Bill writes: "central banks around the world will panic…and go back to the printing presses."

One slight disagreement here: it won't be actual panic. It will be implementing the Final Solution they knew all along was coming. They (Mr. Powell, Ms. Yellen and Co.) may be surprised if it happens on their "watch", but they all knew this is how it would end. It was planned, intentional, and pre-known. And we Bonnerites know it as well. Best always. PM

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Yes that may be, but not all and everyone will see it as that. People are naieve and trusting until it directly affects them. Unfortunately.

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Good! That means everyone will get it, because everyone will be directly affected! Equal opportunity, and all... Best always. PM

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Yeap this debt problem , is like climbing Mount Everest as you get close to the top the oxygen is rarer , few make it most don’t . We are getting close of the end of this financial system , and it is going to be ugly ,very ugly .

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“And for everyone who makes money betting on it, there are at least 10 old geezers living on Social Security who wished they’d sold earlier.”

The best line made me belly laugh! And so true!

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Excerpt from "The Money Speech" in the novel, "Atlas Shrugged", by Ayn Rand. The book was published in 1957:

“Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked, ‘Account overdrawn.’

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Far be it for me to differ, but I don't think Arms nor ARMS are the problem.

It's a**holes...

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

On the bright side, the younger generation will get to see just how horrendous their big beautiful government is at capital allocation. The bigger the government debt pile the more private business investment gets crowded out thus grinding the entire economy to a halt. We've known for a very long time that Statolatry and Statism is a dead end, yet we succumbed to the indoctrination. Fascism and Marxism are both equally lethal. The world is choke full of Statists who empower the Politicos. We all know Politicos turned to the State because the free market wasn't buying what they're selling. That's what parasites do. Your real enemy is the Statist who empowers these losers. Problem is the Statists greatly outnumber the Classical Liberals / Libertarians. The day of reckoning the apparatchiks have been working hard to postpone will be a great learning experience for the younger generation. Hopefully they'll embrace this learning experience to restore a once proud constitutional republic.

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Just hope they learn the ‘right’ lesson!!

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I agree! At least it won't be our problem anymore :-)

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Print more paper dollars. I just knew they were premature in their assumptions that inflation was under control.

The world has no choice. It’s a cluster fudge!

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Tick, Tick, Tick........

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Bill .. as you've said over many years it's all just a game that people play with many now 'thinking' falsely that they can get something for nothing .. yep and the world is floating on NOTHING money that is not nearly going as far as it used to .. when a pair of old smelly sneakers sell for millions you should be wary of all markets .. just watch the two best old geezers around Munger/Buffett .. and enjoy the sights and watching the madness of generations hooked on breathing their own vapors!

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Been waiting a long time but I still like Maximum Safety mode.

Every case in history has always failed.

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Good analysis! Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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“Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes”

(Mickey Mouse)

AI is in denial! How can that be? AI has No emotions, only computer chips that process data! 😂

AI, Bitcoin, and Global Warming are the Trifecta of Trickery! You’re gonna lose BIG investing in these BS horse doodle nonsense gimmicks!

You’ll do way better investing in street sprinkles for Venice, CA. HAHAHA

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‘Not going to happen. Can’t happen.’

Then BRICs and Gold must happen.

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Thank you Mr. Bonner you clarified something for me.

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Unfortunately, Bill is turning into a Johnny One Note.

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People are slow learners. We need to hear the same thing over and over, otherwise, we may be lulled into a sense of complacency. Especially if the message from the world is the exact opposite of the truth.

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I do wish Bill would expostulate his vision of the aftermath. After all, commence will require currency.

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Nasdaq,nyse finally move to las vegas or a indian reservation where legalized gambling is fully encouraged,where it should have moved years ago

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The New Dollar at 100 to 1, like they did in Argentina and Brazil.

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Maybe they could try silver coins, it worked well in the past. And as a bonus you can make jewelry from your excess coins.

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