As usual, another great article. However, a logarithm isn't the same as an algorithm. Bill is so much more well-spoken than me, I have to wonder if he's just seeing if we're paying attention.
Dan, my thoughts precisely! I was going to thank Bill for his always-read-worthy words but correct this error. Thank you for stealing my thunder. Bill, we ARE paying attention and thank you for your writing.
Bill, your "Comments" section is indicative of some of the great writing that you do in that it is taking on a life of its own. Unfortunately, the personal attacks - from anyone to anyone - detract immensely from the value of the commentary.
Agree with your comments here Bill. But its not solving the problem. Advise, in an open letter to President Biden, what he should enact to counter the problems and save the world from extinction. In the latter case, assets of any description will be worthless.
I read an article by Umair Haque entitled "Greedflation is Wrecking our Economies." The premise is that corporations are using the Covid pandemic as an excuse to raise unholy profits. The average corporate profit from 1979 - 1999 was 11.4%. This includes the inflation of the late 70's and early 80's. From 2020 to 2021 their profits were 53.9%. He says that inflation IS NOT the consequence of giving people needed money during catastrophic times. Corporations just raise prices because they can. Today materials and labor costs are rising 50% but profits rose another 50%. So half of rising prices are due to companies gouging us. They are profiteering off a pandemic. They are taking money from the little guys as the rich get richer. "How are young people going to afford a place to live? How are families going to pay the bills? Who is ever going to pay off their debts? Nations become failed states this way--or worse, go from failed to fascist states."
Hmmmm, perhaps. But it seems you conveniently are leaving out the free market completely. You know, where competitors gain market share (sales) by offering the same (or very similar) product/service at a lower price?
Or are all the evil Corporations in on it together Bernie?
A hater has to hate. Clearly, you've never seen (or understood) those graphs that show what percentage of overall income taxes the top 1 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent etc. pays. I'm guessing you're in a middle percentile that pays nothing or close to it.
As usual, another great article. However, a logarithm isn't the same as an algorithm. Bill is so much more well-spoken than me, I have to wonder if he's just seeing if we're paying attention.
Dan, my thoughts precisely! I was going to thank Bill for his always-read-worthy words but correct this error. Thank you for stealing my thunder. Bill, we ARE paying attention and thank you for your writing.
"and debt up the gazoo."
At first I thought this was also a "misplaced" word. Then I realized that things generally come OUT of the wazoo, i.e. "debt OUT the wazoo."
So I reckon "debt UP the gazoo" is entirely appropriate...
"Gazoo" is a proper noun and should be capitalized. It was the name of a character in the Flintstones cartoon series of the 1960s. Just saying....!
Yup. Entirely correct. As I recall he could levitate and had a magic wand.
I think he did a cameo or two on the Jetsons, but could be mistaken...
Another great one from Bill. Insight and humor. Unbeatable.
PG V - what happened to you ?
No comment today - you haven't finally gone on your over due holiday have you -
if not yet please do ASAP
You can dish it out...but you can't take it!
Unfortunately, You don't give respect. Try it might make you feel good!
Wonderful news! Let's just keep it that way.
If I am ever in a barfight, I want you on my side! Though I suspect you would not want me on your side!
Bill, your "Comments" section is indicative of some of the great writing that you do in that it is taking on a life of its own. Unfortunately, the personal attacks - from anyone to anyone - detract immensely from the value of the commentary.
Yep "algorithm," not "logarithm." Also, "petard."
Agree with your comments here Bill. But its not solving the problem. Advise, in an open letter to President Biden, what he should enact to counter the problems and save the world from extinction. In the latter case, assets of any description will be worthless.
Time to back off, you cannot ask Russia to stop the war by providing and sending more weapons.
Please send posts to my email…I did not get yesterdays, maybe as result of difficulties mentioned above. Thanks
I read an article by Umair Haque entitled "Greedflation is Wrecking our Economies." The premise is that corporations are using the Covid pandemic as an excuse to raise unholy profits. The average corporate profit from 1979 - 1999 was 11.4%. This includes the inflation of the late 70's and early 80's. From 2020 to 2021 their profits were 53.9%. He says that inflation IS NOT the consequence of giving people needed money during catastrophic times. Corporations just raise prices because they can. Today materials and labor costs are rising 50% but profits rose another 50%. So half of rising prices are due to companies gouging us. They are profiteering off a pandemic. They are taking money from the little guys as the rich get richer. "How are young people going to afford a place to live? How are families going to pay the bills? Who is ever going to pay off their debts? Nations become failed states this way--or worse, go from failed to fascist states."
Hmmmm, perhaps. But it seems you conveniently are leaving out the free market completely. You know, where competitors gain market share (sales) by offering the same (or very similar) product/service at a lower price?
Or are all the evil Corporations in on it together Bernie?
Me thinks PV fits the definition of a textbook narcissist.
Eventually it will be inflate and die.
Eventually is HERE.
Bill has been calling it for at least the last 18 months, probably longer. He was just being polite by using the word "or"...
I would say that their will be a lot more inflating before, there, but its baked in the cake.
Thanks for telling it like it is.
Thanks! Enter to laugh than cry.
AT least Trump gave the Elites $1.3 TRILLION in tax breaks as they siphoned off the wealth of the working class.
Show us on the doll where the bad orange man touched you...
A hater has to hate. Clearly, you've never seen (or understood) those graphs that show what percentage of overall income taxes the top 1 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent etc. pays. I'm guessing you're in a middle percentile that pays nothing or close to it.