When JFK said: “Ask not what your country can do for you…” he didn’t mean the government. The country isn’t the government and the government isn’t the country.

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As usual, a very insightful and well-written article. However, I'm not so sure people are any more naïve than they have ever been. People behave in what they believe to be their SHORT TERM best interest. Stephen Covey said the future is determined at the micro-second of time between stimulus and response. Most don't take any time at all ... never have. Most of the City-States of ancient Greece believed democracy wouldn't work. Why? Because as more and more people became part of the government, they would vote for more and more government. Why? It is in their short term best interest. Free loan forgiveness. Free welfare. Free "I don't need to be responsible since someone else owes me that" thinking. Why wouldn't people vote for the con artists who promise this? "Naïve", I wouldn't term it that. "Short-sighted" - certainly. Ultimately un-workable - without question. How do we establish a tiered system of government that won't eventually eat itself - as yet undetermined. A cynical response .... wait until AI takes over and let's see.

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Joe Kennedy was not their grandfather, he was their Dad E O.

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Bill, A really interesting take on the years I was growing up. The conclusive narrative you assert is agreeable to the world as I see it now. It's a sad commentary, but I think it is a good representation of what really happened. Many people will say it's over simplified, one sided, and cynical. It has been made clear to me by my take on the country that we have gone far astray of our perceived values. I've learned by personal experience that speaking truth to power may be character building but not generally fruitful...until you gain some power! I find It interesting that Mr. Kennedy is communicating with you and cultivating support amongst thinking conservatives. I say, if he has the potential of being a true statesman, more power to him. If, more likely, he is shrewdly taking the pulse of influencers with the cynicism of most pre-election politicians, at the very least we should be aware of anyone who can replace the extremely unworthy last two presidents. Frankly, I haven't seen a statesman-like president for decades. I fear for my children and grandchildren, but seeing the demise of the American Empire may be something like the British Empire; the country will survive and people will continue striving for a reasonable life.

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Last two presidents. How about the last six?

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Have we really had a good president since Andrew Jackson?

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Alex. One of my favorites.

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If what you wrote is the whole truth, Ukrainians are fools only to be trumped by our American leaders. JFK and the Russians did it right. Almost everything we do these days is wrong.

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" . . . Who would ever believe that you can stimulate an economy with fake money and fake interest rates? Or get rich by going into debt? Can we really put Americans back in high-wage jobs by prohibiting Mexicans from working for low wages? Can we really control the planet’s climate? The borders of the Ukraine? -- Bill in today's missive

Since he seems to be interacting with Mr. Kennedy quite a bit lately, it would be interesting if Bill could interview him and get his thinking and stances on a variety of issues in which many of us BPR subscribers are interested. Bill could start by getting RFK, Jr. to answer the five questions he posed in the quote copied above.

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Back in the 60's, when we as children were told to fear the communist, trained at school to kneel at the hallway walls, place our heads into our knees, cover our heads with our hands, and wait for the nuclear explosion to pass.

Our parents were still going to work, cooking dinner at home, and living their daily normal lives, with friends and family.

Today as adults, we are trained to kneel at the lies of our politicians, educators and media. Told to fear the left, the right, the gays, the police, the trans, the conservatives, the liberals, the Russians, the Chinese, Mexicans, Originarios, vaccines, un-vaccinated, real meat, fake meat, blacks, whites... and the weather...

We just go to work, come home, cook dinner for our kids, and live our daily normal lives with our friends and families.

50's, 60's, 70's, 2020's...

Life, like lies, seem to go on and on, same as it always has, until the day it doesn't...but until that day, enjoy every like it's your last...and turn off the news;)

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Recently, I've taken up deep study on the Kennedy assassination. The big picture observation I've been able to derive so far is that the assassination (followed by the linked assassination of Bobby) was an inflection point that marked the end of the American Republic and the institution of the American Empire, with both untrammled interventionism abroad and Deep State repression at home.

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Honest question: February 20th, 2022, V. Putin tried to negotiate w/ Ukraine??? As his army sat at the ready on its border? Why was that even negotiable? What did he want? Total surrender?

"Give your country to me and no one gets hurt".

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“All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)

And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)

I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk)

On a winter's day (on a winter's day)

I'd be safe and warm (I'd be safe and warm)

If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)

California dreamin' (California dreamin')

On such a winter's day”

(The Mamas & the Papas)

The moon landing was staged. The Golden Gate Bridge is a beautiful site. That was then, this is now. The poverty level continues to increase, people are poorer now than they were in the 50’s. The economy will not fix that. Give the rich more tax breaks and cut welfare program funding. Widen the gap 10X fold and celebrate to the beat of the drum! Vacation in France, meet the Pope, then Macintosh your way into a new electric submarine when stars glow in the dark. Groovy!

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My how times change. You might be warm, but you wouldn't be safe, "If in L.A." LOL The Mamas and the Papas wouldn't recognize the place.

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Ain’t that the truth!

No wonder they call them The Golden Oldies!

Now it’s “Escape from L.A” Kurt Russell. 😂

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Hitler and Napoleon both "great men": this comparison is both factually wrong and indefensible. The first was a racist, a dictator with a twisted mind, a genocidal mass murderer, a believer in a criminal ideology of Arian racist superiority that caused the Holocaust and indescribable suffering to the Humanity. Had he survived WWII he would have been sentenced to death by hanging by the Nuremberg judges. The second is universally recognized as one of the greatest military and political leaders in history, on the same level with Alexander and Cesar. He brought the ideals of the French revolution in Europe thus initiating a process that in due time changed the face of Europe, he restructured and reformed the French state in a way that has basically remained unchanged till today. Yes, he was a dictator, yes he fought many wars in Europe to fulfill his ambitions against his enemies and yes he committed also crimes (such as the kidnapping and killing by firing squad of the Duke of Enghien). But even his most implacable enemy, Great Britain, respected him and instead of killing him chose to send him to the remote island of Saint Helen. Were you smoking grass when you wrote these lines?

Giorgio Raccah, Israel

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I'm not certain whether what I'm about to write directly ties to today's article by Mr. Bonner. Nevertheless, I think you will find it interesting.

There were two primary newspapers in the old Soviet Union. One was named "Izvestiya," which in Russian means "the News." The second was named "Pravda," which in Russian means "the Truth."

Just so that you'll know, the Russian language is void of the indefinite and definite pronouns "a" and "the." This means that you must rely on the surrounding context to determine whether to translate "Pravda" as "a" truth or "the" truth.

The Russian populace was not as dumb and illiterate as some wanted to think back then. Russians actually saw through the hypocrisy of the newspapers' names via a commonly used joke that went like this: "In 'Truth' there is no truth" and "In 'News' there is no news."

Sound familiar?

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Thank you for the reminisces, brought a tear to my eye 9th decade eyes. I don’t even ask why, anymore. No cable anymore either. Just remembrances of old America, and the old U.S. Navy. Keep writing!

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Bill, Thanks for revisiting Camelot with JFK.I agree it was a turning point in our mission of spreading democracy.And the youth revolted against the sleazebags behind his assassination and Bobby's,and the war.It will be interesting if the Warren Commission's Findings will ever be made public.( the facts will be wallpapered over probably like the findings of 9/11).Thanks again.

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Khrushchev, not Khrushev

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JFK also removed missiles in Turkey which were aimed at the Soviet Union. Highly recommend JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass.

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Hey Phil. Was that 1947?

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April 1963 as a concession to the Soviets for removing the missiles in Cuba. It was secret for 25 years.

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