Indeed we are going to find out.

To understand the burgeoning crisis being foisted on us by our globalist overlords one need only ponder the venerable energy pie chart. As of 2019 it shows fossil fuels providing 80% of America’s energy needs, with nuclear and renewables providing the remaining 20%. Of course this is viewed as a giant problem, to be fixed by killing off the 80% supply within the next 8 years. That would be Agenda 2030, but of course to accomplish that everything must be accelerated, hence, to take just one example, the abortifacient remedies being applied to the internal combustion engine over just a 4 year timetable, beginning this year. But all this “forcing” of climate and energy solutions on a timeline which is surely decades ahead of any such corollary move by Mr. Market, and that assuming the dubious notion that Mr. Market would ever accomplish such a transformation. It would certainly not do so in the developing world on any foreseeable timeline.

So what we get from all these “pigs will fly next year” pronouncements from the geniuses running our planet is simply this: chaos and mayhem. These things cannot be forced without a wake of massive destruction, starvation and economic collapse. We still circle back to the same question: Is it all deliberate? Even Louis XV insisted: “Apres moi, le deluge”. This bunch wants it all to happen on their watch.


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Thank you again Mr Bonner. You always present an interesting bounce through the current zeitgeist. I've often thought that is a modern day miracle that we all get up in the morning and go to work. I was premature. Keep the juices flowing. Thanks again.

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What are you sayin’? Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it?

Bahh! That was then; this is now! Everyone knows it’s different this time.

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The sad and unspoken reality is that whatever it is that is going to replace fossil fuels as an energy source has not yet been invented or discovered yet.

Our beloved, but somewhat delusional, activists and politicians think they can legislate, force or wish into existence one of the greatest human discoveries yet to be made.

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What’s missing from the discussion of Sri Lanka is China’s culpability in the collapse and how it plays into there plans for global domination.

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Whatever happened to sound money, small government and balanced budgets?

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Bill your daily writings are quite insightful and revealing to most of your readers such as your July 1 "Cold Day in Hell" was particularly excellent. I'm sure most of your readers are very appreciative of your efforts and realize your daily missives are an opportunity for the average guy to gain some insight into what is happening in this world and what is behind it. There will always be some percentage of your readers that refuse to see what is happening around them such as hkirk Willard that thinks the controls you point out in your July 1 writing are a good thing as he/she wrote this comment today, "he (Bill) is against any and all wise controls. Very disappointing". Guess the endless list of controlled societies that have failed don't provide enough evidence to some. I suggest that person go back and read your July 1 daily again. Thank you Bill

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President Lincoln said it best with respect to your thoughts today, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." That was in 1858. In 2022 we are a house divided.

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Per B Bonner's message today. His look back at the beginning of the USA that all were free, except slaves, to work is really bias and naïve. Obviously, he is not interested in the millions of Native Americans (previously "Indians") that were either to submit or die back then. A couple of my 'such ancestors' learned English, married and were nearly forgotten. Life was difficult. Later four of my direct ancestors (Europeans) were caught up in the French and Indian War and enslaved themselves by "Indians" for 5 years until ransomed. Yes, I realize that Mr. Bonner just wanted to make a point about our expanding government yet again he fails to mention the good and bad of the day. Nor did he include that during our history likely both his and my ancestors farmed their land in a way to keep it healthy. Yes, up through my dad. Then long after such early practices, the "big business" got into wasting our land and environment for a little more money. Then when we the people, recognized that and sought to get some regulation of such folly, he is against any and all wise controls. Very disappointing.

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yes "we are going to find out" one way or another the industrial pollution wasteful total corruption of every resource inc humans was going to end sometime and now is as good as any so lets see who the real survivors will be eh ..?

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Bill,Seems like we are following suit. To waste words on a system that is so corrupt,is like pissing into the wind.And people here still promote their party(dems,or reps)Atleast in the countries you mentioned people have woken up,America is to educated for that.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

I don't know.You complain about these countries subsidizing oil/gas and making it too cheap.Then you complain about the U.S. allowing oil/gas to get too expensive.I don't know if the global warming is man made or not.I do know that air pollution is a major cause of death and harm to health.Most people,worldwide,live in communities with harmful air.I don't think people should be allowed to pollute other people's air,without some kind of penalty.Maybe high prices is a legitimate penalty,to move to a cleaner environment.

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The real money is in controlling industry via legal racketeering. Extortion from government regulation is how the small guy is locked out of the market. Accredited investor status from the SEC, and regulation by the IRS.

Al Gore and Obama were pushing a carbon market, we all thought that was dead under Trump and company. No, it all just went underground, under Biden it's full steam ahead!


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Bill, you write of anecdotal influences. But the larger forces at play - environmental degradation, racism, authoritarianism, suppression of the press, freedom of religion and speech, poverty at home and abroad - they continue unabated. Many leave these problems to God. He left them to us.

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after reading the comments below the greatest destruction to Yankee land are the cancerous vindictive know it all idiots who 'think' they have all the answers but need to be euthanated as the primary tumors that are destroying the dream of all nations/people that migrated built defended their dreams.

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Astor and Guggenheim and Strauss were 3 of the richest men in America who opposed a Central bank. They died on board. JP Morgan and Henry Frick had tickets, but did not board. They were the biggest proponents of a CB. Conspiracy theory, full tinfoil hat? Sure. But if you read Creature from Jekyll Island and the more recent Lords of Easy Money and then examine the facts of the sinking, and how quickly a Central Bank was created after the key men opposing it were gone, you may think the theory isn’t all that nuts.

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