A Cold Day in Hell
The war against American energy independence... and its working class casualties
(Source: Getty Images)
Bill Bonner, reckoning today from Youghal, Ireland...
Of particular interest to us here at BonnerPrivateResearch is the coming train wreck…when two especially numbskull federal programs. One is making things – especially energy – more expensive by reducing supplies. The other is making them more expensive by increasing demand (in the form of fake money.) What happens when they collide?
The Fed created today’s inflation in the old-fashioned way – by ‘printing’ money. No need to go into the mechanics of it; they don’t matter. And we don’t want to take the time to understand them.
Here, economist Richard Duncan explains the first phase:
For decades, the US economy has been driven by rapid Credit Growth and Asset Price Inflation. Since the Crisis of 2008, in particular, aggressive fiscal stimulus, ultra-low interest rates, and round after round of Quantitative Easing have kept the US economy expanding and created astonishing amounts of Wealth.
Of course, it was not real ‘wealth’ that was being created. It was fake wealth – brought to life by fake, ‘printing press’ money.
But between 1999 and 2022, the Fed added $8 trillion (increases to its balance sheet). And its artificially low interest rates had engendered a $50 trillion increase to America’s total – public and private – debt.
(We’re dealing with round numbers here…if we’re off by a few trillion, one way or the other… don’t worry about it.)
Rising Prices…
This ‘inflation’ of the money supply first led to an ‘inflation’ in asset prices. The Dow Industrials rose three times. The non-industrial… lighter-than-air… emptier-than-a-congressman’s-mind… assets went to the moon. No one complained.
But then, the inflation leaked over to consumer prices. And suddenly, with the Covid lockdowns and the war in the Ukraine, the leakage became a flood. Consumer prices rose all over the world – led by the most important ones – oil, food, and housing.
But the Fed wasn’t alone in causing consumer prices to go up. While the Fed was increasing the supply of money… the federal government was also restricting output. Lockdowns, for example, did far more damage than is generally recognized. The elites have little connection to or understanding of the real economy. They work in academia, Wall Street, the press, government or the nonprofit sector. It wasn’t surprising that they thought the economy was like a light bulb, something they could just turn off and on with the flick of a switch.
Alas, a real economy is a living thing. Drive a stake through its heart, and it dies forever. It cannot rise from the dead. Instead, a new economy must take its place. And that takes time, investment, training… and learning. New relationships must be built… distribution channels need to be worked out… costs and benefits need to be calculated… and investments to be made.
…Falling Supply
So, imagine that you are in the oil business. You saw, after Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in March, 2020, that the oil price could go below zero. Oil companies couldn’t sell their oil; they had to pay someone to store it for them.
And now… all over the world, the federales want to put you out of business. Here’s the LA Times:
'Game over for the internal combustion engine' as EU countries approve climate measures
The EU member nations came to an agreement on draft legislation aimed at slashing the bloc's greenhouse gasses by at least 55% in 2030 compared with 1990 levels, rather than by a previously agreed 40%.
“A long but good day for climate action: The council’s decisions on Fitfor55 are a big step towards delivering the EU Green Deal," Frans Timmermans, the European Commission vice president in charge of the Green Deal, said after the meeting of environment ministers in Luxembourg.
America’s “Climate Envoy,” is on your case too. John Kerry delivered an ultimatum:
“We have to put the industry on notice: You’ve got six years, eight years, no more than 10 years or so, within which you’ve got to come up with a means by which you’re going to capture [emissions], and if you’re not capturing, then we have to deploy alternative sources of energy.”
So… what do you do? The feds want to put you out of business and make it almost impossible for you to plan for the future. Do you invest more money, drill more wells and build more refineries? Chevron’s CEO, Mike Wirth, says there will never be another refinery built in America.
‘Not Acceptable’
Who’s going to invest millions of dollars… over many years… when the feds are gunning for him? And who’s going to wait years for a return on his investment when he has no idea whether oil will be selling for $500 a barrel… or nothing?
And then, if you’re lucky enough to make a profit, they threaten to take it away. Joe Biden:
“At a time of war – historically high refinery profit margins being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable.”:
So, what happens when these policies – inflationary money-printing and output-stifling regulations – crash together? How will people get to work? How will they power their cars and heat their houses? What will fuel their trucks and tractors? What will we eat?
What happens next? Well… we don’t know, exactly. But our guess is that it will be a cold day in Hell when we find out.
Bill Bonner
Joel’s Note: Did you get a chance to read Tom Dyson’s research note yesterday? (Tom sends a weekly market note to BPR members every Wednesday. You can get on the list, here)
A choice snippet…
We’re using a simple economic model to guide our investment strategy.
Our economic model is “inflate or die.”
Either the Fed and the government pour enough freshly printed dollars into the marketplace to make the bubble expand…
Or the system collapses chaotically.
We also have a simple game plan based on this model.
Our game plan is: sit on the sidelines holding mostly cash, physical gold and silver, our trade of the decade and some carefully curated cheap value stocks until the Fed turns the switch back “on” again. Then we’ll shift heavily into gold, silver and energy.
The Trade of the Decade is up over 80% so far… and it’s still rated as BUY on the BPR watchlist (with seven and a half years to go). If you’d like to follow along with Tom and Dan’s investment strategy, there’s never been a better time than now. Join us, here…
When the oil price in Cushing went negative, it was NOT because oil companies could not store their oil. There was a group of traders who had purchased oil contracts for delivery in Cushing, and for some reason had not secured storage to complete the buy. When you purchase the contract, when the contract for 10,000 BBL's settles, you must have space either in Cushing or on a pipeline to take delivery of that oil. Five days out, the traders saw this setting up. Three days before settlement, these traders had not secured either storage or transportation. At that point it was too late. Storage was available three days before settlement, but for whatever reason, this group did not secure it and thus were doomed to face the market. I was on a crude trading floor in Midland Texas the day this happened. The company I was with had capacity to take the oil and bid on this. The old-time oil traders could not believe anyone would be so stupid as to own a buy contract and not have storage or transportation. But by the rules, the contract had to be settled on that day.
The trading companies who had storage available started the bloodbath and the contractor owners for some reason would not sell. Early on in the day they could have settled for $0 but did not. Instead, they had to pay $37 a BBL to the winner to square their contract. On that day, the POSTED price of WTI was around $14.00 not -$37.00
I wanted to share an excerpt from an article written by Jeffrey Tucker. Jeffrey's a Libertarian so you don't have to suffer through any Tribal rhetoric. He offers up a possible explanation as to why the Deep State has become increasingly predatory. Whether you agree with him or not, I believe you'll find it an interesting read.
The Fix
However, the other day I ran across an interesting fact of history that could account for the unmitigated hate. Three months before Trump left office, he passed Executive Order 13957. The purpose was to create a new category of federal employment called Schedule F.
Schedule F employees could be fired by the president. They would no longer have civil service protection due to their positions as policymakers and influencers.
The executive order demanded a thorough review of all federal employees to see who would qualify. Only one agency responded in time before the election was called for Biden and concluded that it would pertain to 88% of its employees. In other words, this action would have gutted the power of the administrative state.
It would have been the biggest change to hit Washington in 100 years. Absolutely astonishing. What was Biden’s first action in office?
You guessed it. He issued a new executive order reversing this one. He saved the deep state. None of this made the news, but you can be darn sure that it was a HUGE deal in the belly of the beast. Imagine the CDC, IRS, NSA, CIA, FDA, DOJ and so on all subject to normal standards of hiring and firing.
That would have gone a very long way to ending the tyranny in America. It absolutely had to be stopped. The point is that Trump with this order raised the stakes enormously. He figured out the problem and the solution. They must never allow it to happen again.
This is why they are behaving this way, like cornered rats. They will do anything to prevent something like this.
I’ve never been one for the theory that the election was stolen, simply because I don’t have enough information to say either way. But I will say this. If there ever were an election to steal, this would have been it. The entire deep state stood on the precipice of dismemberment.
So yeah, plenty of people would have been willing to take the risk.
We live in exceedingly dangerous times, with multiple beasts on the loose looking for wealth and liberties to devour. They are proving themselves impossible to train or deter, no matter how bad it gets out there.
They really are sadistic.
Jeffrey Tucker
for The Daily Reckoning