Your comments are well-grounded.......however, Mr. Trump's remarks last night and his provocative, name-calling speech did little to extinguish the fires that rage in our country. Neither Trump nor Biden are fit to govern this country. Less rage, more sage is needed.

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Let’s look at America the past few years…”Waco. Ruby Ridge. Lois Lerner. Russian collusion hoax. Refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election. Hillary’s server. FBI spying on a presidential candidate before, during and after the election. Hunter’s laptop. Prohibitions of hymn singing in church. Un-prosecuted statue toppling. The canonization of the unfortunate George Floyd. Abruptly changing election rules on the eve of elections. 2000 mules. Massive lockdowns. Masking orders. Arrests for psalm singing outdoors. Naked censorship across all Big Tech platforms. Naked censorship by these entities at the behest of gummint. High disdain for the value of free speech. Gagging of medical experts. Unbridled contempt for religious liberty. Prosecution for protesting the psalm-singing arrests with stickers. Fiery but mostly peaceful riots. Unconscionable treatment of J6 protesters. Refusal to release J6 Capitol surveillance tapes. Mar a Lago raid. Objecting to tyranny defined as whiteness. And the current resident denouncing his political opponents as enemies of democracy in front of a crimson set with a couple of Marines standing there like they were still defending a free country or something, and the president looking for all the world like a cartoon fascist leader in a fever dream.” Or our New Democrat Created Banana Republic…Biden and his handlers are so proud….

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Only in a banana republic run by corrupt shitheads(democrats) could a low form of life get away with this shit! This is not our America…..

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Sorry bro, as in all banana republics, the fix is in. Americans needs to organize now, stronger then the evil in control..shut off the tv and home school. It’s a battle when 50% of children are born out of wedlock, and the same corrupt government is raising the family. The battle starts here….

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I agree, but where's the "sage" we need so badly? As I look around the political landscape, I see politicians interested in maximizing their time on TV news and their "likes" on social media by making the most inflammatory remarks possible. None seem interested in "governing"

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They are out there......we have to hope that God gives them the courage to step forward. We probably won't recognize them when they do, but when they raise their hand and speak it will be apparent.

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I agree. God help me if I’m given the choice between Biden, Harris, or Trump. Ain’t no way I will pull for any of them now!

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I don’t want you to change. This has been a lot of fun. I will vote for Biden or Harris in 2024 just to keep you animated. Thanks for your random comment.

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It's time to take off the blinders and realize you have no insight into the matter and are on a path to complete disaster. Awaken and save yourself or follow the lemmings off the cliff to oblivion.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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agree on I just want to truth and data suggests we do not have it. Just watch the 2000 Mules documentary. But if that was all made up and the videos are fake lets hear the true facts. Where are journalists? Oh yeah, they were canceled was allowing someone to dig for facts - I would hope they would have gone after just facts regardless of where it took them.

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That's why we have "rule by law" rather than "rule by men".

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we no longer have rule by law - guilty till proven innocent unless you are a leftist then it is OK to break the law. Very sad indeed.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Interesting observation. Trump is not a friend, he is another side that provokes like the Nazi vs Communists. These larger political movements are the terror.

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Hierarchy is the problem, the system set up for the elite investors to siphon the surplus without liability for the damages is why.

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While I appreciate your, mostly, well thought-out article I do also take considerable umbrage with some of your broad brush, sophomoric (almost infantile) characterizations (intended or not) of me and my family. Know that we do support many of the excellent policies of the ‘Make America Great Again’ former Trump administration, but we neither are “simpleminded” nor are we “not terribly bright”. The only slurry adjective left out appears also to be referencing us as part of those “deplorables”. You started out so well, but then unfortunately advanced “one bridge too far”. Tom

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So well said and so spot on, bravo!

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Bill Bonner always has been an advocate for equality. He dishes out insults equally to all. Republicans, Democrats, MAGA supporters etc. It’s part of the magic and charm of his writings. Don’t ever stop Bill.

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bah humbug

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I'll let the facts speak for themselves. However, if you don't recognize what Trump did to this country and for who, you are in fact simple minded and not terribly bright, just the way Trumps thinks of his MAGA followers...


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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

"The facts" are that Trump didn't have anything to do with causing the virus. (That would be Obama and Fauci via the funding of "research" in Wuhan.) "The facts" are that Trump received terrible advice from Fauci and The Scarf. "The Facts" are that Joe Biden is in the process of destroying this country for real.

You will never see it because it is you and your ilk that are so blinded by your ideology (Marxism) and your hate for anyone that doesn't goosestep to your demands. You have lost the ability to reason and to consider anything that doesn't comport with your woke, authoritarian mindset.

The article you linked is nothing but a bunch of pseudo-intellectual babble that connects a lot of nonexistent dots. Anyone that thinks Trump had anything to do with Russia, except wanting to develop a hotel in Moscow before Putin existed, is delusional. You're not going to agree me with because you are incapable of independent thought. So you keep eating up the drivel that the Democrat politicians keep feeding you and the media regurgitates like the lapdogs they are. Meanwhile, the Biden Crime Family has taken 30 million dollars from foreign governments (China, Russia, Ukraine, etc.) If you deny this fact then you are simple minded and are really not worth the effort to educate.

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Wow Dave, you hit the nail square on the head. Hatred for a man, Trump, is what drives these brain-dead Marxist's. It is absolutely amazing to hear these fools speak. They live in a bubble of hatred and do not even know what they sound like. Marshall Barnes, you are the epitome of brain dead.

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Thanks, it's nice to know that not everyone drinks this poisonous Kool-Aid. It's very much like tax enforcement. The government makes the rules and people with money figure out ways (legally) to get around them. (A wise man once told me that if a man can design it, another man can figure out a way to defeat it.)

Then they get angry because the "rules" don't produce their desired result. Then they demand more power and control because their "desired result" is "what's best for society and the world." (Of course only they know what's best.) Pretty soon society devolves into "Animal Farm".

I've often said that every member elected to Congress should be required to read "1984" and "Animal Farm" and then pass a written test to prove they've read and understood the content before being allowed to take office. That would work better than the same requirements with the U.S. Constitution. After all, most of them are attorneys that don't know squat about our founding documents.

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The Democrats seem completely unconcerned about the mid-term elections. No President in history would have made a speech like Joe Biden made last Thursday just 2 months in front of a national election. Perhaps the fix is already in, the unsolicited mail-in ballots and voting machine software ready to go. All the polls need to show are “tightening races”, “gaps closing” for the results to be credible. We are already hearing those terms all over the country.

One more thing. The Democrats badly want(need) Trump on the ballot in 2024. He gives them two priceless electoral assets: 1)He exercises their base(into a frenzy), including their new institutional base, like no one else, and 2) he pushes everything else out of the news other than “him”.

I believe both of these things are key assets to a 2024 election steal, a 2020 2.0. Yes they could do it without Trump but he greases the skids for them like nothing else and makes the political machinations required so much easier(than say if DeSantis were on the ticket). So they won’t disqualify him for office or throw him in jail(for long), but they will keep everything whipped up into a frenzy concerning him, right up to Election Day 2024. They need him badly, and they know it.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

You are spot on. The vast majority of the media are complicit with the "fix is already in" as they report the "tightening races", the "squabbles over money with Mc Connell and Republican senatorial candidates", the "defibrillator the Roe decision is for the Democrats", and on and on and on.

You're also right on the money about how they need Trump to run against. I've been saying for a year now that he needs to "take one for the team" and retire from politics and play the role of kingmaker. The Democrats and the media will vilify whomever the Republicans run, but no one exercises the Dem base like Trump. I like to say that people (many Independents as well) are willing to walk across broken glass on their lips to vote against Trump. That's a loser.

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There's a difference in being a republican, and being a Trump supporter. But now they're lumped in all together. Making all republicans/Trump supporters/Independents who disagree with Biden-domestic terrorist. That's not true. Nor is the fact that Trump is a life long republican true.

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Trump was a presidential candidate three times: 2000, 2016, and 2020. Only ran as Republican in 2020. The other two times as: Democratic and The Reform Party. If you state you voted as a Republican or Democrat, Most people will assume you agree 100% with that candidates ideas and policies...Not True!

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Your comment reflects a fundamental problem in our country. Identity politics. Why can't everyone just be a person with their own personal thoughts and opinions?

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Dear Dolty, you should aim prior to pulling the trigger once in a while. Trump ran as the Republican nominee in both 2016 and 2020. I know you liberals are habitually challenged by facts, but try to do a little research before you come off with that authoritarian tone. (I know, authoritarian is the aspiration of Marxists/Socialists/Democrats/liberals etc., but you look stupid when you get basic facts wrong-like a typical liberal.)

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Thank you Davy. I did do some research and that was what was stated. As I recall if was from Wikipedia. So you can ask your cell phone. Okay, I just double check and was given the same info.: Trump has been a presidential candidate three times in 2000, 2016 and 2020; he unofficially campaigned in 2012 and mulled a run in 2024. You look stupid when you call others stupid. By the way, I'm not stupid and I'm not a liberal. Name calling isn't nice. I think you are hanging around with the wrong people.

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I didn't argue with your overall number of times Trump has run for president. What I disputed (correctly) is that he has run as a Republican nominee twice (not once as you asserted).

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Again, I wrote what I read. I am Not a Republican and do not follow who runs for which party unless I'm interested. I have only voted republican on two occasions. This time Democrat. If you read some of the books out about Trump, it would make you think twice about giving him your vote.

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Reading books written by disgruntled people that have scores to settle doesn't interest me. I do care about a politician's policies. You know, things like a closed border and properly enforced immigration laws, an unfettered energy sector that provides many good paying jobs, cracking down on China for stealing our technology, patents, etc. I would put not teaching little kids about bending their gender or to hate our country because every little white kid is a racist are pretty high up on my list as well.

Like Brother PG V, I did not vote for Trump in the Republican Primary in 2016. I have said multiple times here that Trump will not be my first choice in 2024 either. However, friends don't let friends vote Democrat under any circumstance. The Democrats' only goal is to grow government and take from Peter because they choose to whom to give Peter's money. So unless you are a government employee at some level there is no sane reason to vote Democrat for any office anywhere-ever, including Dog Catcher.

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Go **** yourself. You are such a JERK. Look it up..you only think you know everything.

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We're all missing the point. It's not Biden or Trump supporters that are the enemy--it's the entrenched government apparatus that has us at each other's throats, and the unequal application of law enforcement. Trump is a direct threat to government's grift, and a check on the military's penchant for overseas adventure. He's such a threat that the Deep State will unleash everything in its arsenal to stop his return. Doubt this? Explain the generals who disobeyed Trump's direct command to remove all troops from Syria, only for him (and us) to find out later that, no, they wouldn't be doing that.

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very insightful! how about an article exposing how invariably the accusations are accusing the opposition of the exact crimes which have been committed by the accusing party.

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Biden promised to bring the country together.

He promised to be a President for every American.

Seems to me that he broke this promise and proceeded to alienate half the country.

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I don't know if you've been in the country much during the last 6 yrs or so, but the MAGA folks are, in fact, a clear and present danger. They are constantly talking civil war and threatening violence whenever they feel they are not in control. They are putting policies in place to insure we have Republican controlled government by law and policy regardless of whether or not they truly win at the polls - and this is at every level of government from the local school boards to the various governors offices at the state level to the presidency at the national level. Bill, this country is quickly moving towards becoming a fascist state and, while I am no Biden supporter, his speech was spot on. And to your point about MAGA supporter not killing folks, you have a young man named Kyle Rittenhouse who killed two people in Wisconsin and you have two people who killed a black man in Georgia because of his race just last year. And there are scores of incidents going on nation wide every day that do not make the headlines. Wake up Bill! It's not liberals who are threatening violence, it's mostly Trump supporters. And they are a clear and present danger!

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Your comments belie your name. Spewing liberal drivel on here won't play well. Apparently, you missed the entire summer of 2020 when your jack booted BLM and ANTIFA thugs killed dozens and destroyed over a billion dollars of property. You probably think capitol police were killed on January 6 (a completely false narrative your senile commander and thief pushes constantly). You are in the wrong place and should peddle your pablum elsewhere.

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Your response is typical and representative of right wing thinking in 2022. What ever happened to civil dialogue? Are you going to cancel me because I don't share your views? Or can we exchange ideas as we should in a free society?

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

I am not "right wing" or a "right winger". I am a constitutional conservative that loves my country and doesn't want it "fundamentally transformed" into a dystopian nightmare that your ilk tries to peddle as a utopia.

It's very difficult to have any type of discourse with those that invent their own perverse version of reality and then change the subject when that "reality" is demonstrated to be a fantasy. (Or, they are simply incapable of comprehending factual evidence when it's presented. )

Republicans (MAGA or otherwise) are no threat to this country or any of its citizens--period. We definitely are a threat to the Democrat party's power and control over the government and the people. That's why this disgrace for a president is lashing out. He (and his handlers) know how unpopular he is and they are petrified about losing in November.

How's that for an exchange of ideas?

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Do you think that the estimates that 10% of the adult population of the USA align with Biden's 4 part MAGA "definition" are high, low, or about right?

What about the rest of the "Republicans"?

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I have no idea, but what I do know is that the trajectory Biden's handlers have us on will cause immense pain and misery and will destroy families, businesses and the standard of living in this country. And, that's their goal.

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Whatever you're smoking, throw it away and come back to reality. We all watched it on TV many times, just like Trump did when he did nothing about it for far to long. What a stupid remark esp., when it was televised for days even weeks. You don't have a TV?

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

What was televised? The dust up at the capital? You mean the one where the capital police opened the doors and ushered people in and then a relative few idiots got out of control? There were only a few dozen people that took any violent action and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Now I have a few questions for you: Why do you think Nancy Pelosi and the capital police are withholding vast amounts of video footage from that day? Why did Pelosi make the unprecedented move of disallowing the Minority Leader's selections to serve on the January 6 Commission? Why is there no cross-examination of witnesses during that Commission's hearings or depositions?

You say you aren't liberal, but you sure love authoritarian dictatorship type behaviors (Pelosi and Schumer in this case). You like $5.00 a gallon gas, 8.5% inflation (though it's closer to 20% when using the same metrics that were used in the 80's), food prices that are through the roof, and a clown in the White House that wants to transfer half a trillion dollars of student loan debt onto middle and lower class tax payers so he can make a bunch of spoiled brats happy? I live in reality and I'm not liking what I see.

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I don't know what kind of TV you have but the whole thing was televised and shown numerous times. You know nothing about me but what you think you know which is Nothing. Oh, now you know I like $5 a gallon of gas? It could be free for all I care. Also,I don't agree that student loan debt should be paid for. Don't make up things about me that you don't know. That's what get people in trouble.

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I believe there were a bunch of question marks in what I wrote to you. That pretty much means I don't know (or claim to) and am asking you for the answers so that I will know. I know it's difficult, but try to keep up.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

It's like a disease. They simply can't process facts and evidence and come to logical, rational conclusions.

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PV I don't think brother Davy needs your help. He's quiet capable all by himself. Your problem is you don't like women disagreeing with you. Too Bad. I understand you totally: Big mouth, nasty temper, know it all (you think). No filters at all. Likes to see your name in print. I could go on and on but I have better things to do than waste any more time on you!

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deletedSep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022
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The Republicans are not far behind. Too many to count! I think you should be embarrassed with all your nasty comments to anyone, except other Republicans. Why they let you stay on this site is a mystery. Please don't respond.

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Mr. Bright -- Your comment would have gotten at least 50 "likes" on Robert Reich's Substack column. He was the Secretary of Labor under Clinton. The MAGA "threat to democracy" is a major concern of his. You would fit right in with this group. Suggest you consider joining. I disagree with you and Mr. Reich about this subject, but am a member of his group for other topics that he covers.

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As you often say, your beat is money.... But that was one of the best pieces you've ever written!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

I think Bill shoots for "being clever" over actual substance when he veers into the political and geopolitical. He sells a lot of us short to the extent of insulting intelligence. He could point out errors and shortcomings without the attacks. Maybe that's just me.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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PG: You continue to make Stupid and Unfounded statements: The Global pandemic that Obama, Gates and Fauci funded and created in Wuhan Lab.

What an asinine statement. It only shows your ignorance and the disregard for the truth. Trump will never "Make America great again." He should be in jail or prison for the Jan. 6th riot and for taking and keeping all the documents in Mar-a-Largo. No president has the right to retain presidential records period! What a joke when Trump stated that he declassified the material before the end of his term in office. No one can do that. What an idiot! Is that the kind of President you want?

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deletedSep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022
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You are the ignorant jerk! You make up any story to fit your scenario of what you would like to have happened. No one with any sense would believe most of what you say. You can't stand to not know what I can and can't do, so you just make up whatever comes in your head. Most of your comments are lacking in truth so that you sound like a big man, which you are not. Why don't you get a day job and give us a rest? You like to dominate everything. I pity your poor wife.

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Bill's missives are definitely entertaining, but the caustic stuff tends to lump people into groups that are much too stereotyped for my blood. I think you're dead right about libertarians, they are purists and seem to be incapable of compromise.

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Ron Paul is Libertarian and he would have made a great President in my opinion. Again stereotyping not good. Sound money end the wars etc.

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Good ol Bob

I find it hard to swallow that one who claims to be anti whatever establishment is in power would position yourself against the most refreshing breath of anti establishment presidents to come along.

I suppose I am simple in many ways, mind included, but don’t appreciate you calling me out on it.

I am a Trump supporter and I hope we can have a leader come forward and exhibit the courage to continue pushing back against the wishy washy crooks on both sides.

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Well, Bill, it is easy to see where your heart is. You may not wear the MAGA hat, but you sure talk the talk.

The attack on the capitol is not propaganda. It happened. And it was not to secure the Constitution. It was to secure the fraud that was propagated by Mr. Trump. It was also to assassinate Vice President Pence. You suggest it was not to burn down the capitol, but it was to destroy our democracy and intimidate our elected representatives into allowing Trump to claim election victory. They might not have burned down the capitol. But let's put a yet at the end of that sentence. What or who was there to stop them from doing so? You are naive to think that this was not an attempt at a coup. Get real.

That is unacceptable. Biden called out Trump because he is a criminal who has made it very clear that he will stop at nothing to take back the presidency. He incited the mob that took over the capitol.

You suggest that you know the thinking of the mob that attacked the capitol. Excuse me but they were not there to uphold the Constitution. They were there chanting kill Pence. They were there to overturn a legal and fair election. That is not only illegal it is anti-American. We must put a stop to such illegal behavior and violence.

Democracy IS at stake. We must not allow violent assholes to take over our nation by force. That was and is what is happening with the MAGA mobs.

You quote Hitler. Hitler was wrong in most of what he did and said. But he was NOT wrong about the Bolsheviks. They were a major threat to Germany. They were a threat to all of Europe for that matter.

The Trump followers believe his lies and think they must overthrow our elected government to restore America to greatness. That comes directly from Hitler's playbook.

Biden's speech simply tells it like it is. He is not fooled by Trump's rhetoric. Trump is a clear and present danger to this nation. He exhibits the same character flaws as Hitler, megalomania/narcissism. He has the same designs on power that Hitler had. He is dangerous. Only the naive do not see him for what he is: The Man Who Would Be King.

Please get your mind around the fact that Trump is not our benefactor. He is a dictator who needs a nation to rule. He has proved he is a liar, cheat, and criminal. He refuses to admit defeat simply because he cannot allow anyone to be recognized as better than him. He does not care about our nation. He cares about Trump and only Trump. And if truth and the Constitution stand in his way, he will tear them down.

Do NOT underestimate Trump like the Germans underestimated Hitler.

Better to stop him before he stops democracy.

Biden called a spade a spade. If that hurts your feelings, Bill. Try to get over it.

What America needs is a genuine statesman.

We need someone who actually cares more about our nation than about election or re election.

Like you have said before: We get the government we deserve not the one we want.

Sad but true.

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You do know that challenging the results of an election is in the U.S. Constitution right? You do know that Democrat politicians have challenged every presidential election the Republicans won for the last two decades (remember Bush v. Gore? in 2000?)

Biden's speech is based on fantasy, pure drivel. The reason is because we red blooded Americans love our country and wouldn't get behind Trump (or anyone else) that would use illegal/violent action or tactics. Spare me the nonsense about January 6. That was a few idiots that everyone (including Trump) have condemned and they should be prosecuted and punished for their behavior.

How do you square the hundreds that are sitting in D.C. jails living in squalor being denied due process just for being physically present at the capitol that day. Really? I thought you liberals take civil liberties seriously? Since when did you all stop "questioning authority" and start believing that the "government is so virtuous and good"?

I agree that we need a genuine statesman. That's common ground and impossible to argue with. That's why Ron De Santis is going to be the guy to straighten out the mess that Biden has created.

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Dave, you are wasting your keyboard strokes responding to Mr. Beach. It is beyond obvious that he is suffering from Late-Stage TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome.)

This is a fact due to many dead giveaways in his post -

1. He parrots the falsehoods his tv has fed him for the last 7 years, ad nauseum.

2. It is blatantly obvious that he has never bothered to LISTEN to what President Trump actually SAID in his speech on January 6.

3. He undoubtedly went from Russia, Russia, Russia to Hitler, Hitler, Hitler without batting an eye or noticing in the slightest how he is being manipulated. Also guaranteed is how he has not, even at this late date and with all the exposed evidence, considered the facts behind the Russia Collusion Hoax/Witch Hunt. His kind cannot be bothered with anything approaching Reflection or Self Evaluation of their indoctrinated beliefs.

I could go on, but won't waste anymore time on the party that has become the Domestic Enemies so many of us took an Oath to protect and defend against. They are not interested in facts or reality, so let's get this party started already...

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Hmmmmm, lmao, middle age, simple minded, I have wandered into a plethora of ideas, mindsets and personalties.I have no doubt that an old, conservative, simpleton like me will find a uniform that will fit. Give me a beer tell me more things that I can fear. That is all I hear these days is fearmongering and fingerpointing. Bet God is proud of this bunch!!! Just sayin'..

Don Harrell

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The insane are running the asylum. The practical definition of “insanity” is ignoring reality — laws of the natural physical world and of human nature — and trying to live in a fantasy world (Marxism).

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Bill Bonner, you’re a nihilist,

a sheep in wolfskin’s clothing,

a dilettante, a terrorist,

whose brain is decomposing.

You criticize the left and right,

the center - and the French.

You take down everyone in sight.

Are you an Ubermensch?

I said it once, say it again:

suggest repairs, just once.

Be more constructive, if you can.

If not, you are a dunce.

Why don’t you do what you do best?

Write about boring weddings.

Give your acerbic pen a rest,

improve your verbal sleddings.

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I am a different Frank L than the poet and critic above. I like that Bill calls it as he sees it. It’s up to everyone to then decide an investment plan.

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Whine, whine, whine.

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Martin Armstrong hat tip:

"What can be the fundamental is anything from an expansion of the war in Ukraine to an indictment of Trump in this absurd political attack that the Democrats think will embolden people to vote Democrat. Lindsey Graham said this could lead to civil unrest and the press reported that as a THREAT so now lock him up and claim that was an insurrection as well.

Human nature never changes. If you want to see what the left will do and how they will do it, just look to China and Russia. They are playing out the very same strategy that ended in civil wars and the death of over 200 million people. This time they cheer that because they also want population reduction.

The slogans are the very same as those used in both Russia and China. In both cases, they claimed to be the "moral authority" to justify killing all who resisted in what became the great purge in both places. The left always seeks to DIVIDE the people and that is what this WOKENESS is all about. It is no longer a united people as Americans, but were are now all divided into segments and told the other is our oppressor. They also suppressed free speech to prevent opposition and here again we have the new "cancel culture" and anyone who disagreed with COVID restrictions was placing the entire world at risk and had to be silenced.

They are deliberately changing our very nature and culture. They are doing that in Europe forcing a central policy upon all and they are doing that here in America with all the demands of federalism using Abortion as one tool to attack even the religious culture of one region against another.

The rule of law has collapsed. The raid on Trump's home has been so demoralizing to the country and divisive, that the FBI has demanded redacting the names of the agents because they know the division they have created. They seem to want violence so they can justify fences and storm troops rounding up the evil ones who resist this cultural revolution the same as what took place in China and Russia.

The greatest enemy is NOT Putin nor is it Xi. America will fall from within. This is what is behind the computer forecasts. Opinion differs and this is not a time for personal opinions. All we can do is rely upon the computer to target when such events are possible.

September must be approached with both an open mind and open eyes. Something is unfolding in the wind and it is all about trying to retain power in Washington. Just like they had to get rid of Trump, this is a battle that they do not intend to allow anything to flip to the Republicans. This time, the failure of the Republicans to score a victory is perhaps what the computer is warning about in 2023 with a year of sheer chaos.

This will be a battle to the DEATH of Western culture and freedom."

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"They may not be terribly bright, but if MAGA Republicans are terrorists… "

Really Bill? This comment is WAY below your usually "high" standards...

PS - MAGA represents well over 50% of the Country. More like 70%-80%, but whose counting besides dominion machines and unmonitored "ballot boxes?"

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