And if the Republicans take the House and the Senate half the country will go back to sleep, when in fact nothing will change. The Republicans are Controlled Opposition and are bought in on all the worst policies: out of control spending based on indecipherable budget bills with no transparency on how the money is actually being spent, medical tyranny that has no regard for facts or science, a ludicrous war that threatens to drag the world into WWIII, skyrocketing crime made worse by an ongoing border invasion and jailbreak, a two tiered justice system with weaponisation of the DOJ against American citizens.... I could go on.

What we will get from Republicans in power is jawboning against some of these things(inflation, crime, illegal immigration) in committee hearings, silence on the rest and no action and no change on any of it.

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Your may be correct Brien, but for our sake, hope not! If our country continues on this current course, there will be no coming back. We have the most corrupt administration ever placed into power, destroying not only America, but it seems the entire world. Every policy Biden and his demented followers have created and dissemble from the Trump administration, has brought this world to the insanity we now witness, and it’s about to get much worse! PG V is so right when he says we need to get involved, and now! We the people need to organize as well as the communist that are in control. Wake up America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Agree. My worry is that so many are looking to a Republican victory in less than 3 weeks as the saviour of the nation. They will become complacent again at a time when we need many more to join the fight, not join a big popcorn committee hearing couch potato cheerleading crowd who simply “feel better” because Jim Jordan is jawboning Merrick Garland. This will accomplish nothing and we will just see 2 more years of advancing tyranny, most of it gone completely underground because the other side will feel more compelled to hide everything and we lost our fighting edge, something which we are just now getting but are in grave danger of losing on November 8th. One last thing: The Republican Party is in fact Controlled Opposition and the majority of people on the right have no idea what this means. They don’t even understand the concept. Unless this fact changes and we can actually put a team on the field, a real political opposition to the destruction and poison we are facing, we in fact have no hope other than what God may have in mind.

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Absolutely agree! It took both corrupt parties to make America what it currently is, a bankrupt banana republic. Most are just too busy or stupid to see what’s happening. Been in the process for decades, with most good people working and trying to raise their families, and the rest sucking off the hard work of others. That is the opposition you talk about, with a corrupt media/government fueling both sides, for the effect of keeping the sheep in separate pens while fleecing both…people deserve the government that controls them, as they only have as much control as allowed…time to reign in that power…

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From what immigrants have told me, this is precisely why the poor overseas accept the bribes and get drunk on the liquor given them by candidates. They know that this is all they are really going to benefit from whoever gets elected.

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If the Republicans take the House, they will go into investigation mode -- the Hunter Biden laptop, the lack of security on our southern border, and maybe the origins of Covid 19. They will prove that Joe Biden and family are corrupt, the lack of security at the southern border is a deliberate policy of Biden, and Dr. Fauci is directly implicated in the Wuhan experiments that ended up releasing covid 19 upon the world. If they have the guts, which I doubt, they might even try impeaching Biden for some of this stuff. Otherwise, I expect nothing else except using the debt ceiling and other tricks to force budget cuts on the Democrats like they did during Obama's reign. IMHO, the Senate will remain a tie with the Democrats retaining control via the Vice President's tie breaking vote.

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Sorry to say, I very much doubt it.

I believe each of us needs to prepare ourselves to bear one anothers' burdens, comfort those in need of comfort, and set an example of happy, modest self-reliance. Some will get rich through debt; most will be ruined by it. As for me, I avoid debt like a beautiful, hungry panther.

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This is incorrect. The company that publishes Bonner Private Research, and just that one small company, is moving its registration from Ireland to Wyoming. That's the only thing that's changing.

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Good, I won't have to pay that 10-cent foreign exchange, I hope!

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Their sep up it’s up to them ... what a spelling 😂

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deletedOct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022
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Aren’t we here just to read the missives good or bad , aren’t we her just because with Bill , Dan and Tom we think right or wrong we have «  une plus value «  , whatever they do with there set up it s up to there I am wrong PG ... but I was surprise it s the first time I see the «  author «  responding to a comment ... because our comment are just sometimes right ( I suppose sometimes wrong I suppose) it so subjectif .

PG next week last usd rally and then big correction to 1,04-1,05 and gold , silver big rally 😉

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In fact you seem better up to date than me in many things including those moves , but I don’t see where it will change anything in the daily missives if they written from Ireland , Buenos Aires , Wyoming, or Honolulu ... but as you are concern , I may be missing something?

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My greatest fear (perhaps now a denial) is that we have crossed the rubicon.

From my favorite author, Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America 1840

"There are some nations in Europe whose inhabitants think of themselves in a sense as colonists, indifferent to the fate of the place they live in. The greatest changes occur in their country without their cooperation. They are not even aware of precisely what has taken place. They suspect it; they have heard of the event by chance. More than that, they are unconcerned with the fortunes of their village, the safety of their streets, the fate of their church and its vestry. They think that such things have nothing to do with them, that they belong to a powerful stranger called “the government.” They enjoy these goods as tenants, without a sense of ownership, and never give a thought to how they might be improved. They are so divorced from their own interests that even when their own security and that of their children is finally compromised, they do not seek to avert the danger themselves but cross their arms and wait for the nation as a whole to come to their aid...

When a nation has reached this point, it must either change its laws and mores or perish, for the well of public virtue has run dry: in such a place one no longer finds citizens but only subjects.”

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Excellent post Bill! The ideologues need useful idiots to carry out their boondoggles. As the pandemic clearly illustrated the world is chock-full of useful idiots. For those who have ditched their Statist blinders its very evident that the common denominator to all the major problems the world faces is; too much damn government. Despite all this, the ignoramuses are clamoring for yet more government. Doesn't matter that they can't pay for it, they'll just vote for your wallet. No need to fret though, we'll get more government and it will be good, hard and often :-)

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So glad you’re hosting your own email now! I’ve oft wondered why on earth an organization as liberty-minded as this one would continue to let gmail snoop through all your emails, when something like ProtonMail is free and very private, almost as good as having your own server. Thanks for the change!

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I have often thought about inflation and how if destroys wealth and lives. That 2X4 that I built my house in 1979 that cost $.89 each to build now cost $ 4.62. Nothing has changed but time and inflation. The house price is inflated, the cost to borrow is inflated, and all that pertains to home ownership is inflated. If my salary had increased that much, I would have no problem. I did not do the math, I'll let someone else do that. But inflation just like debt will destroy your life. And I do not see a letup in sight. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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It would be nice if the 2022 midterms would result in the current administration being unable to accomplish anymore of their stated goals. A 2 year stalemate is much preferable to the current situation.

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Agree, but I hope for more... a congress that will reign in the feds to within bounds of the Constitution. That will be a long, uphill battle... but one that must be fought.

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Good night friends and foes. I HIGHLY recommend spending a few minutes reading and digesting this ZH article by Portfolio Armor. It is right-on-the-money and the truth/logic it details should resonate with the soul of any thinking, compassionate, logical person. LOOKING AT YOU PG, MY IDEOLOGICAL BROTHER-IN-ARMS ...


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Spot on brother! These truths and facts will never come out in our corrupt, fake news/propaganderized banana republic, controlled by a demented Manchurian candidate who's fake election was 100% funded by foreign and domestic enemies of America!

Wake up America!!!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Oh, for Pete's sake! Your zerohedge information regarding Faux News reporting that the U.S. is supporting drag queens in Ecuador?! This is on par with Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza shop! Both are ridiculous.

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Shhhh lil' Cat.

Go back to sleep. We'll wake you when it's time to get on the boxcar...

PS - "My" information? Wut??

The link I posted had ZERO to do with Fox News, Drag Queens, Ecuador or the dims child-sex-slave-for-order scheme of perversion. Get your head out of the gutter please...

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Maybe you should read your own post before replying to me.

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I think your computer might be malfunctioning Sunshine...

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So you still don't see it, Darkness. About 1/5 of the way down read Christopher F. Rufo's post entitled "The Biden Administration is funding drag queens in Ecuador. foxnews.com/politics/state... "

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Of course I saw it - duh. And it had exactly ZERO to do with my post nor the subject covered so eloquently in the linked story.

But so very typical of a leftist who is never wrong. Don't address or acknowledge the information presented. Nope. It is so much more virtuous to sniff around until you find something you think you are justified to bitch about (bonus if you can use it to belittle others), then trumpet THAT instead of addressing what was the original intent.

Buhbye Cat...

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"Bill Gates. Now, he can fly over the heads of millions of desperately poor people, with great peace of mind. His jet will not be powered by evil fossil fuels – but by the food of the hungry people beneath him."

Best lines from the article. So true.

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deletedOct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022
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We must try. At least those of us who see. Vote. Teach your grandchildren. Talk to neighbors. Educate your representatives. Don't give up the ship.

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