Bill, I’ve been reading your journal for many years and enjoy your humor. Also like Dan and Tom’s perspective. Keep up the great work! I have a question for Tom, what is the app that you use to travel back roads of USA? I know that you mentioned it a while ago, but I forgot to jot it down.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

Your story brings to mind a church I count as a long time customer. For a short time as a member I was appointed head of property tasked with compiling a budget and staying with in the budget. The church was flush with capital having been endowed by great men of industry in 1910.

Along came the early woke generation then called social justice warriors. These were mostly government workers, lawyers, medical folks from the ranks of the white collar crowd. Their leader handily won the highest office after which time the lesser folks across the City line became the concern. No longer was tending the flock in their field of any importance. The sheep kindly listen even to wolf as long as the slaughter is within measured steps.

It was decide the one million dollars growing slowly in the endowment was an obscenity an ungodly amount. The neo-godly folks had never run a business or cared for a facility spanning an acre of property. The call was put out to all the land 10% of profits would be directed towards the good of mankind, later this became 10% of all new bequeathals as well. As the old members passed away their hard won dollars were poured into the pockets of the many scammers and charlatan lined up in their rags while the BMW's idled around the corner.

The markets were up the coffers seemed inexhaustible, the old were passing away and dropping thousands from the grave. Alas this all ended badly too much of a good thing became too much of a bad thing. The shysters no longer waited at the door, they joined the ranks of the sheep and pushed the last rational voices out the door. The financial bloodletting began it got so bad the property budget had to be slashed no longer would profits be used to maintain the buildings I was tasked with keeping the lights on, and the heat and cooling limping along.

The end came like the story of Noah, with a twist the rats left the ark with great speed to the nearest ship of fools that would take them aboard. The RE crash of 2007 instantly cut off the flow of dollars the church was instantly in the red. The unwise stewards were forced to sell paid up commercial RE assets to fund the debts generated during the orgy.

When the smoke cleared the endowment had changed from a measured stream of cashflow that kept church afloat in thick and thin, to a lump of $630,000 in cash with no income. Last Sunday on a 25 degree day the heat went off, a pipe I no longer watched over failed. As one of the last rational people to walk the plank I'm no longer a member only contractor they call.

Deciding to wait until Monday forgoing a Sunday emergency call they made due.

Monday the pipe was repaired and the invoice was paid. It was noted by the treasurer the church would be out of funds in 6 years. It seems the new leaders believe investing in the system of profit is an abomination, their plan is to convert the property into a quasi community and performing arts center.

With no funds they're seeking government grants.

I count the whole affair as an eye opening experience. Interacting with 'other faiths' led me to know religion is probably one of the biggest scams next to large government. The king created religion to claim the title of divine ruler, while supporting the clerics with all manner of tax exemption to judicial powers. God did not create mankind for this purpose.

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The elite rich can plead "Tax me! Tax me! Tax me!" till the cows come home; however, they will never get rid of their former Enrolled Agents who will deflect ANY TAX, no matter how onerous. It is just so much bovine feces.

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Somebody who has the paid subscription, tell me if there is button to go back and read previous issues. Doesn't seem to be one here on the free part and I want to know before I spend the money and I still have to find the page every day. I average about 120 emails per day so not that easy to find.

Also did Bill or anybody give me an answer to my request about putting the daily diary on a cd/dvd disc and selling it????? Let me know. I put here 2 weeks ago and I sent an email and also an email to Rogue Economics. Haven't seen an answer. Thank you.

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The original meaning of the word "make" is "create". Therefore I suggest and request that you any other thinkers please refrain from using "make money" for all actions that are not win-win (ie. truly profit creating). Simple and accurate words for these (effectively unethical) actions would be "gain money".

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Did you receive my CreditCard Payment (ending#5979) for $100?? I'm not a fan of APPLE PAY and was forced to set it up (did it...yuk)..

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First and foremost I truly enjoy reading what goes on in that head of yours. What do you think is the point of artificially pumping the stock prices? If one might assume that retirement funds are heavily invested and the market collapses then what? Personally I think the whole pumping thing was to protect the pension funds, if true, what happens when the market collapses? What do you say?

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