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The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Bonner Private Research

Private Briefing for Bill Bonner and BPR subscribers only

Chris Mayer, Doug Casey, Jim Rickards, Dan Denning, Rick Rule, Porter Stansberry, Alex Green, Byron King, and Tom Dyson tell Bill the State of the World and what they're investing their money in now.

Before he left Baltimore in July, our founder Bill Bonner asked his closest friends and advisors two simple questions: What is the State of the World and what are you doing with your money right now?

The full video is for paid subscribers

Bonner Private Research
Private Briefings
Investment insight and analysis each month as we sit down with a member of Bill Bonner's private research team to discuss the pressing issues of the day. From high finance to lowly politics, irrational markets and international real estate, great wine and classical books, nothing is off the table in these freewheeling discussions. New episodes every Sunday.
Bonner Private Research