As an 82 year old lifelong independent who never voted for either Biden or Trump and it saddens me deeply to know that I most likely will not live long enough to see a return to civil discourse and reasonable political lawmaking that considers the country and world as a whole rather than every effort to "get votes at any cost" and revenge as the primary functions of each party - Even more saddening is the effect on my grandchildren and great grandchildren when these narrow-minded, self serving people have passed on and left the resulting chaos for future generations - Strangely, I still have hope that "this too shall pass" just sadness that I will never see it -

Roland Friestad

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Roland Friestad -- When I was young, we had people like Democrats "Scoop" Jackson and Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Republicans like Howard Baker and Barry Goldwater in the US Senate. I did not agree with everything they did or believed in, and each had flaws, but they were decent men who engaged in the type of politics you (and I) miss. Instead, we have folks like Ted Cruz and Elizabeth Warren. God help us!

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Wishing everyone in this thread (including those I only partially agree with) a Happy New Year and a better 2023.

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I missed this post last September and believe it is one of Bill’s best.

As Barack Obama reminded us, elections have consequences. It is surely a tautology that stolen elections have even greater consequences.

I have asked myself what the putative thieves of one of the most important elections in the most powerful nation on earth would look like. What if.....?

How would the new coup holders behave? Would the coup heal divisions and be palpably inspiring in the erstwhile elected and in the electorate? Would the confidence produced by the greatest vote count in the safest election in history spawn Noblesse Oblige and a great swooning of Statesmanship? Would such a solid performance by the voice of the people inspire new bonds of affection between the people and their representatives, creating unity where division once flourished?

So much for the imagination to ponder. What are the behavioural markers of legitimacy? Of illegitimacy? Could we know them by their fruit?

All one need do to answer all of the above questions with thundering certainty is watch and listen to the September 1st, 2022 speech by Joe Biden.

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There is some hope on the local level. Our little city here in BC, Canada just voted out most of the last city council and the mayor. Today's newspaper reports that the new "younger" council has reversed several of the egregious acts of the previous. That's a happy first in my experience!

I don't expect to see that at the national or state/provincial levels in my lifetime, but Dan Denning's advice seems to be proving itself in my town.

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The GOP has a wonderful opportunity to put in place a person who is a solid administrator, articulate bridge-builder and fiscally sensible as our next president. Our current one is not aging well.

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Honestly, it surely is much less than 51%, since 3rd partiers like myself probably didn't vote on account of not having a viable candidate to support this election cycle. I would imagine that most of us are former Republicans/conservatives rather than Dems/Libs. Any Libs who didn't vote this time were probably too conservative/moderate to stay on that ship at this point. My opinion, not that it matters much, is that neither option in this 2-party system would necessarily make much of a difference given the state of affairs in the current system. And someone "radical" enough to make a difference wouldn't survive the process anyway. Liberals seem to be under the misguidance that they are the majority, whether they are or not. Being the loudest and most visible is, as we all know, not the same thing, and certainly doesn't make one "right". E.G. being NBA "World" Champs only means best in America, not actually the whole world.

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After reading this particular blog today, I sung to the tune of.....


Here come the Men In Black

It's the MIB's, uh, here come the MIB's

Here come the Men In Black

(Men In Black)

They won't let you remember

Nah, nah, nah

The good guys dress in black, remember that

Just in case we ever face to face and make contact

The title held by me, MIB

Means what you think you saw, you did not see

So don't blink be what was there is now gone

Black suits with the black Ray Bans on

Walk in shadow, move in silence

Guard against extra-terrestrial violence

But yo we ain't on no government list

We straight don't exist, no names and no fingerprints

Saw somethin' strange, watch your back

'Cause you never quite know where the MIB's is at

Uh, and


(Men In Black, Smith 97).

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Hee haw is the perfect way to describe the US under Biden and Harris.

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Ok, ok…I admit I phrased that poorly. Yes, 60 of the 61 cases were thrown out for lack of evidence, as determined by the presiding judge (many of whom were Republican appointees) and not because they went to trial and lost. I did read some transcripts of the interactions of some of the judges with, say, Giuliani, where they were saying “look, don’t tell me about what you’ve heard, show me some proof” and he didn’t have anything to show him that the judge could admit as evidence (again, many Republican judges heard these cases). And look, we don’t have to get instantly nasty here. I wake up most mornings and record an hour of Fox and an hour of CNN. Why? Because they both don’t cover the stories that make their side look bad, that they know their viewers don’t want to hear about, so the only way to hear about everything is to do that. I’m very open to any suggestions on better news sources than those two. I’ve already sniffed out the liberal bias on Public Television, BBC and the old networks ( I never did bother with CNBC). If there’s a truly unbiased news source out there, I’d like to hear about it. Anyway, how about we buck the trend, here, and keep this civil?

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Absolutely let's keep things civil. I would go further and ask YOU that we keep things REAL.

If you are hung up on the court "cases", I would direct you to consider the SWORN AFFIDAVITS by hundreds of election workers (from both parties) in the days immediately after the "election" - these affidavits (attested to under Penalty of Perjury) documented Fraud, Abuse and outright Breaking of existing Election Law by the dimocrat party and their well-placed poll "workers." Fraud of numerous types was documented in GREAT detail, yet the "public" has yet to be shown any details or, for the most part, even knows about the existence of these sworn documents by average people who were concerned that we maintain free and fair Elections.

Perhaps do some research on the voluminous proof of "inconsistencies" with the Dominion and Smartmatic voting and vote counting machines, particularly focusing on:

a. How easily they are hacked and b. The fact that they were hooked up to the internet in many swing States, which was clearly against existing law.

Maybe take an objective look at the numerous videos (particularly out of Atlanta) where dimocrat poll workers are seen removing suitcases full of ballots from under their tables or from back rooms AFTER IT HAD BEEN ANNOUNCED THAT VOTE COUNTING WAS COMPLETED FOR THE NIGHT. This happened in numerous States btw.

How about the FACT that in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Pennsylvania the Republican poll watchers were PHYSICALLY REMOVED from vote counting areas and workers subsequently put cardboard or other material over the windows so no one could watch them "count" votes. There are reams of video showing these EXACT actions and all are in violation of the respective election "law."

Or consider the statistical analysis (numerous ones completed actually) that show, time and again, the impossibility of the huge vote counts being switched in the middle of the night without any Fraud occurring, and the complete improbability of TraitorJoe getting the number of votes he did and from the areas we have been told he got them. Odds are Billions to ONE of things going down the way your tv says they did.

Still not enough? Avail yourself of the FREE documentary called 2000 Mules - it is not made-up and is sourced particularly well. Just because factual evidence goes against your conditioning does not mean it is false.

OK - maybe some of all that is not "proof" to your standard, but when taken as a VERIFIED whole it is unavoidable to conclude that AT A MINIMUM the election results of 2020 need to be investigated.

All of this information has been in the public domain since the dims pulled off the Fraud, yet I highly doubt you will be open-minded enough to actually consider or research further any of the factual items I have just handed you on a plate.

Not to be uncivil or anything - but TDS is real, and it's an ugly disease causing its sufferers to lose the respect of others in nearly ALL areas of their lives. Ditto for "progressivism"...

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Touche'! The way the Left and their minions in the judiciary have framed election fraud litigation and adjudication it pretty much forces anyone bringing a case to prove a negative. Prove that it wasn't done right!

Well your Honor, I need access to all the ballots and the equipment and software that was used to tabulate ballots as well as cross examine the people that ran the election and qualified and disqualified ballots. Judge: I'm not going to grant your request--case dismissed!

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One of my sons is an attorney, I'm just a frustrated one (can you tell) and was better at accounting. He practices tax law and was raised right. At 31, he despises liberals and dims. He has to do quite the tap dance while at the office in order to stay on a partnership track.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

StarboardEdge, have you, or anyone you know personally to be honest and observant, seen any of this personally? I'm afraid I don't trust the news on either side.

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Hi Jonathan -

No. Like most Americans I was too busy to do much more than show up to my polling place on Election day, VERIFY WITH PHOTO ID WHO I WAS (God bless FLA) and cast my SINGLE vote.

But your question is rather specious. How is one person supposed to have "seen any of this personally" when the FRAUD was widespread in multiple states and at multiple levels of the process?

What I (and many others) DID do in the days after the "election" was closely follow the accusations backed up by Affidavits, VIDEO EVIDENCE, Statistical Analysis, etc., etc., etc. We went to bed with DJT comfortably in the lead only to wake up with TraitorJoe the assumptive President, AFTER being told that vote counting had STOPPED FOR THE NIGHT in multiple states.

Yes, there was a TON of crazy, false claims made by some on our side in those dark days. Not everything thrown out there was to be believed - it took Diligence and Discernment to get to the Truth, but put all of that aside for now. Anyone could be excused for not having the time back in late November/December 2020, but please, take a look around you today. What claims were shouted down then that still persist all these months later? I reviewed most of the more important ones in my long post to Mr. French. The items listed have NOT been "debunked", yet still all we get is crickets while the domestic enemies who STOLE that election run our Country and our Society into the ground.

It is past time for the People to WAKE UP, put their HATRED on a shelf, acknowledge FACTS that they may not like and start the process to bring some Justice to the mortal enemy among us that most refuse to see...

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

If you listen to McConnell's public statements lately he is very measured, very precise and calculated from a formal, legal perspective. I believe he is speaking to the DOJ, the Special Counsel and the Biden administration. He's practically saying, as the Republican Senate Leader, "go ahead, indict Trump, we won't object to it or oppose you." What a POS he is.

People are talking about Trump running as an Independent. That's a complete loser and won't be necessary if just a few senators will come to the fore and expose what McConnell has done and will continue to do.

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what unbelievable hogwash. Thought you were smart but evidently not so. You are 1,000% a misguided Rep. Trump was NEVER a good President. All the things you listed are lies. He really did a good job of brainwashing you and a few others of your friends. It's okay not to like a candidate, but don't make up lies. Everything is rigged if your candidate didn't win. The evil is Trump. Get someone to run for President that's half-way honest..Trump is NOT that person. Please keep your response to a short paragraph. No cussing.

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"Get someone to run for President that's half-way honest . . ."

That's really rich given that the guy in office right now was kicked out of law school for a year for cheating on an exam, he had to withdraw from a presidential primary election because he plagiarized a speech, and he's lied so many times about so many things they've stopped counting. My personal favorite is how he said "he never discusses business with [his] son. (The lapdog media refers to them as "gaffes".) Biden makes Trump look like a boy scout.

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OK, so what was on the laptop? And where did you find out that Biden was kicked out for cheating on an exam? I heard the rumor, not the evidence.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Have any other subscribers here been personally involved in working at polling stations? Has anyone here seen any of these shenanigans personally?

I have worked several times now with provincial and national hand-counted elections. Very impressed: absolutely transparent, counting is open to the public who wishes to personally observe, with on-site voter identity perfectly protected and carefully recorded in plain view.

In my view, the dictated identification verification standard is too weak. Still, I don't see the danger being anything like that of computer-counted ballots, described above. There is, I think, only one reason to have machines count ballots.

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Thank you both for the thoughtful, polite comments.

I would only add that when considering Election Fraud (by EITHER side) it would be a mistake to only focus on one or, at the most, two methods. There are likely dozens of ways to cheat (the dims in particular have been perfecting the process for 60+ years) and the act of stealing an election naturally lends itself to spreading the cheat around. Going too heavy on one particular scheme may push the results into a level of absurdity that could necessitate additional scrutiny. Much smarter (and safer) to steal a few thousand votes from each of a dozen+ methods than to steal them all through just one or two activities.*

*I say this with the exception of Mail-In Ballots and especially Drop Boxes. The opportunity for fraudulent votes using those two methods is virtually limitless...

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The only Coup happened on Jan 6, 2021, at the Capital.

I made my comment. Now please, everyone, leave me alone.

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A bunch of unarmed bozos taking selfies.

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Pearls, consider yourselves clutched...

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J CV: Are you really that stupid.? You obviously didn't watch it...too much trouble?? Don't always take others word for it..watch it for your self! Then make your own opinion. SAD!

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Surprisingly to both of us, Dorothy, yes I did watch several on-site videos of the event just a day or so after it happened.

This surprises me because I turned off the national news almost 45 years ago. One of the 3 best decisions of my 72 years.

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Ah very clever, make a grandiose statement and then run away like a little girl. I suggest you consult a dictionary because nothing that happened on January 6 even remotely meets the definition of either "coup" or "coup d'etat". Most of us here like to adhere strictly to the facts and the truth.

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I said leave me alone because you, PG V, and Starboard Edge have all called me (in the last few weeks) really dumb, moron, scumocrat, stupid, swine, fool, liar, little girl, punk, hateful, and ignorant. You just have to beat up people with a different belief than you. Big scary man.

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I'll leave you with this short retort to ponder. You are entitled to "beliefs" to your heart's content. Just don't come on here and try to peddle them as "facts".

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Cat. They had no weapons. First "insurrection" in history without weapons. Not a insurrection. Really.

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Did I get that wrong? I apologize if you are a little boy.

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Mmmmm. personally, I might have called you liar - but that's only because you lied.

It's MUCH more likely that I called you indoctrinated, brain washed, Cognitively Dissonant, a progtarde or intellectually flaccid. But none of it was personal Cat. It's all about the false and easily debunked baloney that you sometimes post...

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Hi Dave -

As we all know (because they PROVE IT over and over), Facts and Truth to a dimocrat are like Sunlight to a Vampire.

Ain't gonna happen...

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Of course, the whole ideology is built on a lie which led to another and another and another . . .

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Courteous response, Daniel French, and good thinking. Thanks.

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I don’t know what dismissed on standing is. I’m assuming that means it didn’t even meet the minimum standard?

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Ok, looked it up. Got it. Don’t know why you would question me on whether I’m an American just because I didn’t know a legal term, but, I’m going to drop out of the thread, here. I’ll go back to just observing the back and forth between others. And maybe look up some more terms. :)

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

No need to bail Mr. French. The more Free Speech the better.

The "Standing" thing was particularly puzzling to me as "Judge" after "Judge" ruled that the VOTERS who voted in an election did not have a right (standing) to present their evidence when they believed that there was Fraud in said election. Thus NO EVIDENCE was ever heard or presented in any of the cases you point to. That in itself should make a rational person's alarm bells start to ring.

If the voters don't have standing to question an election, then who the heck would? It was insane and went against decades of legal precedence...

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Thanks for the invitation back in. Hm, more interesting stuff there. I have a friend who worked inside the Kasich campaigns who leans farther right than I do; he hasn’t mentioned the dismissed on standing issue. I’ll hit him up for his take on it.

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deletedDec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022
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Starting to sound like the QAnon kooks here. Anyone at all is a better choice than Trump the moron.

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Hi John -

Show me on the doll where the Bad Orange Man touched you...

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Let's see SE are we back in kindergarten? What you just said to Veys is so stupid I can't believe it. If you were trying to be clever, believe me you were NOT. You have your opinion so do others. We can, at least, be civil with each other and try to respect each person's choices whether we agree or not.

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I believe Biden said MAGA extremists, not just MAGA, and was referring to the continuing election denying going on and the candidates for secretaries of state, governor and congress that support giving states the ability to overturn election results in future elections without any factual basis of election fraud. There may be others who made the blanket case for all MAGAs, but Biden was referring to these folks. And why no comment from you, Bill, on the threat to our democracy from these people who support Trump in throwing out election results that were clearly proven in courts to be valid and installing him back in the White House?

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Hi Mr. French -

"...election results that were clearly proven in courts to be valid..."

Would you be so kind as to specifically tell us where this was Reality? Even just ONE instance?

You can't. NONE of the cases were allowed to get to the Discovery, much less EVIDENTIARY stage, so you have NO IDEA what evidence was or was not there to consider. That, sir, IS A FACT.

Yet you continue to believe the Big Lie that was told to you by your tv and your chosen "media" in spite of the proven history of them lying about anything/everything Trump over the last 6 years...

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

I'm just going to point out (gingerly, because you might not be an American) that we here in America don't live in or have "a democracy". We never have, and hopefully, never will. Our Founders were extremely well read and educated about world history. They knew that historical "democracies" all ended up being "rule by mob" (hence the term mobocracy).

Those of us that have read and understand the U.S. Constitution are highly aware that we have a representative republic, some call it a constitutional representative republic, but only the ignorant could ever refer to it as "our democracy". So our Press Secretary, Vice President, President and a whole lot of other politicians that repeatedly use phrases that include "democracy" simply demonstrate their ignorance and if we had an educated press or media they would be calling these hyper-partisan fools out for it and mocking them.

I would just add that I hope you read the two other responses to your comment from Andrew and David. They offer some very good points and advice for you.

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Republic is the Roman/Latin word for what Aristotle called "politeia", the legitimate, sustainable form of popularly elected government.

Democrateia he termed the perversion.

I pledge allegiance to the republic, not to any democracy.

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You sum it up succinctly and perfectly. And boy do we have a perversion in this country right now. It's sad that so few in this Republic have any idea about Aristotle, Locke, de Tocqueville, Smith, et al., or even our Founders for that matter.

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Dave. American education is a disgrace by design. They don't want a educated voter. Easier to control.

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You've got that right!

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Send me the evidence of the "stolen" election.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Your mathematical and analytical skills do not indicate a promising future with investing.

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No judge allowed a review of dubious election process. Not exactly clear proof.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2023

I turned off the news almost 45 years ago. (One of the 3 best decisions of my 72 years.)

Andrew, Starboard Edge, who's your reliable source? There are precious few.

I know from personal experience, and from testimonies of people who I know personally are honest and have been intimately involved, that the legal and election systems are broken. I have known for some time by the same process that Bill Bonner is one of the good guys.

Honest, accurate information about what judges have done I do not know where to find.

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"...who's your reliable source?"

There's not just one or two or ten. Personally, I look at both sides, the middle and especially at the edges sometimes. Trying to get a complete picture of any given topic is work and no one or two source(s) is gonna give it to you straight for even a majority of the time.

IMO --

The key is a liberal dose of that elusive "Skill" known as Discernment. If you are 99% sure about something, spend your time looking at the information that contradicts what you think is accurate. Evaluate it IN FULL - consider things like:

- Who is writing this "contrary" view?

- What publication/site am I reading it on and what is their perceived "History" with regard to Truth and Accuracy?

- Who or what is funding the ability for this contrary view to be available?

- Always take things to "the next step." By that I mean, if I believe something and am trying to verify that it is true, then decide I am going to take to heart something that argues against that Truth, what happens next? IOW, if someone(s) is trying to lead me away from the Truth, to what end are they doing that and what is the goal?

There's a GREAT Book available (for now anyway) that talks about how the end of this age will be marked mainly by DECEIT, and how a person having DISCERNMENT will be vital for survival, much less to be prosperous.

We are there friends...

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Star. I always ask myself who benefits.

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I concur and perform those steps, too, StarboardEdge, but have never identified the trigger, "If you are 99% sure about something, spend your time looking at the information that contradicts..."

You start way before 99%, and so do I, your point is well taken.

Even so, I've been wrong dozens of times. ;>)

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Yup - me too. Probably wrong hundreds of times.

The flip side is that one must be willing to let go of something they have "always known" when presented with verifiable Truth that differs from what they thought they knew...

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I resonate strongly with the reputed Mark Twain statement:

It's not the things I don't know that hurt me. Is the things I know perfectly well that just ain't so.

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Amen to that.

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new off the press - Ukraine US $100 Billion going to BLACKROCK - PRICELESS! NOT a mention on TV.

Epoch TV - NEWs....

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The corruption of this banana republic is repulsive....

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May be bro, but Biden corruption still repulsive 🤮

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Then Trump deserves two electric chairs.

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For what? You can't identify even one way that Trump negatively affected your life or anyone's life that you know. But, I can give you several examples of how much better your life was during the Trump Administration than it is and has been since January 20, 2021.

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IMHO the worst thing Trump ever did was to take babies and children away from their parents--the cruelest thing imaginable. That destroyed children's lives for ever. He's a monster.

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You are despicable.

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This is Bolsheviks revolution 2.0. Patton was killed for saying "we defeated the wrong enemy".

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You and your ilk like to adhere strictly to the facts and the truth? You are demented. Down the rabbit hole. Drank the kool-aid. You wouldn't know truth if it slapped you down.

Coup: A sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government. Dictionary.

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I very much appreciate people who define their terms, and I have asked BPR for a glossary of theirs.

Cat writes, "Coup: A sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government. Dictionary. "

Excellent. That is sufficient for our purposes, isn't it?

I suppose Cat, Dorothy, and Biden feel that breaking doors and windows, seizing power over Federal office chairs to take selfies, pushing people and waving dangerous weapons (their fists) in the air qualify as a coup. Barely.

Most people, though, given the facts of that event would never think to call it a coup, or even an attempted coup. The word coup is actually deceptive in this context; debilitating to the majority of people.

Word twisting is so common among "news" reports and media talking heads generally that I don't blame Cat and Dorothy for being sucked into the vortex. This is why I feel the news is far more destructive than it is enlightening.

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I have not been sucked into any vortex. I can think for myself. I called it an ATTEMPTED coup long before anyone else did. Trump was trying to prevent Biden from becoming President so "other electors" could vote for Trump. See the dictionary definition again, above.

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And lame...

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So you think you know better than the Oxford English Dictionary? Gee, I wish I was that smart.

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I don't know what your attempted point about a coup has to do with my schooling one of your ilk about how our country is not a democracy and that democracy is a terrible thing that our founders wholly rejected. That is the truth and like a good Marxist/Leftist/Democrat you want to change the subject because you can't win a debate based on facts and reality.

But, I'll play: I like your recitation of the Oxford English Dictionary definition of "coup". You must have missed the part that the minuscule number of people that got out of control at the capital never "seized any power" from anyone. Not for an hour, not for a minute, not for a second. Trust me, if anyone was serious about a coup or an "insurrection" they wouldn't be walking around (after being ushered into the building by capital police) taking selfies and and gawking at paintings. That little dust up on January 6 is all the fault of Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell and that fact is about to be exposed in spades.

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"That is the truth and like a good Marxist/Leftist/Democrat you want to change the subject because you can't win a debate based on facts and reality."

^^^THIS x 1000. Yes, lieberism/progtardism/marxism IS a mental disease...

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The Marxists fall into two categories: 1) They buy into the "heaven on Earth, utopian workers' paradise" myth that the collective will provide (a.k.a. "money for nothing and chicks for free"); or 2) They are sociopaths that seek to get into the elite ruling class that somehow always materializes in the dystopian societies that this failed and disgraced ideology ALWAYS produces (a la Orwell's, "All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others."

Happy New Year my brother . . . I think.

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Well my friend, I was born with a penis, identify as a man and don't know of anyone who has ever mistaken me for female. Could be the muscles, ready smile and sharp wit, I dunno. I guess my only "kink" is that I have a TON in common with lesbians.

We both like girls...

:) :) :)

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Oh Davey, You have been drinking too much of Bill's wine. You obviously did NOT watch on 1-6. Minuscule number of people that got out of control is laughable. There were hundreds of them going in all directions and fighting the guards. No one was ushered in by the guards; they broke a window and then the door and climbed/walked in. Recently, they showed all the damage that was done to the inside. So please, don't show your ignorance by down playing it. This whole thing was approved by Trump who watched it for hours before calling it off. Too many people ended up hurt or dead; all for Nothing. Nancy and Mitch being responsible is so laughable I can't believe you said that. Can't wait to see that proof. Thought you were smarter than that. You can't always believe what you hear.

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There is video of Capital Police opening doors and welcoming people in. That's not something "I heard" and that's something everyone will see now that the adults are back in charge of the House.

Only one person died as a result of the "riot". A former female Air Force Veteran that was unarmed and no threat whatsoever was murdered in cold blood for what was at most trespassing, a misdemeanor. No policeman was killed, that is total fiction (though a couple committed suicide, I wonder why?)

Why were Nancy and Mitch responsible? They are responsible for the security at the Capital. Nancy and the D.C. Mayor turned down Trump's offers (as in two) to provide National Guard troops that day. (The Mayor's rejection is actually in writing which is going to come out in the House's upcoming investigation.) Beyond Trump's National Guard offers, Nancy and Mitch could have beefed up security on their own as everyone knew there was going to be a massive number of people there that day and there were intelligence reports that there were a few wacko fringe groups that had plans to break laws. You're going to see proof in spades and I suggest you withhold your moronic drivel until you do more than read Politico, Mother Jones and the rest of the Marxist/Leftist/Democrat tripe that passes for media in this country. Ask yourself just one question: Why did the J6 Committee suppress over 14,000 hours of video of the capital grounds from that day?

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I doubt anyone in D.C knows much about extremes, except spending. They seem to adore each other: they admire condescending pats on the head; low fives; they make Professor Erwin Cory sound

like an intellectual; or at least, a press secretary. Note: many lefty democrats have squealed election fraud. Finger pointing and bitching is about as human as flaws can get, and wonderfully American.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Try this one. It worked for me today.


Makes one think about the Bill Clinton years. It also brings one back to the wisdom of focusing on one's little circle of influence rather than the larger circle of concern over which one has no influence.

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