Excellent report on lapse of the mind bureaucrats blowing up the world to kill a gnat. Some of your best work, Bill, and I have read you extensively! You take apart all the bad actors of the past 20 years and expose them for the incompetents they are. All at a cost of trillions of dollars for all us mucks that have to run businesses, raise families and feed ourselves daily. Bravo, wish only that you could have "headed them off at the pass." Keep up the good work. You are the salve that helps heal the rasping of our body politic.
Bill, spot on!!! Nothing the Politicos and their apparatchiks do surprises me. Miscreants are miscreants. What surprises and saddens me is the Tribalist's blind allegiance. They routinely fall for their ruler's divide and conquer strategy and unquestionably line up for their daily shearing like some kind of masochistic dullard. Nothing will change until healthy skepticism of the the government returns.
Excellent, maybe take a look at the emerging evidence that Fauci & co received 100’s of millions of dollars from big pharma. Of course the media won’t report on that, probably because they too receive 100’s of millions from big pharma. It’s some operation to be able to control the worlds media to disseminate the same propaganda & lies. Klaus must have been planning it for a long time.
The purposeful deception around Covid-19 runs deep. Bill is showing restraint in his criticism of the effectiveness of the Federal assessment of a novel coronavirus and the subsequent Federal response. His conclusions are accurate- the response demonstrably resulted in far more human loss and suffering than the novel virus itself. Everything about assessment and response was anti-scientific. There is no medical evidence to justify the quarantine of the healthy, only the sick, and sometimes the “at-risk”. There is no medical evidence to justify the mandate of mask wearing to prevent viral transmission. There is no medical evidence to justify contact tracing, just as there is no medical evidence behind the concept of an “asymptomatic carrier”. This short collection of misinformation and misdirection is at the heart of the justification of medical tyranny. Shame on the medical providers who abandoned their own analysis of the data and worshiped at the altar of the WHO, CDC, FDA and now the USDA
Yes, all of which appear to be entirely corrupt organisations. Not to forget the NIH, who it appears funded the Wuhan lab research, & own a patent on the Moderna vax. Moderna’s share price rose by more than 1000% from March 2020. Oh & it’s apparent that Fauci & Collin’s conspired to shut down & smear the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration.
Politicised science, leveraged hysteria. Resulting in massive upwards transfer of wealth & the implementation of digital ID infrastructure.
Agreed. You touched on at least 3 complex, important, overlapping dynamics. These things are hard to see if we believe these institutions exist for the primary purpose of human health. Hard to see if our income demand we not see it. (Apologies to Upton Sinclair)
I agree, the media drove hysteria & it was that which pushed almost all govt’s into lockdowns. It was a pandemic of fear controlled by the media, but who is controlling the media, that’s the question.
Agreed. In my experience it is commonly both... a subconscious tendency toward self preservation via preservation of income (at all costs, including the truth) but also a mental laziness that chooses to quote authoritative sources like WHO and CDC (whose policy recommendations are contrary to their own data and reach well beyond their realm of authority) rather than critically consider the data for themselves as they were trained to do.
Interesting read. Thanks Bill. I especially liked the questions Re . Government rule. Here’s some more dots to connect for those who believe there’s a Creator. The sun that warms the earth is just one of one hundred thousand million suns in the Milky Way. The Milky Way is just one of a million million ‘milky ways’ or galaxies in the known universe as you will all know They are all hurtling through space, each keeping in its assigned orbit, each running on a schedule of split-second timing so flawless that we set our most accurate timepieces by their movements. Can men guide these galaxies? Some Birds migrate for thousands of miles , without map or compass, without ever having made the trip before. Can man guide them on their southward flight? Who designed their brain? God guides the stars by his laws of motion and gravitation. Man cannot guide them. God guides the migrating birds by his laws of instinct. Man cannot guide them. Why? Because Man cannot even guide himself! That’s why God’s Word accurately notes “I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking EVEN TO DIRECT HIS STEPS”- Jeremiah 10:23. So the stars heed their Creator’s laws; the birds heed his migration laws, but men everywhere balk at God’s wise laws for them. If God is capable of guiding stars by his law of physics, and guiding birds by instinct, then surely he can guide us by means of his grand communication to us…his Word the Bible ? But that takes humility to even admit that no matter which form of government is tried on earth, it will fail Humans were not created to govern other people and solve their problems. In fact, we were no more created to rule over our fellow humans than we were created to live under water or in outer space. Thankfully, God promises He has set up a heavenly government that has the power and wisdom to solve all global problems soon…permanently. Find answers on jw.org and maybe join up some more dots Bill?
Yes Jaqui, God rules, and man(women especially (Eve)) have never listened, and the great cleansing has occurred many times in human history. We may be at Gods window now, or the near future, but I don't believe so.
Yes, the Democratic cult has sold it's soul to satan, as has many cults throughout history, but we are at a crossroad in Gods country, where they will be shown how naked and evil their intent is. We see it daily, but many are still unable to phantom the true evil in their intent.
The devil screams "RACISM" for every offense they feel attacks their evil lord. We the people
know this fraud on humanity and against the true God, and those who believe, will Fight back. The murder of life in the womb is a sacrifice to their lord, and we the people will no longer pacify the beast. The democratic cult serves the beast, and we are witness to it's power and control daily, but for those who see it, are saved, and those who refuse the truth of God, have already perished into eternal damnation. The Democratic/communist cult will be cleansed.
Your selective quoting of statistics to prove your point does nothing for your credibility on health reporting.
If you look further down the WHO list, the 2 Western Countries that implemented the most severe lockdowns and enforced them properly actually ended up with excess death rates of -28. Yes, 28 fewer deaths per 100,000 than their yearly average for Australia and NZ. Unfortunately those countries have now given up on restrictions and are paying the price, but at least with 90-95% vaccination rates when they did it. And their economies did not do as badly as those countries who could not organize a proper lockdown.
Also, Sweden is an unusual case in that it has a very large proportion of its population living in single person households and the population in general were willing to act sensibly without enforced restrictions, something the populations of countries like USA and UK are not capable of.
Also, Sweden's economy did not fare any better than its neighbors even without the enforced lockdowns.
You might be missing the whole point here... look at the eradication of polio in Europe at the same time polio was eradicated in the USA. Europe did not get the “vaccine” as the USA did, yet the plummet of cases/eradication of polio occurred at the same rate, at the same time. What was in common?? The implementation of civil water and wastewater technology. Please, look at the data yourself and stop trusting these “authorities” who intentionally or unintentionally promote a very false narrative. I know the “official narrative” on the polio vaccine. I was once a Rotary member
Yes Bill, I remember being on a finance site back in 2011, and one of our dear fellow investors tried to explain a new currency that would put banks out of future business. He called it Bitcoin, and tried to explain how it worked. The price at that moment was $1.25 a token. Many of us laughed at the idea of our corrupt banking cartel allowing any competition.
Of course over the years, he became the wealthiest of our small group of investors, and most of us were happy to make many times our initial investment is crypto.
If I can be that same dear investor in this room today, I will tell you all to really dig deep in this crypto world, do extreme homework on any money you plan on investing, and please do not miss the future boom that will make you all very rich.
We are all masters of our own demise, and it's wonderful to have so many options on how we will make or lose our money, or be terminated as the results of our own decisions.
Bill, you're a wonderful host, educating our dear fellow readers on how to live their life, and helping us with our decisions in finance and life.
Having multiple safe rooms throughout the world is very helpful for those who can afford it. Having multiple/diversified investments will help us get there.
May not be a bad time to research a few tokens and invest a few fake dollars before those to disappear....
PS, Fidelity Investments just opened the first Crypto 401k. Fidelity is rarely wrong in their investments....
Frankly, I'm hoping that Bitcoin and Ether fall even more, so I can buy more. My belief is that Bitcoin will eventually replace fiat currency once people realize that Bitcoin is impossible to inflate. Every fiat currency in the world, that I'm aware of, is losing value because of inflation. Cryptos are going down in price, but for a very different reason that most people don't understand.
Many investors put money into cryptos when they saw them skyrocketing in price following Crypto Winter from late 2017 - early 2020. Now, those same investors are selling their crypto holdings to meet margin calls on their falling stocks. Newcomers to the crypto market, who are unaccustomed to its volatility, are getting scared at the falling crypto prices and THEY are selling, as well. That drives prices down even further. Sooner or later, the crypto market will recover and people will realize that cryptos are safer than fiat currencies and things will explode upward.
Anyone who doesn't believe this has only to look at the price of gold and silver. They, too, have been dropping. That's counterintuitive. As stocks fall and the value of fiat currencies decline, people SHOULD be buying gold and silver as a hedge, forcing their prices upward. Instead, gold and silver are doing the same thing as cryptos as people sell their precious metals to cover margin calls.
It may take a few years for cryptos to rebound. Crypto Winter lasted over two years. But, for those of us who HODLed during it, the rewards were worth it. I purchased most of my Bitcoin at under $7K, and Ether at under $400, so I'm still way ahead, even with prices down as much as they are. When cryptos rebound it will be breathtaking. Those who ridiculed crypto currencies and refused to invest, will wish that they had, and rue the day they didn't.
Dale, you are way ahead of the heard, and will prosper! We are living in a reset period where the powers that are cannot finalize their power until America falls.
If anyone honestly believes that Trump(who I personally despise) lost the last election, you are out of your mind, or a total mental case! But you already know that, you're a member of the democratic cult.
You see how your demented leaders are destroying Gods last hope for humanity, and you support the hatred of the country that gave you everything. You are a loser, and as such, have no use in this most wonderful country. Gods Country.
Sorry, we will not fail, we will not submit, we will not obey evil, we will MAGA, but with a true American, Ron DeSantis!
You know what's funny, Repubs sued all over the place and lost every suit, Dems didn't question Trumps wins anywhere, why was that? I think if anyone packed the ballet boxes it was Trump, he has 35% of the voters, that's it.
You're 100% wrong on everything you said. Obviously you know absolutely nothing about Bitcoin or other crypto currencies.
First off, the IRS taxes the HELL out of cryptos. We have to pay taxes on everything, including Capital Gains taxes. That's why all of the big American players in crypto -- the millionaires and billionaires -- have all moved to Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is an American territory, so Puerto Ricans are Americans, but they DON'T have to pay income taxes. So all the big players moved there to get out of being taxed on their cryptos.
Secondly, only stupid criminals try to use cryptos. If you knew anything about the Blockchain (which you obviously don't) you'd know that is a 100% transparent, public ledger. ANYONE can track ANY transaction on the blockchain. Every criminal who has ever tried to use Bitcoin or any other crypto in their crimes has been caught, because it's a simple matter for the cops to trace their transactions. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THE BLOCKCHAIN . . . TO KEEP EVERYBODY HONEST!
The government is terrified of crypto currencies because they have no control over it and they cannot regulate it. We can move our money anywhere we want to, store it ourselves, and the government can't do a damned thing to stop us. THAT'S why they put out the story that criminals are using Bitcoin and other cryptos in their crimes. IT'S A LIE!! Hello! Wake up and smell the coffee!
The government is trying to turn the public against crypto currencies because THEY FEAR THEM! They have no control over them! Apparently they've succeeded with you, because you're brainwashed as hell!
When it comes to crime, CASH IS KING! Always has been, always will be, because cash is untraceable. Cryptos are EASY to trace!
Thirdly, the whole reason Bitcoin was invented was to give the People control over our own money without the government being able to interfere. If you're such a Libertarian, like you claim to be, you'd be cheering for Bitcoin from the highest rooftop. But, as I said, you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
Fourth. cryptos can be instantly converted to any fiat currency in the world with the click of the mouse and you can buy any precious metal with cryptos . . . again, with the click of the mouse.
When you open an account on a crypto exchange, you can link it to your bank account. When you want to buy crypto, you just type in how much you want to buy, click "Buy" and the sale goes through and the money is deducted from your bank account. When you want to sell cryptos, the process is reversed. You type in how much crypto you want to sell and click "Sell." Once the sale goes through, the money is deposited into your bank account.
I suggest you go to jmbullion.com. They are a precious metals dealer. You can buy gold, silver, platinum and palladium in either coins or ingots. They accept payment by paper check, electronic check, wire bank transfer or . . . wait for it . . . CRYPTOS!!
Before you shoot your mouth off, why don't you do some research and learn a little, first?
I'm not the one who is stupid. But, I won't lower myself to your level. I can't go that low.
I've never heard of Drudge. What the hell is that? I heard about the big crypto players moving to Puerto Rico FROM a big crypto player who moved to Puerto Rico. He knows a hell of a lot more than you. Again, you know nothing, so you should keep your mouth shut until you do.
Did you read what I said about the Blockchain? You can't hide ANYTHING with cryptos! It's a completely transparent public ledger! How do you think the IRS knows how much to tax us? They look at the ledger and know exactly how much crypto we own! And, where did you get the idea that Capital Gains taxes are on the "honor system?!" NOTHING with the IRS is on the honor system! The Internal Revenue Service doesn't mess around! They passed a specific law, targeting crypto owners. If we fail to report ANYTHING on our taxes -- even if it's a mistake, or we forgot -- we can go to prison for ten years! Did you know THAT?! Obviously not! You don't know shit about shit, but you love to mouth off!
Next time you want to call someone stupid, look in the mirror before you do it!
You're such a disagreeable person who loves to call people names and hurl insults. That shows the world that you are a very insecure individual, full of self-doubt and looking for any way to prove to yourself that you're smarter than everyone else.
I figure you must have really fuc*ed-up during your military service and made a stupid mistake that . . . what . . . got some people killed, or something? Now, you're looking for any way you can to redeem yourself and you take out the anger you feel over your own stupidity and self-loathing on everyone else. Am I far off the mark? I don't think so.
I'm not going to bother arguing with Bill's logic on lockdowns, I think there are health and economic arguments on both sides. But on vaccines he continues to be dead wrong. 95% of deaths and 90% of hospitalizations have been among unvaccinated, everywhere - even in Sweden. And the pandemic has persisted in part because variants develop more easily among the unvaccinated. Finally, the unvaxed tax the health care system. Bill cuts through the bs on so many subjects, but he has been completely illogical on vaccines. And don't talk to me about freedom. The US Supreme Court ruled in 1905, during the smallpox vaccinations, that the freedom of the individual does not take priority over the health and safety of the many. Same reason you can't drive on the sidewalk. Most countries/states require 8 vaccines either before you enter school or in high school - polio, mumps, etc. But not smallpox. Vaccines eradicated that. Because people used to believe in science.
You might want to look up the definition of a "vaccine". None of the medicines touted as such for Covid-19 come close to meeting the definition and the ill-effects are now just starting to rear their heads and be documented and studied. "First do no harm".
They are actually revolutionary vaccines that were developed in record time and saved millions of lives. What will be far more evident are the long term effects of Covid on the heart, brain, kidneys, and other internal organs. Vaccines always have risks. The polio vaccine killed hundreds due to initial defects. But it was an unqualified success. Polio is rare, and millions have avoided death and suffering.
They might be revolutionary therapeutics that were developed in record time, but the jury is out as to how many lives they actually saved. I'm not sure how effective such a drug is when they tell you to get boosted repeatedly. Sounds like a huge circle-grift between government and the large pharma companies to me. (I took the first J&J shot and then elected not to be boosted. Now they say the J&J "vaccine" is proving to cause blot clots.)
But you keep touting that "Big Government is the solution to everything" and see how that works out for you. (We're seeing the carnage in spades right now.)
I didn't say anything about big government. And every vaccine goes through development problems; facing a virus that is mutating so quickly has required multiple doses. If there hadn't been such an anti vax movement in the 1st world, if the 3rd world could have been vaxed more quickly, and if China hadn't persisted with its relatively ineffective vaccine, the virus would have had less time and space to mutate. Scientists are learning on the fly, but they aren't helped by quacks simply trying to get their names in the news, or news organizations, whose employees are all vaccinated, pushing an agenda to fatten the bottom line.
But at least we all agree Trump was a genius. The injecting bleach idea, the prediction when we had 15 dead that it was about to disappear, I mean he was hours from being on a vent, thank God he lived to invent the vaccine. If only his stupid cabinet had let him shoot those lefty protestors, attack Mexico and become King. And if he was still in office, there'd be no war in Ukraine because he was the best at kissing Putin's ass, wouldn't have given any help to Ukraine, maybe even send money to Russia in exchange for new hotel. With precedent of Russia taking good Ukrainian farmland, US can take Canada, with all that wheat, canola, timber, oil, nickel and beaver. Trump especially like beaver.
I agree with most of what you're saying here. (Though I don't know how something that doesn't prevent contracting a disease/virus can be considered a vaccine).
Particularly with respect to the military. They signed up to take and execute orders. Either do that or get out and pay the bill.
As a relevant anecdote, my 88 year old Mom (who also took the Pfizer drug) contracted Covid. She had a plethora of pre-existing medical conditions, including COPD which required 24/7 oxygen. Miraculously, she beat the virus and fully recovered. However, she was nowhere near the same mentally (she forgot how to swallow food and had to have a G-tube installed). She passed away about 100 days after recovering from the virus and had zero quality of life during that period. According to her medical team, they're discovering with the elderly that Covid exacerbates any smidgen of mental decline (dementia, Alzheimer's, etc.) by a factor of 10 after they've recovered from a bout with the virus. Nasty stuff to be sure.
Yes, we are all masters of our own demise, and in America, once had the right to choose our own end. You idiots take stupidity to a new level. You are democrats.
The "Vaccine" is not a "Vaccine" and doesn't work. So listen morons, "Why Take It"??
Yes, we see your lords on tv daily explaining how you will be saved if you obey. Yes you are not worth saving. But, Maybe, just maybe, one out of a hundred of you useful idiots may have hope. I doubt it, but like they say in the lottery, "Hey, you never know"!
It's just a new vaccine technology. And if it doesn't work then explain why almost everyone who dies and most hospitalized are unvaxed. Can't wait for this conspiracy theory. I think you've identified the wrong idiots bud. They're the ones who bought your bs and are in the dirt now.
Yes Gary, keep on listening to all the fairytales you watch and hear daily. Life used to be so simple, you would wake up, brush your teeth and go about believing nothing you hear and half of what you saw.
You will continue to do so my dear friend, other then the half of what you see is in your own mind and only what you want to see. It's never truth or reality, only what you perceive it to be.
Research my brother, dig a little deeper than the lies you're told daily and you will find the truth if you can handle it.
Wtf are you talking about? Get off the internet and come up for some air Steve. Maybe face "truth or reality", instead of listening to whatever wild conspiracy theory strikes your fancy. It doesn't matter how deep you dig if you go down the wrong rabbit hole.
If you are not familiar with the names Kary Mullis, Dr Robert Malone, Dr David Martin, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Michael Yeaden, and attorney Todd Callendar... then I suggest you may benefit by broadening your bandwidth of expert opinion on the Covid-19 topic and associated gene therapies. There is a chance you are rejecting science and embracing scientism
Quack quack quack quack. So many have died tragically from people spinning lies. Ask the Fox News hosts if they are vaxed and boosted, while they champion now dead "freedom fighters".
Oh God, here we go again. Apples and oranges, let's compare open, complex populations to a mono culture. Let's compare huge mobile populations to a fairly static population. Good science there, Jesus. Why only Bush onward, it's Nixon onward or go all the way back to the beginning onward, it just doesn't matter, you're an Aussie. You want simplistic, people are greedy, people are cruel, and the species as a whole is crap. You want to survive go from there. If you want to get ahead don't gamble, invest. If on Monday you want to talk about health care delivery in the US be sure to know and mention it's run by the ABA, the lawyers. If you need me to explain, happy to.
Just to confirm, could Bill Bonner be open and honest with his readers as to whether he has received a Covid vaccine? I think it's a responsibility of all those trashing the vaccine to be upfront with their readers or listeners. For example, all Fox News on-air personalities are fully vaccinated and boosted as per company policy, while they champion civil servants, politicians and others who have lost their jobs by refusing vaccination. Several of these people have subsequently succumbed to Covid (eg Washington state trooper interviewed by Laura I) which has never been acknowledged by Fox personalities, safe in their fully vaccinated offices.
I've read 10,000 articles by Bill Bonner. I've only hated one. That guy is an amazing writer and brilliant thinker!
I have not hated any.
Excellent report on lapse of the mind bureaucrats blowing up the world to kill a gnat. Some of your best work, Bill, and I have read you extensively! You take apart all the bad actors of the past 20 years and expose them for the incompetents they are. All at a cost of trillions of dollars for all us mucks that have to run businesses, raise families and feed ourselves daily. Bravo, wish only that you could have "headed them off at the pass." Keep up the good work. You are the salve that helps heal the rasping of our body politic.
Don Harrell
Bill, spot on!!! Nothing the Politicos and their apparatchiks do surprises me. Miscreants are miscreants. What surprises and saddens me is the Tribalist's blind allegiance. They routinely fall for their ruler's divide and conquer strategy and unquestionably line up for their daily shearing like some kind of masochistic dullard. Nothing will change until healthy skepticism of the the government returns.
Excellent, maybe take a look at the emerging evidence that Fauci & co received 100’s of millions of dollars from big pharma. Of course the media won’t report on that, probably because they too receive 100’s of millions from big pharma. It’s some operation to be able to control the worlds media to disseminate the same propaganda & lies. Klaus must have been planning it for a long time.
The purposeful deception around Covid-19 runs deep. Bill is showing restraint in his criticism of the effectiveness of the Federal assessment of a novel coronavirus and the subsequent Federal response. His conclusions are accurate- the response demonstrably resulted in far more human loss and suffering than the novel virus itself. Everything about assessment and response was anti-scientific. There is no medical evidence to justify the quarantine of the healthy, only the sick, and sometimes the “at-risk”. There is no medical evidence to justify the mandate of mask wearing to prevent viral transmission. There is no medical evidence to justify contact tracing, just as there is no medical evidence behind the concept of an “asymptomatic carrier”. This short collection of misinformation and misdirection is at the heart of the justification of medical tyranny. Shame on the medical providers who abandoned their own analysis of the data and worshiped at the altar of the WHO, CDC, FDA and now the USDA
Yes, all of which appear to be entirely corrupt organisations. Not to forget the NIH, who it appears funded the Wuhan lab research, & own a patent on the Moderna vax. Moderna’s share price rose by more than 1000% from March 2020. Oh & it’s apparent that Fauci & Collin’s conspired to shut down & smear the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration.
Politicised science, leveraged hysteria. Resulting in massive upwards transfer of wealth & the implementation of digital ID infrastructure.
Agreed. You touched on at least 3 complex, important, overlapping dynamics. These things are hard to see if we believe these institutions exist for the primary purpose of human health. Hard to see if our income demand we not see it. (Apologies to Upton Sinclair)
Don't forget the catalyst.... the corrupt/incompetent media.
I agree, the media drove hysteria & it was that which pushed almost all govt’s into lockdowns. It was a pandemic of fear controlled by the media, but who is controlling the media, that’s the question.
Though I won't quibble with anything you said, I would add that they more so worshiped at the altar of the almighty dollar, euro, etc.
Agreed. In my experience it is commonly both... a subconscious tendency toward self preservation via preservation of income (at all costs, including the truth) but also a mental laziness that chooses to quote authoritative sources like WHO and CDC (whose policy recommendations are contrary to their own data and reach well beyond their realm of authority) rather than critically consider the data for themselves as they were trained to do.
Interesting read. Thanks Bill. I especially liked the questions Re . Government rule. Here’s some more dots to connect for those who believe there’s a Creator. The sun that warms the earth is just one of one hundred thousand million suns in the Milky Way. The Milky Way is just one of a million million ‘milky ways’ or galaxies in the known universe as you will all know They are all hurtling through space, each keeping in its assigned orbit, each running on a schedule of split-second timing so flawless that we set our most accurate timepieces by their movements. Can men guide these galaxies? Some Birds migrate for thousands of miles , without map or compass, without ever having made the trip before. Can man guide them on their southward flight? Who designed their brain? God guides the stars by his laws of motion and gravitation. Man cannot guide them. God guides the migrating birds by his laws of instinct. Man cannot guide them. Why? Because Man cannot even guide himself! That’s why God’s Word accurately notes “I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking EVEN TO DIRECT HIS STEPS”- Jeremiah 10:23. So the stars heed their Creator’s laws; the birds heed his migration laws, but men everywhere balk at God’s wise laws for them. If God is capable of guiding stars by his law of physics, and guiding birds by instinct, then surely he can guide us by means of his grand communication to us…his Word the Bible ? But that takes humility to even admit that no matter which form of government is tried on earth, it will fail Humans were not created to govern other people and solve their problems. In fact, we were no more created to rule over our fellow humans than we were created to live under water or in outer space. Thankfully, God promises He has set up a heavenly government that has the power and wisdom to solve all global problems soon…permanently. Find answers on jw.org and maybe join up some more dots Bill?
And yet we mortals are subject to all the foolishness exerting itself on this planet. Life is indeed a paradox.
Yes Jaqui, God rules, and man(women especially (Eve)) have never listened, and the great cleansing has occurred many times in human history. We may be at Gods window now, or the near future, but I don't believe so.
Yes, the Democratic cult has sold it's soul to satan, as has many cults throughout history, but we are at a crossroad in Gods country, where they will be shown how naked and evil their intent is. We see it daily, but many are still unable to phantom the true evil in their intent.
The devil screams "RACISM" for every offense they feel attacks their evil lord. We the people
know this fraud on humanity and against the true God, and those who believe, will Fight back. The murder of life in the womb is a sacrifice to their lord, and we the people will no longer pacify the beast. The democratic cult serves the beast, and we are witness to it's power and control daily, but for those who see it, are saved, and those who refuse the truth of God, have already perished into eternal damnation. The Democratic/communist cult will be cleansed.
The GOP War on Women.
Your selective quoting of statistics to prove your point does nothing for your credibility on health reporting.
If you look further down the WHO list, the 2 Western Countries that implemented the most severe lockdowns and enforced them properly actually ended up with excess death rates of -28. Yes, 28 fewer deaths per 100,000 than their yearly average for Australia and NZ. Unfortunately those countries have now given up on restrictions and are paying the price, but at least with 90-95% vaccination rates when they did it. And their economies did not do as badly as those countries who could not organize a proper lockdown.
Also, Sweden is an unusual case in that it has a very large proportion of its population living in single person households and the population in general were willing to act sensibly without enforced restrictions, something the populations of countries like USA and UK are not capable of.
Also, Sweden's economy did not fare any better than its neighbors even without the enforced lockdowns.
You might be missing the whole point here... look at the eradication of polio in Europe at the same time polio was eradicated in the USA. Europe did not get the “vaccine” as the USA did, yet the plummet of cases/eradication of polio occurred at the same rate, at the same time. What was in common?? The implementation of civil water and wastewater technology. Please, look at the data yourself and stop trusting these “authorities” who intentionally or unintentionally promote a very false narrative. I know the “official narrative” on the polio vaccine. I was once a Rotary member
Sounds like Mitch's Appalachia..
Yes Bill, I remember being on a finance site back in 2011, and one of our dear fellow investors tried to explain a new currency that would put banks out of future business. He called it Bitcoin, and tried to explain how it worked. The price at that moment was $1.25 a token. Many of us laughed at the idea of our corrupt banking cartel allowing any competition.
Of course over the years, he became the wealthiest of our small group of investors, and most of us were happy to make many times our initial investment is crypto.
If I can be that same dear investor in this room today, I will tell you all to really dig deep in this crypto world, do extreme homework on any money you plan on investing, and please do not miss the future boom that will make you all very rich.
We are all masters of our own demise, and it's wonderful to have so many options on how we will make or lose our money, or be terminated as the results of our own decisions.
Bill, you're a wonderful host, educating our dear fellow readers on how to live their life, and helping us with our decisions in finance and life.
Having multiple safe rooms throughout the world is very helpful for those who can afford it. Having multiple/diversified investments will help us get there.
May not be a bad time to research a few tokens and invest a few fake dollars before those to disappear....
PS, Fidelity Investments just opened the first Crypto 401k. Fidelity is rarely wrong in their investments....
Frankly, I'm hoping that Bitcoin and Ether fall even more, so I can buy more. My belief is that Bitcoin will eventually replace fiat currency once people realize that Bitcoin is impossible to inflate. Every fiat currency in the world, that I'm aware of, is losing value because of inflation. Cryptos are going down in price, but for a very different reason that most people don't understand.
Many investors put money into cryptos when they saw them skyrocketing in price following Crypto Winter from late 2017 - early 2020. Now, those same investors are selling their crypto holdings to meet margin calls on their falling stocks. Newcomers to the crypto market, who are unaccustomed to its volatility, are getting scared at the falling crypto prices and THEY are selling, as well. That drives prices down even further. Sooner or later, the crypto market will recover and people will realize that cryptos are safer than fiat currencies and things will explode upward.
Anyone who doesn't believe this has only to look at the price of gold and silver. They, too, have been dropping. That's counterintuitive. As stocks fall and the value of fiat currencies decline, people SHOULD be buying gold and silver as a hedge, forcing their prices upward. Instead, gold and silver are doing the same thing as cryptos as people sell their precious metals to cover margin calls.
It may take a few years for cryptos to rebound. Crypto Winter lasted over two years. But, for those of us who HODLed during it, the rewards were worth it. I purchased most of my Bitcoin at under $7K, and Ether at under $400, so I'm still way ahead, even with prices down as much as they are. When cryptos rebound it will be breathtaking. Those who ridiculed crypto currencies and refused to invest, will wish that they had, and rue the day they didn't.
Dale, you are way ahead of the heard, and will prosper! We are living in a reset period where the powers that are cannot finalize their power until America falls.
If anyone honestly believes that Trump(who I personally despise) lost the last election, you are out of your mind, or a total mental case! But you already know that, you're a member of the democratic cult.
You see how your demented leaders are destroying Gods last hope for humanity, and you support the hatred of the country that gave you everything. You are a loser, and as such, have no use in this most wonderful country. Gods Country.
Sorry, we will not fail, we will not submit, we will not obey evil, we will MAGA, but with a true American, Ron DeSantis!
God Bless America, and all who fight for her!!!
You know what's funny, Repubs sued all over the place and lost every suit, Dems didn't question Trumps wins anywhere, why was that? I think if anyone packed the ballet boxes it was Trump, he has 35% of the voters, that's it.
It's always a conspiracy when it suits you. Get a grip.
You're 100% wrong on everything you said. Obviously you know absolutely nothing about Bitcoin or other crypto currencies.
First off, the IRS taxes the HELL out of cryptos. We have to pay taxes on everything, including Capital Gains taxes. That's why all of the big American players in crypto -- the millionaires and billionaires -- have all moved to Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is an American territory, so Puerto Ricans are Americans, but they DON'T have to pay income taxes. So all the big players moved there to get out of being taxed on their cryptos.
Secondly, only stupid criminals try to use cryptos. If you knew anything about the Blockchain (which you obviously don't) you'd know that is a 100% transparent, public ledger. ANYONE can track ANY transaction on the blockchain. Every criminal who has ever tried to use Bitcoin or any other crypto in their crimes has been caught, because it's a simple matter for the cops to trace their transactions. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THE BLOCKCHAIN . . . TO KEEP EVERYBODY HONEST!
The government is terrified of crypto currencies because they have no control over it and they cannot regulate it. We can move our money anywhere we want to, store it ourselves, and the government can't do a damned thing to stop us. THAT'S why they put out the story that criminals are using Bitcoin and other cryptos in their crimes. IT'S A LIE!! Hello! Wake up and smell the coffee!
The government is trying to turn the public against crypto currencies because THEY FEAR THEM! They have no control over them! Apparently they've succeeded with you, because you're brainwashed as hell!
When it comes to crime, CASH IS KING! Always has been, always will be, because cash is untraceable. Cryptos are EASY to trace!
Thirdly, the whole reason Bitcoin was invented was to give the People control over our own money without the government being able to interfere. If you're such a Libertarian, like you claim to be, you'd be cheering for Bitcoin from the highest rooftop. But, as I said, you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
Fourth. cryptos can be instantly converted to any fiat currency in the world with the click of the mouse and you can buy any precious metal with cryptos . . . again, with the click of the mouse.
When you open an account on a crypto exchange, you can link it to your bank account. When you want to buy crypto, you just type in how much you want to buy, click "Buy" and the sale goes through and the money is deducted from your bank account. When you want to sell cryptos, the process is reversed. You type in how much crypto you want to sell and click "Sell." Once the sale goes through, the money is deposited into your bank account.
I suggest you go to jmbullion.com. They are a precious metals dealer. You can buy gold, silver, platinum and palladium in either coins or ingots. They accept payment by paper check, electronic check, wire bank transfer or . . . wait for it . . . CRYPTOS!!
Before you shoot your mouth off, why don't you do some research and learn a little, first?
J M Bullion also accepts payment by credit card.
I'm not the one who is stupid. But, I won't lower myself to your level. I can't go that low.
I've never heard of Drudge. What the hell is that? I heard about the big crypto players moving to Puerto Rico FROM a big crypto player who moved to Puerto Rico. He knows a hell of a lot more than you. Again, you know nothing, so you should keep your mouth shut until you do.
Did you read what I said about the Blockchain? You can't hide ANYTHING with cryptos! It's a completely transparent public ledger! How do you think the IRS knows how much to tax us? They look at the ledger and know exactly how much crypto we own! And, where did you get the idea that Capital Gains taxes are on the "honor system?!" NOTHING with the IRS is on the honor system! The Internal Revenue Service doesn't mess around! They passed a specific law, targeting crypto owners. If we fail to report ANYTHING on our taxes -- even if it's a mistake, or we forgot -- we can go to prison for ten years! Did you know THAT?! Obviously not! You don't know shit about shit, but you love to mouth off!
Next time you want to call someone stupid, look in the mirror before you do it!
Let me guess . . .
You're such a disagreeable person who loves to call people names and hurl insults. That shows the world that you are a very insecure individual, full of self-doubt and looking for any way to prove to yourself that you're smarter than everyone else.
I figure you must have really fuc*ed-up during your military service and made a stupid mistake that . . . what . . . got some people killed, or something? Now, you're looking for any way you can to redeem yourself and you take out the anger you feel over your own stupidity and self-loathing on everyone else. Am I far off the mark? I don't think so.
You have a nice day, too!
I'm not going to bother arguing with Bill's logic on lockdowns, I think there are health and economic arguments on both sides. But on vaccines he continues to be dead wrong. 95% of deaths and 90% of hospitalizations have been among unvaccinated, everywhere - even in Sweden. And the pandemic has persisted in part because variants develop more easily among the unvaccinated. Finally, the unvaxed tax the health care system. Bill cuts through the bs on so many subjects, but he has been completely illogical on vaccines. And don't talk to me about freedom. The US Supreme Court ruled in 1905, during the smallpox vaccinations, that the freedom of the individual does not take priority over the health and safety of the many. Same reason you can't drive on the sidewalk. Most countries/states require 8 vaccines either before you enter school or in high school - polio, mumps, etc. But not smallpox. Vaccines eradicated that. Because people used to believe in science.
You might want to look up the definition of a "vaccine". None of the medicines touted as such for Covid-19 come close to meeting the definition and the ill-effects are now just starting to rear their heads and be documented and studied. "First do no harm".
They are actually revolutionary vaccines that were developed in record time and saved millions of lives. What will be far more evident are the long term effects of Covid on the heart, brain, kidneys, and other internal organs. Vaccines always have risks. The polio vaccine killed hundreds due to initial defects. But it was an unqualified success. Polio is rare, and millions have avoided death and suffering.
They might be revolutionary therapeutics that were developed in record time, but the jury is out as to how many lives they actually saved. I'm not sure how effective such a drug is when they tell you to get boosted repeatedly. Sounds like a huge circle-grift between government and the large pharma companies to me. (I took the first J&J shot and then elected not to be boosted. Now they say the J&J "vaccine" is proving to cause blot clots.)
But you keep touting that "Big Government is the solution to everything" and see how that works out for you. (We're seeing the carnage in spades right now.)
I didn't say anything about big government. And every vaccine goes through development problems; facing a virus that is mutating so quickly has required multiple doses. If there hadn't been such an anti vax movement in the 1st world, if the 3rd world could have been vaxed more quickly, and if China hadn't persisted with its relatively ineffective vaccine, the virus would have had less time and space to mutate. Scientists are learning on the fly, but they aren't helped by quacks simply trying to get their names in the news, or news organizations, whose employees are all vaccinated, pushing an agenda to fatten the bottom line.
But at least we all agree Trump was a genius. The injecting bleach idea, the prediction when we had 15 dead that it was about to disappear, I mean he was hours from being on a vent, thank God he lived to invent the vaccine. If only his stupid cabinet had let him shoot those lefty protestors, attack Mexico and become King. And if he was still in office, there'd be no war in Ukraine because he was the best at kissing Putin's ass, wouldn't have given any help to Ukraine, maybe even send money to Russia in exchange for new hotel. With precedent of Russia taking good Ukrainian farmland, US can take Canada, with all that wheat, canola, timber, oil, nickel and beaver. Trump especially like beaver.
I agree with most of what you're saying here. (Though I don't know how something that doesn't prevent contracting a disease/virus can be considered a vaccine).
Particularly with respect to the military. They signed up to take and execute orders. Either do that or get out and pay the bill.
As a relevant anecdote, my 88 year old Mom (who also took the Pfizer drug) contracted Covid. She had a plethora of pre-existing medical conditions, including COPD which required 24/7 oxygen. Miraculously, she beat the virus and fully recovered. However, she was nowhere near the same mentally (she forgot how to swallow food and had to have a G-tube installed). She passed away about 100 days after recovering from the virus and had zero quality of life during that period. According to her medical team, they're discovering with the elderly that Covid exacerbates any smidgen of mental decline (dementia, Alzheimer's, etc.) by a factor of 10 after they've recovered from a bout with the virus. Nasty stuff to be sure.
Yes, we are all masters of our own demise, and in America, once had the right to choose our own end. You idiots take stupidity to a new level. You are democrats.
The "Vaccine" is not a "Vaccine" and doesn't work. So listen morons, "Why Take It"??
Yes, we see your lords on tv daily explaining how you will be saved if you obey. Yes you are not worth saving. But, Maybe, just maybe, one out of a hundred of you useful idiots may have hope. I doubt it, but like they say in the lottery, "Hey, you never know"!
It's just a new vaccine technology. And if it doesn't work then explain why almost everyone who dies and most hospitalized are unvaxed. Can't wait for this conspiracy theory. I think you've identified the wrong idiots bud. They're the ones who bought your bs and are in the dirt now.
Yes Gary, keep on listening to all the fairytales you watch and hear daily. Life used to be so simple, you would wake up, brush your teeth and go about believing nothing you hear and half of what you saw.
You will continue to do so my dear friend, other then the half of what you see is in your own mind and only what you want to see. It's never truth or reality, only what you perceive it to be.
Research my brother, dig a little deeper than the lies you're told daily and you will find the truth if you can handle it.
Wtf are you talking about? Get off the internet and come up for some air Steve. Maybe face "truth or reality", instead of listening to whatever wild conspiracy theory strikes your fancy. It doesn't matter how deep you dig if you go down the wrong rabbit hole.
If you are not familiar with the names Kary Mullis, Dr Robert Malone, Dr David Martin, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Michael Yeaden, and attorney Todd Callendar... then I suggest you may benefit by broadening your bandwidth of expert opinion on the Covid-19 topic and associated gene therapies. There is a chance you are rejecting science and embracing scientism
Quack quack quack quack. So many have died tragically from people spinning lies. Ask the Fox News hosts if they are vaxed and boosted, while they champion now dead "freedom fighters".
gRichard - or as the saying goes - 'when this tide goes out, you'll see who is swimming naked'
thanks Bill.Glad to see you realize the Twin Towers was not what it appeared to be as conveyed by Bush Jr.
Oh God, here we go again. Apples and oranges, let's compare open, complex populations to a mono culture. Let's compare huge mobile populations to a fairly static population. Good science there, Jesus. Why only Bush onward, it's Nixon onward or go all the way back to the beginning onward, it just doesn't matter, you're an Aussie. You want simplistic, people are greedy, people are cruel, and the species as a whole is crap. You want to survive go from there. If you want to get ahead don't gamble, invest. If on Monday you want to talk about health care delivery in the US be sure to know and mention it's run by the ABA, the lawyers. If you need me to explain, happy to.
Just to confirm, could Bill Bonner be open and honest with his readers as to whether he has received a Covid vaccine? I think it's a responsibility of all those trashing the vaccine to be upfront with their readers or listeners. For example, all Fox News on-air personalities are fully vaccinated and boosted as per company policy, while they champion civil servants, politicians and others who have lost their jobs by refusing vaccination. Several of these people have subsequently succumbed to Covid (eg Washington state trooper interviewed by Laura I) which has never been acknowledged by Fox personalities, safe in their fully vaccinated offices.
It is easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback.