And every day we turn on the “news” and the insanity seems never ending🤔 It’s pretty evident that the entire western world has been highly influenced, manipulated and indoctrinated by an evil entity( Communist China ) and that demonic power has taken full control of our government, and at least a quarter of our people. Prejudice? Yes Bill, if we the people don’t counter this evil threat to our nation with Extreme Prejudice, this American experiment is over...

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The Luciferians are the demonic power. Klaus being their main promoter. Davos is their base.

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China is a paper tiger.

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China has not forgiven the western world for the opium wars.

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I'm sure you are correct. As for China, you will see. Try as they might, the world is still our bitch. Even in it's defeat after "WWIII," the US is still the last superpower, and will exercise that power in speaking as a dragon - even more so than it is now.

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Richard Dawkins is absolutely correct - we ARE selfish. Well, duh. The people of this world are very good at pointing out problems, which Dawkins thinks is a virtue, not so much at solving them. For that, you have to turn to the Creator. I guess now would be a good time for a plug for my free book, which you can read on www.discourseonagape.org, where you can learn a little about the Creator, and what He is.

BTW, who would have guessed that Richard Dawkins would be the voice of reason concerning woke culture?

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Basic logic dictates if one identities as a female. Deeply believing they are one; What need is there of puberty blockers or surgery?

I might be prejudiced as a human male.

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Stupid people do stupid things.

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Stupid is as stupid does - Forrest Gump (actually a idiom dating back to my Grandfather)

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What need? To better convince themselves. The root cause of transgenderism, and all other isms, is alienation from, or outright hatred of, the Creator. If God is dead, we can do whatever we want. You will notice a change in art and music over the centuries; art became more abstract, further from nature, and music became...less like music, and more like noise. This progression accelerated in the 1900's, for example, from jazz, with it's syncopated beat, to big band, to rock, and finally, at the bottom of the trash heap, country music. (I don't like country music, but in saying that, I don't mean to denigrate those who do. If you like country music, denigrate means "put down.") All this, and all we are seeing today, is a natural progression, much more pronounced than similar degeneration in the past. The war is spiritual, and will lead the destruction of the wicked. Incidentally, we are all wicked, 'there is no one good, not one.' We can choose to allow God to destroy the wickedness in us, or not. Most will choose not. Selfishness is insanity.

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You're off the rails, music or art, these are a reflection of a society, not what warped it.

Society is changing for the worse because the elites know a divided people are easier to manage. The first wave of the attack was upon education, first valued as means to climb out of poverty. The change came when the banks and government joined hands loaning money to any student, with no basis on merit. Too much money chasing education, it went from a high achievement to a common one. A college degree is pretty much common today and worthless at that. Children go in knowing their sex and come out doubting and confused. Logical thinking and informed reasoning skills have been set aside for emotions and tolerance. It's all a slow process like a boat trip down the Niagara river. One thing builds on another parents go from disowning the children to pride in their wrong choices.

Participation trophies, leveling the playing field, tolerance of wrong ideas, they're coming to a head. The elites have won, because the citizens have been complacent as they always have been. When citizens get too independent an enemy is chosen the people are taxed and indebted and their sons are sent off to die, media whips up patriotism. The young-men actually think they've been sent for a worthwhile purpose. Support the Troops is the call. Later we ask "What was the purpose, why did we go to ....? Good times create weak people, fake money creates good times, when the bad times follow weak people are the masses.

The Western world is purposely being flooded with some of the worst of the weak people from the third world, while the best are kept out by immigration systems. It should be obvious why, the elites have had quite enough of independent thinking whipped up by conservative thinkers . It's high time voting becomes universal even mandatory. Why should any human living within a nation not have a say? America followed by Europe will see their wealth and freedoms voted away by the masses, and that is the way of the elites. The Elites figure when the smoke clears and they'll be holding all the wealth, i.e. land, oil, food production, electric generation, manufacturing, the masses will clamor back to their rulers for their daily bread.

In the past the elites took the reigns acting as king, president, cleric, they learned a valuable lesson in France and Germany, better to hire lacks like Obama, Biden, possibly even Trump might be a deep fake. I know how this will end, because it has all been recorded by the Prophets of Yahowah.

As proof I'll leave you with the means for the fulfillment an end time prophecy in Isaiah to come to pass in out lifetime.

Islam is stuck in the 6th century due to Muhammad's rants in the Quran and Hadith.

Hadith is the history of Muhammad's actions, Arabic was not a written language until 325 years after the his death, the events in the Quran and Hadith went from mouth to ear unit 925 CE when the Hebrew alphabet was used as the basis of written Arabic. Islam stuck in time has always kept the Arab world in isolation from the rest of the world, the same is true with the Persians (Iran).

The Saud royal prince knows the advent of tech has placed a super computer in the hands of every Muslim in his control. Muhammad famously stated, "a man who studies Islam will leave Islam". Hence the Prince will need to change Islam and he'll do so by distancing the religion from the Hadith (caustic backwards life of Muhammad) the naysayers will be put to death maybe dismembered in the embassy if need be.

The Prince is currently using his billions to buy his way into Western society, sponsoring sports buying the PGA, etc. He's also got USA over a barrel with BRICS, Biden will sell weapons or the Prince will depeg the dollar from oil and buy arms from the Russians. Black mail goes a long way with the Prince. The Prince has gone so far as to suggest a normalization of relations with Israel, Netanyahu is a politician wanting to stay in control forever.

Control of the temple mount will soon be traded for normalization and peace with the fake people calling themselves Palestinians (these have always been only Jordanian Arabs) a great cheer will come from the West. The Prince will be heralded as a great peace maker, Time magazines man of the millennium. Israel will have made a deal with the devil, the next step will be giving up the West Bank. This will happen before the wane of 2030, it will spell the end of Israel as a viable nation and spark WW3.

The elites will figure when the smoke clears a new religion will be employed to provide the elites with the divine right to rule. They bet wrong this time around, there'd going to loose this round.

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You probably heard about the Deep State takedown of Russell Brand too Bill. A coordinated media attack with a manipulative propaganda film aired prime-time Saturday night. Brand may have been a scoundrel in his day, he was the darling of the Left at the time he carried out the alleged crimes, now they are his biggest detractors. These days he makes YouTube videos which question the Military/Pharma industrial complex & so he had to be silenced. The propagandist media was judge, jury & executioner, the British gov't even saw to it that his platforms were de-monetised. What happens when you question the Cabal.

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Russel has become the folk hero of the next generation. As a boomer i applause all he has done to enlighten his subscribers and pray the younger listeners have the fortitude to reject the scurrilous propaganda and support him as a truth teller. He has absolutely been targeted just as Tucker, assange, Snowden, taibi, shellenburg et al. Who will be next? Bonner? Bowman? Taco?

Rise up! Do not comply!

Resist. Rebel. Reform.

The American experiment has failed. Time for a new one.

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He was an easy target with his past behavior, so non PC now. Still you have to give him credit for trying to get the message out to the public.

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Great and fun article, Bill.

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Yes brother Rich, the question for the survival of America 🤔 we all know what needs to be done, as the left has been doing for many decades now. The only problem is that our government, media, medical and educational institutions have been almost completely taken over by the WOKE communists left, and when Americans act out like the savage left, ( 01/06 was nothing compared to the blm, Antifa communists rioting)we lose everything we worked for, including our freedom, while they continue to get their free ride and continue their pillaging and destruction of the American way of life. Prejudice? If you agree with anything the insane leftists are doing to this nation, you are 1. Mentally unstable 2. Communist 3. Evil or 4. All the above 🤔

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Bill, yet another great read! As for me, Statolatry and Statists top my list of prejudices. After all these years, I still can't fathom how this blight ever infested America of all places.

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The trans activists, it seems to me, are becoming more and more like a grooming gang. They also seek to mold the sexual behavior of vulnerable adolescents, but even worse, they sometimes mutilate their victims irreversibly. How can they get away with it? A former British Government minister, Rory Stewart, may have given the reason. “I was shocked to realise ” he said: “That we ministers, myself included, were all grotesquely incompetent.” Of course it may be that in the USA they are all brilliantly effective and full of wisdom. Maybe those to the west of the Atlantic have a clearer view of this.

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The insane ( we put them there ) have morphed our country into the Asylum. Think about this. The fact is problems in the US metastasize into newer, different and bigger problems. We see it. We feel it. We know it. We have discusse this ad nauseum all while it is happening. We watch it and complain about it. What do we do to stop it? As I asked: Think about this.

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The first name of the genocidal little corporal is spelled Adolf.

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I've always thought the word prejudice was a synonym for preference. My upbringing and, of course, my life experiences sharped most of my preferences, but some were conveyed to me genetically.

For example, one of my very first memories as a wee child was an inability to eat spinach. I have a prejudicial reaction to this day if this green is proposed for my nourishment.

I also have a preference for copulating with the opposite sex. All other sexual congresses are, prima facie, abnormal.

However, I have no preference one way or the other for those who celebrate this abnormality with a Pride Flag and a parade. It's festive; colorful way to celebrate the rich panoply of our species

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Well done. I can't add or detract.

The real reason I'm writing is to make a minor correction to your book "The Un-Civilizing of America." You spend a lot of words on truth, how nebulous and nuanced it can be. My correction is not about the vagaries of truth. Writing "... the popular Johnny Cash song..." (Bonner, William. Un-Civilizing America (p. 181)) Mr. Bonner seems to imply that Johnny Cash wrote this song. He didn't and neither did James Morris. "The Battle of New Orleans," was written by Jimmy Driftwood. The most famous version was sung by Johnny Horton. Johnny Cash may have increased its popularity a bit in 1972 but the original was a smash hit in 1959 and early '60's. It's the first song I was infatuated with as a child, much to my mother's chagrin. It was also about a city that was some 60 miles northwest of my childhood home.

I don't know what lyrics James Morris wrote but it wasn't the ones quoted. I went to Apple Music and looked up that Johnny Cash album. When you click on the lyrics to "The Battle of New Orleans", it gives credit to Jimmy Driftwood.

But maybe my complaint further proves your point about truth.

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Evil does exist.

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The writing and thoughts at Bonner Private Research is exceptional . . . double entendre intended, depending upon your prejudice.

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