Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022

So we should roll tanks into Mexico City to inhibit “further encroachment” on our southern flank? Might work, but your logic still baffles me.

... “and denouncing Putin as if he were Adolph Hitler reincarnated”. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then maybe, just maybe....?

Other than that, very informative on elite paydays. One can only imagine what Chelsea’s parents bring in.

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No biggie, but Hitler's first name is Adolf, not Adolph.

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Why now NYT?

In regards to laptop top and Russian disinformation. NYT may know what’s coming and want to be out front. Any thoughts?

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Bill you seem to have suddenly discovered that the political world/people are entwined in the massive pandemic of corrupted capitalism .. surely this is NOT a surprise to any of your readers and why you along with many others are living outside the 'circus' of these UN-united Sates .. many of us did not have to read Atlas/Fountain Head to realise that the world you have described today has suddenly appeared .. really? it's been building/growing since the 1960' after the war generation passed the baton to the permissive/promiscuous/perverted generation that decided the rules/morals/ethics of human interaction which had supported civilisation slow progress towards total annihilation required the crucifixion of any/all due process since the Magna Carta ie regulations of ANY human interaction from conception to death .. so why stoop to selecting examples since that will only create greater division amongst your readers .. perhaps you've recognised that the ROT of humanities spirit goes far deeper than just a bit of casual/consensual FUN ? the champions of this conspiracy is not one individual (Putin or Chelsea) they are All strategic participants and manipulators in the degeneration and ultimate destruction of humanity .. please don't become a part of that process by identifying individuals who will only seek to destroy you/us ..

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Why she go to 4 universities??? Couldn't graduate from one of them???? Minor point but then you'll have to wait for my long dissertation about why "universities" are the biggest crap businesses in the USA and 99+% of all parents have been brainwashed about them.

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Based on her illustrious “qualifications” as outlined herein, Chelsea is ready to grab the proverbial brass ring… a full-time host gig on The View.

Seriously, she could probably talk circles around the other chowderheads currently hosting that show.

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I worry that the "West" pushed Putin with the threat of inviting Georgia and Ukeraine into NATO. This may be to divert attention from their economies and economic decisions which are unpopular. It also helps NATO to feel relevent again.

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Yes my friends, breaking news; "The pillars of western civilization are breaking down right in front of our eyes. If "reserves" don't mean reserves, and if "money" doesn't mean money, and if home "ownership" doesn't mean ownership, and if the "rule of law" doesn't mean the rule of law, then we have lost the very principles upon which western civilization exists.

Combined with the fact that nearly everything has become FAKE now -- fake news, fake money, fake history, fake education, fake science, fake medicine, fake elections, fake pandemics, fake shootings, fake hate crimes, etc. -- we find ourselves living in a world with no civil compass.

Western civilization, simply put, has committed suicide. There is no longer any glue holding it together. The elections are rigged, the money is counterfeit, the news is deliberately fabricated and the propaganda is absurd. We are living in a nation where a candidate for the US Supreme Court (Jackson) just publicly stated that she has no idea what the definition of a woman might be."??? XY? XX? LGBT? BLM? GREAT RESET? NEW WORLD ORDER? USA? BANANA REPUBLIC? Yes friends, our most intelligent host is now living in a country that is much less a banana republic as we....RESIST Now or Forever Hold Your Peace...

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Hunter could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and I would still vote for Biden.

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I Hope my Recite page does not go away because I never received a password or how to get in but I can use that page Found out. Please send information just joined. Shannon Tulk

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Bill, re your comment that in New Zealand there are a higher percentage of covid cases among the vaccinated than among the un-vaxxed, are you being a wiley old fox in your use of statistics, damn statistics?

Of the population that is eligible for covid vaccines in New Zealand, in excess of 95% have at least 2 doses, mostly of the Pfizer vaccine. Of the total number of people who have become infected during the omicron outbreak, since there is such a disproportionate number of people who have been vaccinated, of course most cases are among vaccinated people. Of those who have ended up in hospital with covid, the hospitalization rate of the unvaccinated greatly exceeds the vaccinated. See https://interactives.stuff.co.nz/2020/05/coronavirus-covid-19-new-zealand-latest-data-cases/

The ultimate test of the effectiveness of the vaccine is surely in the death rate. New Zealand, currently at 3.74 deaths per 100,000 population, is one of the lowest in the world.

See https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality

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Nothing to add but sadly we face the same scenario .. how to bring about change that captures the best of the past to create the best possible future ..?

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deletedMar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022
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