And in cities outside of London immigrants of different religions wage war on the streets, Muslim grooming gangs prey on white girls, everyday boatloads enter the country crossing from France. None of which is reported in the mainstream media, which is the enemy within & keeps the masses docile & afraid, signposting their outrage towards, Tories, Brexit, Putin. It's a mess, which is most likely being orchestrated from Davos.

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Have you seen the latest, gangs of muslims, coming from Leeds, to Leicester to attack the Indian population there.

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Yes mate, have seen the videos of the trouble in Leicester. Thing is there's this bizarre political correctness where it can't be spoken about for fear of being racist, that's what happened with the grooming gangs.

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I think the horse we’re all on is going to jump into the water without much consideration. Then we’ll find out how deep it is.

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Thanks Mark 1, I believe you summed up our present situation correctly.

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The Queen always kept up with equestrian issues when she was younger and even of late. England has plunged as we have, into the lake of diversity. Has it made us better, weaker, friendlier or more loved? I think not. It has made us weaker, with weak leadership (?) More feared, more respected more liked? I shudder to think what is coming from this rudderless ship. Not good, me thinks. All see an unmitigated disaster on the horizon. But what do the libs see? A crisis not to be ignored. Remember, never let a good crisis go to waste. Destroy something, someone, somewhere, anywhere, just make sure it does not go to waste! And do not drive your automobile with the gasoline engine to California. Post 2035. Not good, not good!! Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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HAHAHA...Really, it's okay. We will give anyone a pass for a few more years!

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I get that you're trying to be lighthearted and kind, but what gives California the right to "give anyone a pass for a few more years"? Where does an unelected "commission" get the authority to pass edicts banning anything? The answer is nowhere and that's why this whole "ban" isn't going to happen. It's a house of cards legally/constitutionally and is really nothing more than a virtue signal.

I'm so glad I left that s**thole 5.5 years ago. If I didn't still have a lot of real estate and two sons there I'd never cross the state line.

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How sad for you. My experiences have been good here; sorry yours was not.

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My experience was just fine for the first 35 years of my life. Then the California Supreme Court overruled the will of the people by negating Prop 187 (in 1994) which then began a slow crawl towards one party rule. Anyone that hasn't noticed the destruction the Democrats have wrought there during the last 20 years either lives in a bubble or isn't in touch with reality.

People are leaving the state in droves. And, the makers are leaving while the takers are coming-enjoy.

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Thanks! That was a state-run citizenship screening system that prohibit illegal immigrants from using non-emergency health care, public education and other services in the State of California. My sense is the cost of housing (living) is One of the latest reason for leaving.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

A citizenship screening system is exactly what was needed. Why should non-citizens (especially illegals) be entitled to anything at taxpayers' expense?

And now, you have tent cities everywhere and the municipalities and counties don't have the resources to address them because they're bleeding money paying for various welfare and food subsidy programs that illegals take full advantage of, not to mention the obscene cost of educating their children. Please spare me the drivel about how illegals pay taxes. Many studies have been done on that and the prize doesn't cover the price of the Cracker Jacks (to the tune of almost ten grand per illegal per year). What's astounding is that you don't see it and you're right there! I guess you fall into that "live in a bubble" category.

People aren't leaving due to the cost of housing. The people leaving are either retiring or escaping cities and suburbs where the quality of life now sucks. 100 percent of the credit for which goes to the Democrats as they control everything there. (One of my sons left a good job in San Francisco because he was tired of stepping over drugged out people, used hypodermic needles and human feces just trying to get to his office.) I think the new motto for California Democrats/Marxists/Liberals is "I live in s**t and I love it!

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Don, pretty good, but quit saying "Just sayin'. Thank you

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Just a habit lol

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Hey Don, don’t change for no one…just sayin! 😊

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Love it!!!

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Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years until her passing at the age of 96, RIP.

That should be enough motivation for Biden to seek out another term, he’s only like 80, Queen’s got him by 16 years! Let’s go Biden...Fudge Joe Biden! 😂

Gold down to a two year low, Biden doesn’t acknowledge inflation, pretty amazing how he simply says that it’s not happening, or maybe he really doesn’t know because he forgets a lot of things, lol.

The US dollar very strong like the mid-80’s and on its way to crush the global economy through world wide banking & debt defaults with a recession on top. 😂

What a beauty!

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For me the Queen has always been a sign of stability. A stable world or one not careening over a cliff. We are somewhere in the middle!

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Hi Don -

I think we are in a very distinct place. Picture the Coyote chasing the Road Runner toward a cliff. Road Runner takes a hard left turn, yet poor Coyote keeps going (he just can't help himself.)

There he "hangs", suspended in mid-air - too far away from the cliff to get back, while not yet having started the unavoidable long plunge to the ground. But, by all accounts and the look on his face during this elongated instant, he knows he is screwed.

So, that's about where we are. Too far gone to get back on stable ground and just hanging around waiting for irrepressible gravity to kick in.

Just remember friends, it's not the FALL that kills ya -

it's the LANDING...

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Yes Bill, the greatest generation(not according to Mark the Cuban, he thinks generation X is, he’s such an ass) is almost gone now, and crazy boomers and their offspring are now in charge of the world. What can possibly go wrong? Changing at “Breakneck” Speed…..

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No one is calling for a king or queen of color? King James of bible fame was gay so they have that base covered.

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With tolerance comes greater aggression. Look at the culture and history of India. They tolerated and welcomed the new arrivals, the Arabs and then the British, who then usurped it - for 500 years. Now that India is finding its feet, the today's tolerant nations are calling that country, intolerant. The cycle of civilisation continues, while men (humans) come and go. Today's scourge is a certain religious type of belief and the Elite whose bed the Deep state makes.

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The Greatest Generation is fading quickly. QEII has a large constituency greeting her.

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