Is it truly solely the stupidity of the policy makers? as mentioned these methods were tried numerous times and always resulted in inflation. Do you truly think those that make these decisions do not know what has happened before..? It is getting more and more clear that these policy decisions are more sinister and in some respects by design as we move closer to the "Great Reset".. What is the end game for all central banks around the world to be weakening their currency and there is a fight to the bottom.. Currently we have had more and more things occur that look to be conspiracy theories that turned out to be accurate.. I think we are doing a disservice by blaming all of these decisions on stupidity and incompetence and we need to be honest about the devious intent we are seeing on display.


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Bill points out that workers' wages are not keeping up with inflation. There are also many who are not part of the workforce. I'm sure many of them aren't keeping up either.

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It just goes to show you how PHD’s run our govmint. I’m beginning to think that PHD stands for “piled higher& deeper!

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Well, its just how it typically is when a communist government takes over and ruins productivity. . . you do realize dear Bill, we have had a coup d'etat? . . . now comes legislation for a new Ministry of Truth (be careful dear Bill!) and legislation to disable wrong think (HR 350)

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Bill, you’re missing some basic concepts:

Government is an employment program for left wing democrats;

Government’s first priority is to expand;

ALL politicians are corrupt parrisites.

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The biggest theft of taxpayers dollars funneled to the 1% in history.

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QT (quantitative easing)???? I’m sure you meant quantitative tightening. Proofread before hitting send please.

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Very interesting M2 chart. Especially the 1995 inflection point

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Bill, What's your prescription to make right this Fed-caused problem? They only have one arrow in their quiver, and it's only able to target demand.

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