Without a massive change in population or technology, oil & gas will continue to run the world's energy needs, with supplemental help from the "other" sources.

As for Porter, I shed no tears on his selling of Stansberry Research. I'm sure he made plenty of money and now has started his new service to re-make his old service. I have no problem with that, in fact I subscribed to his new service. The craw stuck in my throat is that he's big on selling "lifetime" subscriptions, but it is only the subscriber that is there for a lifetime. Porter and the other authors who do the same, can hire a replacement and move on without you. Something seems wrong about this strategy to me...

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Totally agree. I purchased a lifetime sub to Stansberry Investment Advisory because I trusted Porter's judgement and I enjoyed reading his letters. Not too long after that someone else began writing the monthly advisory letters and Porter was nowhere to be found. I felt like I'd been duped by a "bait and switch". Ever since then I've been wary of lifetime subs.

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When the government mandated COVID-19 plandemic lock-downs made the whole world grind to a halt, the demand shock caused oil prices to temporarily drop to $0 per barrel. As a result of this asinine mandate the oil companies reported historic combined losses of $79.9 billion in 2020. Funny how the economically illiterate, virtue signaling, Woketards advocating an excess profits tax on oil companies never even mention this little bit of recent history. No shortage of laughs in this era of Peak Stupidity :-)

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The trade of the decade is a perfect fundamentally shrouded hypothesis based on surmounting evidence. The gas and oil global dependency and consumption quantitatively indicates a positive trajectory for the next 100 years based on the factual increase in the global population and economic financial sectors of segmented world populace.

Coupled with simplistic research data provided by Professor Bessembimder, anyone invested in Exxon Mobile Corp for the next 20 years can comfortable retire with money to boot!

The black gold of humanity is oil, the yellow gold is the cream for the rich, and a few “wanna be” middle class spectators. 😂

Both oil and gold will outlive everyone, until they both rest motionless on the earth’s surfaces. The black gold will always outweigh yellow gold in the form of consumption, but yellow will always look prettier around your neck. 😂

As the crow flies, the sands of time trickle down the hour glass. The eternal mind seeks placement outside the vessel, to wander and float amid the nebula of gas and matter. The nano particles cannot be define, for the eternal question of “what’s that?” overtakes the hierarchy of consciousness. Hahaha!


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No friends like old friends usually.....thru heartbreaks and triumphs, the friendships or memories of those friendships still remain! As Willie Nelson reminds us "Sweet Memories".

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Jan 31, 2023Edited
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Wrong! I bet if Hitler was a Republican you would vote for him. You seem very narrow minded and all knowing.

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Dorothy, Here's a simple litmus test for your use. Democrats are wealth-takers; Republicans are wealth-makers. Hitler was the former. He did not use German industry and resourcefulness to produce wealth to improve Germany. He consumed wealth to conquer adjacent countries. He wanted their resources foremost. Putin is cut from the same cloth. Megalomaniac murderous thieves both

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JR: Don't disagree with you about everything except the first sentence: Democrats are wealth-takers. That applies to both of them.

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‘’Mobjority’’ Joel. Misspelling perfection. Worthy of at least two glasses of Malbec. Glad Bill and Porter are yakking together, it could be beneficial for navigating BIzarro World. Dave.

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Global population increase? Much of the world's producing countries seem to have reproduction rates below that which will sustain their current population. Time will tell whether today's "excess deaths" (Covid treatment linked?) will continue to erode vulnerable populations. These trends take generations to reverse. Nature continues to dominate. It will not succumb to man's misdirected attempts to override. Beware of AI...especially the nearby, predicted Singularity.

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Yes Jon, First world Populations are not expanding, but contracting. Only third worlds are multiplying, but survival is minimal due to local environments, hence the exodus to first world nations world wide. This is concidered Global Equity. Very well planned-devised and executed by our worlds globalist.

AI is coming at such a rapid pace and it will control everything sooner then we can anticipate.

My Trade of the Decade is AI. $19 today. May correct to half that this year, but will be many thousands of percents higher in nine. Dollar cost average this year and enjoy the growth, because it supports our demise. May as well leave a rich man...

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Hi Steve -

Are you referring to C3.ai Inc? I'd like to research...

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Also up to $22.50 now 😊

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Yes brother, go make some money 👍

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Hope you got on the train brother 👍$26 today but should go much higher 🙏

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So far your trades of the decade have been doing just fine, oil doesn’t look like it’s going to buck that trend

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Good old Richard must have been in the RAF because as I recall (reading) the British had an easier job, bombing at night and the Yankees in the daytime. As for the numbers: "by 1999, 33 years later, and the 'final' maximum didn't appear until 2021 - 55 years later." 2021-1999=22 The number of years between peaks is decreasing. No wonder, because everything is getting faster in our spaceship Earth.

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Before I was a BPR subscriber - I tried to guess the TOTD. I went with XLE. It’s done slightly better than the TOTD and pays a 3.6% dividend. Holding.

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I feel like I am late to the Trade of the Decade. Anyone else starting a position now at these levels?

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Jan 31, 2023Edited
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Just keep driving your gas-guzzling, smog emitting truck (s). They are not Green either.

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