So, “The Russians destroyed its own main ssset; Nordstream 1 & 2”?

In reality our once-proud republic has fallen so far that criminals in our government expect us to believe anything.

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I beg to differ on Nordstream 1 & 2. I believe the Biden administration sent the Navy Seals to sabotage the natural gas pipeline !

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That is essentially what I wrote; that our government thinks we are so degenerate as to accept their “Russians did it to themselves” lie.

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Hi Christopher -

It was exceptionally clear to 99.9% of us. Almost as crystal clear as who is OBVIOUSLY responsible for blowing the pipelines.

TraitorJoe (may he hang in piece) said weeks ago he would stop NORD2 (with that dementia-patient twinkle in his eye), so he is just following through. The romper room "leaders" at the state department were ready to go, Frogman Plan in hand. It seems that the stealers of the 2020 election are HELL BENT on dragging us into a hot war with Russia, cause, um, Vlad Man Bad I guess.

Now watch the absolutely crafty demons and moronic sheep (in our media and populace respectively) bark like seals that Putin committed the one act that would do Russia the most damage.

So intellectually flaccid I want to puke...

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Vlad is the new Donald.

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GJ- Biden said in a speech before Russia invaded, he would "take care of Nordstream 1&2".

You got this spot on!

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What really keeps me up at night is the inability to cipher what is real.

Are the Pfizer/Moderna jabs safe?

Where did Covid originate and why does it seems no one is interested to find out?

Is anthropogenic Climate Change a phenomena and is it really a "crisis"?

How did Samuel Alito's abortion notes leak?

What is China really doing on the dark side of the moon?

Why was the Afghanistan pullout in such disarray?

Are Dominion voting machines really hackable and were they?

What are UFO's (UAP's) and how much does anyone know?

It would be a real refresher if the news media actually sought to report the news...

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In these times, most of what we see and all of what we are told is more likely to be fake/false than to be real. So, at your service Icebergs:

1. No, not safe at all. Beside creating MAJOR problems with the Human Reproductive & Immune Systems, Blood Clots and severe cases of various heart diseases - the entire thing was a scam start to finish to make Big Pharma and the politicians they own a lot of money, with the side benefit of depopulation and reducing individual Freedom while increasing "government" control over citizens all around the world. Never forget - there were VERY limited clinical trials and the drug companies fought to hide that miniscule amount of data for 75 YEARS - because (as we now know to be a fact), it was ALL bad news. See VAERS and the new "disease" labeled SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, not to mention the hundreds (thousands?) of vaxx'd pro and amateur athletes that are dropping dead like flies in the last 20 months.

2. Engineered in a Chinese Biolab, in partnership with several Big Pharma companies and the full support/funding from "our" "government" agencies - NIH and CDC. These are facts that have been established and now we are just waiting for the mass trials to begin, though not holding our breath. See Rand Paul vs. Mass Murderer Fowlshi in recent congressional hearings. But if you're a dim, it's ok to not believe what your eyes and ears are conveying to you. Wouldn't want to break the indoctrination. Many people HAVE been interested in finding out the truth and HAVE gotten to the bottom of it with verified, factual EVIDENCE. Your tv just refuses to show it to you and anyone who publicly brings the reality of convid and the vaxx to light is immediately cancelled to the best of the left's ability.

3. Anthropogenic as the Cause? No. Prove it if you disagree. Anyone? Real Science is not allowed to participate in the "debate" because the facts and the truth do not advance the globalist/communist agenda in any way. If you are a scientist and you dare stray from the narrative - your Grant money goes buhbye, you will never get published again and you and your family will be personally ostracized with regard to where you can live, where you can work or teach and where your children will be allowed to attend school/University. Do a web search for a very recent letter that totally contradicts the narrative of the left - signed by 1500+ actual, BRAVE climate scientists and atmospheric researchers. You may need to scroll to the 4th or 5th page of results to find this information. Big surprise there, huh?

4. The leak was easy to accomplish and the "desired" result transparent. Domestic Enemy dimocrats thought they could intimidate the entire SC and sway the final ruling, with the bonus of likely instigating more "peaceful" riots by their ignorant sheep. Luckily, they were wrong. Again. So far.

5. No proof ANYONE is on the moon at all. Ackshually (adjusting my tin foil hat) - no one has ever put a man on the moon. Just two points out of HUNDREDS: A. It is common knowledge among Engineers in the Space Industry that no technology yet exists to allow a human to survive passage through the Van Allen Radiation Belts (600-1200 miles from sea level, I think) and very little electronics can survive without massive shielding. B. Us putting "men on the moon" in 5 out of 6 tries was pretty impressive and a GREAT TECHNOLOGICAL ACHIEVEMENT. Isn't it a bit odd then that NASA seems to have "lost" EVERY PAGE of blue prints, specifications and drawings for the Saturn V rocket, the moon lander, the return capsule, the moon rover, etc. There are NO blueprints to be found ANYWHERE for any of the "cutting-edge" stuff that got us there and back 5 out of 6 times. Probably put a diversity hire in charge of filing those important items away, except there weren't diversity hires back then and they also cannot find ONE SCRAP of Telemetry going or coming back from ANY of the missions, nor can they produce any ORIGINAL photos or film of our "astronauts" actually on the moon. Everything we have been shown for the last 50+ years is film of what was broadcast to our tv screens while it was allegedly happening. The Hubble and Webb Orbiting Telescopes can find a planet revolving around a star thousands of light years away, yet not a SINGLE pic of any of the equipment we "left behind on the moon", nor even a shot of Old Glory NOT waving in the miniscule atmosphere. Plus, some simple arithmetic regarding escape velocity and fuel requirements + weight and area required to store said fuel... well, don't get me started on this - roll your eyes and giggle away, but take 5 minutes and try to disprove anything that I wrote here in point #5. Then advance down the rabbit hole if you dare - see Moondoggie website/blog, but prepare yourself to realize how large and how long the lies have been that we all take as "History."

6. Afghanistan? It was a plan to arm our enemies and further release some big-time weaponry on the European continent (see Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia over the last 20 years or so and how much hardware we have actually brought back with us.) Embarrassment to our Country or emboldenment of our enemies was never a consideration with this crowd. Not for one second.

7. Yes they are hackable and in most cases, programmable ahead of time. The thievery attributed to the Dominion machines only encompasses about 30%-40% of all the fraudulent activities the dims and their owners utilized to steal 2020's election. Yes sheep, there is EXTENSIVE PROOF AND EVIDENCE of the whole stinking scheme, but it is so much easier to laugh, point at and imprison the real Americans than to do a few minutes of research, apply some logic and critical thinking, then decide for yourself. Besides, Orange Man Bad now gone. The traitors among our populace and in our "government" thought it was do-or-die for them, (and they were right) so they pulled out ALL the stops and planned to deal with the fall-out later. Except there hasn't been any fall-out, so they will surely be even more brazen in stealing as much as they can again this November and in 2024. Take that to the bank.

8. UFOs/UAPs real? Probably not. The ones "in the know" realize they can't prove anything about UFOs one way or the other. BUT - they also realize that "aliens" are the perfect scapegoat when God Raptures the Church and millions upon millions of Christians disappear in the twinkling of an eye. Dem dare aliens will be to blame. Giggle again if you like - that won't stop this from happening. And soon IMO.

So Mr. Icebergs - shall we discuss 911?

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Ever hear of the bio-lab at Fort Detrick? I wouldn't be so quick to blame Wuhan...

The participants of the World Olympic Games 2019 held in Wuhan came from Ft Detrick. Look it up I think you will find a lot there...

By the way, Ft Detrick was shut down 2X for leaks... in the summer of 2018 and 2019

And remember the mysterious "vaping" deaths...?

Ever hear of quantum theory?

It establishes there are in fact multiple dimensions.

It is plausible these UAP's are drones from another dimension.

This could explain their fantastic maneuvering capabilities and reported radioactive fields.

Did you know the U.S. uses more energy per capita than any other country?

If the rest of the world utilized the same amount in the same manner there would be real energy and pollution issues compared to todays...

This is a real problem... the elites call it climate change.

Uh...there is irrefutable proof of moon landings...

If the "leak" were a Democrat. where's the outrage?

I do share your notion that the U.S. constituency would not stand for 2 endless wars; thus the reckless pullout from Afghanistan.

Your "opinions" are almost Q'non but it was a fun read...

You did prove my original pointlessness that there is so much information I would like to know what's real...

Thank you for the response...

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De nada amigo. Thank YOU for a civil response to my ramblings. Not meant to be Q'nonish at all, but far from tongue-in-cheek as well.

It's finally hovering near 80 degrees in SFL, with Humidity under 50%. Ahhhh - almost feels like Winter is here.

Have a great weekend all!!

PS - Right there with you on Ft. Detrick. I am aware of the institutions and past issues on that base - it's an unimportant toss-up in my mind which location released the engineered virus, but it is very likely you are correct. As for the moon landings, I would truly LOVE to be presented with "irrefutable proof". You see, I WANT to believe...

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Excellent set of questions to rummage through mindfully for answers. Thanks for listing them all in one place...

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Joel..I wish u added one more alternative to the Poll viz " All the above. I sleep fine". And this is my choice...

Thanks for the wonderful article. Continue to enjoy reading BPR and appreciate the insights.

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Nice Joel.... I sleep well at nigth but that is for the Argentina’ experience that i lived to many times, hot warning: to many jackasses make any country explode... the “boludos” are a Lot Now and there are everywhere!... take care.... amazing post !

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I sleep fine, because my hope is in the Lord. Doesn't mean no suffering ahead; just means whatever happens, He's got me as He always has.

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What keeps me awake at night? The enemy from within...our own government.

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While I answered your poll that "nothing keeps me up at night; I sleep fine." that does not mean that I don't see all of the risks your poll mentions as having some probability. Despite that I sleep fine as I know that what is essential is not worry but rather preparation and thinking things through before you are faced with trouble. I would have like to have seen one other response in your poll... "Preparing for the chaos that is coming, looking for opportunities in its midst and making sure I get a good night sleep for my overall health and wellbeing."

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Bill says "The world needs jackasses… to show it where not to go and what not to do." I agree. We are fortunate to have an abundant supply of jackasses! The problem is that the world also needs decent, intelligent and competent people.... to show it where it should consider going and what it should think about doing. IMHO, there is a critical shortage of these people, especially in government!

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What struck me the most in your article was using the term "gilt" twice. I would have missed its definition on Jeopardy for sure. I imagine all of your smart readers know what they are. But for the other Cro-Magnon reader out there here is the definition from Investopedia: "The term gilt is often used informally to describe any bond that has a very low risk of default and a correspondingly low rate of return. They are called gilts because the original certificates issued by the British government had gilded edges." Am I the only one who finds that hilarious? Don't they still wear white wigs as official attire on certain serious occasions? How did Einstein put it? “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." God save the Queen.

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Don’t buy the hype, nothing much going on, market gyrations are normal in the financial markets. Small dips in a bull market is what we are experiencing. We have the best economy in the world, a pledge of allegiance alliance with Europe, an unstoppable military force, free benefits for all, even if you are from mars and here to rob the health care and education system with free food stamps, rent, no taxes, we welcome you forever, no questions asked. Free money to boot.

North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, Islam, The Taliban, Afghanistan, Yemen, to name a few are our friends, yes they are, yes they are, peace on Earth is here, yay! What a glorious time to be alive. Folks, let’s pray.

NOT! Hahahaha! 😂

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Just facing the fact that our neurotic civilization with no understanding of beauty, love, justice, or death continues along its path of utter collapse. Good riddance

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“None of the above. I sleep fine.” But, the expense and intake of medicinal Tequila Anejo has skyrocketed. What We Worry…..

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Flew to Dublin last week hotel stay one night onto Edinburgh…planes full,shops busy,amazing in these times!!

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Could it be that many people have concluded that an economic and social winter is coming to the world and have decided to enjoy life to the maximum while they are still able? Just sayin... (my apologies to Don Harrell!)

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As for the poll, none of the above. All I have is my vote so l’ll vote often. As for awake at nights, it’s armadillos digging up my lawn. It looks like the Ukraine after a Russian bombing run. At any time between midnight and 3am I get up, take my trusty 410 and go out to dispatch as many as possible. The next day the buzzards make quick work of the snack on a half shell. We all gotta eat! Sometimes I have trouble going back to sleep as then I lie there trying to solve the worlds problems.

Thanks for helping us make sense of it all.

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America has a cold. Next we will hear of pneumonia breaking out all over. We are blessed beyond comprehension and go bonkers when we wobble a bit. Dayum, when will we ever learn? Our founders went through so much despair, how can we go nuts over a little shakeup. We will right the ship and get back to what makes us GREAT. We have the tools, the know-how, and the resources to overcome all this media-driven bs. If cnn, msnbc, and cbs all shut down, we would be better off. All they know is how do we scare the crap out of them today? Could it be that we have lost our compass. Not in particular the moral one, but THE compass that protects us every day. How little we have learned! Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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"To make any fiscal sense, tax cuts need to be matched by spending cuts."

A basic, common sense approach that seems to elude our elected representatives.

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For us middle class folks, what to do? Buy some gold and energy stocks, and keep as much cash as possible too? Who can believe that some hard times are not on the horizon? Good luck to all of those nice, unaware people that are "sleeping fine"

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