From my perspective one must remember that the current admin took incredible powers that were not allowed in the US Constitution, period. SCOTUS confirmed that with their Chevron Deference ruling but this will take years to play out. The government currently wants to destroy the Constitution while keeping those with capital to keep paying their salaries and extra benefits and is essentially a totalitarian state. We'll see where the Chevron Deference ruling takes the country but my bet is the lefties will work on some new scheme despite the overwhelming SCOTUS rulings. It might support freedom if the lefties follow the law. Good luck with that. What relevance does law have if those in charge want to destroy it? Where does that leave capital, property rights, and pursuit of happiness? Good luck with investment / financial success in this degraded environment. One could bet with the lefties on NVDA but we all know where that goes, eventually. Last week was certainly a heads up for the lefties but does it really curtail psychopaths?

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Brother Mac, Since Obama, the government's functionaries have been walking a fine line of doing the bidding of the Deep State's commands and appearing to maintain the inherent structure dictated by the Constitution. It gets tougher and tougher to do this successfully, and it reaches a point of the ridiculous, such as the contradictions of the recent SCOTUS decisions and the obvious tight-rope walking of the Hur report. I fear it must get worse, before it gets better, IF it can get better. Best always. PM

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Here is a list of their lies and I'm sure I'm missing many more lies in the covid affair, not to mention the money these fraudsters made: covid, climate change, Ukraine, BLM, CRT, inflation, pushing wokism on us, censorship, the Trump lawsuits, J6th, Hunter Biden's computer, Russian collusion nonsense and finally Biden is sharp and mentally fit for office. That's 13 lies and I know I missed some from Fauci and friends at NIH, DEI and ESG.

How many lies before Democrats start to question the integrity of this entire consortium?

Unfortunately I agree with you. It gets worse before it gets better.


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Good list. How about adding this fundamental one: you can get something for nothing, also known as "you can have your cake and eat it too", or government give-a-ways can create wealth vs. actual work.... many ways to say the same thing. If printing money could make you wealthy, we would all have a printing press in our homes.

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At this point, I look at it the other way around: it's easier to list what, if anything, they have done that is honest and correct. Betting against a number is much easier than betting on or "with" a number. Even with "7", the odds are only one in six. The odds on "snake-eyes" (actually a hard-way "two") is 30-1 but damned if we don't keep getting that roll with these clowns. Best always. PM

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Clowns is a key comment.

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Good start on a long list. In particular, regarding COVID, there are now many detailed studies showing Ivermectin to be significantly effective in treatment PLUS major reviews examining studies which showed the drug to be ineffective. Every one of those studied failed due to either ineffective doses and/or delivering the drug for too few doses. Did any of the people who lost their jobs/licenses over Ivermectin get reinstated?

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The line of fraud in the covid affair just keeps getting longer. How about Ed Dowd's Book "Cause Unknown, Sudden Deaths ..." The rise in sudden deaths rose approximately 15% for the healthiest segment of the population, workers for big corporations that have the best health and are best insured. The data comes from insurance companies. I have not heard whether physicians got their right to practice back. Bet they didn't as we have the same admin in place.

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the human world will not note our passing, nor even remember our name but time records all things that served creation, even the most minuscule kindness is recorded in life's book ..

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I did take the cup, every day, in Park City Ut. I was 58. The church was old, built of stones by Irish Catholics in the 1800’s. It was peaceful, the town asleep, the church empty, 2 or 5.

This woman was sick, she took the cup and shared with me. I was sicker than I ever was before. Somehow, I believed, spiritually, I would be saved from any passing germs.

I no longer take the cup; I stopped shaking hands with people I did not know.

Now, I have stopped taking the mass. A mass hysteria. It’s not that I do not believe; I know.

It is just as I move along the road to a certain destination and a more amiable way of living; as I get more immersed into The Kingdom of God, all this man conjured stuff we call religion seems to be an obstacle, a severe disability.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Dear Xavier, you are correct that Christian Faith is not a "man conjured" religion, but if I am understanding your comment correctly, you move into that from a place of disregarding the body and blood of Christ Himself, both in the physical reality of the Eucharist and the Church herself, His body of which He is Founder and Head. I myself am an Eastern Orthodox Christian. We receive the consecrated gifts of bread and wine together as body and blood together from the chalice, given on the spoon. The Eucharist we celebrate is His own and cannot be an agent of pathology to anyone. As Apostle Paul teaches it can lead to sickness and death (rooted in spiritual sickness, not pathology) for one who approaches "not discerning the body and blood," meaning frivolously, callously, as to an ordinary thing, with no preparation. But for the faithful and properly prepared it is the very medicine of immortality.

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JW, Thanks

Every night, before bed, while doing some exercises for my tired old body, I contemplate a crucifix upon the wall; it is hand carved, natural wood; I bought it in Mexico from a poor street vendor.

That image of Christ has great significance for me.

I remember his words about “This is my body, this is my blood; do this in remembrance of me.”

At least once a year I watch “The Passion” by Mel Gibson, usually Good Friday.

Every time I eat I try to remember, ruminate Christ, his Word. The Word is a wonderful thing, it encompasses the truth we seek, it encompasses everything. It is the way into the Kingdom of God.

Christ said, “Blessed is he that hears the word… and keeps it.

I am weak, I try to remember so that I can try to find in Christ’s example the strength to keep it.

Life is long and difficult but exhilarating, sometimes, we will be crucified, lose everything. Picking up the cross is salvation. “Though heaven and earth pass away, my word will not pass away”

My hope is in The Word, Christ, God not the failures foisted on people.

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Hey, X. For me it is not about a religion. It’s simply about my relationship with God.

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That’s the important essence.

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You know, when I signed up for this service, I was told that we had an Imminent train wreck coming and Bill would give us tips on which stocks to hold. Here we are two years later and still no train wreck. Every morning, I get the same diatribe about how screwed up things are...... It's getting so I don't read them anymore. I guess there's still a train wreck coming, but I don't need to hear about it every morning!

As to the stock picks: "Maximum Safety Mode". Yes, I've made a buck or two off of the picks, which really haven't changed substantially, over the past period. But I have made a lot of money by not being in "Maximum Safety Mode"! In fact, I've made the best money on these picks by buying them when they were prematurely stopped out!

I doubt I will re-up for this if something doesn't change.

Regards, Bob Lane

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First off, Bonner is not the investment guy in this newsletter. You can ignore him. I read him because he is a good writer, although I often disagree with the main thrust of what he's peddling. As far as the investment advice, it depends on how old you are. I'm retired, so I have to preserve my capital. Therefore, I listen to Denning and Dyson, although I had come to the same general conclusion long ago - I just need the specific advice they give.

As far as the trainwreck, I do believe it is coming and, in some ways, it has been unfolding slowly. Today's dollar is worth about 5 cents of the dollar when I was a kid. The national debt is becoming unsustainable. I haven't read the books Paul Murray suggests, but I did read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand in 1973 (published in 1957) and it changed my life forever. It presents a fundamentally philosophical and moral argument for what has been happening to the US.

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Sorry you missed it Bob, but our Train Wreck was placed in office in January of 2020. Plenty of time to prepare for the coming collision, even time to jump off this train, but make no mistake, the end of the line is quickly approaching…

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Not so quick. I am definitely not a Trump fan nor a Biden fan. Together they have been a disaster. Trump increase the debt by 6.5T in his 4-year run and Biden has add 7.9T so far in his run. Neither are leaders and this charade will go on until it blows up. The BRICS are patience - as Sun Tzu said - "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake". The train wreck cometh.

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Bob, don't feel like the Lone Ranger here. I've been hanging around the Bonner scene since the 90s. It's a literary version of the "Tonight Show" and Bill Bonner is the host. It's not a serious investment letter, because Bill Bonner is not a serious investor. He admits as much. If you want an active approach to money and investing, try Michael Pento. He's philosophical, but he's also aggressive and has many of the same beliefs, ideas, and convictions as Bill. Bill hit the figurative jackpot early on with his "International Living" concept, and now he is seeking to hold on. It's understandable.

Regarding the mythical "train wreck": did you ever read Beckett's "Waiting for Godot"? Or Kafka's "Before the Law"? That's what we're experiencing. The train wreck should have come in the early 80s. It didn't, and we've all been trying to figure it out ever since. In the meantime, life happened. Best always. PM

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Watch the yield curve when it reverses. A hand full of good preforming stocks only is not a healthy market. (Tech stocks) Patience is key when being a contrarian. Building wealth is not a get rich quick scheme.

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Slowly, Slowly, Slowly then all of a Sudden. Patience is a virtue and hard to stomach!

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"General Smedley Butler, twice winner of the medal of honor, saw first- hand how it works:

I spent thirty three years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers."

Here's another dose of smelling salts:


You're welcome.

The big picture? All the world is indeed a stage.

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“…dose of smelling salts…” 💯 Good one Mr Johnson and thank you for your 33+4 service.

Good link, thank you; and, re: the mention of Bernard Baruch who once offered a salty piece of investing acumen on locking-in profits and loss avoidance with (paraphrasing) “…I don’t care about the first or last 20%, give me my fat 60% in the middle…”

Best Regards,


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Thank you !

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Joel, sometimes your articles are sublime. Love that Napoleon quote. Thank our lucky stars that we didn't interrupt these lefties while the destroyed themselves. Forget conscription, why don't they join the service so they can go fight for Ukraine or maybe Hamas.

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It's counter-intuitive for most civilized people and individuals, but government, the rock upon which civilization is built, is a pernicious concept, because it puts untouchables in control of everything. What starts as proper and good becomes a literal monster. Best always. PM

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I read and enjoy your missives for a much larger picture than what is happening today, this month or this quarter. I am interested to understand what will happen when the inevitable collapse comes in the USD. We are living on borrowed time. The luxurious lifestyle of Americans, financed by our national debt, will have to come to an end at some point. I am interested learn your views what that will look like as I expect it will not be pretty for neither the commoners nor the elite. It is tough to take away what has and is being given to the populace without some sort of negative uprising. It may not come today, this month, this quarter or this year. But it is coming and we should be prepared to deal with it far in advance of its arrival. My entire investment portfolio is cash, gold and silver. Nothing else.

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I've been in physical metals (and not all precious, if'n you get my drift) and cash exclusively since 2010. I'm still here. I gave up long ago on the idea of being "rich". I was giving my profits to the government in the form of so-called capital-gains tax and income tax. It's a rigged game, and I got tired of it. While not poor, I am free of worrying about my "wealth" and my "investments." I subscribe to Bonner to read his essays and his generally excellent analysis of trends. That's it. A bonus is access to intelligent people who populate this board. Many thanks and best always. PM

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Yes Paul, we have a very similar history, and although thoroughly prepared for our overdue collapse, and heavily invested in Crypto, Precious Metals and lead, most of my extra money goes towards our corrupt medical system. Also agree with your thoughts on our beautiful fellow readers on this site. May not always agree with them, but always appreciate their mostly intelligent and honest views. Especially brother Egypt! 😊

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Agree 100 percent!

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Thanks. Best always to you and yours. PM

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I hear you Robert.

Timing is difficult. I don’t think they predicted that like most analysts.

Their thesis is more about protection of what you have and limiting risk. The daily diatribes support that.

That train wreck will come but who knows when. USA is the best horse in the glue factory…

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Yes, and we're all figurative Boxers, Boxer being the horse in "Animal Farm" who, when they came for him, fought like hell but to no avail. Like Carole King sang, "It's too late, Baby." Still, we might yet slide by. I see the exit door from here but haven't found the door knob. Do you know: does the door open in or out? Best always. PM

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Always opens in Paul. We are mostly responsible for our own demise, and need to pull the door open to allow the winds of destiny in…but always better to keep the door closed 🤔

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Hi Paul -

Should open "out." All Exit doors are required to open in that direction in the event of a fire - but who knows with the traitors we have had "running things" for the last 40 years...

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We all need to ponder what Martial, a Roman poet, remarked many moons ago.

You don't always know, but you can always laugh.

Life goes on...........enjoy while you can!

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From my position, not a single federal elected gives a damn that their country is going belly up.

Don't forget to vote!

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Did the left REALLY think Biden was ok? If you watched him for more than 5 minutes, the only way to think he was ok was if you were more demented than Biden??!!

We have a dictator calling every shot and telling us to beware of Trump??!!

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Bill, when the train wreck cometh, the light of Freedom will shine again.

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Perhaps, Robert, you would prefer “Letters From an American” she is the most lucrative writer on Substack. She imparts the wisdom you would prefer, you would feel right at home, usually, there are over 800 comments and they are insanely entertaining.

As far as investment advise: all the major players say the same thing, protect your capital. The really good ones conclude, buy the Standard and Poors Index.

Watch “The Wolf. Of Wall Street’s” interview with Tucker Carlson. Very interesting and he is an insider that spent time inside. One of the best things, he endured me to read, “Bonfire of Vanities” and I thought literature was dead in America.

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Robert A,

You get more than financial advice here, you get wisdom and an astute community.

I find “The Flying Frisby to be entertaining and an all around genius. I do not even subscribe. The wise usually say the same thing. The first rule of investing is preserving capital, the more capital the higher value safety is.

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Brother Paul,

It opens within.

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Paul, "Waiting for Godot" indeed! Hah! Regards, Bob

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Let's hope that the crash comes, unlike Godot who never turns up ha ha!

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