I hear that Jerry Seinfeld is thinking about starting a new show. It is exactly like the old one that tells us that we had a economy that was taking off like a rocket. Now we have jobless people, people who don't want to work . . . we had energy to sell to anyone who wanted to buy and now we beg communist dictators to please sell us some oil. We had a border that was secure and orderly . . .and now people are streaming over like we have no laws to stop it. Nor the will!!!

We had about a 2 per cent inflation rate and now people can't buy food for inflated prices. We also had $2.69 per gallon gasoline, now we are told we may have to ration. Man, we will have the whole world looking for that guy that can destroy all that in less than 18 MONTHS!!! There will be so much material Jerry won't even need writers. He can just cut out the newspaper articles.

And look at the stumble bums they will have to emulate for other parts. Just walk through the White House and take your pick. More clowns than P.T Barnum ever used. Just sayin'

Don Harrell


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Your title is a misnomer. It's not an accident, it's all being done on purpose.

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According to Bill: "... the law sometimes ends up on the wrong side of β€˜the people.’" How true! Think of how many laws in our country screw the people for the benefit of a few elite.

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You should pay closer attention to your own observations, Bill. You state that " . . . 'an economy can never go back 'to the way it was'." You go on to say that "Once the sun has set, the day is gone." Yet you constantly criticize the world's move toward "green," renewable, clean energy and insist that we should stick with the dirty fossil fuels that have fouled the air, poisoned the water, and are raising the Earth's temperature far beyond what is natural.

You remind me of the man who invested all of his money in buggy whips because he was absolutely certain that horses and buggies were here to stay. Nothing could be superior to them, he declared. He constantly railed against the newfangled automobiles, insisting that they were a waste of time and money and nothing more than a rich man's toy. History has spoken and that man was proven wrong, long ago. So, too, will you be.

Whether you like it or not, the world is leaving the 19th-century technology of burning fossil fuels behind. To my knowledge, every car maker in the world either has at least one fully-electric model for sale, now, or they are planning to release one, soon. Several car manufacturers are planning on phasing out internal combustion engines, completely, within the next ten years. Electric vehicles have come down in price so much that there are several models, by different manufacturers, that are as cheap as comparable vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.

Solar panels have also come down in price while correspondingly increasing in efficiency and producing more power. I have had solar panels which produce all of the electricity my home requires, for several years. Every day I see more and more homes with solar panels going up on the roofs. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that people will soon figure out that it's cheaper (not to mention cleaner) to install solar panels on their home and charge their electric car from the sun, FOR FREE, rather than pay for gasoline that has already skyrocketed in price beyond the $6 mark.

Wind turbines, though, like you, I find them to be an eyesore, are necessary to produce power when the sun isn't shining.

The "Green Economy" is still in its infancy. There is much more work to be done, both technologically (especially storage capacity) and in the area people becoming receptive to those new technologies. But, just as we accepted the personal computer, the internet, shopping online, watching movies via streaming services, etc., we will accept fossil fuel-free energy and the world will be better off for it. To quote Bill Bonner, "An economy can never go back to the way it was."

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The markets are looking good. Solid and in the green. The economy is balanced and stronger than ever. Inflation is under control, at the lowest it has been since perfection. Economic growth, expansion, and output is what we are living. Higher average incomes, higher expenditures. Inflation is stable and low, very low unemployment. Global trade stronger than ever. We have a very strong currency, the economy is very productive and competitive. Global access is expanding at a tremendous rate. This boom period is bringing high demand, no government borrowing, people investing hard earned dollars and seeing positive cash flow results. Extraordinary consumer and business confidence in place. Rapid growth, makes the 1990-2000 economy look like child’s play.


Why not huh? Why not? Hahahaha! πŸ˜‚

It’s all a figment of your imagination. 🀣

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I can't speak for PG V, but what you said in this latest comment is incredibly offensive. You know nothing about me and you make false assumptions to the extent that you be-clown yourself.

First, (I'll address your comments in the order they appear) these are not "immigrants". They are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Some come for work, but our current Commander and Thief's administration is handing out other benefits like they're candy such that MANY are coming for those. They're going to get a better life all right. Probably not at your expense though because I notice you didn't answer my questions about what percentage of overall income tax does each percentile of income earners pay.

Second, this country is on the verge of collapse precisely because the politicians won't deal with "hot button" issues. Immigration is just one of them. There's the entitlement programs, including Social Security and Medicare, but the list is much longer than those, then there's the debt and deficits, the list is endless. I'll assume you actually read what Bonner, Dyson, Bowman and Denning write here so you have some concept of what is going to happen (sooner than later). I wouldn't give two cents for 90 percent of the politicians in this country, but reading what you write, you seem to think government is the solution to virtually every problem. To quote the great Ronald Reagan, "Government is the problem."

Third, immigration was never intended to be available to every living and breathing human being. At it's core, an immigrant is supposed to possess skills that are needed and that benefit this country. They're supposed to have the means to support themselves and be an actual asset ON THE DAY THEY ARRIVE. What percentage of the people crossing the Southern Border right now do you think possess any type of specialized skill or talent? I'm going to go out on a limb and say zero, none, zilch, nada. Those that bring something productive to the table generally come through the front door and do it legally. (And, the more skill and talent they possess the faster the government processes their application.)

Finally, like all your liberal/socialist/Marxist/American Democrat Party ilk, when you can't win the argument you pull out what you all think is the trump card. You have no idea what color my skin is or the races of my relatives' and friends. It's absolutely sick that you people are so devoid of good ideas and policies that in the end, you have to attack by accusing us of being racist, which is the least intelligent measure and least important aspect of any human being. By playing that card you think we'll put our tail between our legs and slink off. Well Dale, that's not me. I'll just leave you with a thought that a very wise man taught me when I was a young man: When you look at someone that is black (this was about 50 years ago before your PC culture ran amuck), all that tells you about them is that their ancestors were from Africa. When you look at someone who is white, all that tells you is that their ancestors were from Northern Europe. That's simple and brilliant, and that's how important the color of one's skin is to me. You think about that.

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Then move out of Los Angeles!

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nice to see that you've rediscovered the "Consensus" rules of human engagement .. there are only 7 basic rules that humans have evolved over the centuries to enable commerce/trade and social interaction .. languages may vary but the 'golden rule always applies' and if that rule were the only one that humanity adhered to then we'd have fewer head on collisions !

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PG V back with a vengeance!

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Seems Yellen is your favorite punching bag - never mind her Fed tenure ended before the pandemic and stimmie checks. At least she has the good grace to admit to error - unlike the Fed men (Greenspan, Bernanke, etc.). Methinks in your connecting the dots, repeatedly kicking a woman once in power is a rather uneven response. Smells like sexism. You're better than that.

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I looked all over last weekend for your classic memorial day (or was it veteran's day) article re: the folly of war, including the insane friendly-fire and other unnecessary casualties... Where'd it go? I checked lewrockwell and googled all over for you... and realized you're here now and agora is no more.

Do you have a link to a live version of it, or are you able and willing to repost it here?

Thanks much!

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