considered buying ephemerals and....

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I think there's a very slim chance the Senate stays 50-50. Laxalt only leads the Marxist by about 11,000 votes and the Dem Secretary of State has until December 5 to "find the votes". The same thing will probably happen in Georgia such that the Marxist there avoids a run off with Walker. I know, it's a hold, but the shuck and jive in Philly makes things really complicated.

The big loser in all of this is one Donald J. Trump. If he has any humility or brains he will ride off into the sunset and Biden might throw him a bone and call off the dogs. The people in this country simply don't buy his act. After seeing what DeSantis did yesterday (along with all the down ballot races in FLA) Trump needs to realize he is not the future or the present for his party or this country. (This is coming from a guy that voted for him twice.)

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Agree Dave - watched him, Trump, at a rally for one of the candidates (can't remember who) and observed to my wife that if you didn't know you'd have thought he was the one running. Completely narcissitic, poor me ish and very off putting, however don't see him taking his toys ang skulking off home anytime soon unfortunately, but he should.

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I've been saying for well over a year that there are just too many Independents and squishy Republicans that simply won't vote for him. That makes it very difficult to win in states that aren't solidly red. Plus, he energizes the Dems to the extent that they run through walls to vote against him.

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Truer words were never spoken!

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Notice how Republicans are finally turning their backs to Trump?

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On this we have common ground. His policies were great but he needs to go away! He is really hard to like.

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His policies were wonderful for the middle class. I truly believe the American voter is not well informed enough to understand it. Trump derangement syndrome is real. I voted for him twice but I really hope he does not run again. Go Ron DeSantis. We live in interesting times

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Yeap agree - clearly I'm not a citizen but enjoy (if that's the correct word!!) watching US politics immensely. The divide in the country seems to have now got unfixable. To the extent that I think a silver backed gorilla straight from the Ruandan jungle could stand for either party and fly in, as long as he was representing whatever side of the political spectrum that State supported. Oh wait a moment, I think Pennsylvania may have just done exactly that. Unbelievable - but thought all the way through that Dr Oz wasn't particularly appealing and he did have Trumps backing so there's that.

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Great simile between the gorilla and the newly minted Senator from Pennsylvania!

There really needs to be some serious investigative work done on how the elections are conducted. I live in Nevada and if the Republican candidate for Secretary of State manages to maintain his lead and wins office Nevada will be a test case for how much the Dems actually tamper with elections.

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No one tampered with the election..give it up! You lost fairly.

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No tampering. Is it so hard for you to believe that the Democrat actually got more votes than the Republican?

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Not a big Trump fan, but if the Dems cheated (IF??), it proves nothing about Trump.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

That's true to an extent. However, I haven't exactly heard DJT prescribing a game plan for how the GOP should be working on the legal side to thwart the Dems' election tampering shenanigans.

My main point was that it's time to move on from Trump and give DeSantis a chance. People won't walk across broken glass on their lips to vote against him the way they do to vote against Trump.

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Well said. You could have read my mind and all these would come to your's. Somewhat expecting what we got. But, still there is hope. God did not look down and go "oops", He saw it coming. And life goes on. Just sayin'.

Don Harrell

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Hi Don. Saw a great bumper sticker years ago -

"God is not surprised"

That, and "When you tell the Truth, you never have to remember what you said." are two that have stuck with me all these years.

PS - My brother had one on his car in the '70's that said:

"I'm not a bigot. I hate everybody."

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I think unfortunately a big part of PA senate race had to do who was on the top of the ticket . Rep candidate for Gov lost by 14 . Oz only lost my 3. He would have won if they had a better Gov candidate.-just my 2 cents

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