Declining empires tend to do desperate things...As much as I hate to admit it, we are a declining empire controlled by narcissistic "leaders" (I use the term "leaders" loosely), who will do anything to gather and retain power. Same as it ever was, only it is on our doorsteps. As much as I respect our military personnel, the leadership is controlled, bought and paid for, and just as ruthless as any other standing military leaders out there. Add in big pharma, the media and the techno's, and us ordinary citizens are in a world of hurt. Come on, we can't even arrest Hunter Biden with all the info that has come out on him, and we think we can stop the 'Big Guy'? What 3-letter agency can we trust? We can't even trust our education system, which we all pay for, to not indoctrinate our children. Yes, we are declining...sadly...

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Yes, the US is in decline. So is Europe, Russia, South America, Africa too. Hard for me to think of a country that hasn't gotten worst in one way or another in the last twenty-three years. Heading to a new Dark Ages? Who knows? My two cents...

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

This is simply a desperate act from a crumbling empire. Ask yourself this question; how is America's economy impacted when cheap Russian oil marries German manufacturing who in turn sell their finished goods to an emerging Chinese middle class. All you have to do is follow the money and apply a little common sense. You give a Statist Neocon a hammer and everything and everyone looks like a nail. This is yet another Neocon forever unwinnable war. The only difference is that this one has the potential to be their, and by default our, very last one :-(

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Sadly, I think both Peter and Craig are right.

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I think the point Bill is making here is history repeats itself. Leaders behavior repeats itself and no one ever learns. I believe we can all opine that is true. Governments rise and fall…..thirty-one trillion and rising. By the end of the year our nations debt could be thirty-five or more. It’s long past high time we pay attention….our redemption or not is much closer than we think.

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The US blasting the pipeline is obviously more Russian disinformation........Wait!....look over there!.....another balloon!!

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“...a remarkably obtuse act of aggression against two nations that had done it no harm.”

Nobody shoots down any US misguided balloons, nor export-revenue-generating pipelines. Can you even conceive the $#!tstorm that would create!

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Hi Loic -

Thanks to the current clown crop in DC, I would expect more and more Countries to begin tweaking the Eagle in the next couple of years...

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The White House did what they said they would do. Strangely the Germans don’t seem to care. With friends like us who needs enemies?

Maybe our new congressional panels can spend a minute declaring themselves complicit through ignorance while they pursue our intelligence community/ tech/media cabal and wring their hands over all those jets shooting over our heads. I hope they don’t attack my hot air valentine balloon 🎈

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Someone I'm acquainted with was an early supporter of George W. Bush, introduced to him by the late Jerry Falwell. He personally asked G.W.B his plans in the Middle East the reply brought second thoughts of the man's IQ. A paraphrase, 'I want to be a wartime president, they always get reelected'.

I can direct you to the source containing the exact quote if you doubt the story.

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Hi PG -

Soooooooo -

you still stickin' with Russia blew up their own pipeline?

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The quote was made pre 911 we're speaking of Saddam Hussein and GW's first few days in the office. George was itching to start a war somewhere, he's the fellow that militarized the Ukraine in 2006.

As George noted when asked how history will look upon his decision to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. How's history going to judge this? George replies "History, we won't know. We'll all be dead."

Militarizing Ukraine, is going to lead to WW3. Ukraine was a perfect Cuban Missile Crisis moment to negotiate a settlement, but we're not willing to go that way this time around.

This time around with Ukraine calling for preemptive nuclear strikes against Russia we're beyond the Defcon scale system. Remember the first to strike the USA with nukes wins, and Joe just let the Chinese survey who knows how many nuclear bases. If I was living in Laramie I might think the US Virgin Islands a nice place to wait out the Biden administration.

If Joe Biden as the commander and chief or worse Kamila Harris in the position doesn't shake the voters out of their sleep maybe a nuke will do so. However as George W noted we might all be dead.

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There's the law and then there are those above the law. Those above the law do what is necessary to accomplish their goals. Sort of like the Sinaloa cartel. They don't particularly want to kill you and your family, it is just business. Same with blowing up the pipeline. It is just business.

Keep in mind that, although it is just business, Russia and China now see this as permission to carry out their goals in similar fashion. Tit for tat.

Of course, when they do rotten stuff it is cause for military reaction on our part. After all, war is good for business. So, well, ah, maybe these things need to be thought through to the final move, like chess.

There are things that nations want and things they need. Normally, other nations tend to keep out of the way of nations with a lot of power and say nothing when pipelines blow up...mysteriously.

Germany may or may not seek revenge. Russia certainly will. Count on it. It will not be something that we will expect when it happens.

Remember the Colonial Pipeline hack by Russian hackers? That was claimed to be apolitical by the hackers. Yeah, I believe that. Who did what to whom first? Does it matter? The die is cast.

And also keep in mind that China has been spying on the U.S. for years, stealing military and industrial secrets. They are watching millions with TicToc. They probably know more about us than we do.

So, please, do not tell me that this Nord Stream demolition is an isolated case of a nation protecting its interests. It is not. That is naive thinking. This shit goes on all the time. Some journalist shining light on it does not make it stop by any nation. Nope. The world is a nasty selfish place ruled by nasty selfish leaders. Is that even news?

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Agree Tom, and as Communist Chinese are gaining “intelligence” on us through TicToc, they realize the lack of intelligence in America is astounding. Half our population prove it…

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Don’t worry, we will pay reparations to both countries to put it all right. We will get that pipeline restored once Putin stops oppressing our bio labs in Ukraine... It’s just OPM we are spending, not actually our take home pay. 🤡🤡🤡😂

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Yes Bill, you would be wise to stay away from the center of the next world war…

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And all this time I thought it was the Russians punishing Germany and the European firms that own Nord Stream 2 (Germany's Uniper, BASF's Wintershall Dea, Anglo-Dutch oil major Shell, Austria's OMV and French energy company Engie)

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Hi Jimm -

Sure, sure. Russia destroyed one of their MAJOR sources of income during wartime because, well, um, balloons or something.

Freakin' CLOWN SHOW. This ain't difficult folks - WE BLEW THE PIPELINE. Our installed "president" and his domestic enemy chums in the "State" department just aren't very bright (at all) and have a severe dissonance when it comes to thinking about consequences. They are too busy slapping each other on the back and congratulating themselves on how they are "keeping America strong and the World's Lone Superpower", while we are laughed at around the globe and our worthless money will soon be little or no good ANYWHERE.

And half the sheep bleat on...

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Great that Seymour could spell out how it all went down, but who in their right mind ever doubted that the US was heavily involved from the very begining? A clown show it most certainly is, with the most clownish part being the German's reaction (or lack of it) in my opinion; the US must really have the Kraut's nuts in a vice.

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Germany has basically been an invaded state since the end of the war.

You don’t see foreign military bases in the USA.. but you’ll see American bases throughout Europe, especially in Germany.

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Joe Biden said he was going to blow it up on tv. Why should all his followers not believe him? I took him at his word. The US was the only country that had any reason for doing the deed. Thanks Joe. The Germans just love being shut off from their inexpensive gas supply. Now they can buy the LNG from the US at much higher prices of course.

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Hi Chris -

Yup - I took him at his word too - and now we're not supposed to think that he and the Nuland/Blinken/Rice coven are not responsible? Puh-leeeze. Just another "bumble" in a long line of deliberate acts by the domestic enemy dims meant to hurt and weaken America.

The consequences from this act of International Terrorism pale in comparison to the long-term damage done by the Traitor-in-Chief's truly moronic "sanctions" on Russia last year, the day that should live in infamy. 01APR22. THAT is what is going to sink us in the end - pushing Russia into China's arms, with Saudi Arabia willing to make up the threesome. Looking at the top ten Countries buying the most Gold in recent years (particularly looking at last year's record amounts), there is none on the list that could be remotely considered as a "friend" of the US - with the exception of perhaps Mexico. Traitor Joe and his disgusting clan of clowns has accelerated BRICS, and do not be surprised when Turkey joins in (they are also in the top 10 list of Gold-purchasing Countries.) When the Yuan or Ruble or a new currency yet-to-be-named is soon unveiled 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗚𝗼𝗹𝗱 - it's time to turn out the lights on the Petrodollar and America's hegemony, status as first world and way of life.

And never forget - this disaster is 𝟭𝟬𝟬% the fault and responsibility of the dimocrats and the blatantly stolen election we let them get away with in '20.

That is pretty weak sauce when your kids and grandkids want to know why we let their world collapse, but there it is...

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What happened to the commentary on shooting down ufo's?

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Dear Bill, you don’t know for certain that the US and its allies blew up that pipeline. I have my theories, suspicions, and doubts too. I remember months ago when we thought it was the UK because of an unsecured text message saying ‘its done’ or something to that effect.

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Seems like Russia is saying the same truth about our economy and army, but you forgot our government also…All in tatters. It’s like the old saying “he died weeks ago, he’s just too stupid to lie down”…

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So correct again PG V... Those damn morally corrupt Russians with their LGBTQIA, BLM, WOKE, CRT, Globalist, Open Borders, Communist controlled media, education, healthcare...Satanic controlled Hollywood, Music industry, Government...damn, these Russians are so immoral, They would even blow up their own Pipeline to spite Europe.

You are as always, So right PG..."There is NO moral equivalence between Russia and the United States"...End of Story...

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^^^+1000^^^ Mr. Steve.

The only thing I would add is how Russia treats Christians, views Government Debt and maintains their sovereign borders - all despicably, right?

Oh, wait...

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🤔 and we forget so much more…

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Don’t forget Russia has little debt!!

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Yes brother, no insane social policies like this bankrupt nation. I Don’t see a fix, only deeper issues

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But why PV? There's no moral high ground here. In the end its the civilians that become canon fodder. Remember Madam half bright...oops I mean Albright; "it was a price we were willing to pay". Those poor immoral Iraqi's.

Its not America, at least in its founding. It resembles more of a rape & pillage machine and the average citizen has no quibble over that exercise. And the same is true in Canada at least with regard to remaining neutral, the average citizen could care less wether they rob you or me. We are no longer in kansas, hell , Kansas isn't even on the planet. Let it all collapse, the sooner the better. Rebuild !

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I agree with much of what you say however, Hitler Stalin and Mao were not human IMHO and not comparable to FDR Churchill and DeGaulle for obvious reasons, results differ given the circumstances. I wonder if the tables were turned that those atrocities would bare different names.

Everyone talks of democracy but everytime I voted, I lost, everytime! And hell, the older I grew the more I realized I was being takin in as a chump. And I bow to no one, certainly not monarchs ! Higher taxes, higher costs, additional taxes. There was a time prior to 1968 where Canada was seen as the Swiss of the North GDP per capita income was #2 to the US. Guess where we are now? #18 ! And its going down hill from here, trust me. European sausages are great especially the spicey ones. I will not eat dog.

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"Is all the world’s infrastructure now at risk?" -- Bill's missive today

I guess that's what concern's me. Regardless of who dun the pipeline, does this portend a lot more "acts of war" around the world, and inevitably, in our backyard in the not so distant future? The Demented One at the helm of this ship doesn't know who he is or where he is about half the time and the lapdog media will never call him out. I have to believe virtually every one of our adversaries is licking their chops right about now.

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All GREAT points PG - I am in complete agreement.

That does NOT mean I will ever give a pass to the evil, corruption and degeneracy that we now seem to be terminally affected with - being a Patriot DEMANDS we call out our OWN BS and do whatever we can to FIX IT, up to and including taking "permanent" measures if we are left no alternative.

One cannot believe that America is "All Good" just because a different Country is "All Bad".

PS - I gotta go with the Spicy Eyetalian Sausage on a hoagie roll with a little dollop of brown mustard and some raw white onion...

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No man, dude, that’s like saying all the USA exports is woke ideology and fast food culture. And movies.

As you know all too well, Russia exports a bunch of critical raw material stuff necessary to maintain a modern industrialised way of life possible around the world. They’re not indispensable maybe. But certainly their input is substantial.

Blocking a revenue stream is one thing. Benefit from the destruction is basically theft.

I’m not saying what putin did is right. I’ve mentioned ad nauseam how “he didn’t follow acceptable protocols and invaded a sovereign country” but, do multiple wrongs make it right? Only for those who benefit. And that’s not the American people.

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We're also really good at importing all the most stupid ideas from Europe and abroad.

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It matters because Russia also supplies quite a few mineral resources as well as oil gas. And it matters if Germany wasn’t complicit since then bills point is valid- an act of war against an ally.

So why would Germany agree to it? To hasten their green conversion? Surely not to gain access to more expensive US gas. Perhaps a desire to rev up a few LNG terminals? Perhaps to educate their populace to the folly of renewables by burning their forests?

Perhaps they too have been snuggling with Goldman’s sachs. JPM and MS for rebuild of their economy when they can’t produce anything in their factories for lack of reliable power.

Or maybe it’s part of an arms replenishment agreement under the table. Time to flush those old leapord tanks out of inventory you know!

Unfortunately our media streams don’t give us much insight to the “unofficial” German reaction to all this.

Inquiring minds want to know!

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PG V : it matter a huge amount . An amount of credibility, and a huge amount of trust . Am I saying the the USA did it : NO but if an allay country did it ...that s à Putin way to solve problems

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Only resources, all the vital needs.

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Snopes says:

If the U.S. did conspire to destroy the Nord Stream pipeline, Hersh's reporting has not proved that case

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Hi James -

Snopes? Seriously? Are they still a thing??

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Snopes is indeed still busily exposing misinformation.

Some of it quite interesting.

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Bill, your essays are interesting.'You give them enough rope,they will hang themselves",and there doesn't appear to be much rope left.

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Or a cyber attack on the CFTC, just saying.

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